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The Heartstone Saga

Page 15

by Archibald Bradford

  With the silence between them becoming awkward, Nameless opened his mouth to carry on with the bizarre conversation but was distracted as a little gong sounded.

  As he looked around people began to make their way towards the open-aired Blomma garden at the center of the building.

  Tiberius adopted a pained look as he realized what was happening.

  “Ah, this is where I make my escape. If you stick around much longer you’ll understand why. It was a pleasure to meet you. Both of you.”

  Neither of them missed how he threw in the last part almost as an afterthought.

  Everything about the man just seemed slightly skewed from the norm, but Nameless couldn’t quite put his finger as to how or why.

  “Likewise.” He mumbled as the man departed.

  Once he was gone, Milly pulled her master close again.

  “A strange fellow. What do you think he was doing here?”

  He had an answer ready, though he wasn’t sure how he knew.

  “Gathering information. It might be a bit of an exaggeration, but that man was spying tonight.”

  “On... us?”

  He shrugged, deciding it really didn’t matter in the scheme of things: he had nothing to hide anymore.

  “Haven’t a clue. Not like we talked long enough for him to learn much. Come on baby, let’s go find the others and see what’s happening in the garden.”

  They gathered up Nina, her drinking buddy having already very recently gone over his limit and retired for the evening, then met Ophelia and Erica underneath one of the arches abutting the garden.

  There they learned that the rich and powerful in Garland lived very differently than they did.

  Once the majority of the party-goers were watching, a human servant dressed in a slightly more ornate uniform than the others gently struck the little gong again and the Flutterby in their elaborate gowns filtered out of the crowd and made their way into the garden where the flower girls bloomed to greet them, their brilliantly coloured petals spreading wide in invitation.

  Suddenly it was crystal clear what the gong was announcing.

  Blomma nectar had a very potent effect on Flutterby, as Nameless and the others had seen firsthand with Ophelia, so he knew full well what to expect.

  “Was this whole fancy party just a prelude to an orgy?” Nina asked as the winged girls embraced the waiting flowers.

  “I’m afraid so dearheart.” Ophelia sighed; “There is nothing wrong with it, per se. But I always shied away from events like this, much to my mother’s consternation.”

  “Why?” Erica asked as she watched with rapt fascination.

  The increasingly aroused Flutterby had begun to shed the many layers of their dresses as they giggled and traded kisses with the naked Blomma, so it was damn-near impossible for the Katje not to be interested.

  But she shook it off when Ophelia nudged her and directed her attention back to the watching humans on all sides of the courtyard.

  “Because it’s a pageant, and there is the audience.”

  Nameless didn’t miss the smug and haughty looks coming from the men and women as they watched the monster girls indulge themselves.

  Nina’s eyes narrowed and she nodded.

  “I know Volka likes to have an audience. But there is something... icky about this.”

  “Power.” Nameless said simply; “It’s all about power for them. Never mind the pretense about openness and generosity. Half this lot don’t give a damn about any of those girls.”

  The increasing sounds of passion coming from the monster girl garden was doing nothing for his libido now that he had sussed out what was bothering him about it.

  “All too true, dearheart. Most Flutterby I know live in high society and this is one of the roles they play.” Ophelia said sadly; “As for the Blomma, well, have you ever known a flower girl to turn down sex?”

  “Milly told me such good things about the neighbour’s garden.” Erica remarked in a bid to inject some levity into the situation.

  Her attempt fell flat.

  Ophelia took Nameless by the hand and squeezed it tight.

  “Can we leave? This spectacle will continue for some time. And I doubt anything else productive will get done now that it has begun.”

  Nameless nodded.

  “Yeah. I’ve seen enough.”

  He felt a swell of pity in his heart for the Blomma and their Flutterby lovers, but ultimately they had chosen this life for themselves.

  It reminded him very much of the Cat-House in the wilds, a brothel full to bursting with Katje prostitutes.

  Sex and corruption went hand in hand just as readily as sex and love.

  “I can hear you judging us, Aegis.” One of the wealthy women nearby said suddenly with a biting tone as she turned away from the show, annoyed at the distraction.

  “You should be judged.” Nameless muttered back.

  Her chin turned up as she glared down her nose at him.

  “I won’t be lectured by-”

  Nina leveled her hammer at the haughty lady, nearly bowling her over just with the strength in her glare.

  “Keep talking and I pull out your eyes. You’re not worthy to look upon my mate with your disgusting face.”

  The suddenly pale-faced woman swallowed nervously as a faint rumble shook the building, accompanied by a high pitched tinkling noise from a nearby table where a pyramid of fluted glasses stood vibrating precariously amidst the giant’s ire.

  A few of the other people muttered to each other worriedly at the disturbance but the orgy continued, the monster girls far to engaged with each other by then to notice the minor quake.

  “Nina, enough. We’re leaving.” Nameless said firmly to prevent a scene.

  Milly bent down to kiss the little Gigas on the top of her head and coax her towards the exit.

  “Yeah, I’ve seen how the other side lives. Kettering is better.”

  Thinking back on the boisterous and joyful flower-girls in Janet Skinner’s garden neighbouring their cottage, Nameless agreed whole-heartedly.

  Disturbed far more than he cared to admit, he and the girls made their escape.

  But whatever discomfort they faced at the party was completely forgotten when they returned home that evening to find a familiar face waiting for them.

  Chapter 16:

  Telling Tales

  Kaylee was standing at the front door of their apartment building under the light of a street lamp, and when she caught sight of the young Amazon, Milly let out an excited low and started running towards her.

  “Escrya’s back!” She enthused, her cheeks rosy with uncontainable excitement.

  Erica’s face likewise lit up, as did Ophelia’s, albeit with more poise.

  Having heard the Minotaur coming, the Amazon shook her head in wonder.

  “And so too is Kaylee!” The young warrior objected with a laugh.

  But any offence she might have taken was forgotten when Milly embraced her fiercely, even going so far to kiss and lick at the side of her face.

  “Euagh! That tickles!” Kaylee giggled as she returned the hug; “I am glad to see you as well!”

  It had been weeks since any of them had seen her, so there were more hugs to follow.

  And when Escrya and Helena returned from the market district with packs full of provisions, they were given much the same treatment.

  Once the greetings were finished they hurried the three fatigued Amazons inside and up to their apartment.

  They expressed some concern at the state of the door before entering though; Nina had reattached it before leaving for the fundraiser, but it wasn’t hanging properly at all.

  Nameless had very little desire to get in touch with the landlord about it.

  Soon they sat in the living room, Erica purring beside Kaylee as she combed and braided her hair with fresh Valkyrie feathers, and Milly behind Helena making the Amazon groan with a vigorous shoulder rub, the two of them having exchanged such favours on multiple
occasions in the past.

  When Volka returned Nameless shot a questioning look at her, but she simply winked at him rather than explain the situation with Lilly, her focus quickly turning to Escrya.

  While her sisters were being spoiled, she knelt before the Dominar, just as she had in Lipton Falls, to give her report on their journey.

  “We have set things into motion, as you asked Dominar. There should be several more war parties arriving in the coming days.”

  Volka nodded.

  “Yes, I’ve met with a steady stream of Amazons since last we spoke, as well as others. It is small, but we have enough now to call it a reactionary force.”

  “You three seem exhausted.” Ophelia fretted, bringing the Amazons each a large glass of Milly’s milk from the icebox and urging Escrya to stop prostrating herself and rest on the couch.

  If they were, none of them were saying it.

  “Our quest remains unfinished. We have gotten the word out, so there are runners from every tribe in the region calling our people to the Dominar’s side.” Escrya shook her head and sighed heavily; “But they will be few, nowhere near the numbers we fielded before the world was broken.”

  Nameless sat down beside her, setting his hand on the back of hers as she drank, sensing that there was more to what she was saying.

  “What are you going to do?”

  She turned her hand over to interlace her fingers with his, a smile on her face as she met his warm mud coloured eyes with her icy blues.

  “My people spread to the winds after the Aegis was founded, most seeking out new lands to settle in. But there was one group that returned to their ancestral home, determined to rebuild and restore their former glory.”

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to be dismissive, but it’s just one tribe... right?” Erica asked.

  Escrya let loose with a sudden laugh that surprised them, and shook her head as she set down her now-empty glass.

  “Yes, Erica, one tribe. But they were the first and the largest. The tribe from which all others were born, once upon a time.”

  They found themselves being drawn in by her words as the storyteller explained the Katje’s mistake.

  “You speak of the Darkwood?” Volka remarked with some surprise; “The Matriarch’s line still endures even after all this time?”

  “I do. And it does. The strongest of the Amazons, warleader of warleaders. We intend to seek her out.”

  The Valkyrie shook her head though.

  “She may well kill you! If her people still live, they will cling to the old ways. Before the tribes broke away. To them, you are all traitors that abandoned your homeland.”

  Escrya accepted the danger with a determined nod.

  “Yes. But by all accounts they loved and respected the Valkyrie as much as any of us. I would see that allegiance renewed, at any cost.”

  “I don’t get it, why did all the other tribes leave this homeland place?” Milly asked with wide eyes.

  “The ravages of war.” Volka explained; “The Divine Republic used many different weapons against the various monster girl breeds that they found too unruly. In a gambit to wipe out the Amazons they unleashed... something. It caused a massive crater to form in the very heart of what became known as the Darkwood. Out of this crater many strange things emerged, flora and fauna alike, but perverted with wretched science. Many of which were not unlike the indiscriminate Maneaters. Though if rumours are to be believed, the Maneaters are cuddlesome compared to some of the nightmares that came out of that crater.”

  Escrya nodded.

  “The Darkwood is a truly ancient forest, some miles to the south and west of here. Older even than the woods where the Saenga dwell. It was changed by the energy the empire unleashed: the flesh of the ancient trees turned black, yet remained alive. Fearing this perversion of nature, the tribes broke away from the Matriarch when she refused to leave. It was a dark time for our people.”

  “And this was all going on while the war was being fought?” Erica asked, incredulous.

  “Yes.” Volka answered; “But you have to understand: the war went on for hundreds of years, the ferocity of it ebbing and flowing, so there were periods of relative peace where other squabbles took the fore in people’s minds. I was not even born when these events occurred, it happened even before the Chimera were wiped out. Truly, I am amazed that Amazons still dwell in that place.”

  “They do.” Helena said firmly, though she groaned as Milly pressed her thumbs harder into her shoulders; “A great many of them. If whispers are to be believed, the Saenga tribe many times over could not match their number.”

  Volka nodded slowly, then brought her wing around and plucked one of her flight feathers, much as she had done for Nameless, and handed it to Escrya.

  “If you are truly set on this path, present the Matriarch with this, it will at least improve your chances of being heard out. In better times I would never presume to command them to leave a home they have clung to for longer than I have been alive, but the aid of the Amazon Matriarch and her warriors would go a long way towards upsetting Evadne’s schemes!”

  As Escrya took the feather and tucked it away, Ophelia fluttered into the middle of the room and set her hand on the young Amazon’s shoulders.

  “You’re not leaving tonight.” She declared firmly, not brooking any disagreement; “If this journey is going to be as dangerous as you say, you need to begin it fresh and ready! You can leave in the morning, or even the morning after that!”

  Volka stood up to join the Flutterby.

  “I agree, rest, warriors of the Saenga. The task that you set upon may well become legend some day, and you will therefore need your strength.”

  Ophelia rolled her eyes, an uncharacteristic display of exasperation.

  “I literally just said that.”

  While the Amazons shared in a laugh at his Flutterby’s expense, Nameless took their cups into the kitchen.

  Milly followed him.

  When he was finished with the sink he turned to find her waiting.

  “Oh! Hey baby, is everything alright?”

  She had a pensive expression on her face, the kind of look he’d seen from her before; she wanted something, but was hesitant to ask for it.

  He opened his mouth to reassure her but she spoke before he could, keeping her voice low so no one else could hear.

  “The rest of us talked about this, a while ago. And we all agree. We missed out on you bonding with Kar.” She explained, shaking her head with determination; “We’re not going to miss out on Escrya too.”

  His eyes and mouth widened in surprise.

  He and the young Amazon had one night together, back when they were still in the academy, and though he thought on it fondly sometimes, he’d come to feel that they’d missed their moment.

  So naturally he was taken aback by the Minotaur’s sudden resolve, not to mention her abrupt declaration.

  “Are you-”

  “I’m more than sure Master!” She interrupted him before he could finish; “Didn’t you feel how happy we all were to see her again?”

  “I... yes, I did. But we don’t need to rush.”

  “We’re not.” She objected with some indignation; “We took too long already. We- I, want her, so go and get her.”

  The whole conversation was happening so fast that Nameless was struggling to keep up.

  But after a few moments, a broad and genuine smile spread across his face.

  “Well it’s not like I can say no, now can I?” He quipped.

  Milly bit her lip and her cheeks reddened further as she looked away in embarrassment.

  But she smiled as well.

  “Do you want to tell her?” He asked, still smiling.

  She shook her head.

  “We already have a plan for that too.”

  He quirked his brow at her.

  “How much ‘planning’ do you girls get up to when I’m not around?”

  His Minotaur giggled and she turned coq

  “Nina told me that if I tell you I have to kill you. So I’ll never tell, Master!”

  They had escaped from the party early, but it was still quite late in the evening, and with their journey ahead of them the Amazons took it in turns to wash up before settling in for the night.

  It felt strange to them to bathe alone, but the needs of the moment overrode their cultural preferences.

  Escrya came out of the shower last, bemused by the strange contraption that allowed for rain to fall indoors; it was one thing to be aware of such a thing, another to experience it directly.

  With a towel wrapped around her nude body she made to go into the living room where Helena and Kaylee were already asleep.

  But she never made it there.

  In the moonlight filtering in through the windows stood Ophelia, waiting at the bottom of the stairs, wearing one of her fluttery nightgowns and a mysterious smile.

  Without a word she offered her hand, palm up, towards Escrya.

  The Amazon’s breathing hitched at the implications.

  Her fingers were trembling slightly when she settled them in the Flutterby’s welcoming palm.

  And when she was slowly led up the stairs, her body began to tense up, a fearful hope rising in her breast.

  On the bed were Nameless and the rest of the girls, naked and waiting; all eyes turned to her, welcoming her in silence as her gaze settled on his face.

  A smile and a simple nod from him told her unequivocally that her hope was not without cause.

  Chapter 17:

  Moonlit Bonds

  It was a struggle for Escrya to maintain her composure, a struggle which she inevitably lost.

  Standing beside her, Ophelia heard the quiet sob as her emotions overcame her, joyous tears trailing down her face.

  And hers wasn’t the only one; sitting on the edge of the bed Milly sniffed quietly, while at her side Erica was blinking rapidly to fend off her own emotional response.

  A faint tug at her hip told Escrya that the Flutterby wanted her to lose her towel, and a moment later she felt it fall away, her nakedness revealed to the man and monster girls in the loft, her tanned skin paling in the moonlight.


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