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Dragons of Asgard 2

Page 4

by Jacobs, Logan

  “You almost had it!” I encouraged.

  “Really,” Asta agreed. “We saw it.”

  “Try again.” Kas smiled.

  The tiny dragon let out a little breath, and for a second nothing happened, but then a small portal appeared. It looked just like the portals we often came across in the countryside, except this one was incredibly small. It was just large enough that Blar would be able to fit through, but no one else. I wasn’t quite sure how things worked when it came to portals, if we could possibly try and slip through one smaller than we were, but I didn’t think that was possible, and it seemed dangerous to try.

  “Blar did it,” Kas said with a grin.

  “It’s so small,” Asta cooed. “It’s kind of cute.“

  “That was great.” I smiled at him.

  The little dragon smiled happily back at me and looked at the small portal he’d created. The thing dissipated within a few seconds, but it was still a good effort.

  Blar looked slightly saddened when his portal disappeared, but I simply patted him on the head and told him he did a good job.

  At least we now knew Blar was capable of making one. That alone was a step in the right direction. We didn’t have a lot of time to try and get to Helheim, but if Blar continued to practice, then I was sure he would be able to get us there soon.

  After we practiced making the portal, the girls decided to do some research and practice the spell Preyna had given them, and while they did that, I figured I should go ahead and get cleaned up. We hadn’t been gone long, but I felt the desire to soak in the tub, so I went inside, lit the fire to warm the water, and turned the faucet on.

  Steaming water filled the large bathtub, and I stripped down to nothing and stepped in. The heat of the water felt good on my sore muscles, and I sunk into the tub with an audible sigh.

  Just then, I heard a small scratching sound, and I looked down to see Blar with his two front feet on the side of the tub.

  “Hello,” I chuckled. “Can I help you?”

  He nodded at the water and then smiled at me.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head, but I couldn’t deny him. He was far too precious, and he worked just as hard as I did, so I figured he deserved a nice hot bath as well.

  “Come on in, then.” I smiled.

  Blar grinned before he flew up and then dove into the water near my feet. He came up a second later and leaned his back against the side of the tub, and then his forelegs hung over the edges, as he mirrored my own posture.

  “Oh, you think you’re funny, do you?” I chuckled.

  Blar nodded, sighed, and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the warm water.

  I wasn’t sure if it was cute or strange I was sharing a bath with my dragon, but at the moment I didn’t care. I simply wanted to relax, and that was all I was going to focus on.

  Soon, the girls and I would have to leave for Helheim, and that was just the beginning of this quest. Helheim was the first stop out of what I anticipated to be many more ahead of us. The fulfilling of this prophecy could take months for all I knew, or possibly even years, and I shuddered to think it might take that long for this to come to fruition.

  The dragons in the slave trade needed us now, and I wanted to be there for them. I wanted to do whatever I could to make sure they didn’t suffer any longer.

  For the moment, though, I leaned back further into the tub and allowed myself to bask in the warmth around me.

  But a sudden splash of water on my face made me open my eyes and wipe my face off.

  “Blar,” I said in a mock stern voice, but the small dragon just squirted another stream of water out of his mouth at me, and I had to laugh.

  It was late afternoon when I got out of the bath, which meant it would be dinner time soon. Since neither of the girls really cooked, that fell to me, so I figured I would gather some things from the garden and get to work.

  Before I did anything else, I started a fire so it would be nice and hot by the time I’d gathered all the vegetables and things. Once I had finished that, I thought I could probably catch a couple of fish rather quickly, so I grabbed my supplies and headed to the river not far from my house. It didn’t take long to nab a couple of fish since that area was hardly ever fished from. After I had them ready to go, I got back to camp and gathered some carrots, cabbage, and peas from the garden, as well as a pumpkin so I could make some pie since it was Blar’s favorite.

  I heated up the pan with some bacon fat, and then I laid the fish in it and covered them so they could cook.

  “The spell Preyna gave us seems quite powerful,” Kas told me from across the fire.

  “That’s what we need,” I said with a smile. “Did you two try it out?”

  “We went over it.” Asta nodded. “But there is a downside to it.”

  “What’s that?” I frowned.

  “It only lasts for a few hours,” Kas said, and she bit her lip.

  “I see,” I muttered as I rubbed my chin.

  That was all the more reason for us to find a way to get to the dungeon quickly. If we could only be in Helheim for a few hours at a time, then we needed to make the most of our time there. We’d have to keep track of how long we were there for so we could be sure to leave before the spell wore off. I didn’t want anyone in our party to lose their joy, that would be devastating.

  “I’ll make sure I set a timer on the paper like I did when we went into the castle,” Kas said.

  “That would be helpful,” I agreed.

  “It was nice of Preyna to show us this spell,” Asta said with a smile.

  “It was,” I agreed, and if I was being honest, the beautiful blonde council member was my favorite of the three.

  Preyna was the favorite of the dragons as well, at least Inger and Blar. Uffe liked Rinbar because the council member was tough looking, and Uffe liked to feel tough as well. He hadn’t picked up on flying quite as quickly as Blar and Inger had, but we’d found out his element was earth, so he was a bit more rugged than his twin anyways.

  While dinner was cooking, I went into our small cottage and got three cups of mead for us, and I took a long pull off mine as I walked the other two over to the fire. The sweet drink filled my belly with warmth, and I was once again happy to be home.

  I handed the girls their mead and then sat back down at the fire and continued cooking dinner. I had the pie already made, and it was set on the coals of the fire off to the side so it would bake properly. The fish and vegetables were in a pan on the flames, but they smelled like they were just about done.

  “Thank you,” Asta said with a smile.

  “Of course,” I replied as I took my seat again.

  The sun had gone down at that point, and I looked across the fire at the two women.

  Asta had Inger in her lap, and she petted the little red dragon absentmindedly while she took a sip from her mug. The elf girl’s long white hair was down around her shoulders, and it fell to her waist. I liked when the white locks were styled and braided, but something about it being completely down and free was sexy as hell. Her yellow eyes locked with mine, and I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face. Her pale skin shone with an orange hue from the fire, and she looked gorgeous in her yellow tunic that matched her eyes.

  Kas sat next to the elf girl on the bench, and the strawberry-blonde’s hair was down in its usual mane of curls that bounced with each small movement. Her violet eyes were focused on the book in her lap, and she brought her glass of mead up to her plump red lips without taking her eyes away from the page.

  I glanced around and found Blar and Uffe at my feet. Blar was on my right, and Uffe on my left. Usually, Blar and Inger slept next to each other, but we hadn’t had dinner yet so I wasn’t surprised to see Blar was sitting near me, just waiting for it to be finished. I knew he could smell the pumpkin pie I’d made, and while the pie was his ultimate favorite, fish was a close second. The little dragon would definitely be pleased with his meal tonight.

  I reached down o
n either side of me and stroked the small dragon’s scales. Uffe leaned his head into my hand, smiled, and then laid back down while Blar rolled over onto his belly so I would rub it instead of his head. The two dragons were complete opposites, and not just in behavior.

  Blar was a different kind of dragon than the twins were. The little blue creature had a long, narrow body and two horns on the top of his head, and his attributes were more lizard-like than that of a stereotypical dragon.

  The twins were just the opposite, they were the most stereotypical dragons ever. Both of them had large bodies with long tails and necks, and their little wings protruded out from their backs and appeared almost too small to carry their large torsos. I figured their wings would get larger as they grew so one day they would look like the dragons from Asta’s homeworld. They appeared to be the same species at least, and most of the literature the girls and I had found in the castle depicted dragons that looked like them.

  I was curious as to what species of dragon Blar was. He didn’t look like any of the illustrations I’d seen, and his egg had looked so much different than the ones the twins came out of. Blar’s egg had been spotted, which was curious because the other dragon eggs I’d seen didn’t have any spots.

  I hadn’t been able to find anything about his species while we were researching the first time, but maybe when we went back again I would be able to find something more useful to tell me about him.

  I took another sip of my mead and checked on dinner. It was finished, so I dished up plates for all of us. I handed the girls theirs, and I set the dragons’ dishes on the ground for them to eat. Then the three of them lined up and dug into their food.

  Blar and Inger ate ravenously, and they didn’t seem to care when their fish mixed with their vegetables. They took large bites, and bits of food sloshed out of their mouths as they ate.

  Uffe was much more careful, he ate his vegetables one by one and took his time chewing each mouthful. He ate much more slowly than his twin, but something about that made sense to me. Uffe’s powers were of the earth, and the earth was never in a hurry. It took years, centuries even, to create a mountain or valley. Inger, on the other hand, had powers of air, and the wind slowed for no one. Air was uncontrollable, quick, and constantly on the move, so it made sense the two dragons would behave like their power signs.

  After I finished with my glass of mead, I retrieved another for myself and Asta. Kas had fallen asleep leaned over her book, and I didn’t want to wake her up, so after I set my mead down by the fire, I picked up the sorceress and carried her into our small cottage where I set her on the bed.

  I took the book from her, closed it, and set it on the floor next to her before I covered her with the blanket. The strawberry-blonde sighed and rolled over onto her stomach, so I turned to head back outside.

  When I opened the door, though, I found the three little dragons sitting right outside, and Blar yawned lazily and smacked his lips together. They were all full from dinner, and they were clearly tired now.

  “Don’t wake her,” I whispered as I stepped aside to let them into the cottage, and the three of them immediately crawled onto the bed with Kas.

  Blar and Inger curled up with each other next to Kas’ stomach while Uffe snuggled up by her feet.

  I smiled at the sight of Kas surrounded by the small dragons, and then I shook my head, stepped outside, and closed the door.

  “They all looked tired,” Asta said as I took my seat by the fire.

  “They were,” I agreed. “I let them into bed with Kas.”

  “I’m sure she won’t mind.” The elf girl nodded. “I bet they will keep her warm.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that,” I chuckled. “But I’m sure you’re right.”

  Asta took another sip of her mead, and then she smiled at me from across the fire and leaned forward. I could see her cleavage poking out of the top of her tunic as she leaned over, and I couldn’t help but stare for a second before I locked eyes with her.

  “It is a beautiful night,” she said as she looked up at the stars.

  “It is.” I smiled, but the only beautiful thing I could see was her sitting across from me.

  “Rath?” Asta asked when she noticed me staring at her.

  “Come here,” I said softly. “I want you near me.”

  Asta blushed, but she stood up and made her way around the fire to come sit by me. Her presence near me was enough to make my heart rate accelerate, and the floral scent of her filled my nostrils.

  “You’re beautiful,” I whispered as I pushed a stray lock of white hair back behind her pointed ear.

  “You flatter me,” the elf girl breathed, and she looked down as her cheeks went red.

  I leaned in and kissed her softly on her pouty pink lips, and she kissed me back. Gently at first, but with growing fervor.

  Then I ran my fingers through her hair before my hands settled on the small of her back.

  “Rath,” Asta panted as she pulled back for a second. “I want you.”

  That admission caused my cock to stiffen with excitement, and I started to kiss down the elf girl’s neck.

  “Like this?” I growled as I sucked on her pulse point.

  “Yesssssss.” Asta threw her head back and moaned as I nibbled my way down to her collar bone.

  I quickly grabbed onto her tunic and pulled it over her head to reveal her full, perky breasts. Her pink nipples were hard with excitement, and I reached out and pinched one in between my thumb and forefinger.

  “Oh, Gods,” Asta cried out, and she bit her bottom lip as she pushed her breasts toward me.

  I put my lips back to her neck, and I kissed down to her nipples and pulled one between my lips. Then I felt Asta snake her hands into my hair and grip it hard as she panted above me.

  While my mouth worked on her nipple, my hand worked its way down her belly to the top of her pants. Asta quivered under me with anticipation, and I pushed my hand slowly down into her pants until I could feel her sex.

  She was wet for me, and I slipped a finger inside of her easily.

  “Raaaath,” she groaned as she tightened her grip on my hair.

  I felt her spasm around me, and I slowly slid my finger out only to push it back in further than before. Asta’s slender body bucked with delight as I used my fingers to drive her to the edge, and desire burned like lava inside the pit of my belly.

  I continued to use my tongue to toy with her nipple, and it wasn’t long before she gripped my hair even tighter as her body tensed in preparation for climax. A second later, her pussy spasmed around my fingers, and the feel of her pleasure made me want her even more.

  “Ooooooh, Rath,” Asta squealed as she came all over my hand.

  “That’s it,” I murmured as I allowed her to ride out her orgasm. Then I slid my fingers out of her and placed them into my mouth to suck them clean. They tasted floral and delicious with the wetness of her pussy, and I savored every last drop.

  “I must taste you now,” Asta breathed as she watched me suck on my fingers.

  “You must now, huh?” I smirked.

  The elf girl pulled my face to her own and placed her lips on mine. She sighed as she opened her mouth for me, and our tongues began to dance. I knew she could taste herself on me, and she seemed to enjoy that.

  “Fill me, Rath,” Asta whispered against my mouth. “I want to feel you inside of me.”

  I growled at her words, grabbed her by the waist, and lifted her up so I could yank her pants down.

  The elf girl stepped out of her pants, and then she reached down and undid the piece of leather that held mine up so my erection sprung free.

  Asta licked her lips, and her yellow eyes locked onto mine as she took a step toward me to straddle me. Then she moaned as she perched herself above my cock.

  Her breasts were right in my face, and I reached up and cupped them gently with my hands, which caused her to arch back with pleasure.

  The elf girl finally pushed herself down on m
e and took the whole of my cock inside of her in one smooth motion. Her velvety walls pulsed around my shaft as I bottomed out inside of her, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned at the feel of her. “You’re so tight.”

  “I love the feel of you filling me,” Asta growled as she started to grind on my cock.

  The elven woman gripped onto my shoulders as she moved her hips up and down to bounce on me. Her breasts bobbed in front of my face, and I held onto her waist and enjoyed the view and feel of her.

  “Fuck, you’re so sexy,” I whispered.

  “I want you to release inside of me,” she begged as she threw back her head and quickened her pace. “Fill me completely with your precious seed, Rath.”

  “Yessss,” I growled. Then I gripped her waist hard and lifted her up and down on my cock until her body stiffened once more, and she dug her nails into my shoulders.

  “I-I’m c-cumming, ooooohhhh!” Her pussy gripped and spasmed on me as her needs were fulfilled.

  I wasn’t done with her yet, though, and after she orgasmed I flipped her over and put her on her hands and knees so I could take her from behind.

  I slid inside of her easily, and her pussy continued to clench me as she came even harder on my cock. My thighs were drenched in her wetness, and I savored the feel of it as I grabbed her ass and slammed into her.

  “Oh, Rath!” the white-haired elf woman screamed as her pussy gripped my cock once more.

  Her pleasure overtook her, and her knees collapsed under her so she fell to the ground into a heap of satisfaction, and I landed on top of her and continued to thrust until I was ready to burst.

  “Fuck, Asta!” My cock tensed and pulsated as I filled her with my seed.

  My orgasm overtook me, and I pushed myself as deep inside of her as I could go. Her pussy continued to spasm around me as I filled her up, and we both groaned as our climaxes rose higher and higher together. Only once I was finished filling her up completely with my seed did I allow myself to take a breath, and I lowered my mouth so we could kiss passionately for a few moments.


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