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The Inheritance

Page 7

by D Michele Robbearts

  Her father shook his head and said, “Yes sweetheart, your mother was a witch and all of it is true." She felt numb like she was in an alternate reality. And here she thought nothing exciting EVER happened in Emerald Oaks! Wow… She felt like throwing up. Ava knew she had a dumb look on her face but she couldn’t help it. This is not what she expected, like this all had to be a joke. Magic was not real! She wanted to ask him if being a witch is what killed her mother, but at this point, she didn’t think she could take the answer.

  Ava thought to herself, most people inherit money or property or something as simple as blue eyes. It was just her luck to inherit magic. She had to be honest with herself it was kind of exciting. Her father was waiting to see if she had any other questions. Ava had a million… but settled on asking the most important. “If I chose to do the ritual will I always have my powers? Who will train me? Mom wrote this letter thinking she would train me, but she is gone and I don’t know anyone else related to me that is a witch.” Her father thought for a moment, that was a good question. His wife had belonged to a coven at one point in the past. She had a falling out with a few of the other members and had quit going to the gatherings. He wanted to guide his daughter since his wife could not train her. He didn’t have any magic and he knew she needed someone to help her learn about this part of her. If he was going to help, then he had to call Cara Calahan.

  She was the only one of his wife’s coven sisters that had kept in touch with him. She had done so in order to check up on Ava. His wife and Cara had been close at one time. They had a falling out and he had always wondered why. His wife, Aislinn, had not wanted to talk about it, and not wanting to upset her he had left the subject alone. Now, he wished he had found out what the disagreement was about. It didn’t matter now, he had to call and hope she would help his daughter. Avalon still had to decide if she wanted her gift. Time was running out and plans had to be made if she decided to embrace who she was.

  Ava went back to her room to gather her thoughts. Life is never easy for even the most normal person. It is funny how things turn out. Here she was eighteen years old, not only having to deal with her mom not being around anymore but faced with a very hard choice. Magic… Wow! Could she handle that? She was just trying to deal with the loss of her mom. She thought about it… Yes, she felt it in her bones. She was her mother’s daughter. This was a family legacy. Magic connected her to her mom and all the other women in her family line. She couldn’t let her mom down. Her mother wanted her to accept her gift. She had also said if she chose not to accept that she would understand. Ava made up her mind in that moment to accept her inheritance. She would embrace who she really was and make her parents proud. She would become who she was born to be and magic was what would save her.

  The grief she felt crippled her. Her mother would have wanted her to live her life. She was such a free-spirited person and she lives her life to the fullest. Ava had always admired her mom for that. Ava picked the book back up and turned to the next page. The page was beautifully written in calligraphy. It was the ritual to get her powers. It had a list of the things she needed as well as instructions on how to perform the spell. She was scared to mess up the spell. She was supposed to be trained in all this. She had to think of a way to get trained. Ava thought for a minute, she remembered that her mom use to go to meet up with her friends all the time before they fell out. She had a feeling that they were witches too.

  The pieces were starting to come together. She didn’t have much time, she had to gather the items she needed and see if her suspicions were valid. Ava called out to her father to see where he was. He was downstairs talking on the phone. She went downstairs to talk to him and overheard her father say, “I will see you soon, thanks again.” He hung up the phone, then looked up and smiled at Ava. She waited to see what he would say. It didn’t take long for him to tell her. Her father gave her a half smile and said, "I was just on the phone with Cara Calahan, do you remember her? She was good friends with your mom”.

  Ava did remember her, she use to come over all the time for tea and to talk to her mom. Her mother and Cara had an argument before her death and she stopped coming by the house. Ava once asked her mother what had happened but her mother had just said it was personal. She had not asked again, she didn’t want to upset her mom. Her father brought her out of her reverie. He told her that she was a member of her mother’s coven. She was coming over to help with questions about being a witch and to help in general.

  Ava was happy to have her help. She told her father of her decision to accept her powers and her intent to do the ritual.


  It took about thirty minutes for Cara to show up at the house. She was a pretty woman, with light brown hair and warm brown eyes. She had on a long flowing dress that was black and she wore a pentacle necklace. She made Ava feel at ease instantly, “Hello Avalon, I'm so happy to see you again and to know that you know of your gift. I'm sorry for your loss honey. Your mother was a good friend and my coven sister. We all miss her and I'm here to help you if you let me.’’ Ava was so relieved that she had someone to talk to about magic. It was still crazy to her that magic was real. That meant Cara had a gift.

  She wondered what kind of gift she had Ava smiled and said, "I have decided to accept my gift. I need you to help me gather what I need for the ritual and assist me with the ritual if you don’t mind.” Cara agreed to help her. Ava got the book and opened to the page she needed. They had to get the supplies for the ritual. She needed a salt, candles, the items that represented the elements as well as matches and something called a smudge stick. Cara asked her father where he had put her mother's herbs and objects used in her rituals and spells. She had no idea that her mom had a hidden stash of goodies used for magic. Once again, she was at a loss for words. She was still a little skeptical that the ritual spell would work. What if she didn’t really have powers? What if she wasn’t like her family? Her father left the room and went to the basement and came back with a trunk.

  The trunk had always been in the basement. Ava asked her mom about the trunk and she had said it was a family heirloom. It was kept locked. The trunk had always fascinated Ava. It was dark blue colors with what looked to be stars and clouds on it. It had the letter 'M' on it. Her mother’s maiden name had been Murray. Her father placed it on the kitchen table. Cara was looking at the trunk and said, “Richard do you have the key by chance?” Her father went to go get the key. Cara looked at Ava and was glad to see that she was holding it together. Ava had grown into a beautiful woman. She had long black hair and vivid blue eyes that looked almost purple. She looked scared but also excited.

  Richard came back with the key then. "I’m glad I remembered where Aislinn kept it.” Ava took the key from her father and put it in the lock. The key turned easily as Ava lifted the top of the trunk open, she held her breath. Having no idea what she would find in the trunk. It was full of things.

  Everyone looked in the trunk and started to pull the items out. There were jars of herbs and candles. Ava pulled out a bag that contained a bunch of different gems and crystals. Cara pulled out what looked like a knife. She pulled out a wooden cup and a wand. Ava's father held the top of the trunk open so they could finish emptying out the contents. There was a velvet cloth, and a beautiful black robe with an M embroidered on the back. There was also a deck of tarot cards and mirror. The last thing she pulled out was a beautiful wooden staff. When she touched it, she felt a jolt of energy go through her body. All of the objects had to do with magic and Ava found everything utterly fascinating. Once the trunk was emptied out, Ava asked, “What do I do now?” She looked at Cara waiting expectantly for her to have all the answers. She felt so very ignorant and that was not a feeling she liked. She would learn the craft and master it. She would be the best witch she could be.

  Ava’s dad took this a cue and decided to leave them to do their work. He had never been one to interfere in magic making. His wife had practiced her craft at home as well
as with coven. He knew he would get in the way and the whole magic subject gave him the willies!

  Cara and Ava gathered their supplies, it was already ten o’clock and midnight was the deadline. They had decided that she would perform the ascension ritual in the backyard. It was big enough with room in case there were any mishaps. The nature of the ritual required a setting in nature. They didn’t have any close neighbors to see them. Nosy neighbors would definitely not be good. Ava imagined the cops showing up and trying to explain what was going on. “No definitely not good.” Cara had not quite heard her mumbled thought.

  “Ava you need to go shower to purify yourself. Write down the words you need to say while performing the cleansing ritual. Until you memorize the ritual, you can write down the words. Go now and put on the black robe from the trunk. Come back here once you are done. We have to hurry; the ritual has to be complete before the stroke of midnight. Hurry my child… time is of the essence in these matters.” Ava ran to do her bidding.

  The first thing she did was write down the spell. Once that was done, she got the robe, oils, candle and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. The book said that once you started the ritual that you needed to concentrate and fill your mind with pure thoughts. First thing she needed to do was, go get in the shower. She went in the bathroom and lit the candle. Then she disrobed and stepped into the shower, she started the water as soon as the first drop of water hit her, she closed her eyes and started to chant in a steady, clear voice, “Goddess hear me, I seek to purify myself in mind, body, and soul. Hear my plea and be pleased. Grant me the purity of mind, body, and soul… Blessed Be.” She had to chant this three times while the water ran over her body. Once done she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The book said to then put on the robe not drying off. The robe would more or less soak up the water anyways Ava thought to herself. Once that was completed, she closed her eyes and thought of purity and white light then she blew out the candle. Ava then went downstairs to the kitchen, through the French doors, off of the dining room in order to enter the backyard.

  Cara and her father were waiting on her outside. It was fast approaching midnight and she had to hurry to complete the ritual. They had set up a table outside, with all the things she needed for the ritual. Cara told her it was called an altar. She would teach her that soon enough. She went to the altar and waited for Cara to guide her. “Whenever you do magic Ava you need to be aware that it is a serious endeavor. What spells you cast will come back three-fold. That means we don’t cast dark magic or wish ill upon anyone. It will come back worse for you… call it cosmic karma. Don’t take it lightly we witches have to wield our power for the greater good. It is a gift given few from the Father God and Mother Goddess. Most importantly, my dear know that there is true evil out there, we are here to fight that. Check and balances…all things in this world are in pairs. Good and evil, Yin and Yang, male and is a philosophy as old as time. Now… You memorized the ritual and spell? Your mother once told me you only had to read something and it was committed to memory.”

  Ava looked at her then her father, he gave her a nod for encouragement. “I got this!” Ava said. She didn’t want to fail, everything had to be ok.

  She had to do the rest herself. First, she had to create a Scared Circle, it would allow for her to cast her ritual spell in a protected place. Once made, evil could not penetrate the circle. She went to the altar and took the salt and she made a wide circle following the pattern Cara had made earlier. It was a good-sized area and encompassed the altar, as well as most of the backyard.

  She chanted as she sprinkled the salt all the while doing her best to concentrate on her work. She chanted, “I bless this salt as I cast this circle, may it be fit for this circle. Keep out all evil as I work in this circle. May it protect this circle and all who are within… so mote it be.” As soon as Ava said those last words, she felt the difference in the circle. She felt energy like there was an invisible barrier between the circle and the rest of the area. The ritual required her to place a colored candle and object to represent the elements in each corner of the circle. She would be invoking the elements as well as calling the corners.


  She started in the North corner, she placed a green candle and a bowl of soil. This represented Earth, she chanted, “I call to Mother Earth hear my call and come to this circle. I invoke Thee.” She then felt the ground shift, Earth was present. It was working and she was in awe. Next, she went to the East corner, she placed a yellow candle and a feather. “I call to Air hear my call upon the wind and come to my circle. I invoke Thee.” She felt the wind blow and knew Air had answered. South was next. She placed a red candle and a garnet stone in the corner. “I call to Fire, hear my call and bring warmth to my circle. I invoke Thee.” Ava felt warmth all of a sudden like there was a fire near. Fire was in the circle. Last was the West, she placed a blue candle and a bowl of rainwater in the corner. “I call to Water, hear my call and come to my circle. Bring your cool mist to cleanse this circle. I invoke thee.” Water answered with a light mist raining in the circle.

  All the corners were called that left only for her to go to the center and say the final words to call forth her power and complete the ritual. She represented Self or in witchcraft what was considered Ether. Ava walked to the middle and held open her arms, closing her eyes she then took a deep breath. This was it… that do or die moment. Ava just knew it was her destiny, she was fully confident for the first time in her life. It was the first time she didn’t need anyone to assure her. “I call to the Mother Goddess and Father God, the source of all creations in Heaven and on Earth, omnipotent ones, rulers of the elemental realms, bless me with the knowledge of old. Give me the patience and fortitude to do your will. I invoke thee! I invoke thee! I invoke thee!!!” All of the candles in the circle lit up. Ava’s eyes started to glow white. Then her body started to glow making her skin look transparent. It looked as if she was floating in the air. All around her the wind blew, making her long hair whip around her. There was a light rain falling and the smell of the Earth was strong!

  Cara looked on, eyes bulging out saying, “OH MY WORD!” Cara never seen this happen in the ritual before. She was scared and intrigued at the same time. She glanced at Richard to see how he was faring. He looked worried, she hoped this ended well. He couldn’t take another heartache. She looked back at Ava, who was lifted above the ground glowing. All of the elements were present, she felt them. Then to her utter shock, fire shot out from the tips of Ava’s fingers… she screamed as the rain hit her. The loud claps of thunder was deafening. Lighting streaked in the air around them, making everyone’s hair stand on end. The Earth shook and opened up near Ava`s feet. The leaves blew off as the wind kicked up and seemed to last forever then all at once it stopped! Ava floated gently to the ground and the candles lit back up. Calm settled once again.

  Cara had never seen anything like that before. How was that possible? Ava had inherited the powers of ALL the elementals. She would be the most powerful of them all! There was only one other witch that had had those powers. She had turned evil! Morgaine had been the last, the most powerful witch of all time, until now. She went up to the Sacred Circle and stopped at the edge. Cara shouted, “Ava! Can you hear me?” Ava finally looked at her, Cara looked down at Ava. She then told her everything that had transpired. Ava listened to what had happened and felt relieved it was over.

  She was still in the circle, it needed to be closed. Ava stood up on wobbly feet and looked around, the candles were all lit and still in the corners. She felt the power inside of her running through her body. She felt strong and it felt right. She was complete. She faced the North saying, “I release you Earth, farewell, thank you for your presence in my circle… go in peace. Then she went to East, South, and lastly, West releasing the elements. The last thing she did was stand in the middle saying, "I give thanks to the Mother Goddess and Father God for giving me my powers. I thank thee for coming
to my aid and protecting my Sacred Circle. By the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water I release this circle. Go in peace so mote it be!” The candles blew out and Ava felt the circle’s power fade. Cara and her father rushed to hug her. Cara smiled and said, “It has been a hellishly long day lovey, we are going to put you down to bed.” Ava shook her head in agreement. It had been a long crazy day. All three of them went inside to walk Ava up to her room.

  Once she was tucked in with clean pajamas on, Cara kissed her forehead and told her she was going to come stay with them to be close. She wanted to be close to train her. Evil never sleeps…so we need to prepare. She left with the intent to go tell her coven sisters what happened. She was going to come back with her belongings. She was moving in to mentor and monitor Ava’s growth as a witch. They couldn’t afford evil to taint her…Morgaine had proved that a power such as Ava’s had to stay pure.

  They had a hard road ahead of them, and much to do to get Ava ready. Richard looked down at his only child, she was the only thing he had left of his wife. He wouldn`t fail her again, “I love you, Avalon.”

  Ava smiled and said, “I loves you more daddy.” He kissed her cheek and left her to rest.

  Once she was in her bed laying down, Ava thought about the events of the day. Her book was on the bed next to her, no it wasn’t just a book. Cara told her it was her Book of Shadows. Every witch had one that was personal to them. Hers had been passed down through the bloodline of all the women in her family. Only the women had inherited the power of witchcraft in her family. Ava wondered how that came to be, she knew she was named after a magical island. It was a family name, passed down to her from her grandmother. Along with magic what else had she inherited? These were just some of the questions she had. Hopefully her dad or Cara had some answers, she had done it! she was a witch. Cara had told her that her powers were rare. That there had only been one other witch in history that had the same powers of all the elements. That she had been turned to Evil…It was a temptation always there. Evil was called to powers such as what we possess. We have a responsibility because of this. Ava wondered… She just wanted to see…


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