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The Heartstone Saga

Page 25

by Archibald Bradford

  The hive grew silent and Nina actually squirmed in place under the weight of Volka’s eyes.

  “You make light of something that you ought not to because it unsettles you, my sister, but you need not fear the power I bear. Remember the words your mother taught you. Be steady as the flames in your furnace.”

  Everyone in the hive was frozen in place as they watched the interaction between the two monsters play out.

  “I get it, alright? I won’t do it again.” Nina complained quietly; “Quit picking on me.”

  Volka extended one of her wings and traced her ethereal golden feathers over the giant’s cheek.

  “The irony of that statement from you is staggering, my love.” She shook her head wonderingly; “But come, there is something else that we must address. Our hosts have need of something from us.”

  Her aura faded again and Ophelia pursed her lips while Milly and Erica furrowed their brows, all three of them looking towards their hostess.

  Cordelia gasped in a lungful of air, having forgotten to breathe while the Dominar confronted the mountain.

  “Holy moly. How do you get used to that?” She whispered harshly at Erica.

  The cat let out a little meow and shrugged weakly.

  “You really don’t, you just accept it. But what did she mean? What do you need from us?”

  The baker looked to Oldeera as the Hornet Queen buzzed her wings to shift herself back on her feet and stand beside her bond-mate.

  “I... we, I mean, um-”

  “It’s alright honey.” Oldeera encouraged as she stammered; “The Dominar clearly already knows, and it’s something we all need.”

  Her hands interlaced with her bond-mate’s, while a pair of her Hornets drew closer to help bolster her wavering resolve.

  Cordelia’s face flushed as she tried to figure out how best to word what she and Oldeera had talked about, the eyes of Nameless’s bond-mates on her not helping.

  Finally she jerked her hand upwards to indicate him awkwardly.

  “The last time you were here, you told me about how you n-needed to have kids with a human?”

  She coughed nervously, made doubly so when she saw that pretty much everyone in the room had already cottoned on to what she was about to suggest.

  The clueless Nameless made a face.

  “Yeah, that was a thing wasn’t it? Why do you bring it up?”

  By now Cordelia’s blush had turned her face nearly scarlet.

  “B-Because I’m a human and I want kids!” She blurted out all at once.

  Everyone in the room watched Nameless work through her words.

  His face shifted from bemusement to shock, then to embarrassment in the span of five seconds.

  Erica snickered and Milly swatted at her arm to hush her.

  Meanwhile Nina snorted.

  “Good idea. Let’s all pick on him now.”

  Chapter 27:


  Miranda and the others had barely left the hive when one of Oldeera’s Hornets swooped down and told her that she didn’t need to find Nameless a room at the Aegis compound, her queen having graciously invited him and his bond-mates to spend the night in the hive.

  If she were on her game she might have been suspicious, but as it was she was too distracted with watching Becks while her girls flirted with her.

  As the Lapine walked, her ass moved in the most interesting ways in her tight shorts, her poofy tail bobbing along and holding the senior operative’s attention away from whatever her junior was getting up to.

  After delivering the message, the Hornet left as quickly as she came.

  “We had heard that you were still staying with them.” Kala remarked as they watched the Hornet fly away; “Have things gotten back to normal for you yet?”

  “Oh... yeah. I, um, except I sort of lost my job.”

  “What?! Why?” Miranda demanded.

  Rebecca looked down and to the side, embarrassed for real now.

  “I broke protocol when I took Car- that... woman’s package out of the sorting facility. Especially since it was flagged for inspection. So they sacked me right after you left.”

  “That is a tremendous load of bullshit!” Jan snarled; “You’re a big hero! They ought to have given you a naked bunny parade!”

  Becks giggled, the Wolfen’s enthusiasm too infectious to avoid.

  “Naked bunny parade?”

  Jan nodded firmly.

  “Yup. You. Naked. Carted through the city so everyone can see how great you are.”

  “Jan.” Miranda said with an uncharacteristic whine; “You’re being way to obvious puppy.”

  “No, it’s alright.” Becks said as she made eyes at the Wolfen, speaking softly now; “I like it.”

  Once again the space between the two monster girls heated with an erotic charge, their mutual attraction obvious.

  Truth be told their two breeds were perfect for each other: Lapine love to run, Wolfen love to chase.

  By the time they reached the Aegis compound and had secured lodging for the night, the pair of them were holding hands.

  After Miranda delivered her report via Undine to the expectant council and an investigative team was dispatched to the bunker from the compound in Algrade, she inevitably invited Rebecca to hang out with them in the spacious room provided.

  “Becks.” Miranda spoke suddenly when the door clicked shut, her words oddly stilted as she sought to make the situation plain; “This... thing that’s happening, it’s pretty clear that there is a lot of attraction, especially between you and my puppy. If you want to explore that, we’re into it.”

  It certainly wouldn’t be the first time she let her Wolfen of her leash, though there was definitely a level of intimacy present here that wasn’t on the other occasions.

  Rebecca bit her lip and nodded, though suddenly she sniffled, wiping at her nose as they watched with concern.

  “I know the timing is terrible, but the last woman I had sex with sucked. Like, a lot. Not at the sex, though that was a bit of a mind-fuck, but at being a good person. I want to have sex with someone who isn’t secretly a big jerk, and maybe Jan is being obvious about it but I’m totally up for it if you all are, I mean, I know that you’re all bonded so it’s not like I have any expectations beyond good sex but I really want to because I haven’t gotten laid in weeks and Jez also really looks good in-”

  “Becks!” Miranda interrupted her babbling with both hands raised, an exasperated smile on her face; “I literally just said we were into it! You can relax kiddo. Nobody is looking for a chance to bolt.”

  The Lapine blinked, surprised at Miranda’s words, but reassured by them nonetheless.

  “I guess it was me being obvious this time.” She laughed weakly.

  “Wife, I know just the thing to help.” Kala offered in a husky voice; “Our dear Rebecca here could do with a nice massage I think.”

  “Oh no! I couldn’t!”

  But before she could give voice to why not, an impatient Gripau’s tongue wrapped all around her torso again, making her yelp.

  “Ah’ve gow hew, mow fow thwa mathwage!”

  “Or we could have been polite about it.” Miranda sighed, but she took up position behind the trapped bunny; “Kala’s right kiddo, just relax and let us take care of you for a bit, okay?”

  Given that Jezebel’s tongue was already massaging her, albeit in the strangest way imaginable, Rebecca could only manage a nod.

  Miranda and Jan led her to the bed and she sat down with Jez’s tongue still working over her torso.

  The feel of so many hands on her body, not to mention Jezebel’s exotic appendage, was a tad overwhelming to the Lapine, but after a few minutes she began to relax into it and they lay her down on her stomach.

  And a few minute after that, she was sighing heavily with her eyes closed, deciding right there that she didn’t care what they were doing to her so long as they didn’t stop doing it.

  With four women working on her body, she wa
s very soon a puddle of blissful pleasure, so when Jez relaxed her tongue long enough for Jan and Kala to remove her shirt, she didn’t resist.

  “I loved these titties of yours Becks.” The Wolfen enthused, reached under her from one side to grip her breast.

  “Thanks.” She slurred; “I like yours too.”

  “You haven’t even seen them yet.” Jez complained, eager to put her tongue back to work.

  Meanwhile Kala carefully lifted the limp bunny’s waist so that Miranda could tug her shorts down to her thighs and reveal her perfect little ass.

  “Tits are good. But if I’m being honest.” Miranda said as she kneaded Rebecca’s lower cheeks; “This is my favorite. This and this.”

  Since her hands her busy she brushed her forehead against the bunny’s poofy tail, the little appendage wriggling in delight at the attention.

  And since her face was so close to it, Miranda began to pepper her ass cheeks with kisses and little nips, until Becks moaned from the attention.

  “Noooo, I want-” The Lapine had to swallow and start again; “I want to make you feel good.”

  The older woman chuckled and placed one more sucking kiss on her ass, a sharp squeal echoing around the room from the suction of her lips on her flesh.

  Rebecca giggled at the tickling pain of it.

  “Did you just leave a hickey down there?”

  “A little something to remember me by.” Miranda admitted without any hint of embarrassment.

  “She did that to me to.” Kala admitted; “Once upon a time.”

  “Eah! Eee hoo!” Jez agreed, her tongue still extended and flexing, looking for an opening.

  “It’s a thing.” Jan admitted; “But you said you want to make our mistress feel good right?”

  Becks nodded against the mattress.

  “Good, because I want to watch.”

  At that point clothing began to come off and soon Miranda was lying on her back against a pile of pillows and the headboard, her legs spread and her neatly trimmed pussy exposed to Rebecca.

  Their eyes met and the Lapine’s heart fluttered as she crawled towards Miranda’s privates, though she paused when she spotted Jan’s amber heartstone, nestled in Miranda’s naval.

  “That’s really cute.” She remarked shyly; “I didn’t know you had any piercings.”

  Miranda teasingly traced her knee against one of the Lapine’s grey ears, numerous bits of shiny metal cold against her skin.

  “Just the one, for my puppy. You have me outnumbered there. And these are really cute too you know?”

  The bunny turned a bit pink from the kind words, then let out a wistful sigh.

  “You’ve always been so good to me, ever since we met.” Her eyes were shining with appreciation as she spoke; “Now I want to pay you back some.”

  The Aegis operative smiled but shook her head slowly.

  “You don’t owe me anything kiddo, if anything I owe you. Jan was right, you deserve a naked bunny parade.”

  Becks eyes were smoldering as she drew nearer to her goal, her warm breath flooding over Miranda’s cunt.

  “Still, I better make sure I earn it.”

  With that she closed the gap and extended her pierced tongue to lick at Miranda’s clit, never breaking eye contact as she did.

  “Ah, that’s good.” The woman sighed, her eyelids fluttering as the other girls watched with breathless anticipation.

  They wanted Rebecca to eat their mistress’s pussy as much as she did.

  Lapine were prolific lovers, as much as Katje even, and so this Lapine knew what she was doing; rolling her head in a circle to add to the pressure of her tongue on Miranda’s clit, while below her chin she brought up two fingers and parted Miranda’s nether lips, soon tracing around the slick opening of her tight tunnel.

  And when she was ready she drove her fingers in to the second knuckle and kissed her clit full on, sucking on it while simultaneously battering it with the hardness of her piercing.

  A sharp cry split the air, loud enough to be heard outside their room. It was not an unfamiliar sound in the Aegis compound though, so those few that heard it merely smiled and got back to their duties.

  “That’s it, Becks.” Jan encouraged while licking at the side of Jez’s head affectionately; “Fuck that pussy with your mouth.”

  She and Kala had the Gripau on her back, the three of them needing an outlet with their mistress’s pleasure mounting so near.

  Miranda was moaning now from the constant sucking kiss on her clit, not to mention the two fingers the bunny was delightfully pistoning in and out of her snug quim.

  She could feel the familiar pleasure rising within her, hips bucking up and down beneath the diligent Lapine’s working mouth.

  Not long now...

  But in the midst of the older woman’s thrashing Rebecca suddenly sat bolt upright, her pierced ears flat to her head and eyes as wide as saucers as both hands clapped over her mouth.

  “Fuck, don’t ah!” The haze of ecstasy slowly faded from Miranda’s eyes; “I was right there! Why did you stop?”

  But her urgent sexual need was quashed when she saw that the Lapine was crying.

  Kala and Jan turned to face them, distracted from their work on little Jez.

  The Wolfen was at Miranda’s side a moment later, looking back and forth between her bond-mate and Rebecca.

  “What happened? What’d we miss?”

  “I am so sorry! Oh carrot sticks!” The bunny cursed; “How could I be so stupid! It just felt so warm and welcoming!”

  “You’re talking like you put a finger somewhere you shouldn’t have, but that isn’t really a thing with this bunch.” Miranda said wryly.

  But her humour vanished when Rebecca’s hands pulled away from her mouth and she could see the girl’s tongue piercing.

  “I’m so sorry... Mistress.”

  The one containing her heartstone.

  Instantly Miranda understood, and through her so did her bond-mates.

  Of which Rebecca was now one.

  While she and the girls absorbed that fact, the Lapine continued to wring her hands and lament her own foolishness.

  “I’ve never given a second thought to using it during sex, and I wanted to make you feel so good and you liked it so much that I... didn’t... stop...”

  She trailed off at the expressions the other women wore.

  Kala was smiling, Jan was trying not to laugh, and Jez was practically vibrating with excitement.

  And Miranda... her eyes were filled with nothing but acceptance, though there was also a degree of sheepishness.

  “I’ll admit, it was pretty reckless of us.” She annunciated the word to make sure that Becks knew it wasn’t her fault entirely; “But we’d already talked about this amongst ourselves, so this kind of just... accelerates things a bit.”


  Red faced and heart pounding with hope and a desire the likes of which she had never known, it was the only syllable the bunny could get out.

  Miranda groaned though as another thought crossed her mind, flopping onto her back and clapping both hands to her face.

  “Nobody tell the kid. He’ll be so smug, since I gave him shit no less than three times for doing the same thing.”

  Jan’s tongue lolled out as she laughed, she was the only one present for each of those occasions where Miranda yelled at Nameless for recklessly bonding to Erica, Ophelia, and Nina.

  “Are you kidding? I can’t wait to tell him!” While she spoke she scooted over to Becks and gave her a quick kiss full on the mouth; “You and me are mud wrestling in the very near future, sister.”

  A strong hand settled on her opposite shoulder as an Amazon sat beside her, her grip firm yet reassuring.

  “If you wish it, I will teach you everything I know about being a warrior so that you will never doubt your place at our wife’s side.” Kala pledged as she leaned in to likewise kiss Rebecca, on the cheek this time.

  “Come and sit on my face!”
Jez exclaimed excitedly, staying flat on her back and expecting complete obedience as she extended the bulb of her tongue just past her lips.

  Tears streaming down her face, Rebecca laughed at the horny frog’s demand.

  “Thank you, thank you all so much! This warmth, I-I knew it was supposed to be beautiful, but the strength of it!”

  Miranda shifted in front of her and pulled the emotional bunny into her arms, resting her forehead against Rebecca’s as they shared a deep and steadying breath.

  “That’s the bond, baby. It will never go away, never fade, and mean that you will always have a place in this world. In our hearts, at our sides, and in our bed.” She shifted to bring her mouth around to whisper into one of her upright ears; “And if I’m not mistaken, you’re now hornier than you have ever been in your entire life... yeah?”

  The Lapine quivered at the heat of her new bond-mate’s words as much as from the sensation of her breath on the sensitive flesh inside her ear.

  “Yes, oh carrot sticks yes! I need you so badly!” She responded.

  “Good, because I didn’t finish earlier.” Miranda put her hands on Rebecca’s shoulders and held her back so that she could look into her eyes; “Now you’re going to put that beautiful heartstone of yours back to work, and afterwards me and the girls are going to fuck your brains out.”

  “Please Mistress!” The poor Lapine whimpered at the promise.

  The other girls drew even closer, multiple hands finding her body as they welcomed her with loving caresses.

  “It’s going to be a long night.”

  Jan said the clichéd words, but they didn’t sound rueful at all.

  Chapter 28:

  A Secret is Born

  While Miranda and her girls were celebrating the newest member of their family, Nameless and Cordelia were both red in the face and having a conversation about her maybe starting one.

  “So anyways, are you giving out free babies or not?” The blushing baker asked in a bit of a whine.

  “Uh, huh?”

  Safe to say Nameless wasn’t on top of things at the moment.

  Cordelia drew in a nervous breath.

  “You need to have kids. I want kids. Oldeera doesn’t have a penis. Come on man, don’t make this weird.”


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