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Page 12

by D. A. Stafford

  “I’m fine, my son. Roweq, Gav, I would like to go now.”

  Since they didn’t know what else to do, Roweq and Gav gave them a shrug and followed Uri out the door, flanking her and rubbing her back to ease her distress.

  Once they were out the door, Sloane strolled in with Coyak in tow. Her mouth just opened and closed like she was trying to find the words to say. They could scent she wasn’t upset, so they shook their heads, letting her know now was not the time.

  “Dawn was too exhausted for her own good, so Bahdoo and Arock took her home. They will be back every day until they make a decision.”

  Sloane looked a little surprised, but understanding crossed her features. “I understand. She’s growing a being. It takes a lot out of a woman.”

  “As does caring for twenty-six children. Why don’t we take a walk? Lyon and I will go with you. We’ll be able to talk without listening ears.”

  Once they’d arrived at the sandy water’s edge, Lian asked what went on with their mother.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. At first, she was mad that you were here and not at the palace. She felt it was my fault that you lost Veena and I didn’t have your marks. After I explained that I may never have children, she was actually tolerable. We talked about the fundraiser and we even laughed a couple of times.”

  Lian finally asked, “Then what upset her?”

  Sloane looked as confused as they felt. “That’s the thing. Everything was fine until Coyak came into the room. It was like she’d seen a ghost or something. She asked what his family name was. When I told her that Coyak didn’t know what it was, just that he had two brothers and a mother who was cruel to him, she pretty much got up and left. But before she left, Coyak did say she smelled funny. Why can’t he tell what her emotions are like you can?”

  Lyon answered her question. “It’s due to his youth. Discerning complex emotions or lies by scent takes time to develop. What do you mean Mother looked like she saw a ghost?”

  “That’s the only way I can describe it. I don’t know what’s wrong, all I know is that it wasn’t the first time she’s eyed him like she knows him.”

  Lyon said, “We’ll talk with her and figure something out. In the meantime, she wants all the children in attendance at the fundraiser and is sending a tailor to dress all of us . . . you included.”

  Sloane was about to argue when Lian interrupted, “This is a gesture of good will toward you. Take the gown as a gift from her. Not accepting it would be the same as not accepting her and therefore an insult.”

  Sloane kissed them both. “I love you both and want to have a relationship with your family. Lord knows I didn’t have one with my parents.”

  They both kissed her back. Lyon reached for one of her hands, as did Lian. “Lian and I talked about it and would like to adopt Coyak. We know all the children are special to you, and you to them, but it seems like the greatest bond is between Coyak and all of us.”

  Tears sprang to her face. “Really? What about the other boys? I don’t want them to feel like they mean less to us than Coyak, because they don’t.”

  “Don’t cry, fara. You’ve shown these boys more love than they will ever know. Do you not think they will consult with you on life matters, or come and visit when they’ve found their ayah or have children? They will, because even though they may or may not be adopted by another, you will always be their first mother.”

  “Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me. I love all the children, but Coyak stands out to me. I just have this . . . this bond with him. I don’t know if I could take it if someone wanted to adopt him and take him away from me.”

  Chapter 21

  Two weeks went by in a flash. Dawn, Bahdoo, and Arock came every day like they said they would. It didn’t take them long to build a relationship with not just one child but two . . . two brothers to be exact. As all the children were close to Sloane’s heart, these two brothers also stood out to her as kind-hearted, young Arenian males who liked tending to the gardens.

  Dawn and her bonded spent most of their time in the facility’s greenhouse with Hooth and Tydek. The boys spent a lot of time not only showing Dawn the different fruits, vegetables, spices, and flowers they could grow, but also Bahdoo and Arock. The boys made a crown out of the flowers in the greenhouse and gave it to Dawn. The triad would take the boys for picnics by the water and the boys would rough-house with the men. They played Arenian games as Dawn rested by the water.

  It was a clear choice for the triad to adopt Hooth and Tydek, so the queen granted the first adoption on Arenia. Sloane asked Dawn and her whole family to the fundraiser to show more people that adoption of these boys was not only accepted, but encouraged. Dawn graciously accepted and promised to bring everyone.

  Not only did Sloane lose Hooth and Tydek to Dawn and her bonded, but two more boys had become age of majority. They wanted to leave and start their way in this world, but Sloane had convinced them to stay for the fundraiser.

  She, Lian, and Lyon spoke to Queen Maya about the adoption of Coyak. Queen Maya was more than pleased about the idea and would sign the adoption papers with her blessing. Sloane could never imagine she’d ever have a family who loved her. She’d try hard to have a relationship with Lian and Lyon’s parents.

  Although they didn’t have the best start, this would be her only opportunity to experience what real parents would be like. Parents who, at the very least, were interested in their lives. Uri had taken special care in sending a makeup artist and hairdresser, so she looked her best for the party. They loved Lian and Lyon and hoped they could at least like her.

  The night of the party arrived, and Sloane tried calming her nerves while descending the stairs in the barely there gown. She was so nervous for the night’s events. Not only were they going to tell Coyak they’d adopted him, but she had to be the master of ceremonies for the night.

  She didn’t need super-smelling abilities to know what Lian and Lyon thought of her gown. With salacious smiles on their faces as bright as the sun, they came forward to grasp each of her hands to help her down the last two steps. Lyon brought her hand up and kissed the back of it. Lian followed suit with her other hand. Tingles shot up her arms in anticipation of more, but then she realized they weren’t alone.

  She felt a little shy as she saw all the children and Cloray lined up, ready to go, yet entranced with her. The gown reminded her of a Latin ballroom dance competitor’s dress. The gown, if that’s what you could call it, was jet black with sparkling accents. The soft fabric wrapped around her buttocks and hips, then slung low in front, covering everything essential but leaving a huge amount of midsection and little to the imagination. The front fabric gathered at her right hip, sparkling as it flowed down to her ankle. The top piece covered her breasts and three slim straps crossed from her left breast to the gathered fabric on her right hip. Gems adorned all of it, making it shimmer in the light. The ensemble was completed with a sheer shawl, adorned with the same gems.

  She was wearing more than a bikini, but not by much, and she definitely wouldn’t be bending over anytime soon. Although she felt the outfit was extremely inappropriate to wear in front of the children, she was informed most females in attendance would be wearing bonding gowns. Since she was trying to assimilate with the Arenian females, she too would wear the gown. She still wasn’t sure why she had to wear the scant costume since, in her eyes, she was already bonded to Lian and Lyon, but it was what was expected.

  She knew far too well what was expected at these high society fundraisers. Her own mother, Karen, made sure Sloane attended as many functions as possible to land a man from an influential family. Sloane wasn’t interested in a guy who thought his worth as a man should be reflected by his bank account balance. She called them a high society stock breeding program, and by stock, she meant stocks and bonds. She was so glad she didn’t have to look at the disappointment on Brad and Karen’s faces any longer whenever she didn’t come home with a guy on her arm.

  “It’s in the past, Sloane. Let it go,” she thought to herself. Since Uri extended the olive branch, Sloane was going to grab on with both hands. She’d try her hardest to make this work with her new mother and fathers-in-law. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

  “You’re stunning. I’m so glad you made Lyon and I wait to see you in your dress.” Lian leaned closer to her ear to whisper, “Anticipation is its own reward.”

  She giggled like a little school girl with her first crush. “You look pretty handsome yourself. You both do. I can’t wait to stroll in with the two hottest Arenian males on the planet. I’m the luckiest woman ever.”

  Lyon caught her chin and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. “We are the lucky ones. I love the gown Mother sent. You’re beautiful.”

  Cloray finally cleared his throat, reminding her that they weren’t alone. “I think the children are ready to leave. Uri sent their transport to pick us up. We should depart so we’re not late.”

  Coyak ran up to her and bowed like a gentleman, then presented his hand. “May I, fara?”

  “Of course, Coyak. Please, lead the way.”

  Coyak did so as all the children and Cloray loaded up in the transport. When the transport was just about to descend to Uri, Roweq, and Gav’s substantial home, she noticed an equally impressive home to the right of it. Curiosity finally got the better of her. “Whose home is that?”

  Lian and Lyon looked a little sheepish, but answered in unison, “Ours.”

  “What? Are you serious? I thought you lived at the palace?”

  Lyon shook his head. “Although they aren’t as notable as ours, most all who work at the palace usually have their own home. Even Gade and Aryn have a home with their mother. It’s a short distance from the palace. Their mother lost her bonded males years ago, so Gade and Aryn help her with the home.”

  Looking at them with a question in her eyes, she finally asked, “So that house is all yours and you can do what you want with it?”

  Lian hesitantly answered, “Yes. Why?”

  “No reason. I just think it’s sad that the house sits there empty. It’s pretty large.”

  “Several servants stay there for the upkeep.”

  She nodded her understanding as the home had fallen from sight and they arrived at Uri, Roweq, and Gav’s elaborate home.

  Chapter 22

  Sloane watched Cloray escort all of the children, except for Coyak, off the transport to the waiting ushers. Coyak sat there, staring nervously out the window at Lian and Lyon’s parents’ home. The men confirmed her suspicion of nervousness when Lian spoke. “What’s wrong, little one? We can scent your apprehension.”

  Coyak looked from the window to the floor in embarrassment. “I don’t like this place.”

  Sloane swiftly walked over to the little boy and stuck her hand out for Coyak to grasp and absorb some of her fortitude. Coyak grabbed her hand like a lifeline and looked up to her. “Lian, Lyon, and I would never let anything happen to you. You know that, don’t you?”

  Coyak nodded vigorously and smiled at her.

  She returned his smile. “So, tell me, do you know this place?”

  Coyak shook his head no.

  “Then what is it?” Lyon asked with concern in his voice.

  Tears now glistened in the little boy’s eyes and it tugged at her heart strings. “I don’t know. I just don’t like it.”

  Lian came forward, bending down to be closer to the boy. “Our mother wants to make everyone feel included and welcome in her home. I can tell she really likes you. You don’t want to disappoint her, do you?”

  Again, Coyak shook his head no.

  “Then we’ll do this together. Stay close, warrior, and don’t leave our sight, okay?”

  Hearing Lyon call him warrior, the little boy smiled from ear to ear. He rose from his seat, puffed out his chest, and let go of her hand to grasp Lian’s.

  Lyon placed his hand at the small of her back and led her toward the exit, where the others waited. Lian was closely behind them, holding Coyak’s hand as they walked down the ramp toward the ushers. Coyak stuck close to Lian’s side as they all made their way inside Lian and Lyon’s childhood home.

  She had to admit that she was nervous to see how her new mother and fathers-in-law were going to greet her. Once they all entered, Uri caught sight of them. She excused herself from the triad she was talking with and briskly walked over to them, as Roweq and Gav rushed to keep up with her.

  Uri greeted the children, letting them know how handsome they all were. She then moved to Cloray, her sons, and finally, Uri’s assessing gaze landed on her. Her mother-in-law’s eyes swept up and down her body, seeming to rate Sloane’s appearance. She had to fight the urge to fidget under her mother-in-law’s inspection. When she was about to let Uri know what she could do with her inspection, Uri blurted, “You’re stunning,” and enfolded her in a full, genuine hug.

  Sloane didn’t know what to do, so she stood there, frozen in place. Over Uri’s shoulder, she caught sight of Roweq and Gav’s expressions. They both nodded and winked at her, letting her know that everything was what it should be.

  Sloane finally brought her hands up to hug Uri back, since she didn’t seem to be letting go. They stood there for an uncomfortable amount of time until she noticed Roweq and Gav advance to pull Uri from her. Sloane wasn’t sure what was going on, but when Uri broke from her arms, she wiped a tear from her cheek.

  Roweq and Gav attended to Uri, while Sloane turned her attention to the ballroom. The ballroom was gorgeous. It had high glass ceilings which let in the stars and moons of Arenia. The floor was a rich, dark gray color with veins of muted white. The walls were a very light gray with beautiful, elaborate, white floral arrangements adorning them. Unlike Jessie’s wedding reception, where different beings from other worlds were in attendance, Arenians were the only ones here tonight. It was funny how she considered herself and her fellow Earth females as Arenian.

  As she looked around, the fear of her outfit being too skimpy was put to rest when she saw other women wearing other revealing gowns. Although women were showing a lot of skin, in most cases, everything was tastefully covered except for the part of the female’s body which bore her bonded’s mark. Every female’s mark was highlighted by the design of her gown. If her mark was on her back, her gown was backless. If her mark was on her thigh, her gown covered most of her body, except for the wide slit running up her leg to showcase her thigh.

  Sloane’s attention came back to rest on her new mother- and fathers-in-law as Uri and Councilman Gav greeted each of the children individually. Councilman Roweq came to Lian and Lyon’s side, asking permission to dance with her. They, of course, deferred the decision to her. Not wanting to be rude, she accepted. It was only when she was being led toward the dance floor that she realized she’d never spoken to Councilman Roweq or Gav.

  Roweq pulled her into a dance hold and, after several moments of uncomfortable silence, he finally spoke. “My family and I hope everything is to your liking. Uri went to a lot of trouble to secure the best of everything for the event.”

  “Of course, Councilman Roweq. Uri did a wonderful job. The decorations are beautiful. The flowers and food look great. I thank you all for your help with the children.”

  When Roweq was silent for several moments, she looked up at him. He had a grimace on his face. Not wanting to seem ungrateful, she pleaded, “I’m sorry, councilman, did I say something wrong? Your home is gorgeous, and I feel the children will greatly benefit from this party. Thank you again for your generosity.”

  Roweq’s facial features softened and he looked a little contrite. He shrugged his shoulders and looked everywhere but at her. “It’s just that . . . we . . . well, I, was hoping that since you’re bonded to our sons now, we could be more than Councilman Roweq, Councilman Gav, and Sloane Sullivan of Earth. Uri, Gav, and I have personally met with some of the older bonded in attendance. Most of their sons have found their mate from the Earth choo
sings, and most Earth females call their bonded’s fathers . . . dad. I know we are just now getting to know one another, but we have always wanted a daughter, and I guess we never realized we’d have one when our sons found their mate. Your heart is big enough for our sons and these children, so I guess what I’m asking is if you had any more room for Uri, Gav, and I?”

  She couldn’t help it. Tears sprang to her eyes in an instant. She’d invaded their sons’ lives, and yet this man wasn’t demanding or forcing, but asking to be a part of hers. He genuinely wanted to be part of her life with their sons. She stopped dancing and wrapped her arms around Roweq, burying her face into his chest.

  “I didn’t have a mother or father in my life on Earth, or at least, they weren’t people I wanted to claim. They were horrible people, who couldn’t care less about me. I’ve done everything on my own. I knew I was the only one who I could count on, so I know what these boys are going through. My point is that, I would like a mother and father.” She chuckled. “Or fathers who care for me. Thank you, Papa.”

  She could tell Roweq stiffened at her confession, but once she was done speaking, he grabbed her shoulders and held her away from him. “I’m not sure what papa is, but I like the sound of it.” Smiling, he brought both of his hands up to her face, encasing it, then gently brought his lips down to kiss her forehead.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t have parents who cared for you. You’re an exceptional young woman who I’m more than proud to call daughter. We’ll visit often and help with the children. We’ll not rest until they’re all taken care of.”

  Someone from behind tapped her shoulder, and when she turned around, Councilman Gav was there to cut in. Over his shoulder, she caught sight of Lian and Lyon watching her and smiling as if to encourage her. She smiled to Gav, giving him permission. He wasted no time embracing her, as Roweq excused himself to be with Uri. As they started to dance, Gav spoke. “Although I only have eyes for my Uri, I can appreciate beauty when I see it, and you, my dear, are beautiful.”


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