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Bound and Saved (Miami Masters Book 1)

Page 20

by BJ Wane

  “I’m surprised Mandy agreed to return with you after the way you strung her along last week.”

  Jackson shot him a grin while maintaining a tight grip of Mandy’s wrists behind her back and delivering another blistering smack on her bouncing cheeks. “She likes me, don’t you, sugar?”

  Mandy turned up a face as red as her butt then groaned with the next flesh-smacking swat. “Yes, sir.”

  Zach nodded then tugged on Sandie’s hand. “Come on, baby. I have a need to torment your ass now.”

  “Now? You haven’t let up abusing that part of my anatomy all week.”

  Yanking her against him, he grinned down at the gleam in her eyes. “Is that a complaint?”

  “No, and you know it.” She leaned into him with a sigh. “It’s been a heck of a week, hasn’t it?”

  “Well, it’s not every day I have a shootout on a public street or you get to put several drug dealers away. Although, I am getting good at the whole rescuing damsels in distress thing, if I do say so myself.”

  Her giggle warmed him. She’d had a trying week, returning home and going through hours of tough questioning followed by her tearful reunion with her mother and brother. As for him, he still woke in a cold sweat at night, the scene of Sandie with a gun dug into her ribs continued to haunt his sleep. Nightmares of not reaching her in time, of seeing her blood splattered on the sidewalk instead of Deveau’s, continued to plague him. He swore if Deveau hadn’t been denied bail, along with the other two men apprehended later that day, he would have caved to the temptation to finish the job of keeping her safe in a permanent way.

  Glancing toward the fucking swing in the corner, he spotted Sean and Dax spreading an attractive, dark-haired sub into the restraints. The swing’s design left a woman stretched wide open, and even from several feet away, he could see the telltale sheen between her legs. His cock stirred with his continued need for Sandie, and all the ways he wanted to fuck her he had yet to introduce her to.

  “Over here.” Urging her to the wall where he’d already lowered the middle bench, he dropped her hand and bent to retrieve his goody bag stowed under it as he tossed over his shoulder, “Strip, and make it quick.”

  Those commanding words sent a frisson of excitement rippling under Sandie’s skin. With eager hands, she shimmied out of the Hawaiian print sundress Zachary had bought her that afternoon, kicked off her flat sandals then hooked her thumbs into her panties and slid them off last. Her eyes widened as he set an array of items on top of his bag, some she recognized, another she didn’t. The rapid increase in her pulse rate matched the wild thumping of her heart. A grin tugged at her lips as she looked up into his bright, baby blues. “Am I going to regret enticing you into fucking me when we first met?”

  “If you do, tough. It’s too late to back out now.” Taking her shoulders, he turned her to face the bench. “Kneel on the pads. Don’t worry, they’ll hold you.”

  With his help, she knelt with her legs apart on the side pads then sucked in a deep breath as he guided her torso down on the narrow center pad. Cool leather met her fevered skin from chest to hips then he added his hot hands into the mix. With her head propped up on the V-shaped rest and her forearms now braced on the armrests, the bench posed her in a lowered doggie position, leaving her spread with both orifices open and on display. Picturing the eyes of the other people in the room viewing her most intimate body parts sent a warm flush up her neck and over her face. Thank God she faced the wall, leaving her with just the mental vision to cope with.

  I know what you’re doing. She didn’t say that aloud, but it’s the same thought she’d had since his timely rescue from Jacques. First, he hadn’t let her out of his sight, had remained glued to her side on the flight back home, during her testimony with the feds and since they’d returned home this morning. She’d returned to Miami with Zachary because she wasn’t ready to say goodbye and because she’d needed time to recover from weeks of stress and living in terror before considering her options for the future. Sandie knew Zachary was using sex to distract her from fretting over making decisions, and she couldn’t complain. If he wasn’t in a hurry to figure out the logistics of their relationship, then neither would she be.

  The air conditioning did little to tone down the heat enveloping her body, both from the sheer decadence of her position to the rising sensations from his hands molding her buttocks. Propped on her forearms and knees and put on display, the uncertainty over what he planned grew along with her lust. Remembering the items he’d pulled from his bag, she braved a question even though she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

  “What do you plan to do, other than fuck me, I hope?”

  “Whatever I want, starting with giving you your last warning to address me as Sir when we’re playing. First, there’s still the matter of you disobeying my explicit instructions not to leave the apartment for any reason last week.”

  She stiffened as she felt two straps locking over each calf before he drew two more around her back, but the secure bondage had its usual effect on her, an instant skyrocket of all her senses and arousal. “What were all those spankings the past few days for… Sir.” Okay, that hadn’t been too hard.

  “Fun. This,” he dangled a wide leather spanker in front of her face before strapping her arms down with double binds over each one, “is for punishment.”

  Now, why did her body have to go all soft and damp with that word? No one should find the prospect of a painful punishment exciting, but she couldn’t deny her body’s quick reaction. Mandy’s exalted cry of release echoed around the room behind her followed by a keening wail from Sean and Dax’s guest joining in. It appeared they also got off on these men’s painful ministrations. Well, misery does love company, Sandie mused, holding her breath when Zachary stepped out of her line of sight.

  “How does that feel?” he asked as he moved back to her hips and ran a palm over her quivering butt.

  “Strange, embarrassing, exciting. I’ll let you pick one.” His low chuckle raised goosebumps along her arms, or maybe it was the “Deep breath” command he uttered next responsible for the cold/hot flash.

  Even though she knew it was coming, a strident cry wrenched from her throat with the first lash of the spanker snapping across both cheeks. The fiery burn left in its wake throbbed, but she still craved another.

  “That was for leaving the apartment.” The second stroke hit right below the first, stung just as badly and left another swath of heated, pulsing flesh behind. “That was for running headlong into danger without thinking it through, or even taking a minute to alert the desk of a problem.”

  Oh, shit! That third snap covered both sit spots and drew a strangled gasp. With just three swats, her entire backside now pulsated with fiery, painful intensity. “That was for taking ten years off my life when I saw you in Deveau’s clutches.”

  Tears filled her eyes, more from the distress she’d caused him than the pain. He was right, she’d acted on fear driven impulse and it could have cost her everything. “I’m sorry, I was so afraid… for you.”

  “I know, baby.” A soothing caress over her burning buttocks punctuated his words. “That’s why now I’ll reward you.” She heard him rummaging with a package then fingers invaded her needy pussy, stroking deep, teasing her special spot then tugging on her swollen clit. Grunts, squeals and slapping together of bodies resonated from the other couples, and Sandie ached to join in on the fucking.

  “Oh! Zachary, what is that?” A row of smooth, round objects replaced his fingers, rolling along the sensitive tissues of her vagina with its insertion.

  “Vibrating balls, you’ll love them and they’ll keep you distracted while I take your ass.”

  “I knew there had to be a diabolical reason for you insisting I wear those butt plugs every day this week.” She shivered in remembrance and with unease over what was to come.

  “Breathe,” he instructed as he prodded past her tight sphincter with three well-lubed fingers. She tried shifting her hips, an
automatic response to the burn of his foreign invasion, but met with the resistance of her bonds. The tensing of her muscles was enough to stir the pulsating balls filling her sheath, the slow rolls stimulating nerve endings, adding fuel to the fire already simmering.

  “You good, Sandie? I need to know.”

  His guttural tone told her he was as affected as she, which worked to swap trepidation with excitement. “I’m good, real good. Quit stalling.”

  A sharp slap on her tender butt drew a whimper and a tight clutch of her slick core around the balls. “Don’t you remember how your demands landed you in trouble before?”

  “I remember everything about those few days, especially how mean you were.”

  “Then you have no excuse for stepping out of line by making demands.”

  The deep, plunging thrusts of his fingers kept her quiet as sensation engulfed her entire lower body, turning her mind to mush. During all the scenes when they first met, and those since he’d rescued her, she hadn’t given conscious thought to submitting to his demands, or what that said about her. But now, as he pulled his fingers slowly from her quivering ass and she felt an acute pang at their loss, she realized it had taken giving up that part of her body for the first time to embrace the submissive side of her he had unearthed.

  “Easy, baby,” Zachary crooned as he gripped her sore cheeks and prodded her anus with the smooth crown of his cock head. “One more deep breath.”

  She forced her body to relax, holding her breath as he breached her tight rim with a pop. Heat flooded her rectum along with her vagina as he slid one slow inch at a time inside her. This took a new level of trust she was only too happy to extend to him. It hurt, then burned, then, as he paused to give her a moment to adjust to his full possession, it throbbed. Taking one hand off her butt, he ran it in a soothing stroke over her back.

  “Slow, deep breaths. You still good?”

  “Oh, yes, better than good.”

  His voice warm with approval, Zachary whispered, “Is it any wonder I fell in love with you?”

  Shock tightened every muscle in her body, and Sandie wished she could see his face. “You love me?” she squeaked.

  “Well, duh,” Jackson called out across the room. “He doesn’t go around shooting people for just anybody.”

  Loving the shock in her voice, Zach pulled back until just his cock head remained inside the tight confines of her hot ass. “That’s right.” Surging back in, he dropped another bombshell he’d given a lot of thought to. “You’re mine, which means you either have to move here permanently, or, if you don’t like Miami, I’ll move to Alabama. Either way, I won’t take no for an answer. Relax,” he ordered in his strictest tone, signaling for Sean’s help when that didn’t work.

  “I-I love you too, but… but, your friends are here… and, this boat is here!” she stuttered in disbelief, as if such a sacrifice from him, for her was unheard of.

  Sean stepped up and didn’t need to ask to know how to assist him. “Yes, they are, but if you’re not, neither will mean as much. Sean will help you relax so I don’t hurt you.”

  She must already have been close to losing herself in subspace for the first time because she didn’t question when Sean probed her slit and rooted out her clitoris. The immediate softening of her body allowed Zach to set up a rhythm of steady, ass-fucking strokes. Her mewling gasps egged him on and he surged into her faster, tightening his hands on her hips even though she couldn’t move.

  “She’s coming,” Sean warned him, but he could feel the contractions of her pussy through the thin membrane separating them.

  “Got it,” he muttered before his climax burst from his balls in a hot torrential rush that left him lightheaded. Sandie’s cries went on and on, along with the pulses of her vagina as Sean continued to milk her clit until he’d drained every drop from her.

  Zach pulled out slowly as Sean clapped him on the back and returned to Dax and their sub. “Hold on, baby, I’ll get you off of there.” Releasing the straps, he lifted her down, holding onto her arms as she wobbled then looked up at him out of wide, glazed eyes.

  “I think a long soak in the hot tub is in order.” Pulling off his shirt, he kicked off his shorts and took her arm. “But if you think I’ll carry you up that spiral staircase, think again. Not happening.”

  Sandie giggled and followed him out saying, “You’re such an asshole.”

  “You bet.”

  The End

  BJ Wane

  I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs, a Poodle/Pyrenees mix and an Irish Water Spaniel. I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting her two dogs, reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I much prefer being homebody. I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking. My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic romance with an emphasis on spanking. I love hearing from readers and can be reached here:

  Recent accolades include: 5 star, Top Pick review from The Romance Reviews for Blindsided, 5 star review from Long & Short Reviews for Hannah & The Dom Next Door, which was also voted Erotic Romance of the Month on LASR, and my most recent title, Her Master At Last, took two spots on top 100 lists in BDSM erotica and Romantic erotica in less than a week!

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by BJ Wane and Blushing Books!

  Virginia Bluebloods Series

  Blindsided, Book 1

  Bind Me To You, Book 2

  Surrender To Me, Book 3

  Blackmailed, Book 4

  Bound By Two, Book 5

  Murder On Magnolia Island Trilogy

  Logan - Book 1

  Hunter - Book 2

  Ryder - Book 3

  Miami Masters

  Bound and Saved - Book One

  Master Me, Please - Book Two

  Mastering Her Fear - Book Three

  Connect with BJ Wane

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