Book Read Free

Level Up

Page 12

by Nikki Karma

“Crystal, please tell me something I don’t know already.” I paused. “Like what do you really want?”

  “I am, I just—”

  “Crystal, I’m tired of the fucking games! Now stop messing around and tell me what’s up. Or I’m about to leave out this car. Don’t forget we got a body in a trunk that’s goin’ to start rotting and stinking any minute.”

  “Tasha, when I said it was my fault, I mean it’s really my fault. And before we split up, and you go your separate way, I want you to know everything starting with why I picked Hollywood’s house.”

  My jaw tightened as I embraced for the worst. “Go ‘head, Crystal.” I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for more shit to make me hate her forever. “I’m listening.”

  “You know how we run the jobs right?”

  “Yeah…we find out who gonna be gone and based on that we break in their houses.” I threw my hands up in the air. “So again get to the point.”

  “Well Hollywood stopping by the post office isn’t how I made the decision.” She said in a low voice. “I mean, I knew before he came in that I was going to his house. It was just a coincidence.”

  I dropped my hands at my sides. “What that mean?”

  “I knew Denise would be home alone, Tasha.” She looked over at me. “I’m telling you I knew she was goin’ to be in the house before we even went inside. But I wanted us to go anyway.”

  My eyes widened. I felt like somebody punched me in the stomach, and I could feel my forehead moisten. “Are you, are you saying that when we walked up in the back of that house you knew that bitch was there?” I paused. “And you let me go inside anyway? When you knew I had a future? And you knew I had someone who cared about me at home?”

  She took a deep breath. “Yes.” She ran her hand down her face. “I followed her one day. She was in the mall kissing Hollywood and he gave her a stack of cash. During that time I overheard him saying that he would miss her when he was out of town. Like I said it was a coincidence that he came to stop his mail because she was supposed to be going to meet him the next day wherever he was. And I said fuck it,” she shrugged. “I figured we might as well kidnap her and get all the money.”

  I could feel my temples throb and I clenched my fists. “You ruined my life over what, Crystal? Why did you do this shit to me? Your own sister? Everything you wanted me to get behind I supported one hundred percent, no matter how foul it was. You can’t count one day where I haven’t been in your corner. And you couldn’t be in mine for one moment by leaving me out of this shit?”

  “I know.” Tears rolled down her face. “And all I can say is that I wasn’t thinking. I wanted to know how far you would be willing to go for me, Tasha. I wanted to see if it would be me or Nikki and you chose me. Even killed that bitch. You might not know it now but since Nikki’s been in the picture it hasn’t been the same.”

  As she was talking to me I was thinking that I don’t know my sister anymore. I’m thinking that I never knew her ever. And then something else popped in my mind. “You saw me take the gun from the backseat right? Before I went into that chicken spot when Denise said she was hungry?”

  “Yes,” she nodded.

  “You knew, you knew I would kill her.” I paused. “Didn’t you?”


  “But how did you know she had the gun?” I paused. “And how did you know she would provoke me to kill her?”

  “I knew because I pulled my other gun on her first.” She paused. “I knew she would be mad enough to do just what she did because I untied her arm when she said it hurt.”

  “But what if she would’ve fired on you after you let her take it, Crystal?” When I saw a twinkle in her eye I had the answer. “You didn’t care because once again it meant more to you to see how far I was willing to go for you.”

  I thought about stealing her in the jaw but I was tired of fighting her. She’d done so much that I couldn’t even think anymore. At the end of the day I knew what kind of person my sister was and I still took the trip. I was just as guilty as her when I thought about it that way. All I know is that I gotta get away from her now. I don’t care if I went to jail or not for killing Denise. I will never fuck with my sister again and I put that on God.

  “You know I’ll never talk to you again right?”

  She looked away. “Yes.”

  I ran my hand down my face again. “Before I leave, I need to ask one last question, Crystal.” I paused. “Why you telling me all this now?”

  “’Cause Hollywood got ma.”

  I leaned in and my jaw dropped. “Hollywood got, got what?” I stuttered. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Yes. He came to the house and took ma.” She wiped her tears away roughly. “Tiffani told me and I’m letting you know now.”

  “You wasted all of this fucking time telling me about the dead bitch in the trunk when this nigga got our mother?” I yelled. “Crystal, what…why didn’t you lead with that first?”

  “I wanted you to know everything before I brought it up, Tasha. Because I’m done lying to you.”

  “And guess what, it don’t make a fucking difference!” I screamed. “Plus you said that shit before. You like a scratched record.”

  “I know, but I’m being real now.”

  I sat in the seat and looked into the darkness outside. “When you were a kid I put you before me even when I shouldn’t have. You were my kid sister and I wanted to protect you from everything I could. Plus I didn’t want you thinking that I would abandon you like dad did us because I knew how important that was to you. To feel secure. But throughout it all you have proved to me that it was and will always be, only about you. Well I’m done. I don’t give a fuck what happens to you, even if that nigga puts a bird to your head and squeezes.”

  “You don’t mean that.” She said, trying to touch me before I pulled away from her.

  “Oh but I do. We not sisters no more, Crystal. I’m out here by myself and you better recognize the same.” I paused. “To be honest, I hope that nigga kills you so I can be done with all this shit. I’m out.”

  “Please talk to me, Tasha!” She cried. “You said as long as I was honest that you would never hurt me.” I opened the car door. “Tasha, you don’t mean that right?” I got out and slammed the door. “Tasha,” she continued to yell from inside the car. “Tasha! What about ma?”



  I just watched my sister walk away and now I’m driving the car on the way to Tiff’s to smoke and get high. I need to calm down, and get myself together. Plus I had to come up with an idea to get my mother and I couldn’t think of one. When I made it to Tiff’s house I looked around her neighborhood first to make sure she wasn’t on the block. When I didn’t see her I jumped out and walked toward her house.

  I had to be careful though. Times were dangerous. Plus I didn't know who’s watching the house or me walking inside. When I walked into the living room she was inside doing push ups.

  “Why you in here acting like ain’t nothing wrong?” I asked. “After you were late on the info for my mother? And you know I’m trying to find her. It’s like you don’t care.”

  “What do you want, Crystal?” She sighed and I felt bad when I looked at her face. Her eye was swollen and she had a knot on her forehead. When she didn’t tell me Hollywood had our mother we got into a big fight. It was the worst fight we’d ever gotten in and I thought the police would get called. In the end we just stopped beefing and I walked out. “Just get out my house. I told you it’s over. I mean it this time.”

  Not paying her any attention I walked in and sat on the sofa and watched her exercise. “Can we talk before I go?” I paused. “It won’t take long I promise.”

  “’Bout what, Crystal?”

  I wiped my hair out of my face. “I need some more information on what Hollywood was driving when he came over my mother’s house.” I paused. “Because he definitely has her against her will. I’m sure of it.”

nbsp; She took a deep breath. “Like I told you before, I was on the phone and didn’t pay any attention to any cars on the block.” She paused. “If I had I would’ve told you earlier today. Stop asking me over and over like I’m an idiot.”

  I looked down at Tiff who had finished one more pushup before she sat on the sofa, arms crossed over her chest. “I hear all that but you had to see something. And if you would take time to think instead of being mad at me you would remember.”

  “I think something is wrong with you, Crystal.” She paused. “You just like your mother. Plus you so used to disrespecting people that you think things are normal.” She paused. “I want you out because like I said this time it’s over for real.”

  “You can’t be here, Tiff,” I looked over at her. “It’s not safe. That’s also why I came by so put a shirt on, stop looking all crazy and come with me.”

  “If it’s true, and Hollywood is after you because of something you did, then why would I run?” She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. “They after you not me. Just leave me out all this mess.”

  “Are you really this stupid or just slow?”

  She smiled. “You fought me like a nigga, tried to fuck my friend before I gave you a pass and you ruined my life!” She yelled. “So what part don’t you understand when I say it’s over?”

  I placed my hands over my face and screamed into my palms. “How many times do I have to keep saying I’m sorry? Over the same shit.”

  “And still its over.” She turned around to look at me. “Crystal, I mean if you had a problem with me why did you keep fucking me? If you hated me as much as you do why not just leave me alone?”

  “I don’t hate you, Tiff.”

  “Well why Mercy tell me you fucked her again when I left out to make your food that night?” She pointed in my face. “And why did a friend of mine call and tell me you hit Carmen too? Ain’t she fucking with your sister?”

  Wow. Them stupid bitches.

  “Tell me why you worse than a nigga?” She paused. “And ain’t no need in your lying about it either, Crystal. Because I already knew you would fuck Mercy before I even walked out to make the food. To be honest that’s why I left. I was too embarrassed.”

  “First of all both of them lying.” I said. “And if you thought I’d fuck her why leave out the room?”

  She sighed. “Because I loved you and if the only way I could be with you was by letting you do what you wanted I figured I might as well. At least you wouldn’t do it behind my back. But now I know there is nothing I can do to make you happy. You narcissistic.”

  I could tell in her eyes she was serious this time. And just like with Tasha she was done with me. “Look, I know I don’t treat you the best—”

  “Ever,” she said cutting me off.

  “Whatever the fuck, you know what I’m trying to say, Tiff.” I wiped tears away. “I know we don’t have the best relationship but it’s ours and I don’t want anything to happen to you tonight. If you want to argue tomorrow ‘bout this then it’s all good. For now it’s time to leave, Tiffani.” I looked out the window behind the couch to be sure Hollywood wasn’t outside.

  She sniffled. “And go where?”

  “Get dressed,” I sighed. “I’m gonna drop you over your best friend’s house. But when you get there don’t call your cousins or anybody else and tell them where you are.” I paused. “This is important Tiffani, because I don’t know what Hollywood might be willing to do.” She didn’t move. “Tiffani, please. I’m begging you.”

  She took a deep breath. “Okay.” She ran around the house getting dressed and stuffing things in a red book bag. “I think it’s stupid but whatever.” She paused. “Where Tasha?” She asked me while dipping in and out of rooms.

  “I don’t know.” I lied.

  “Well you better catch up with her too,” she continued.

  “Maybe I’ll look for her later.” I said shaking my head. My temples throbbed so badly I thought I would pass out. “Right now I want to get you out of here.”

  “I got everything I’m taking,” Tiff said standing in the middle of the living room. “You ready?”

  “Yeah.” I stood up and we walked toward the door.

  “Oh when we got into that fight earlier I forgot to give you something.” She stuck her hand into her pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper. “Anyway the guy Hollywood said that you or Tasha should call him to make sure her appointment went well. At first I thought he was being nice since he was taking her but now I think it’s something else.” She handed it to me.


  After I dropped off Tiff I went to my house. The moment I was inside I grabbed a bottle of vodka, sat on the sofa and took a deep breath. After taking a large gulp I took my cell out my pocket and called Hollywood to get the status on our mother. “Hollywood,” I said softly. “It’s—”

  “So you finally called,” he said in a sly voice.

  “Where the fuck is my mother?” I asked loudly. “Huh? Do you realize what I will do to your wife if something happens to my mother?” In the moment I’m so serious that I forgot Denise is already gone.

  “Like I was saying, I’m glad you finally got around to calling but you can keep the threats to yourself. Before this night is over if my wife is not returned unharmed I will kill everybody you and your sister know and love. Do you understand?” He paused. “You have one hour to meet me behind that old mall with the Martin Luther King statue out front.” He continued. “Bring my wife and your sister.”

  "But why my sister got to come?" I frowned.

  “I suggest you get in the car and come now and stop asking a million questions.” He said firmer. “I won’t tell you again.”

  The moment the call was over I immediately thought about Nikki. I don’t like the bitch but I know my sister loves her and if something were to happen to her she wouldn’t be able to take it. Trying to quiet my breath, I sat back and attempted to remember where she lived.

  But before goin’ anywhere I also remembered this officer who wanted to fuck me awhile back. I ran to my bedroom, grabbed his card off the dresser and walked back into the living room. The card reads Officer Blake. On it’s his cell phone number so I make the call. The phone rings once before he finally answers. “Officer Blake.”

  “Yes.” He paused. “Who is this?”

  “Officer Blake, this is Crystal Burton.”

  “Well, well, well,” he said slyly. Like he had been waiting all his life on my call. “What did I do to deserve this surprise?”

  “Actually I wanted to talk to you about something serious.”

  “What could be more serious than me taking you out?”

  “The string of robberies in Porter Estates which I’m responsible for.” I took a deep breath. “Can we talk now?”



  Hollywood sat outside of Nikki’s house in the backseat of a black van with no windows. Doc was driving and to the left and right of Hollywood were Cliff and Lewis his hit men. Who were ready to move on his word.

  From Hollywood’s viewpoint he could see Nikki getting dressed in her bedroom window. He couldn’t get over how well put together she was. In a sense Nikki was a ten and the red lace underwear set she wore showcased her silky chocolate skin and in his opinion she looked good enough to eat.

  I can’t believe that bitch is gay. He thought to himself. “Go in and bring her to me,” he told his men.

  “You still want us to kill her right?” Man One questioned.


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