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Off Limits: Playboys of New York Series

Page 16

by Low, JA

  “I hate that Walker’s destroyed your worth. You have no idea the way Noah looks at you. Even that first time meeting him on our holiday, he looked at you like he had found a precious diamond, and he couldn’t quite believe that you were interested in him. He’s always been there for you, Chlo, in the background, ready for when you realize that you too had found a precious diamond of your own.”

  My hearts thunders in my chest at Ariana’s words.

  “You were never like this with Walker. Each time I saw you, bit by bit you were turning into a wannabe Stepford wife.” Really? “Walker was changing you, molding you into what he wanted, not what was best for you.”

  Was he? I didn’t think I’d changed that much. I thought I was just growing up.

  “It was gradual. Bit by bit each time we saw you, your clothes had changed, or the way you styled your hair.”

  “I had no idea.”

  Ariana holds my hand in hers. “We never wanted to say anything because you seemed happy.”

  “I thought I was. Looking back, I realize I wasn’t.”

  “Noah doesn’t want to change you. He likes you for you.”

  Maybe she’s right. “I’m a mess. This getting old shit is giving me a headache.” Ariana smiles. “Hang on… did you not stay here last night?”

  Slowly processing my morning, Ariana’s cheeks turn bright red.

  “Um… yeah. Ewan and I might have, um… got a hotel room.”

  I squeal and bounce up and down on the sofa, wrapping my arms around her. “I knew it. I knew it.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “He’s nice.”

  “Nice? Please tell me that man is more than nice.”

  “Okay, he’s kind of amazing. But he lives upstate, and I’m in the city.”

  “Um… hello. It’s like an hour away. You can rent a car. Uber it. Train it. There are ways to hang out.”

  “We’re both so busy. When he’s on a building site, he works seven days a week.” I frown at my friend. “It’s just not going to work, other than friends.”

  “What? No!” Slumping back into my chair, I was counting on them moving to the country, having little lumberjack babies and building stuff.

  “It’s just not the right time.” She looks at me sadly.

  “Well, I still have hope for you two.”

  “As do I for Noah and you.” She’s smiling at me.

  Fine. I get what she’s saying.

  “What’s going on with Emma and Anderson?” I ask changing the subject.

  “I have no idea. But I didn’t see them all night, and she hasn’t come home. Neither has Stella or Lenna.”

  “Really? Everyone got lucky?”

  “Looks like it.” We both burst out laughing. I guess everyone had a great night after all.

  “I need a shower and some fresh clothes.”

  “Yeah, you do,” Ariana teases. “I better get going, I have a ton of work to get through.”

  We hug and say our goodbyes.

  I think I might pour myself a nice bubble bath and relax before I pop over and apologize to Noah for freaking out on him like I did.



  I’ve fucked up with Chloe. Cursing, I pace around my townhouse. She couldn’t get away from me quick enough. Seeing her devastated sitting on the ground with tears streaming down her face, it broke me.

  She regrets sleeping with me. That much I can tell, but I don’t want to lose her. Maybe the happily ever after I thought we might get isn’t in the cards. If we can’t be anything more, then I don’t want to lose her friendship.

  My doorbell rings. Hope bubbles to the surface, maybe just maybe, she’s changed her mind, and I’m freaking out for no reason. Opening the door, I’m surprised to see Ariana on my doorstep. But where’s Chloe? Is she okay? Has something happened? Panic laces my entire being.

  “Hi, sorry to pop over on you like this. Do you have a moment?” I usher her into my home, She walks into the kitchen and awkwardly stands.

  “Can I get you a drink or something?”

  “No, thank you. I just wanted to talk to you about Chloe.”

  Oh, is this the leave my friend alone talk?

  I grab myself a bottle of water and lean against the island bench waiting for it.

  “Chloe has no idea I’m here,” Ariana confesses. “She’d kill me if she knew, but I need to say something.” Be polite, she’s just protecting her friend. “Don’t give up on her.”

  That’s not at all what I was thinking she was going to say.

  “Not sure if she told you, but last night, Tracey and Walker got engaged.”

  Say what!

  “Yeah… on her birthday. They will do anything to hurt her. And as much as she’s trying not to let it bother her, I think it has.”

  “I don’t get why they won’t leave her alone.”

  Ariana nods in agreement. “Walker likes to win. He’s also a control freak. Chloe leaving him and embarrassing him so publicly kills him. He doesn’t care about Tracey. She’s just a pawn in some messed-up game he’s playing with Chloe.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. “Do you think he’s dangerous?”

  Shaking her head. “I don’t think so. But then again, I didn’t think he would put his hands on her like he did in Vegas.”

  Flashes of that night hit me, my fingers crunch around the water bottle, and it makes a cracking noise as I squash it.

  “You know I would do anything to keep her safe.”

  “I know you would.” Ariana smiles. “Chloe’s all a muddle this morning because she’s worried that Walker’s messed her up. That she won’t ever be good enough for anyone.”

  “Fuck, I hate that man.”

  “Me, too,” Ariana agrees. “She’s scared of her feelings for you.”


  “Maybe I’ve overstepped, but I kind of assumed you have feelings for her, too.”

  Silence falls between us for a couple of beats.

  “Of course, I have feelings for her. I’d be an idiot not to.”

  Ariana smiles. “She mentioned she thinks you want more, and that’s why she ran this morning. Not because she doesn’t feel the same way. Actually, it’s just the opposite, because she does. I’m totally breaking girl code right now,” Ariana warns me.

  “But why for me?”

  “I see the way you look at her. Like you’re the luckiest man in the world to have her in your life.”

  Like an arrow to my heart, her words hit me at full strength because she’s so right. “I am. My life’s better with her in it,” I confess.

  Ariana’s face softens. “That’s what I thought. I just wanted to say… don’t give up on her. She’s a little confused at the moment. Give her time, it’s all she needs.”

  “Thanks.” Her words relieve me of the torment I’ve been suffering through this morning. “I’ll wait. She’s more than worth it.”

  “Good. Now, I better go before she notices where I am and then kills me.” I walk Ariana to the door. “One more thing…” she turns around glaring at me, “… stop it with the bimbos and the phone sex in your office.” How the hell does she know, but then she continues with, “Girls talk.”

  “I’m done with that life.”

  “So, the ‘playboy twin of New York’ has fallen?”

  “I hate that nickname.” I groan at her words. “I’m hers.”

  Ariana smiles and pats me on the arm. “Good to hear.”

  And with that, Ariana leaves me with my thoughts.

  * * *

  Flicking through the channels, my doorbell rings again. I guess that must be my late lunch. Jumping up off my couch, I grab my wallet and head to the door. Opening it, I wasn’t expecting to see my delivery guy and Chloe on my doorstep.

  “He wouldn’t let me give it to you. He basically said he didn’t believe I knew you.” I open my wallet and shove bills into his hand. He mumbles some form of thanks, hands the bags to Chloe as he runs back down
the stairs to his car.

  “Can I come in?” she asks tentatively. I usher her into my home.

  “This smells amazing,” she says while she places the bags onto the kitchen counter.

  “I’ve got plenty if you want some.” Grabbing two bowls from the cupboard, I set them on the counter.

  “Sure.” We stand in silence as I divide up the Mongolian beef and sweet and sour pork, then the fried rice. “Were you expecting company? There’s a lot of food.” She nervously bites her lip. Does she seriously think I would have another woman over after what happened between us last night?

  “I was going to drown my sorrows in Chinese.”

  Her eyes widen at my comment. “I’m sorry, Noah.” She plays with the chopsticks nervously as she apologizes. “I just—”

  “I saw Walker’s Instagram.” I did actually check it when Ariana left, the comments are disgusting.

  “Oh…” She sounds quite surprised by my admission.

  “I wish I had punched him harder in Vegas.” The smile that crosses her face is contagious. “Come, sit, let’s eat.”

  She nods and follows me into my living room. I sit on my sofa, but she hesitates for a moment wondering if she should sit beside me. I tap my palm against the soft fabric to indicate she should sit beside me. She does, and we eat in comfortable silence while watching Netflix. It’s nice having her here in my home, doing nothing but relaxing.

  I’m so gone for her.

  “That’s good Chinese.” Chloe begins to clean up, but I halt her.

  “Leave it.” Placing her plate on the coffee table before us, she sits down again, curling her legs underneath her, keeping her eyes firmly on the television. “Chlo…” Grabbing her attention, she sucks in a deep breath before turning to me. “We need to talk.”

  Chloe gives me a weak smile. “I know.” Nervously she wrings her hands in her lap. “About this morning… I shouldn’t have run.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for,” I state trying to reassure her.

  “I panicked.”

  “I know.”

  “What happened between us…” Chloe turns away from me thinking over her words. She’s going to tell me we can’t do it again, that we should just be friends, colleagues, anything but what we should be.

  I’ll wait, Chloe Jones. I’ll wait until you’re ready for us.

  “Last night…” she bites her lip, “… I want more.” Turning to me, she surprises the hell out of me, and I’m stunned momentarily.

  “More?” Slowly processing what Chloe’s saying, she nods her head.

  “Is that offer of a date still on the table? Because, um… I wouldn’t mind it.” I can’t believe the words that are coming from her lips.

  “Of course, it is.” My stomach somersaults as I shuffle nervously in my seat. “So, you and me?”

  She nods, and a faint blush fall across her cheeks. “On one condition…” She holds up her finger at me.

  Anything. I’ll do anything.

  “Actually, two conditions.” I nod. “One, we’re monogamous.” Easy. It’s always been her. “Two, we don’t tell anyone at work.”

  My eyes widen. “What do you mean?”

  “We can tell Lenna and Logan, but that’s it. The young girls in the office already hate me because of you. If they know we’re dating, I think they might poison my coffee.”

  This makes me laugh as I reach out and pull her to me. She comes willingly, straddling my lap. Pulling her lips to mine, I give her a slow and sensual kiss, letting her know exactly how much I want her.

  “Fine. Strictly professional at the office. But I have a condition of my own.” She raises a brow at me. “When we are out of the office, it’s fair game.” She grins but agrees. Good. “Oh, and another condition…. I want you in my bed every night.”


  I shake my head. “Non-negotiable, sweetheart.” Leaning forward, I capture her lips again, showing her exactly how much I will be worshipping her in my bed every single night.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she groans, pulling away.

  “I mean it, Chloe. You can go back in the morning, do what you have to do. You can have your alone time whenever you need it, but I want you with me, in my bed, at night.”

  Chloe sighs. “Damn you and your words, Noah. How can I say no to that?”

  “You can’t.” I grin.

  She rolls her eyes. “Fine, I’ll spend my nights with you.”

  Now that’s settled, I think we need to seal the deal on this contract.

  Picking her up off the couch, she lets out a squeal as I walk her through my home and up to my bed.



  “There’s nothing to be nervous about,” I try and reassure Chloe as we walk toward Logan’s office.

  “What happens if he fires me?” I give her my ‘over my dead body’ look. I let my hand brush hers as we walk along the corridors. She gives me a little frown—I know one of the rules is not to let people at work know about us, but I’m discreet.

  “This is just a formality,” I reassure her.

  We reach Logan’s office, and I open the door for her. Lenna’s already sitting waiting for us with paperwork spread out across Logan’s desk.

  “Please take a seat.” Logan’s tone is curt. What the fuck? “I’m assuming you’ve called us here today to inform us that you’re dating?” Logan starts.

  “Y-Yes…” Chloe stutters.

  “What the hell is your problem?” I cut all civility from this meeting with my words.

  “Nothing. It’s protocol. If this…” my brother waves his hand in the air between us, “… goes foul, then I need to cover your ass.”

  Looking over at Chloe, whose shoulders have sunk from Logan’s words, I’m starting to become angry. No. He’s not going to destroy what Chloe and I have because of our past. Fuck him.

  “Maybe I should be asking you the same thing, brother.” My tone is sharp and to the point. Lenna tenses beside me. Logan’s eyes narrow and flare with anger at me questioning him. Lenna clears her throat and sits up straighter.

  “I’m happy you two are together…” she looks between us, “… but Chlo, I need you to fill out this paperwork because of it.”

  Chloe nods her head and takes the paperwork and reads through it. She signs on the dotted line and gives it back to Lenna.

  “Happy?” I ask my brother.

  “Yes. Very.”

  “I’m assuming Lenna you’ve signed the same paperwork?”

  Lenna’s eyes widen, and I can see the panic written across her face over my question.

  “It’s not necessary, nothing is going on nor will ever go on,” my brother adds.

  Lenna’s face cracks ever so slightly at his words. Fuck, my brother’s a dick.

  “I better go file this paperwork.” Lenna stands abruptly.

  “Yeah, I better get back to work, too,” Chloe adds.

  We watch in silence as they both leave Logan’s office.

  “What the fuck is the matter with you?” I glare at my brother.

  “What? I’m just protecting what we’ve worked so hard for all our lives. I’m not going to let some woman ruin it.”

  “Some woman?” Standing quickly, my chair scrapes along the floor. My palms come down hard against his desk, the sound echoes through the room. “You know Chloe isn’t some woman to me.” Logan crosses his arms against his chest and leans back in his chair. The damn cocky son of a bitch.

  “We all know you don’t have a very long attention span when it comes to dating.”

  I’m seconds away from punching him out. My fingers are itching to form a fist and send a strike his way. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’m being the sane one here. You can’t see the forest for the fucking pussy.”

  That’s it! I launch myself at my brother and grab him by his business shirt. “Fuck you! Fuck you!” Choking him with my hands, I hear the office door swing open then slam.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Anderson pulls us apart. “You do realize you’re at fucking work? Act fucking professional. Will ya!” he scolds us.

  We let go of each other and straighten our suits and ties.

  “Now what the hell are you two ladies fighting about? Did Logan piss in your Wheaties?” We both glare at him but stay silent. “I can sit here all day, ladies. I have nowhere I need to be.” He crosses his arms as he takes a seat opposite us.

  “Chloe and I are together,” I tell him.

  “Well, no shock there. Why are you so angry?” Pointing his question directly at Logan.

  “Because he isn’t seeing clearly. I’m trying to protect our business,” Logan tries to defend himself.

  “You think Chloe’s after the business?”

  “No,” Logan answers. “But—”

  Anderson stops him there, by holding his finger up. “There’s no but. You’ve been on the whole Noah and Chloe ride all year. She’s a brilliant employee. She’s kept her distance from Noah for the sake of the business.”

  “How do you know all this?” I question my friend.

  “Spousal privilege.”

  Logan and I look at each other—has Anderson lost his damn mind.

  “Spousal as in married?” Logan asks the burning question.

  “Yeah. Exactly that.”

  “Are you high?” Because it seems like he’s high on something, just not sure what exactly.

  “I’m a professional, unlike you two. I don’t bring that shit to work.”

  “Who are you married to?” Logan presses.

  Anderson rolls his eyes. “You’re not the only one with women problems. I’m not a pussy like you two. I keep it to myself. I don’t need to talk about my feelings with every single person who crosses my damn path.”

  “Who the fuck did you marry, dickhead?” I’m losing my patience with him.

  “Emma, of course,” he states as if it’s glaringly obvious.

  “What the fuck?” Logan and I yell.

  “How? When? I didn’t even know you two were seeing each other?” A million questions run through my head right at this moment.


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