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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

Page 28

by The Pragmatic Programmers

  a traffic incident or argument. This of course then interferes with

  R-mode processing, and you’re back to working with half a brain


  You might hear yourself often saying, “I’d love to, but I don’t have

  the time.” Or some new task comes up at work, and you think you

  just don’t have the time to attend to it. It’s not really time that’s the

  issue. As noted earlier (in Section 6.3, Create a Pragmatic Invest-

  ment Plan, on page 164), time is just something you allocate. It’s

  not that we’re out of time; we’re out of attention. So instead of say-

  ing you don’t have time, it’s probably more accurate to say you

  don’t have the bandwidth. When you overload your bandwidth—

  your attentional resources—you’ll miss things. You won’t learn,

  you won’t perform your work well, and your family will begin to

  think maybe you have a brain tumor or something.

  If you’re paying attention—really paying attention—you can accom-

  plish marvelous things. Paul Graham, in his book Hackers and

  Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age [Gra04], suggests that “a

  navy pilot can land a 40,000 lb aircraft at 140mph on a pitching

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  carrier deck at night more safely than the average teenager can cut

  a bagel.”

  Having been a teenager once, I can easily recall what was on my

  mind as I stood patiently in front of the toaster. And it had noth-

  ing to do with English muffins, bagels, toast, jam, or the buzzing

  appliance in front of me. The teenager’s mind is easily distracted,

  and that doesn’t seem to be one of those things that gets any better

  as you age.

  The pilot, on the other hand, is really, seriously focused. In that

  situation, a moment of indecision or error, and you’re spectacu-

  larly dead. We need to develop that sort of concentrated focus but

  without the inherent risk of incineration.

  Relaxed, Concentrated Focus

  Here’s a simple thing to try. Sit down and take a moment. Don’t

  think about the mistakes you made yesterday or worry about prob-

  lems that might come up tomorrow. Focus on now. This one instant

  in time. Right here.

  No distractions.

  No chatter.

  I’ll wait.

  It’s not easy, is it? Much of meditation, yoga, and similar practices

  aim for the same goal: to offer some relief from that gibbering L-

  mode monkey voice in your head, to live in the moment, and to

  not divide your mental energy unnecessarily. The internal chatter

  knocks us off our game.

  A study published in the Public Library of Science-Biology2 showed

  that training in meditation could improve a subject’s ability to pay

  attention throughout the day.

  Their testing gauged how well subjects could allocate cognitive

  resources when presented with multiple stimuli, all competing for

  their attention at once. Sounds like a normal day at the office....

  Folks who had been given substantial training in meditative tech-

  niques fared better than those who had been given only minimal


  Learning to Pay Attention [Jon07].

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  training. But, most interestingly, nobody was meditating during

  the test itself. As the article concludes:

  “So these results indicate that intensive mental training can pro-

  duce lasting and significant improvements in the efficient distri-

  bution of attentional resources among competing stimuli, even

  when individuals are not actively using the techniques they have


  In other words, the benefits are with you

  See benefits 24x7.

  all day long, not just when you’re meditat-

  ing or explicitly “paying attention.” This is

  a huge benefit: just as with physical exercise, working out provides

  greater capacity and long-lasting health benefits.

  TIP 39

  Learn to pay attention.

  If you want to more efficiently allocate your “attentional resources”

  throughout the day, you need to learn the basics of meditation.

  How to Meditate

  There are many forms of what we might loosely call meditation,

  ranging from the secular to the religious. We’ll look at a particular

  form here that ought to do the trick. It originates from a Buddhist

  tradition, but you don’t need to be a Buddhist—or anything else in

  particular—to use it effectively.3

  What you want to attain here is not a

  Aim for relaxed

  trance or to fall asleep or to relax or to


  contemplate the Great Mystery or any of

  that (there are other forms of meditation

  for those particular activities). Instead, what you want is to sink

  into a sort of relaxed awareness where you can be aware of your-

  self and your environment without rendering judgment or making

  responses. This is known as Vipassana meditation. You want to

  catch that moment of bare attention where you first notice some-

  thing but do not give it any additional thought. Let it go.


  Meditation is a common theme, even if it’s not explicitly stated as such. The Judeo-Christian Bible advises that we should “Be still and know that I am God.” It’s that “being still” part that proves difficult, regardless of one’s beliefs.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  In this style of meditation, “all” you have to do is pay attention

  to your breath. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it does have the

  advantage of not requiring any props or special equipment. Here’s

  what you do:

  • Find a quiet spot, free from distraction or interruption. This

  might be the hardest part.

  • Sit in a comfortable, alert posture, with a straight back. Let

  your body hang off your spine like a rag doll. Take a moment

  to become aware of any tension that you might be holding in

  your body and let it go.

  • Close your eyes, and focus your awareness on your breath—

  that small point where the air enters your body and where it


  • Be aware of the rhythm of your breath, the length and qual-

  ities of the inhale, the brief pause at the top of the cycle, the

  qualities of the exhale, and the brief pause at the bottom.

  Don’t try to change it; just be aware of it.

  • Keep your mind focused on the breath. Do not use words.

  Do not verbalize the breath or any thoughts you have. Do not

  begin a conversation with yourself. This is the other hard part.

  • You may find yourself thinking about some topic or carry-

  ing on
a conversation with yourself. Whenever your attention

  wanders off, just let those thoughts go and gently bring your

  focus back to the breath.

  • Even if your mind is wandering often, the exercise of noticing

  that you have wandered and bringing yourself back each time

  is helpful.

  Just as with the drawing exercise in Section 4.2, Draw on the Right

  Side, on page 87, you want to shut down the chatter. In this case,

  you are explicitly focusing on your breathing. In the drawing exer-

  cise, you were trying to block any words from coming. In this exer-

  cise, words can come—but you’ll just let them go. Just be aware;

  don’t judge or think. Words, feelings, thoughts, and whatever, will

  come up, and you’ll just let them go and return your attention to

  the breath.

  It’s important to approach this exercise with the idea that you’re

  not going to sleep. You want to relax your body and quiet your

  mind, but remain alert—in fact, you want to be very alert but to

  focus that awareness.

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  After spending some time like this, you can try deliberately control-

  ling your breath. The segmented breath approach goes like this.

  Consider the breath to be made of air traveling in three distinct


  • The lower belly and abdomen

  • The chest and rib cage

  • The very upper chest and collar bones (but not into the throat)

  Exhale fully. On the inhale, fill the lower belly first, pause ever

  so slightly, then fill the chest, and finally fill ’er up all the way to

  the collar bones. Keep your throat open and jaw relaxed. Nothing

  should tense up.

  Pause briefly at the top, and then exhale normally.

  Pause at the bottom, and then repeat.

  You can also turn this around and inhale naturally and then exhale

  in a segmented fashion, or do both. In any case, you want to main-

  tain awareness of the breath and the feeling of air in your lungs

  and then let other thoughts just slide on by.

  Of course, if any of these manipulated breath activities make you

  anxious, short of breath, or uncomfortable in any way, return to

  a natural breath immediately. No one is grading or judging you on

  your performance; you want to do what works for you. Don’t overdo

  it; try it for just a couple of minutes at first (say, three minutes).

  The benefits of meditation have been widely studied. Recently,4

  researchers showed that even children—middle-school students—

  could benefit. Students who participated in a one-year study were

  found to have an increased state of restful alertness; improve-

  ment in skills indicative of emotional intelligence (self-control, self-

  reflection/awareness, and flexibility in emotional response); and

  improvement in academic performance. That’s not a bad return on

  investment for sitting around and breathing.

  Meditation might sound trivial. It’s not. I strongly suggest you give

  it a try for awhile; paying attention is a critical skill.


  The Experience of Transcendental Meditation in Middle School Students: A Qualitative Report [RB06].

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  Next Actions

  ! Experiment with meditation on a regular basis. Start by tak-

  ing three deep relaxing “meditative” breaths at memorable

  times during the day: waking, at lunch, dinner, or before


  ! Try to build up to a set period of twenty minutes or so every

  day, preferably at the same time. Can you begin to quiet your

  inner thoughts?

  Try this before reading the next section.. . .


  You need to stop reading now and try this; otherwise you’ll be

  breathing funny while trying to read, and you won’t be paying

  attention to the next section, which, oddly enough, is about delib-

  erately not paying attention.

  8.2 Defocus to Focus

  Some problems yield only to a less conscious approach. And that

  brings up an interesting question. What counts as “work” or as


  Are you “cooking” when you’re letting something marinate for

  twelve hours? Are you “working” when you’re sitting around think-

  ing about a problem?

  Yes, is the short answer. Creativity does not function on a time

  clock and does not generally yield results when pressured. In fact,

  the situation is quite the opposite: you need to let go of the problem

  with your conscious mind and let the problem sit in the marinade

  of thought for a while.

  Tom Lutz, author of Doing Nothing: A His-

  tory of Loafers, Loungers, Slackers, and

  Don’t do something.

  Bums in America [Lut06], says, “It’s very

  clear that for a lot of people the creative process includes an enor-

  mous amount of sitting around doing nothing.” But to try to clarify

  that position, it’s not the idea of not doing anything; it’s the idea of

  not doing something.

  Now this might present a problem in a post-industrial society. This

  kind of critical “thinking time” is generally unrecognized and un-

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  rewarded in most corporations. There’s a widespread misconcep-

  tion that as a programmer (or other knowledge worker), if you’re

  not typing on a keyboard, then you’re not working.5

  Handing work over to the unconscious works only if you have some

  data to work on. You first need to “fill up,” as it were, with what

  facts you have.

  Lutz goes on to say that everyone has their own version of the

  “marinade,” that is, some way of letting their thoughts stew (I’ve

  always been fond of mowing the grass, for instance). We’ve talked

  about how the R-mode needs a chance to work on the material, but

  there’s a related idea that comes from the “multiple drafts” model

  of consciousness.

  In Consciousness Explained [Den93], Dr. Daniel Dennett proposes

  an interesting model of consciousness. Consider that at any given

  moment, you have multiple rough drafts of events, thoughts, plans,

  and so on, constructed in your mind. Dennett defines “conscious-

  ness” as the single draft that has the most brain cells or processing

  activity in the brain at a single moment.

  Think of the multiple drafts like different clouds of lightning

  bugs scattered throughout the brain.6 Most of the different

  groups/clouds flash indiscriminately; a few flash together as a

  whole cloud. When several of the clouds flash in sync with each

  other, they in essence take over the brain for a brief moment. That
  is consciousness.

  Suppose your senses register some new

  Multiple drafts form

  event. Dr. Dennett says, “Once a partic-


  ular observation of some feature has been

  made by a specialized, localized portion of

  the brain, the information content thus fixed does not have to

  be sent somewhere else to be rediscriminated by some ‘master’

  discriminator...these spatially and temporally distributed content-

  fixations in the brain are precisely locatable in both space and time,

  but their onsets do not mark the onset of consciousness of their



  As with many issues, this one may expose some generational bias as well; Millennials seem to have less of a problem with this than Boomers, for instance.


  Thanks to Steph Thompson for suggesting this metaphor.

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  Prepared exclusively for Jose Luis Loya


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  Procrastination vs. Marinating

  How can you tell the difference between stewing thoughts

  in a marinade vs. time-sucking procrastination?

  I’ve always referred to procrastination as “making paper

  dolls.” A close friend (who shall remain nameless) had a

  major college exam coming up the next day. But instead

  of studying the night before, she was just sitting on the

  couch, cutting out long chains of paper dolls. That always

  seemed to me to be the epitome of procrastination: an

  unrelated, unproductive activity that blocks the real work

  you need to do.

  But maybe I was wrong. Perhaps that wasn’t procrastina-

  tion at all. It was a highly tactile experience; perhaps it was

  her version of the marinade after all. She passed the test

  and went on to graduate with honors.

  If the task is something you really just don’t want to do, then

  it’s likely that any diversions are simply procrastination. If

  you’re still interested in it but feel “stuck,” then the ideas

  are still stewing, and it’s OK.

  In other words, recognition has not yet reached a conscious level.

  He continues, “This stream of contents is only rather like a nar-

  rative because of its multiplicity; at any point in time there are

  multiple ’drafts’ of narrative fragments at various stages of editing

  in various places in the brain.” This flow from draft to draft creates


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