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The Heartstone Saga

Page 28

by Archibald Bradford

  ‘Goofish’ indeed.

  But despite the welcome bit of joyous nonsense, his mind inevitably turned back towards Cordelia and the child she might very well already be carrying.


  Just a few days in the Darkwood felt like a lifetime for the three brave Amazons; the oppressive monotony of the place wearing on them greatly, as was the fact that they had yet to find any sign of the Matriarch or her people.

  Their bush-craft had proven to be as utterly worthless in the alien forest as they feared, but they carried with them enough provisions to not yet have to discover whether the ever-present white snakes were edible.

  They were resting again, not sure at this point whether it was day or night beneath the ominous bows of the massive black trees.

  Helena and Escrya were eating, forcing themselves to do so despite a lack of appetite; meanwhile Kaylee was repeatedly cutting at the blackened bark of the tree roots they were resting against, as if just to spite the ominous things.

  Conversation was sparse between them, but it was sometimes necessary.

  “Kaylee, you need to eat something.” Helena said as she held out a pair of dried biscuits.

  The younger Amazon made a face, but put her knife away and took them, eating them as lifelessly as her sisters had.

  Escrya opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything, having no words of encouragement left to give.

  They would go on, because at this point there was nothing else for them but to continue, but the recently bonded teller was worried for them all the same.

  Their dark thoughts were suddenly disrupted however by a lengthy piercing scream.

  They jumped up, their hearts pounded and spears pointed outwards at the sharp cry, amidst the blackness of the place it was a heretofore unknown sound that sent ice down their spines.

  “Where did it come from?” Escrya whispered harshly.

  At her left elbow, Kaylee looked around wildly.

  “I don’t know!”

  They waited a few minutes, but heard nothing so their guard remained up.

  The sounds around them, such as they were, resumed as if the scream had never happened: the faint dry rasp of the snakes squirming around their feet, the occasional deep creak of one of the black trees swaying in a breeze so high off the ground that no one could feel it, and the sound of their own breathing, short and fearful as they waited.

  After a good ten minutes, a mocking female voice cut through them as readily as the scream had.

  “What have I found? Three Amazons, huddled together like children? Such an embarrassment!”

  As one they whirled to face the woman that spoke.

  She was tall, close to seven feet, leaning on her spear with one leg bent inwards so that the sole of her bare foot was resting against the side of her opposite knee.

  Her skin looked as if it had never known the kiss of the sun, and was fully revealed to them as she wore no clothing beyond a couple of woven white leather cords to hold a sheathed knife and a simple pouch at her waist.

  Her short blonde hair was tied up in a bun atop her head with a similar strip of white leather, while numerous black hand marks were made on her body from painted palms.

  Yet as strange as she appeared, even in the dim light her eyes were just as blue as any Amazon they’d seen.

  “Who are you?” Escrya demanded, her spear still raised.

  The answer she got was another scream, the woman spreading her mouth wide and expelling what seemed to be an entire lungful of air to shriek at them.

  It was unnerving to say the least.

  Worse, it was soon echoed from behind by another, and then yet one more.

  The Saenga girls looked around to find themselves in a ring of mostly naked Amazons; by and large their height and complexion a match for their sister, while their expressions ranged from arrogant amusement to naked hostility.

  Helena let out a heavy sigh and lowered her spear, Kaylee and Escrya soon following.

  There was no fighting their way out of this.

  The first of the Darkwood Amazons that they’d seen strode forwards and methodically relieved them of their weapons, handing them off to her sisters.

  She smirked once they were disarmed, then oddly began to count off syllables on her fingers as she spoke.

  “Frightened little girls. Come to die between dark trees. I pity your kin.”

  She’d barely finished speaking when several of the others hissed at her, evidently not liking her little poem.

  “Too many! Frightened is three, not two!” One of the more hostile looking Amazons argued vehemently.

  Her challenge was met with equal passion to the contrary, the sudden argument confusing the Saenga girls.

  “Do you have any idea what they’re talking about?” Kaylee muttered to Helena, leaning close.

  “Not the slightest.” The older girl replied while the pale-skinned Amazons continued to squabble.

  Escrya though, remembered their purpose.

  “Sisters of the Darkwood.” She interjected loudly; “I am Escrya whose-”

  One of the pale-skinned ‘sisters’ turned from the debate just long enough to spin in place and launch a high kick that connected with Escrya’s jaw, knocking her off her feet as the others began to hoot and jeer at her weakness.

  Their apparent leader, the one who’d composed the controversial poem, pulled Escrya’s assailant off of her and let out another sharp shriek that stilled the wrath of her followers.

  “I found them, so their deaths are mine!”

  Dazed on the ground, the teller propped herself up while Helena held Kaylee back from protecting their downed comrade.

  “We must speak with your Matriarch!” Escrya called out firmly once she’d stumbled to her feet.

  Silence greeted her words.

  A moment ago the pale Amazons looked upon them with contempt, now their faces were lifeless masks, their thoughts and emotions a mystery.

  Their leader looked them over, her face as guarded as any of the rest as she measured them.

  A full minute later she shoved her fist into the air in some kind of symbolic gesture that all of her pale sisters mimicked.

  “You will meet her;” She promised, still without any hint of emotion; “But only so that her eyes might reflect your death by my hands.”

  Chapter 31:

  Home Sweet Home

  Nameless, Miranda, and their girls got back to Garland in the early afternoon a couple days after saying goodbye to Cordelia and her hive.

  Since the senior operative had already reported everything they knew to their superiors within the Aegis, neither of them had to return to work until the following morning, which gave Miranda a chance to introduce a certain bunny to her new home.

  She and her bond-mates lived a short walk outside of the city, just within the edge of a large strand of trees and towards the mouth of the valley where the main thoroughfare led into the city from the southwest.

  The house was modest, one story, and painted in earth tones, with a lily-pad shaped pool in the yard.

  “This is your home?” Rebecca asked as she looked around.

  She bit her lip when Jan’s hand squeezed her ass, the Wolfen obviously a big fan.

  “It’s your home too sweetness.” She promised as she leaned over the Lapin’s shoulder to lick at her neck and cheek; “Though we don’t get to spend much time here.”

  There was a joyful cry right before a sudden splash as Jez landed in her pool, her legs flexing inwards and shooting back out again just like the frog she was as she swam the entire rim of it in no time at all.

  “There’s so much space!” Becks marvelled when she was able to tear her eyes away from the strangely mesmerizing sight of the girl swimming underwater.

  The Lapine had lived in Algrade long enough to become accustomed to the cramped buildings and busy streets, but she’d grown up in her family’s warren in the countryside and appreciated the return to a more open setting.
/>   “And privacy.” Miranda added a bit smugly; “The main road is back that way, on the other side of those trees. So look forwards to lots of naked sunbathing.”

  Rebecca giggled, her cheeks turning a bit pink, but then she looked to the pool.

  Jez was jetting along the bottom of it, and she hadn’t come up for air since she went in.

  “Is she alright down there?”

  “The hard part is getting her out again.” Her bond-mate assured her; “Come on, we should introduce you to the neighbours before we head inside.”

  “Neighbours? But I thought you just said-”

  “Privacy from the city.” Miranda explained; “Garland has many Dryad groves around the outskirts.”

  A short walk later and Rebecca was standing in the middle of a tranquil meadow in the forest, a ring of tall trees around its edge.

  “Bad timing on our part.” The operative mumbled with her hand on one of the trunks, frowning; “They’re communing right now in their trees. Normally they don’t all do it at once though...”

  As she spoke the rich scent of growing things washed around them like an unmoving wind and Rebecca drew in a deep breath, unable to help herself.

  Miranda sighed, likewise enjoying the scent of nature.

  “At least they know you now. Even if you don’t get to meet them in person yet. Are you hungry? It’s about time for lunch.”

  The Lapine fought down a giggle at her bond-mate’s solicitous behaviour, enjoying not only receiving it, but feeling Miranda’s concern for her through their bond.

  “I could eat.” She replied archly, making it clear that she knew what Miranda was doing.

  Her bond-mate bit her lip, catching on that maybe she was coddling the Lapine a bit too much, which of course caused Rebecca to frown when she picked up on her anxiety.

  “Spoil me more, Mistress.” She insisted earnestly; “I won’t ever complain.”

  The corner of Miranda’s mouth twitched into a grin and she threw her arm over the bunny’s shoulder, pulling her in a side-hug and guiding her back towards the house.

  So far as she could tell, Nameless had been completely right about Rebecca, and she was glad to get her alone with her other girls to give her some time to adjust.

  Things got a bit tense the following morning though.

  Becks was thrilled to be bonded, obviously, and that enthusiasm translated into pure energy.

  She was used to running to burn it off, her breed was practically born for it, and since Miranda was in such good shape she figured that she would enjoy running with her...

  Unfortunately her new bond-mate hated mornings more than an indolent teenager, so when she enthusiastically woke her up it was much akin to stepping on a Dragon’s tail.

  Becks ears were flat to her head as she languished in misery in the living room of her new home, now understanding fully why the other three girls had left their bond-mate in bed to sleep.

  But she didn’t wallow long; Miranda had woken fully and realized how badly she had fucked up in snapping at the overly eager bunny and so threw on a robe and went out to meet with her to assuage her guilt.

  “Sorry Becks. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” She tried.

  The bunny shrugged, her pierced ears twitching slightly as she felt her bond-mate’s sincere remorse.

  “I-I’m okay.”

  “I know this has been a lot for you, and we really don’t even know much about each other.”

  “I know the parts that matter.” Rebecca said with a shrug, though it was clear she was only trying to seem blasé about it.

  Miranda chuckled and took hold of her hand, squeezing it gently.

  “So do I, but the other stuff matters too.”

  “Like you not being a morning person?”

  Miranda nodded.

  “I’m sorry I snapped at you. For a relationship to work, two people need to make room in their lives for each other. And here we are, a fivesome! It’s not always going to be all sunshine and roses.”

  Rebecca leaned against her, the Lapine’s arm going around her waist.

  “Maybe. But it just feels right to call you Mistress and to hold you like this. Monster girls always talk about the bond, but we never understand it, not really, until we have it. I think so anyways.”

  “You like to run in the morning?”

  Becks nodded.

  “I’m sorry I woke you.” She said with naked vulnerability in her voice.

  “And I’m sorry I snapped at you.” Miranda replied before kissing her brow, the bunny’s long ear tickling her temple as she did; “Kala’s always the first one up. She trains first thing, I’m sure she would be happy to run with you.”

  “So would I.” Jan volunteered; “Sorry Mistress, you can spoon with Jez tomorrow morning.”

  Miranda chuckled.

  “I guess that’s all settled then. For now I need to write you an introduction letter for the academy. And after that the rest of us need to get to work.”

  “Be careful.” Rebecca said.

  Left unsaid was her desire to go with them, but she knew she wasn’t ready.

  The human was about to brush off her concern with a joke, but thought better of it, instead kissing her brow again.

  “Always. And your time will come once you’re through with the academy.”

  Despite having bonded to the senior Aegis operative, Becks had no training, so she would have to go through it like any other cadet if she wanted to join her bond-mate in the field.

  At least now that she was bonded to an existing member, her acceptance to the Aegis was guaranteed, so no more nerve-wracking applications to fill out.


  Despite their assignments being typically very different, by late morning Miranda was seeking out Nameless again, Jez riding on her back.

  Her commander, Dawn Morrow, had heard a disturbing rumour and had asked for the senior operative to check it out.

  She found him and his bond-mates just as they were going to break for lunch at the auction house where he’d been assigned.

  Her timing was fortunate, as Ophelia had arrived to accompany them home just before she got there, but lunch was forgotten with Miranda’s interruption.

  She got right to the point.

  “Nina, do you know anything about Ogres?”

  “Giants. Like me, only smaller.”

  Miranda briefly closed her eyes and gave a quick shake of her head to dispel the confusion that always seemed to surround Nina conflating size with strength, all while typically being the smallest person in the room.

  “What’s up?” Nameless prompted.

  “The Aegis has had some reports of an Ogre not far outside the city, on the road towards Greyhaven, they want me to investigate.”

  “Just you?” Nina frowned; “No offense to Kala and Jan, but an Ogre isn’t a joke.”

  “What about me?” Jez demanded indignantly from over Miranda’s shoulder.

  The Gigas smirked at the little frog, quite fond of her for her ability to create drama out of nothing, not to mention for saving Nameless’s life in Algrade.

  “You’re not a joke either squirt. But you still can’t take on an Ogre.”

  Jez sniffed and adopted a superior look.

  “Probably maybe I could.” She muttered.

  Before the frog could extol on her combat prowess further, Ginger interrupted them by poking her head around the divider that separated Nameless’s desk from hers.

  “Hey Nameless, did you finish your interview with that- oh!” She stopped herself when she spotted Miranda and Jez, but she recovered quickly to snap a salute to her chest; “Sorry ma’am, what’s going on?”

  “Aegis business, butt out.” Jez declared in the same gruff voice she’d tried on Cordelia just days prior.

  It didn’t work any better this time, eliciting only a giggle from the not-even-remotely intimidated redhead.

  “Heh, you’re a little cutey aintcha?”

  Miranda ignored the int
erruption while Erica snickered at the frog’s pout.

  “Yeah, an Ogre isn’t a joke, but we still need to check it out.”

  Nameless squeezed past her to hand the interview report off to the burningly curious Ginger.

  “You want us to come with you… ma’am?”

  The senior operative frowned as she looked towards Nina.

  “I’d like her to at least.”

  “Cool.” Nina nodded; “And since he’s got my heart stuck to his wrist forever, that means he has to come too.”

  Miranda’s frown deepened as her eyes narrowed into a glare, not falling for the same lie that she’d used on the council.

  “Bullshit Nina. We both know you can remove it.”

  “Huh, maybe I could at that. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to. Oh well. Should we stop wasting time and head out?” She finished innocently.

  The Gigas knew that Nameless wasn’t happy about being stuck in an office, even if the work was fulfilling, and she also knew that he would never complain about it, so if she could spring him for an afternoon stroll by being stubborn, she would.

  The operative rolled her eyes but assented.

  “Fine, but if he gets smacked around by an Ogre, that’s on you.”

  “Like that’ll happen.” Erica smirked; “She’ll be too busy trying to get into his pants.”

  Not wanting to get into it, Miranda shook her head and left, forcing Nameless to scramble to keep up.

  Meanwhile Ginger watched them go, a look of longing on her face.

  “Why can’t I go on any adventures?” She muttered in complaint.

  Outside they linked up with Kala and Jan and headed out, though Nameless took a moment to reach out to Volka and let her know what they were up to.

  In all honesty, he was a bit puzzled at the Aegis response to a simple rumour, especially given how busy they were.

  But when he voiced his confusion, he earned a long-suffering sigh from Miranda.

  “Do you know why the Ogres trashed the Aegis’s old headquarters?” She asked.

  “Not... exactly. History wasn’t a big part of the training. All I remember from school was that it had something to do with a proposed law, one that was later struck down.”


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