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Genius Sword Immortal

Page 121

by Feng Yin Zi Chen ( 枫吟紫辰)

  The entire East China Sea was not very deep, especially near the shore most of the part was 200-300 meters deep continental shelf and occasionally some 500-600 meters deep low-lying lands also used to show up.

  If there was a submarine in the vicinity, then certainly could be found at a glance.

  In a while, they arrived at the first suspicious site, where they carefully swept around using Soul Search Technique, but didn’t find any ambush, even there was no submarine.

  As for the electronic interference, the NSA used to determine, only that sinister knew what trick he had played to send them there. Besides in the seabed, the strange and bewildering things were too many.

  But still Ye Feng didn’t hesitate, instead together with Long Wan’er, continued swimming towards the next place.

  At this point, they were like two real fishes in the sea, extremely sensitive and incredibly fast. It could be guaranteed that no one in this world could carry on such deep-sea diving like them ……

  “Over there.”

  When they arrived close to the fourth suspicious location, a nuclear submarine, not so far away. finally fell in their line of sight within their detection scope!

  Although the visibility was considerably low, making the contours of that nuclear submarine look very fuzzy, but without any doubt, they had ultimately found the goal of this trip.

  They quietly approached.

  The nuclear submarine was there standing static at a distance of 320 meters deep from the sea surface as if waiting for an opportunity to move this deep-sea giant monster. Its height was 120 meters and was about 15 meters in diameter, while its shape was similar to a dark blue warhead tool. It could also be felt that it possessed great strength of the steel, sufficient enough to make people intimidate at the first glance.

  Was it really the U.S. submarine?

  Being little sceptical, Ye Feng gradually got closer to it along with Long Wan’er, where he noticed on one side of the submarine, few English alphabets were printed in white and they were “Pei Keang Group”, quite strange, what was this stuff?

  “It’s a night watcher class nuclear submarine of Pei Keang Group.”

  The depth of knowledge and experience Long Wan’er had was somewhat deeper than Ye Feng, so the moment she saw him being confused, immediately said, but similarly a puzzled expression also crawled across her charming face: “It’s not the U.S. military, quite strange.”

  Pei Keang Group?

  The moment this name fell in Ye Feng’s ears, instantly drew him back in the past and reminded him of Cai Shaohong. So why did a submarine of Pei Keang Group show up at a place like this?

  It seemed that Pei Keang Group was really powerful enough, as could own even a submarine. No wonder Lin Clan was so scared of them.

  What a pity, the other side was again flamboyant, but for Ye Feng, it was totally in vain.

  “Let’s go, first we will inquire about the situation.”

  Ye Feng beckoned and finally took her underneath the submarine in the seabed. There, they leant against a coral reef to hide.

  This position was 50 meters away from the submarine and from here the detection range of their Soul Search could envelop the entire submarine!

  What the current situation was in the submarine was completely visible to them.

  The entire submarine altogether had approximately 70-80 crew members and all looked occupied at this moment. Indeed a major part of them were the U.S. people. Besides, the dark blue uniform they had worn, “Pei Keang Group” was printed on it, so now it was affirmed that they were the people of Pei Keang Group.

  But in addition to those people, their Soul Search suddenly detected the presence of some Chinese people in that submarine! Moreover, there were also several figures that were familiar to Ye Feng.

  They were those long-haired strange fellows from before!

  Ye Feng pupil suddenly contracted, this Pei Keang Group was really like a lingering spirit, which even tried to barge in the matters of the other country like currently in China for the East China Sea’s issue. However, unfortunately, it encountered Ye Feng, which proved this submarine was doomed to come with no returning path.

  In the main control room, there was a slightly fat young woman with short hair and somewhat tiny physique, along with a Chinese fellow wearing a black skintight suit and they were talking to nearby people in English.

  Ye Feng although listened to those words but didn’t understand a thing, it seemed that he could only score high in the college entrance examination but was not that efficacious in practical applications …………..

  Fortunately, there was Long Wan’er by his side for the translation work, who made him understand the general situation.

  Volume 3

  Chapter 211

  It turned out that the submarine was indeed under the banner of Pei Keang Group. This time, when the U.S. discovered a strange appearance in the East China Sea, they originally wanted to send the military to go into action. But entering the territorial water of China was after all quite terrifying for them as well since the danger of loss was highly involved. Therefore they turned towards Pei Keang Group for the help.

  And it happened to be an important recent plan of Pei Keang Group had been totally defeated by China, even the son of the Pei Keang Group’s chairman was killed here, so they promptly responded to the request of the U.S. military.

  Immediately, they sent a nuclear submarine which passed through the Pacific Ocean to enter the East China Sea!

  As for that short hair and slightly plump woman, she was also the daughter of Pei Keang Group’s another Chinese chairman, who had grown up admiring Cai Shaohong.

  The entire Pei Keang Group had altogether seven chairmen, among whom there were two Chinese. Cai Shaohong was the son of one of them, while this short hair and plump woman, named Xu Le was the daughter of another Chinese chairman.

  Having listened to the translation of Long Wan’er, a little smile spread on Ye Feng’s face, admired Cai Shaohong? No wonder Xu Le’s slightly plump face had been so gloomy all along because the person whom she admired was killed in China. Hence probably she had long been burst with rage.

  Quite soon, Xu Le began to hurl abuses and complaining while pinching a remote control hanging at her waist.

  “She said that look for the opportunity to blow up that iceberg and immediately after that, go and grab Lin ……”

  Long Wan’er although continued with her habitual translation, however, translated only half of it and then stopped, as she felt a little awkward.

  “Who will be caught in Lin Clan?”

  Ye Feng felt little strange, so asked one.

  “It’s Miss Lin.”

  Long Wan’er shook her head, then somewhat puzzled said: “This woman Xu Le has put the blame of Cai Shaohong’s death entirely on Lin Shiqing, therefore said that they must seize her and throw her in front of those strange and abnormal fellows ……………. afterwards she added that they would never allow the entire country China to live in peace anymore.”


  Ye Feng heard that and was somewhat dumbfounded, that Xu Le was a brain sick person, wasn’t she?

  “They use to call those strange fellows as the second generation fighters ………. quite disgusting.”

  She proliferated her Soul Search towards the cabin of the submarine where noticed six long-haired strange persons standing still. However, they hadn’t worn even an inch-wisp on their bodies, while their exposed muscular bodies seemed as if had ample explosive force.

  Long Wan’er was, after all, a woman, so when she sensed that those six had nothing on their bodies, immediately felt extremely disgusted to the extent that she was almost about to puke. She couldn’t imagine, if Lin Shiqing was really captured by Xu Le, then by these weirdoes …………

  “What a pity, she won’t get the chance to do so.”

  A cold look suddenly flashed in Ye Feng’s eyes, since they had bumped into him today, so this submarine was
definitely going to be discarded here: “You stay here, I’ll go over there to destroy it.”

  “Must be careful, if you were found by them, they will explode you with the torpedo ………”

  Long Wan’er was a little anxious.

  “Rest assured, I’m not that easy to die.”

  Ye Feng smiled, then glanced at her bumpy figure in the water: “In case I die, wouldn’t you be sad to death?

  “Screw yourself.”

  She said while glancing back at him: “You have to be careful, if you explode this nuclear submarine with that destructive power, then I am afraid we definitely can’t escape.”


  Ye Feng nodded.

  He certainly wouldn’t have the plan to run foolishly and explode the nuclear reactor of somebody else’s submarine. Actually, his idea was to congeal out the Ancient Dragon Sword Ring’s Zhenqi sword and make this submarine suffer from water leakage everywhere.

  Silently and quite rapidly, he swam towards the bottom of the submarine.


  The Zhenqi sword, along with his plan, emerged in his hand and surprisingly turned into dark green!

  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple ……

  Since he had reached 15 years of Cultivation now, so his Zhenqi sword simultaneously changed its colour again. Previously it was golden yellow, now it had turned into dark green. Although it didn’t appear so dazzling like before, but Ye Feng could feel that the implication strength was obviously significantly stronger.

  Noiselessly, he drew close to the bottom of the submarine, now could even touch its steel and iron surface. But he wasn’t that foolish since it was apparent if he touched it, then might get discovered by the opposite party instantly.

  He must strike to destroy it at one stroke!

  The nuclear reactor’s cabin seat in such night watcher-class nuclear submarine used to be in its central part. So Ye Feng’s actions would be certainly to avoid that position, however other places were on his target list.

  The outer shell steel plate, pressure resistance shell, silencer tile, etc of the entire nuclear submarine, even if they all were put together, still were less than one meter thick. For Ye Feng’s Zhenqi sword, it was so ordinary, just like a bean curd in general.

  Even though in some of the main cabins’ titanium alloys, the high-strength magnetic steel products were degaussed, still they couldn’t endure Ye Feng’s sword.

  Under the detection of Soul Search Technique, Ye Feng considered for a while and then finally found the starting position. The bottom row position of the submarine seemed to be a quite important cabin, however, at the moment, it was all exposed in front of him.


  The dark green Zhenqi sword flashed!

  Holding the sword, he rapidly moved, while his sword, starting from the tail section of the submarine where steam turbine generator set was to the middle of the submarine diesel power generation, drew a hole over 20 meters in length!

  Consequently, the surging seawater immediately flowed backwards to infuse into the submarine! Moreover, in an instant, a huge amount of water already entered!

  The sound of the rear cabin promptly drew the attention of the submarine’s people, making them quickly make a response. However, at this point of time, nobody knew what stuff it was which suddenly exploded!

  Interestingly, Ye Feng didn’t know a thing about the so-called submarine, also neither knew that cutting the rear part of it could cause an explosion.

  But he might as well take a risk again, his legs moved and he swam all the way to the first half of the submarine and the next moment, the dark green Zhenqi sword flashed once again!

  The poor night watcher-class submarine just had an accident in its rear cabin and they hadn’t even recovered from the shock and now again, a long hole was drawn in the front compartment, from the battery pack to the weapons’ storage room.

  But this time, the explosion of the submarine’s rear cabin got much louder, making Ye Feng feel a little inappropriate, not good, this way he would make himself get killed by this explosion and that wouldn’t be at all worthwhile.

  Hence without paying attention to this submarine which had started exploding and disintegrating by now, he quickly returned to Long Wan’er as wanted to lead her to leave rapidly.

  “Be careful, torpedo!”

  Long Wan’er suddenly saw a torpedo behind his back, so hastily pointed towards it.

  “I have already discovered.”

  Ye Feng’s corners of the mouth curled upwards, he hurriedly retreated because unfortunately was discovered by them and as a result, they directly aimed and shot two precision guidance torpedoes back to back at him.

  Star Arrow!

  Without any hesitation, Ye Feng and Long Wan’er simultaneously congealed out two dark blue arrows and shot back at those two torpedoes.

  “Bang” with two loud bangs, both torpedoes and Star Arrows directly collided with each other. However soon, this sound was completely pressed under the loud explosion of the whole submarine.

  “This is unscientific!”

  Ye Feng and Long Wan’er swam away much farther from there, but when they saw the whole submarine exploded, then turned a bit puzzled. Logically speaking, his two strikes were unlikely to make the entire submarine explode like this, right?

  “They should have started the self-destruction procedure.”

  Long Wan’er was more familiar with some of these things, hence somewhat guessed. The opposite party came to China but actually encountered an unknown attack. So in order to keep this night watcher-class nuclear submarine technology totally hidden, at a critical time like this, starting self-destruction process was pretty normal.

  Suddenly, under the deep sea the flame soared to the sky, but the initiator Ye Feng had already wrapped his long arm around Long Wan’er to protect her, simultaneously had swum far away from the submarine’s explosion range.

  The incident that took place here, it right away came in the sight of this country’s military as well as the NSA.

  As soon as Niu Meng heard the news came from above, his face turned a bit gloomy: “I have never thought that kid would act such fast, it’s too strange. Moreover, he was able to even explode the nuclear submarine alone ……….”

  Regarding Ye Feng’s ability, now Niu Meng would no longer dare to underestimate!

  Volume 3

  Chapter 212

  Just because Ye Feng discarded the small tracking device, so Li Feng’s plan all of a sudden ended up in a complete failure. Besides, the U.S. submarine had also been destroyed, so now they didn’t have any reason to shoot a torpedo by their destroyer standing by in the vicinity of the iceberg island.

  Originally, Li Feng had planned the moment Ye Feng found the submarine; he would launch a torpedo to blow up the submarine. And as per his calculation, since Ye Feng would be in the vicinity of the submarine then, so he certainly couldn’t escape the scope of the explosion, thus by this way, he would also be buried in the seabed.

  But what he hadn’t calculated was the accurate strength of Ye Feng, which paved the way of his plan directly towards a total failure and that also at the last moment.

  Of course, the U.S. submarine was exploded, but it still didn’t cause any harm to China, since China hadn’t even lost half of their ammunition, it was Ye Feng who acted as their tool.

  This was entirely a voluntary action carried out by Ye Feng, otherwise who wanted to use him. Pei Keang Group wanted to blow up the ice city fortress where Su Feiying was, so how could he have ignored it?

  However, after this incident, Ye Feng’s name was finally recorded in the NSA’s ‘pay attention to list’ and that also exactly at the same level as Long Mo’ran since now he also became the s-class key target!

  In the martial arts world, each martial artist that possessed an enormous destructive power, their names were recorded by the NSA in their record file.

  Such as Ye Feng, this kind of ability that he alone
destroyed a submarine, it indeed went against heaven’s will. If they didn’t pay attention to him and in case someday he caused a big thing, that loss would be certainly disastrous ………

  Thirty kilometres away from the iceberg island, currently Ye Feng and Long Wan’er were close by the potential submarine.

  “It seems that something from that submarine has escaped the explosion.”

  The scope of Long Wan’er’s Soul Search Technique was still more than 30 meters wider than Ye Feng, therefore Ye Feng didn’t feel anything.

  “What is it?”

  Ye Feng frowned as he asked.

  “Probably it’s a life-saving cabin and that Xu Le is also inside it ……… Besides, those six strange fellows have also survived this explosion, surprisingly they haven’t died as well!”

  She proliferated her Soul Search Technique and suddenly felt surprised beyond words.

  It wasn’t basically called the life-saving cabin, although a submarine’s life-saving cabins rarely had any role, but Pei Keang Group was synonymous with today’s cutting-edge military technology, so configuring the life-saving cabinets in the submarine was also pretty normal for them.

  But in this violent explosion, those six completely naked long haired strange creatures, who were called as the second generation combatants, actually didn’t die, it was simply a miracle!

  It must be said that for Ye Feng and Long Wan’er, it was entirely impossible to survive that sort of close-range explosion.

  “It seems that the physical qualities and viability of those combatants are indeed very strong.”

  Ye Feng’s complexion suddenly turned gloomy.

  In the World of the Immortals, in addition to the Star Tomb Sect, which was a major Cultivation practising Sect, there was also the existence of some other major Sects. The physical qualities of each and every disciple of those Sects were extremely strong so much so that even using Soul Thunder Refining Body was unusually overbearing.


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