Into the Apocalypse

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by William Dunaway

  Into the Apocalypse

  (Revised Edition)

  A Novel of Tribulation and Survival

  The Tears of Ephraim: Book Two

  William & Cindy Dunaway

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 by William S Dunaway

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher,

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  To my wife, Cindy, who was not only a co-author but continued to give me the support and encouragement through all the difficulties of writing.

  To Mike and Matt who continued to be honest. Your contributions and encouragement only made it easier to keep going.

  To Mia and Carmen: Thanks for your support, contributions, and encouragement. You will always be very special to us.

  To my Army buddies that inspired the characters. Again, our stories and bond helped so much with the storyline.


  During a joint session of Congress, Iran, with the assistance of Russia, had successfully executed a surprise nuclear attack on our nation’s capital. Washington, D.C. was destroyed. The White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court Building and the Pentagon are all burnt shells; our federal government is gone.

  Simultaneously, they detonated a 20-megaton nuclear explosion in orbit, 479 kilometers or 298 miles above the heart of Kansas, causing an electromagnetic pulse which burnt out all unprotected electronic circuits in the mainland of the United States and two-thirds of Mexico and Canada. These areas are now dark. The lights went out, water is not being pumped, most of the vehicles won’t run, and aircraft fell out of the sky during mid-flight.

  Before the attack, America was having mass riots. Then, when you combine the riots, the natural disasters that were taking place and a National Debt of over twenty-one trillion dollars, the dollar finally collapsed. Due to massive layoffs, grocery stores were already running out of food as the produce was not being delivered. The stores that still had some stock left sold out quickly or had been looted during the riots.

  America had turned into a spoiled nation due to its riches. For the most part, people didn’t prepare for hard times. Some, who were used to going out to eat most of the time, kept very little food in their homes. America had started eating many of their meals at fast-food restaurants or driving to the grocery store on their way home from work to obtain the food for that night’s meal.

  Most Americans had lost basic survival skills. Skills that were once used to explore and tame the west and expand an empire had been lost with the passing of generations and modern conveniences.

  The American government had officially put God out of our country, using the reasoning that it wasn’t politically correct and it would offend those that didn’t believe. As our government officially turned its back on God, as promised, God turned his back on America and withdrew all his protection and blessings from it.

  Now, those that are surviving are those that prepared for emergencies and disasters. But can they survive a time unlike any in history?

  Vince and Kim Johnson, family, friends, select neighbors, and some of the men Vince served with years earlier prepared the best they could for the tribulation that was happening to our country and the world. One battle has already been fought to protect their new small community. Now, they must try and survive going

  Into the Apocalypse

  Author’s note:

  For those that read an earlier edition of book one, the president’s name has been changed.


  To Kevin Ridings, who the world has lost. Red, we will miss you. You made the worst parts of the Army tolerable and we knew you always had our back. You will always be a part of our lives.

  Chapter One

  The last orders given by President Prescott included the withdraw of our military from all foreign soil. Over the eight years of his administration, most of our front line commanding Generals and Admirals had either retired due to the policies of the president or they were transferred to a desk job at the Pentagon and replaced by those that agreed with the president’s policies. Those appointed by the president were more politician than combat leaders.

  Major General Thomas Chaplin had just relieved Lt. General Theodore Garrison of command of our forces in Korea. General Garrison was a seasoned combat commander who started 28 years earlier. Throughout his career, he was a dedicated soldier that followed orders and kept his political opinion to himself.

  Lately though, he couldn’t keep quiet about the policies of President Prescott. Paying our enemies not to produce nuclear weapons was idiotic to him. He knew that the money we were paying to countries like North Korea and Iran, was being used for the exact research that this money was supposed to stop. He started expressing his views to reporters more frequently. President Prescott was furious, so he quietly insisted that General Garrison retire.

  General Chaplin on the other hand, had always been in administration. He was a big supporter of the president, and due to this support, he rose through the ranks very quickly. He had been attached to several combat units but never in command or in the field. He was a desk jockey.

  General Chaplin knew ahead of time that the order was going to be given to withdraw from Korea. So the minute the official order came through, orders to all the commands under him were ready to be implemented.

  Once USPACOM or The United States Pacific Command, referred to as PACOM, advised General Chaplin that the United States had been attacked and gave orders that all forces be placed on alert status and that new orders were forthcoming, he panicked. He was not prepared for anything like this. He was an administrator, and he knew he was placed in command for the sole reason of withdrawing our forces from the Korean Peninsula. He knew what President Prescott wanted, but now he wasn’t sure what to do. He attempted to get follow up orders from Pacific Command, but with each attempt, he would receive the same reply; New orders would be forthcoming.

  In his mind, how could our forces be placed on alert, and prepare to withdraw at the same time? After a day of hearing nothing new from command, he decided to keep all front-line infantry, artillery, and air support on alert but have all other units prepare for total withdrawal.

  When General Garrison learned of this, he immediately asked for a meeting with General Chaplin, who reluctantly agreed. General Garrison was a three-star general, and he only had two-stars, but he was in command. He still felt obligated though, to show common courtesy and listen to what Garrison had to say.

  Chaplin didn’t like Garrison. He felt that he had betrayed the president, plus he felt that he was the new generation in today's military and that Garrison was old school, the kind of General that was obsolete for the new vision that President Prescott had for America.

  “Tom, what the hell are you doing? Why are our forces still preparing to withdraw?”

  “Excuse me? Teddy, I took this meeting out of common courtesy, so don’t come in here questioning my judgment. I’m doing exactly what my orders told me to do. Our forces are on alert, and I’m awaiting new orders, but until such time, I’m carrying out the last written orders that we’ve received from the president; Withdraw!”

  “Tom, things have changed. The President is dead. For now, we don’t have an acting government. Does PACOM know what you’re doing?”

  “Huuuh! Not
that it’s your concern anymore, but PACOM is silent. All they say is standby.”

  “Well, obviously if they told you to standby, orders will be coming. So don’t you think that’s exactly what you need to do?”

  “Listen, Teddy, you may have one more star on your shoulder, but I’m now in command! That means I’m responsible, and I’ll interpret my orders the way I see fit. Now, if you don’t have anything else, I’m very busy, and I believe you have a plane to catch.” He then saluted Garrison.

  Garrison just glared at Chaplin for a moment.

  “Fine, you're in command! But I’m telling you that you’re wrong, and I’m damn well going to let PACOM know it! I’m flying to Hawaii to talk to PACOM myself.” He returned the salute and stormed out of the room.

  Chaplin didn’t know whether he was doing the right thing or not. Everything had changed, but he sure wasn’t going to listen to Garrison. He never liked Garrison, even before he started talking against the president’s policies. He was jealous of anyone that had the leadership experience that Garrison had. He felt that he had been held back for years because he didn’t have the opportunity to lead like Garrison did.

  Chaplin picked up the phone and called Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea. He gave orders to the tower that he wanted to be advised the very minute that General Garrison’s plane departed.

  Pyongyang, North Korea

  Kim Jong-Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea, became leader when his stepfather, Kim-Il Jang, died. He was considered very young to be in such a position, and never had the support of his father. He considered himself a disappointment to his father as in his earlier years he loved the western culture, but his father belittled him constantly for it. He believed in the communist philosophy but wanted to enjoy his youth. His stepfather told him that he would never be considered for any position as long as he adopted the ways of the west. Over the years he became resentful and developed hatred for his stepfather. As the new supreme leader, he was going to prove that he was superior to his stepfather and all of his critics.

  After eliminating anyone in his government that would be considered a critic, he had made up his mind that he was going to do what his father couldn’t do; take control of South Korea.

  In the past, the American military and their allies stopped that from happening. But thanks to the final orders of President Prescott, he now had the opportunity to unite all of Korea with him as their ruler. If South Korea did not agree to submit, they would die.

  The only thing Jong-Un respected about his stepfather was the way he could manipulate the west and especially some of the American presidents. He would threaten to test nuclear weapons that he didn’t even have at the time and America would pay North Korea not to. That money was what enabled them to build nuclear weapons. The gullible Americans actually paid for the nuclear research they were trying to stop.

  Jong-Un only trusted one of his Generals. General Hyun Kim was his top commanding General as well as his personal henchman. If anyone opposed Jong-Un, Hyun Kim would arrange for the sudden death of whoever was foolish enough to let it be known.

  Jong-Un walked into the command headquarters with Hyun Kim by his side. Everyone came to immediate attention. No one dared to move until they were told to do so. Jong-Un instilled fear into all of his subordinates. No one dared to even look at him unless they were addressed.

  After Jong-Un and Hyun Kim made sure everyone had shown proper respect, Hyun Kim finally stated, “Carry on.”

  “How long until the Americans have completely abandoned the peninsula?”

  Two junior officers were disagreeing about their analysis but talking among themselves when a question was asked was a great sign of disrespect.

  General Kim rushed over and slapped one of the officers, “Did you hear the question? When will they leave the peninsula?”

  Both men stood at attention, and with total fear, one stated, “Sir, we beg your apology, but it looks as though the Americans are reinforcing on the edge of The Demilitarized Zone.”

  “WHAT?” Jong-Un yelled.

  The other junior officer stated with total panic, “Supreme Leader, our intelligence shows that they are reinforcing The Demilitarized Zone while at the same time they are still loading their ships.”

  Jong-Un went into a rage throwing paperwork and kicking chairs.

  “I will not stand for this. I was told that they were ordered to evacuate. What is going on?”

  Even General Kim showed fear and started reading the status reports for himself. He checked a computer console and then several dispatches.

  He turned to Jong-Un and stated with hesitance, “What they are saying is true. The Americans seem to be reinforcing.”

  “How long will it take to prepare a nuclear launch?”

  “On what target?”

  “On all strategic targets. I want these primary targets hit immediately.”

  The General wanted to question Jong-Un, but he knew better. He knew when Jong-Un was in one of his fits of rage any questioning of his orders would be instant death.

  He then looked at the computer console and stated, “We can launch seven nuclear missiles in 30 minutes. For more, it would be at least three hours.”

  “Seven, that is all we can launch?”

  “At this time, yes sir.”

  “Plan your attack! I want them launched in 30 minutes!” and he stormed out of the room.

  General Kim knew what a mistake this was, but he wasn’t going to question his Supreme Leader. He immediately gave orders to prepare the launch.

  Twenty-eight minutes later General Hyun Kim walked into Jong-Un’s office, “Supreme Leader, if you still want the launch, we are ready.”

  Jong-Un, showing he was nervous, sat for a moment trying to make a final decision. “Yes! We shall launch.”

  Both walked into the command room, and General Kim gave the order, “Deploy!”

  Seven, twenty kiloton intermediate-range nuclear missiles were launched and hit the following cities; Daegu City, Seongnam, Had-Yongsan, Uijeongbu, Chinhae, Osan Air Base at Pyeongtaek and finally the naval base at Busan. All the missiles were effective.

  Chapter Two

  “Kim, Vince, this is Carmen Melrose, my best friend. Carmen, this is Vince and Kim Johnson.” Mia said with a smile.

  Carmen smiled with the sweetest smile that I have ever seen, “Hi! I’ve heard so much about you two.”

  “Oh my God, she’s so hot!” I thought to myself.

  I looked over at Kim, and she even had kind of an amazed look on her face. We shook Carmen’s hand; then Mia invited us to sit down at a table they already had, as Mia had invited us out for drinks. I looked at Kim again, and she was looking at me with a sly smile on her face. She knew what I was thinking.

  After we sat down, we ordered a round of drinks and talked for a while. We discovered that Carmen was as sweet as she was gorgeous. No snobbish attitude whatsoever, a great sense of humor and completely genuine.

  Later Kim talked me into dancing; this would be the first time we were away from Carmen and Mia. The minute we got to the dance floor, I whispered to Kim, “I’d do her!”

  “Yeah, she is a sweetheart.”


  I was watching television in the living room, and Kim was in the kitchen fixing lunch. I looked out the front window and saw a Silver Mercedes Convertible getting ready to pull into the driveway.

  “They’re here!.... Oh man, you’re going to love the car.”

  We both went out the back door to greet them.

  When Carmen and Mia got out of the car, we all gave each other a hug, and Carmen looked around in amazement. She had been living in Hollywood for six years, and even though she grew up in Kansas City, she had never really been out in the real country. She had a smile from ear-to-ear.

  Mia smiled, “I told you.”

  Carmen responded, “I love it, it’s so quiet.”

  After they had settled in and we had lunch, I asked Carmen if she would like
to see the farm.

  “Oh yes!”

  The four of us walked outside. I headed towards the truck, when Carmen asked, “Can we walk?”

  We all agreed and took off across the field. As soon as we got into the field, the horses came running up to us. As wildly as they ran up, Kim and Mia stood behind me. Even though Ornery was Kim’s horse, it always spooked her a little when the horses came running up really excited.

  Carmen stayed right in front, and when they stopped, she immediately started petting and hugging on them.

  When we finally got her away from them, we continued our walk. As we walked through the second gate that was alongside the wooded fence row, a group of about five deer flagged their tails and ran off through the field next to ours. Carmen started giggling like a schoolgirl.

  “Oh, I’m never going to want to leave here.”


  When we arrived at LAX Airport, Mia and Carmen were waiting for us at the gate with hugs and kisses. On the way to Mia’s apartment, they were both whispering and then started laughing. I knew something was up.

  “Alright, what’s going on?”

  “Well, we have a surprise for both of you. We’re taking you to a club tonight.” Carmen replied.

  Kim got all excited, but I groaned out loud.

  “What kind of club?”

  “Oh, a dance club,” Mia replied laughing.

  I groaned even louder. Carmen spoke up laughing, “It’s a nice place. Don’t worry; we’ll protect you.”

  When she said that, all three of the women burst out laughing as they knew I hated crowds.

  Later when we arrived at the club, we pulled up to the valet parking which was around the corner from the entrance. I could see the lights from the front of the building though. This was the kind of place you see in movies. Nothing like we have in the Kansas City area.


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