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Hungry Like the Wolf : vampire werewolf cursed soulmate

Page 9

by Kyla Riley

  “I told you to stay away from me.”

  “And I told you I would be here to aide you through it,” she snapped angrily. “Now, you need to quit fighting things and give into it. I don’t want you hurting and I am here to help with recovery.”

  “Holly, go away,” he bit out as she ducked under his arm to walk into the house. She immediately sneezed and this surprised her as she’d been taking the shots now for a few weeks. She’d also taken two Benadryl to be on the safe side too. “See? You can’t be near me like this and I’m afraid.”

  “Of what? Biting me?” she said with a wicked grin, looking over her shoulder as she unloaded the things from the store onto the tiled kitchen counter. “I’m not scared of you. I think I like the real you… when you drop your guard and be yourself.”

  “You have no idea what you are asking for,” he ground out, clenching the door frame. His fingernails leaving imprints in the wood. His chest was heaving with exertion and his body tight with restraint. Holly felt a rush of desire flood her body as she realized that he was out of his mind with raging lust right now and she could only imagine the pleasure he’d give her.

  “I think I do,” Holly admitted, unbuttoning her shirt. “I know exactly what I am wanting and what you are going to give me.” Niall snatched her up bodily and carried her into the bedroom. Niall ripped her pantyhose off of her and jerked her skirt upwards. Holly laughed and that stopped him for a moment, his eyes curious.

  “Keep going and make it good for me,” she said with a knowing smile, reaching for his pants. It was less than a minute before they were both naked and his hands were all over her body. One of his large hands was splayed across her stomach as he devoured her body, licking and tasting her. Niall was uncontrollable as he rushed to taste, smell and touch every inch of her. As she came, she screamed with delight making him growl with fierce pride. She felt him bite the inside of her thigh as he gently sucked there for a moment before yanking back his head.

  “No,” he fought and stopped touching her. Holly wasn’t done with him yet, by any means! His body was ripe for loving as his shaft pulsed with desire, a bead of moisture on the tip beckoned her.

  “Yes,” she demanded, pushing him against the bedframe and dropping to her knees. She immediately took him into her mouth, tasting the saltiness of his body. Niall snapped the post off the bedframe where he’d clutched it. Holly giggled with him in her mouth causing him to jerk away.

  “Come back here,” she teased. “I’m laughing ‘cause you broke the bed like it was a toothpick, not at your dick. Geez, sensitive much?”

  “No man likes a girl laughing during a blowjob.”

  “Well this girl happens to like giving her man one,” she retorted with a smile. “Now, where was I?” Holly licked the shaft and stroked it several times before Niall picked her up off the floor. His eyes were glowing in the darkness, beckoning something in her. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly, completely different from the lustful pawing and ragged groping earlier. This wasn’t the vampire or the wolf, this was the man.

  “You are such an amazing woman,” he whispered softly.

  “It’s because you make me feel that way,” she replied, “I can keep going, if you’d like?” Niall shook his head with a bittersweet smile. He turned her around, her back to him and kicked her legs apart. Holly felt her body pulse with anticipation of him and felt a keen disappointment as his fingers touched her instead of his member.

  “Be patient, princess,” he whispered against her neck, “Just feel.” Holly felt every slick stroke of his fingers, drawing her body tightly towards ecstasy. He was relentless, touching and sliding as his free hand cupped her breasts, pinching her gently to draw out soft mewling cries from her. She could feel his body moving against her of its own volition in a mimicry of their lovemaking. Reaching back, she grasped it and moaned as she felt it swell in size even further.

  “I want this,” she begged mindlessly and cried out as he parted her body even more in preparation. His heated body disappeared for just a moment before she felt him pressing into her slowly, pushing inch by inch. “More, please.”

  Niall released her breasts and moved his hand from her core, taking a firm hold of both of her shoulders. In one swift thrust, he took her fully- holding her heated body tightly as he repeatedly shoved himself into her heat. Instinct took over as she tried to move against him but he held her tight. He was in control and dominating his woman, his female… his mate.

  Her arm reached up to curl around his neck, pulling his head down towards her unknowingly. There was no thought, no planning, nothing other than basic need drawn from desire. This time, Niall didn’t ask permission – he took. His teeth delved deep into her throat as his body possessed hers.

  She felt a fiery sting for just the briefest moment before her body flooded with heat and the level of need doubled. His thrusts became slower, more drawn out and focused as he released his left arm cradled her against him. His right hand smoothed its way down her body and began to work the pearl that ached to be touched. It was seconds before Holly came again, this time pushing hard against Niall in order to take more of him. His mouth released her neck as he yanked himself from her. A bitter emptiness filled her as the loss. Niall turned her around and smiled at her.

  “I want more too.”

  He grabbed her thigh and wrapped her leg around his waist, burying himself in her once again. This time, he watched her – his eyes holding hers as they made love. His hands lovingly cupped her bottom, moving her in a pattern that drew gasps from the both of them. He leaned down and bit at her gently, suckling as he loved her slowly. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she felt herself clenching around him, desperate for release.

  “Niall,” she whispered, tenderly. “Love me how you need to.” He released her neck and stared at her, his body rocking against her. He kissed her desperately, as if suddenly afraid. He reached up to the wall behind him, a collection of ancient knives and swords, plucking one from the wall. Holly stared at him suddenly wary until she saw him nick his shoulder. A droplet of blood formed and then rolled down his chest.

  She saw the want in his eyes and the fear. He needed this but was afraid to ask. Instead, he began to move faster in her body, reaching between them to rub her clit until she was mindless with need. As he thrust into her, she felt him grab her shoulders as he pounded desperately – gone was the tender lover and the aggressor was back. She could feel his hands shaking as his lips locked onto hers. He broke the kiss and licked her shoulder in a silent plea. Her body was spasming and she was so close.

  Cradling his head to her, she slowly licked his skin feeling him shiver with delight. This brought the nerve endings to a whole ‘nother level and she had an inkling of what biting him would do to her. Instinctively, she gently nipped at his neck until all of a sudden her body recognized what it wanted. She wanted to taste him like he’d tasted her.

  His lips clamped onto where he’d pierced and began to suck, drawing him into her mouth. She felt and heard Niall’s gasp of pleasure and felt him do the same to her, tasting each other. The feeling of the bond between them cementing into place as her body exploded around him was nothing less than a miracle as he poured himself into her. It should have disgusted her, stopped her in her tracks – but instead, she’d craved it and wanted it.


  “You know… I like this side of you, Wildman,” Holly teased, running her fingers through his chest hair softly as they lay there satiated in bed together. Niall did seem to have more hair on his body and a rugged, elemental look about him, but instead of being alarmed – she was fascinated. Every inch of her body was sore and strained from the sex-capades between them. They’d had sex on the floor, beside the bed, her examination chair in her office… everywhere it seemed possible. The man was insatiable when they touched, and she craved it. Niall was her tall glass of water on a hot day.

  “You’re tickling me,” Niall told her huskily and held her hand tight against his
chest. “Just keep it still and rest.”

  “You sure are bossy. Did you know that?”

  “I prefer ‘obstinately persuasive’.”

  Laughing, Holly lightly hit him with a pillow and yelped as he grabbed her, rolling her underneath his body. Her giggle caught in her chest as he stared at her intensely, before leaning down to kiss her. His lips touched hers lightly, drawing a soft sigh from her soul.

  “I like the sounds you make,” he breathed, nudging her with his nose. “There is something magical about you.” Niall’s voice was tender and his eyes alit with an emotion that made her swallow hard as she lay there looking up at him.

  “For instance, there is this sweet, puffy, little grunt you make when you are really excited and you are fixing to cum. It’s like a badger sniffing around in the bushes or a pig rooting around for food,” he barely kept a straight face as she yelped in horrified embarrassment and tried to buck him off of her.

  “GET OFF OF ME!” she screamed with a mighty shove that freed her from him. “Oh my God, you are perfectly horrid! HORRID! You know that?” she snarled, tossing back the covers and flying out of the bed. She barely made it into the bathroom nearby, locking the door behind her. She heard him banging on the door and laughing hysterically on the other side of it. She was mortified and stared at the door in embarrassment. “You dog,” she snarled. You don’t tell a lady that after you’ve made love! You are lucky I don’t neuter you right now for that remark!”

  “The battle is on if you want to play dirty like that,” she crowed at the door that stood between them. A second round of hysterical laughter came from the other side of the door and she found herself chuckling in merriment. She liked that he could be so playful, but she could dish it out as well as take it.

  “To the victor goes the spoils,” Niall taunted, from suddenly being right next to her, making her leap into the air and nearly slip on the marble floor.

  “You scared me to death!” she yelped. “How did you get in here?”

  “It’s a bathroom suite with a laundry room, walk in closet and access door on the other side,” he said calmly with an upturned grin. “Now were you really upset about me teasing you?”

  “Yes, that was a perfectly wretched thing to say,” she muttered, feeling her face blush again as she felt suddenly self-conscious. He was beautiful like a model and she was… well, plain. The fact that he was teasing her about the sounds she made during sex was mortifying, ‘cause she hadn’t even realized it was happening. “I am going to be so worried now that I’m snorting around…”

  “Holly, princess… I was teasing you,” he pleaded tenderly, pulling her into his arms. “You actually make little gasps and hold your breath. Sometimes I wonder if I need to remind you to breathe. It makes me feel like a god to know that I am pleasing my girl so thoroughly. Don’t stop-ever.”

  “Then don’t comment on it,” she pouted, lacing her arms around his ribcage and laying her head on his chest.

  “I won’t,” he promised. “Come back to bed and rest with me?” Nodding, Holly followed him into the bedroom and sank into the warm satiny bedsheets they’d just been lying in, as he joined her. Niall wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight against him.

  “This is the first time in over a thousand years that I have felt such peace in my soul. Giving in to the beasts in me was pleasurable and something I’ve not known could exist,” he explained in the stillness of the evening. “Thank you for this, Holly.”

  There was something in his voice that struck her. The sheer overwhelming realization that his life didn’t have to be terrible or painful brought tears to her eyes. Holly nodded stiffly, unsure if her voice would betray her inner turmoil. He’d been so wonderful with her and seemed like such a truly genuine good person- how could anyone deliberately harm him and destroy his family. As if he understood her silence, he silently kissed her bare shoulder and sighed happily before laying his head down beside hers.

  The next few days were a blur between work, allergy shots, Benadryl and a very pink runny nose for Holly. Being with Niall all the time was wreaking havoc on her body in more ways than one. The intimacy between them was fantastic and the more she got to know the man, the more she realized that she was falling for him.

  He always seemed to go out of his way to surprise her, leaving little things here and there knowing that she would find them. She’d found cinnamon dental floss in her car’s cup-holder one afternoon with a cherry flavored condom that made her grin. He’d remembered and wanted to let her know that he’d paid attention to what she said. Another day, a package arrived with pink conversation hearts inside along with a pink crystal candy dish for her desk. It was absurdly precious since it was May and Valentine’s Day had been long ago. Last night, he’d surprised her with a bouquet of Goo, a runner’s gel to keep up energy levels… and a pair of hot pink sneakers.

  She texted him all afternoon about taking her favorite mutt out to the park for a run. When Niall arrived in some shorts that made her eyes nearly pop out of her skull, he grinned happily and playfully lolled his tongue in a mocking fashion. Holly busted out laughing, revealing she had a pair of neon pink Halloween vampire teeth in her mouth that very nearly fell out.

  That was what she liked about their relationship. It was weird, playful, and one of a kind. She’d wondered what it was about him that put her at ease so easily. He was as normal as the next guy… yet obviously not. If she felt anxious, she simply had to reach out to him. He was a lodestone, drawing her near and creating an attraction that was undeniable. She had her life, he had his- but somehow they were finding time to make each other feel special and to Holly? That in itself felt like a gift.

  “What are you up to tomorrow?” Niall asked over dinner. He’d grilled steaks and made baked potatoes as a surprise, claiming she needed to bulk up on her iron intake. It was like he was telling her she needed more greens in her diet. Last night, he’d drank from her as they made love slowly to the point that he was profusely apologizing for making her light headed again. Without a thought, he’d bitten his wrist and held it up to her mouth, making her drink. This was something they’d not ever done and it seemed to do the trick. She wasn’t dizzy today, just a bit out of breath and light-headed if she stood up too fast.

  “You know how weird this all is… right?”

  “Incredible and weird,” he affirmed with a smile that lit her heart on fire. He had that gorgeous little smirk that made her toes curl. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling better. I think you worry too much sometimes.”

  “How can I not? I have no restraint when it comes to you.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “Holly, you have got to tell me ‘no’ sometimes.”

  “Nahhhh,” she said flatly with a smile. “I have got quite the collection of scarves lately and feel like quite the fashionista,” she teased, only to see his expression fall. “What’s wrong?”

  “I shouldn’t be feeding from you.”

  “I don’t want you drinking from anyone else since we only do it in bed!” she said possessively.

  “I don’t want anyone else, but I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you”

  “Niall, I know deep inside that you would never harm me.”

  “Not deliberately, but last night was incredible and I didn’t want to stop,” he whispered. “Holly, I could hear your heart skip a beat and I didn’t know what to do. I can’t lose you.”

  “And you can’t burn my steak,” she said pointedly. He quickly grabbed it with a set of tongs and put it on the plate for her. Setting it down in front of her, she sliced into her potato and put a few toppings on it in the silence between them.

  “Look Niall,” she began, unsure how to address things between them. “This has been strangely wonderful and odd at the same time but I’m a big girl. I never questioned you not wearing a condom, because I can take care of myself and use birth control – which brings up a question: Can you even have single kids
or do you have litters?”

  His mouth dropped open in shock. It apparently hadn’t even crossed his mind either, but if they were going to discuss health issues, this was a biggie in her book. They’d been sleeping together for a few weeks now and developing a routine together. If he was concerned about harming her, there was more than one way to do that now. She cared for the big fella and didn’t want to be hurt by him.

  “Oh wow, this is awkward,” Holly muttered, taking a big bite of a roll and looking away from his stunned expression. “I mean, someday I might want kids but not right now – you know? Just like the allergy shots, that gets a little annoying but it’s all worth it right now.”

  “Holly, I don’t know. I… uh… I’ve never gotten a woman pregnant that I know of and I don’t know if I can,” his voice was harsh and his expression was torn. Niall looked like he’d just had someone steal his wallet from him… and truth be told, someone had stolen something precious from him. However it happened long ago and he was just now realizing it.

  Cairene had taken his life and twisted it into something warped, reviled and hated – but now, she’d taken his future as well. If Niall couldn’t have children someday… if he even wanted them with anyone he would end up in a relationship with – his stepmother had hurt him all over again. It was a wound that wasn’t healing, but simply festering with time… a very, very long time.

  “Look, it’s nothing and we need to focus on the now. Like right now I plan on eating this amazing dinner you made and soaking in a bubble bath with you. You wash my back and I’ll wash yours?” Holly said cheerfully, trying to break the tension in the air. “Eat up, Niall – please?”

  It was already out there though, things that could not be unsaid or undone. Holly could read it all over his face. He was alone yet again and would stay that way unless she could accept him like he was and ignore the looks they would receive as she aged – and he didn’t. There would be no children, no PTA meetings and no families gathered at Christmas… she would have to enjoy being with him for now. And for a good man that had lost his family once before- it was crashing down around him again.


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