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The Cosmic Tarot

Page 12

by Jean Huets

  Concrete financial planning and discipline are essential. Maturity and a realistic outlook, and time and patience, will bring success or at least stability. One should review carefully one's assets—something might have been overlooked. Compassion for those who are worse off gives a sense of perspective.

  Meanings - Failure. Bad business. Hard work with little success. Hazardous speculation. Bad investments. Ingenuity. Growth. Hard work begins to yield fruit. Inventiveness. Good business.

  Eight of Pentacles

  A woman gazes at a rose that is surrounded by eight pentacles and illuminated from above. The rose symbolizes human love: the passion of a lover, the loyalty of kinfolks, joy in the presence of friends, affection for animal companions, as well as compassion for all beings.

  The eight of pentacles indicates the possibility of putting one's physical resources to the service of a higher cause. This can be in the form of a donation to charity, or it can be work for a cause. Cooking a meal for family and friends or for homeless folks, knitting a sweater for a soldier overseas or little caps for premature babies in hospitals, reclaiming wasteland with a garden for all to enjoy, making a toy for a child, being a buddy to an ill person are all ways in which we enjoy sharing our earthly resources.

  On the highest level, such work is done humbly, without the wish for return or reward. Generally, though, even the most modest person appreciates the gift of appreciation.

  Meanings - Wisdom. Reason. Skill. Humility. Cleverness. Fulfilling work. Apprenticeship. Craftsmanship. Quickness to learn. Modesty. Ambition. Greed. Vanity.

  Nine of Pentacles

  A woman sits amidst riches, a key in her right hand. Coins come out of a treasure box.

  The image framed by the window is a bit unreal. The house, the big car, the surrounding park, even the bird seem placed for effect. The accoutrements of wealth, which include, of course, a beautiful woman, are as if staged; one almost expects a voice-over extolling a brand of wine or the powerful motor of the car.

  The woman holds the key to the scene. If she is imprisoned by her wealth, she also has the means to be released from it. It is she who has set the scene, and she can let down the curtain any time she wishes. The nine of pentacles can indicate control over one's circumstances, but it can also hint at a feeling of being a spectator to one's own life.

  The nine of pentacles indicates a dynamic person who has the ability to stage scenes, to make things happen. Part of this person's power may derive from material wealth. Mostly, however, imagination and the knack of organizing other people to get the job done make this person the calm and collected center of a self-created world. She is terrific at organizing large groups of people à la Cecil B. De Mille.

  Operatic works, glitzy charity balls, lavish weddings, haute couture fashion shows, huge conventions, film or stage productions with enormous casts and ever-changing sets: she can handle them.

  Meanings - Gain. Growth. Popularity. Property. Abundance. Material wealth. Setting trends. Backstage life. Organizing spectacles. Material well-being. Waste. Diversion. Roguery. Possible loss of a valued friendship or a treasured possession.

  Ten of Pentacles

  A luxuriously dressed young man holds a white bird in his hand. In spite of his palatial surroundings, the youth looks pensive, almost sad.

  The youth on the ten of pentacles savors a romantic Weltschmerz, world weariness, from a surfeit of riches. Everything has been given him, but it isn't enough. The young man cradles a bird near his heart. Perhaps he feels like a bird in an elegant cage. He may be unsure of whether he would even be able to fly, should he liberate himself.

  The ten of pentacles illustrates an experience that each of us has at least once in life: reaching a pinnacle of complete success and recognition. We may receive an honor, an award, a degree, a promotion; our work is published or exhibited; a courtship culminates at our own spectacular wedding.

  Unexpectedly, though, the happiness at the peak is mixed with a feeling of emptiness. The prize is in our hand, but in a corner of ourselves, we are sad and perplexed. We may have the feeling of standing still while the world rushes on past us.

  Contentment can avoid apathy and ennui if it is sparked with the inspiration to understand and carry out the demands of our innate capabilities. A surfeit of riches or success can instigate soul-searching and provide direction for more meaningful activity.

  The ten of pentacles indicates talents waiting to be used. The potential to create, to build, is ripe; all the necessary abilities are in place. A supportive network of friends and relatives is ready to help. The young man on the ten of pentacles may be someone who is about to venture into the world, his confidence bolstered by the loving pride of his family. The capital necessary for a new venture is likely to materialize. If success has been met, enjoy—and move on to the next project.

  Meanings - Security. Happiness. Developed talents. Lively habits. Riches. Safety. Family matters. Ancestry. Inheritance. Home. Venture. Danger. Bad odds. Possible loss. Robbery. Loss of inheritance. Dissipation. Gambling.

  Princess of Pentacles

  The princess exists in a beautiful landscape of rock formations, waterfalls, and flowers. She wears a pentacle on her gown.

  The princess of pentacles is very much of the earth realm. Comfort, sensual pleasure, material wealth are some of the things that make her happy. Earth inclinations can bring about greed, but usually the princess will fulfill herself through down-to-earth plans followed by hard, practical work. Because of her sincere involvement in labor, the princess is good at supervising others, able to give orders without being tyrannical or partial.

  She is not exceedingly proud, but since she is sensitive to the prestige of others, she is not likely to cause others to lose face. Corporate politics are to her an exasperating distraction from the job at hand.

  Concern with material wealth can make the princess of coins the ultimate capitalist or the ultimate communist—both opposite sides of the same coin. The system of access to material wealth is, in her eyes, the determining factor in social health. If she is a scholarly type, she will devote herself to economics—probably conservative, possibly progressive. She may have a deep commitment to fair use of land resources or to alleviation of hunger. On the other hand, she could have a deep commitment to preserving wealth for her class or family, or merely for herself, regardless of moral or global considerations.

  The princess of pentacles may be a sculptor, especially one who works with stone or metal, a potter, a smith or jeweler, or someone involved in the mineral fuels industries.

  Meanings - Young, strong, promising person. Carefulness. Communication. Deep concentration and application. Scholarship. A do-gooder. Fondness of luxury. Spoiled person. Failure to recognize obvious facts. Illogical thinking. Wastefulness.

  Prince of Pentacles

  The prince is a confident young man wearing luxurious clothes. The banner and fence behind him give the impression of a military camp, as do the epaulets and cuffs of his jacket. The banner is topped with the symbol of Venus; on a cliff is a bull, symbol of Taurus.

  Taurus is the most luxury-loving sign of the zodiac, and is especially drawn to the treasures of the earth: gems and minerals. The prince of pentacles can be ostentatious, as he is fascinated by "all that glitters." Pleasures of the body can also ensnare Taurus, who is ruled by Venus.

  The earthy nature of the Taurean bull is reflected in deep-rooted loyalties to people and to place. Taurus does not delight in belligerence, but he will fight to preserve the religion, homeland, and customs of his clan. A firm sense of rightness can make him immovable. The prince's arms crossed over his chest, together with his narrowed eyes, give the impression that, like the bull, he will hold his ground.

  The prince of pentacles reflects a militant stand on issues of homeland, the rights of indigenous peoples, access to natural resources, ecology. The organization Greenpeace is a prince of pentacles manifestation, as are those on the other side of the coin, industrialis
ts who believe that society benefits from the exploitation of earth's resources, regardless of ecological ramifications. Struggles between ethnic groups for tracts of land are prince of pentacles dilemmas.

  The prince of pentacles is a good person to have as an ally. Once his loyalty is established, only blatant betrayal will uproot it. He is generous to friends and family, giving his wealth, time, and emotional support.

  If there is a problem, the prince of pentacles will patiently and methodically work until a solution is reached, no matter how long it takes. His deliberateness and innate caution may lead others to consider him stupid. Dullness can be a trait of the prince, but more likely his wheels are turning efficiently behind an impassive facade.

  The prince of pentacles is probably the worst person to have as an enemy. The vendetta may have been invented by him; time is no barrier to the prince's revenge. A tendency to perceive outsiders as enemies may cause problems, but as this tendency is rooted in an excess of loyalty rather than in paranoia it can be ameliorated with reason. The Libran king of swords, a fellow Venusian with a lighter touch, is the one to soften the Taurean prince of pentacles.

  Meanings - Persistence. Inventiveness. Reliability. Readiness to help. Solidness. A true friend. Methodicalness. Pensiveness. Practicality. Patience. Ability to conclude a task. Laboriousness. Indolence. Stubbornness. Apathy. Mercilessness. Narrow-mindedness. Limits set by dogmatic views.

  Queen of Pentacles

  A serene woman is before her palace at the border of a lake. The flower holds a pentacle. The ear of wheat next to the pentacle is symbolic of Virgo, whose house rules harvest. The peak of the building behind the queen is topped with the sigil for Virgo.

  The queen of pentacles is the essence of domestic well-being: good food, beautiful surroundings, repose, friendship, and love. She radiates a sense of composure, of quiet magnificence, of settled comfort. Originality is not her interest; she is for tradition. She craves fine things, both for status and for their intrinsic value. If her home is less than a palace, it may cramp her style, but she will find a way to make it inviting and gracious.

  Because she cannot bear shabbiness, poverty, or mediocrity in her life, the queen of pentacles may indulge in shady business practices, persuading herself that the benefits she reaps will cause no harm to others. Speculation and get-rich-quick schemes are not for her, but with much logical and profit-oriented persuasion, she will back an innovative project. She may be a Robin Hood type, bending the rules to make sure all her dependents have enough on their plates.

  The queen of pentacles indicates a person who is mature and prosperous. Food is one of her major interests; she may be a stay-at-home type whose kitchen always smells of delicious food, which can be sinfully rich or of the earthy "health nut" variety. She is inclined to be plump, unless she is into special diets such as macrobiotics. She is least likely to be seen at an aerobics class, except after big eating holidays.

  Her interests lie in nonindustrial crafts that are traditionally in the domain of women: quilting, weaving, embroidery, basketry, hand-built pottery, knitting, and decorating. She has a strong sense of color and visual harmony, and could be a painter who favors landscapes, still lifes, or bold abstracts. She is also quite at home with books, and may be a librarian or archivist.

  Like the Gemini queen of swords, the Virgo queen is ruled by Mercury the messenger. Her facility at communication, her diligence, and her attention to order and detail make her an ideal secretary on a clerical or diplomatic level. She is also an excellent translator or interpreter.

  In the home and on the job, the queen of pentacles is the one everyone turns to with their troubles as well as their joys. She tends not to confide her own problems unless she is truly desperate, so it is important that her friends and family not forget her needs as she cares for theirs.

  The queen of pentacles may appear as a beloved companion in cat form. A sleek, well-fed cat giving itself a good washing, from ears to toes, is a reflection of the fastidious and perfectionist queen of pentacles.

  Meanings - Good-heartedness. Gentleness. Quiet. Benevolence. Friendliness. Riches. Zeal. Domesticity. Effort. Roots. Prosperity and well-being. Opulence. Generosity. Liberty. Magnificence. Dignity. A noble soul. Submissiveness. Impersonal attitude. Phlegmatic person.

  King of Pentacles

  The king of pentacles sits in an opulent room. He handles two gold coins. In the background is a goat, symbol of Capricorn.

  As partner to the queen of pentacles, the king has a keen interest in business, as well as in legacies, trusts, inheritances, investments—anything that concerns money.

  He is not necessarily greedy. He considers himself a realist. From his perspective, money is the oil of society, capable of bestowing benefit or harm, depending on its use. He is well aware of status and the rewards it can bring in terms of power and favors. The king of pentacles is an ideal capitalist, balancing profit motive with paternalistic concern toward employees.

  The king enjoys being surrounded by the signs of his success, but he buys only what he can afford. He can put up a good show on a poor pocketbook, as he is good at finding bargains and making deals. Credit does not appeal to him, unless he is the one collecting the interest.

  The worry under the smile denotes an attitude that less somber personalities consider pessimistic. The king of pentacles lives under the conviction that one must be prepared for hard times. His first priority is security for self and others. Like the queen of pentacles, the king loves his food, and his chief physical pitfall is a tendency to hoard food in his own body—to be fat.

  Outwardly impatient with foolish expenditures, Capricorn vicariously enjoys the extravagance of others. He values beautiful objects of lasting quality, especially as gifts, since he tends not to spend money on himself. Under a rather miserly exterior, Capricorn has a yielding heart. He will grumble his way to the ends of the earth to help someone in need.

  The king's business and domestic life can be complicated by people giving and getting favors, but he basically prefers a simple life that revolves around work and family. Loved ones may chafe under his wish to control situations and relationships, and he may have a stormy relationship with his volatile son, the Taurean prince of pentacles.

  The king of pentacles is faithful as a spouse, business partner, or friend, and he expects others to be as committed as himself. If one word can describe the king, it is responsible. He is the pillar of strength in his clan.

  Meanings - Diligence. Patience. Talent in mathematics. Wealth. Prudence. Tenderness. Epicureanism. Responsible person. Character and intelligence. Business acumen. Loyal friend. Reliable marriage partner. Wise investment. Ability to acquire money and valuable possessions. Greed. Corruption. Using any means to achieve the desired end. Thriftlessness.

  - Using the Cosmic Tarot -

  divination is just one way in which the tarot can be used. Contemplation of single cards can yield insights into the symbolic values of the cards, which can be applied to dream analysis, meditation, and the arts. One can use the cards to inspire one's own artistic renderings or imaginings. Many people use the tarot as a guide in studies of the Cabala, psychology, religion, alchemy, numerology, and so on.

  This chapter offers divinatory spreads as well as activities that can enhance understanding of the tarot cards and of oneself. The emphasis is on interaction with the tarot, as opposed to passive acceptance of readings.

  Considerations on Reading the Cards

  "Genuine divination is a service performed in the temple of Truth." —Oswald Wirth, Introduction to the Study of the Tarot

  What does it mean, to be truthful? As social beings, most of us juggle truthfulness with self-protection and consideration for others. Sometimes it is difficult to draw the line between hypocrisy and being decent to people. We smile to ingratiate ourselves with others, to conceal pain from our children or from people who might worry if we are unhappy, to conceal vulnerability. Sometimes we conceal the truth: the timing is not r
ight; the area is too sensitive; our truth is not relevant to the situation; we sense the truth is only relative to our own preconceptions or culture; or we simply don't have the courage to come out with the truth.

  Each person has their own measure of honesty and their code of behavior vis-a-vis being truthful and being tactful. What seems to be fairly universal, though, is understanding that the path to the human heart is sincerity and trust, not brutal bluntness. As Norbert Lösche wrote in the booklet accompanying the Cosmic Tarot, "As you look inside yourself, remember that whatever lies close to your heart should be handled not only seriously, but also lovingly."

  A cardreader touches issues of the human heart; sensitivity is essential to a reading that is honest, but not destructive of confidence and peace of mind. The drama of the images in a card spread can have great impact; the most rational, scientific types can be terrified by cards like Death or The Tower.

  If you do a reading for yourself, be aware of your mood, of your vulnerabilities. Never let someone persuade you to read their cards when your instinct resists, and be very careful about reading cards for people who are superstitious or suggestible. A cardreader might feel that the reading ends when the cards are returned to the stack, but many people remember and mull over a reading for a long, long time.


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