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Mafia Romance

Page 16

by Aleatha Romig, Skye Warren, Annika Martin, Natasha Knight, Kaye Blue, Michelle St. James, Renee Rose, Parker S. Huntington, Alexis Abbott, Willow Winters

  “Fuck you.”

  “No, Araneae, we’ve already discussed that. You’re the one who I’ll fuck, and I will. Right now, you need to think about what happened. Someone set your apartment on fire, most likely after ransacking it. Patrick has Shelly looking into it. We don’t have proof, but we believe someone set the fire to cover a break-in.”

  My head shook. “Why? My apartment has never been broken into before.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “What do you mean? Of course, I’m sure.”

  “You never went for something and it wasn’t where you remembered putting it? You never thought the pillows on your couch were arranged differently or things were moved inside a drawer? Maybe the jewelry you left on the dresser was put away in your jewelry box or the towel you remembered leaving on the bathroom floor was hung up?”

  With each statement my stomach twisted. I had. Every one of the things he’d said, I’d done and experienced. “I-I always chalked it up to—”

  “But now?”

  My heart thumped in my chest. “Why burn it?”

  “To cover up whatever was done. More importantly, they’re sending a message to me. That was why in the helicopter I referred to you as my fiancée. The people on the plane, I trust. Matt is a new addition to my transport company. The regular pilot was unavailable on short notice. We’re watching Matt closely but can’t be confident he isn’t a plant. That’s why I had Patrick sit copilot. Patrick is armed and a hell of a great chopper pilot. If anything had gone awry during the flight, Patrick would have taken care of it. Right now, I want the world to know that you’re mine, and you’re under my protection.”

  “I don’t understand.” The fight I’d been feeling a moment earlier washed away, leaving me limp as Sterling asked about things moving and being out of place. The instances he mentioned hadn’t only happened at home but also at the office. I’d go to open a file drawer that I was certain I’d locked, and it would be unlocked. The chaos room, not that I should have been able to tell, would be changed. I’d always assumed that any rearranging was Louisa, but what if it wasn’t?

  “When we know more, you will too,” he said reassuringly.

  I wasn’t certain I believed him. “Sterling, I’m exhausted. May we continue this in the morning?”

  “I believe the current time of day qualifies.”

  He was right by the clock. “You may not need sleep, but I do.”

  “There’s one more thing.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think I can take one more thing. Please let it wait.” And then my eyes opened wide. “Unless…is it about my friends? Did something happen?”

  “Your friends are safe, and so is Mrs. Powell.”

  Relief flooded my veins as I sank back to the bed. “Thank you.”

  “She’s hospitalized for smoke inhalation, but the reports are positive.”

  “Hospitalized? What about her cats?”

  “Jesus, Araneae, stop thinking of others for a second. This fire was about you.”

  “If it was about me, then I want to be sure her cats are safe.”

  He shook his head, but something in his expression told me that as ridiculous as he thought my request was, he’d do as I asked. I couldn’t explain it, but the feeling was there. “Thank you, Sterling. Please don’t tell me anything else tonight. Let me sleep knowing they’re safe.”

  When he came closer, my skin warmed. I expected him to do something—kiss me good night or tell me it would be all right. Instead, he reached for the phone on the bed beside me.

  “Seriously? You’re taking my phone again?”

  “You need your sleep.”

  “Tomorrow—when I wake,” I corrected, “I’m calling Louisa.”

  He walked toward the door. “When you wake, we’re going to have lesson number two on making uninformed demands.”

  As the door opened, he flipped the light switch and disappeared into the hallway. The click of the shutting door echoed through the dark room as I remained sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Fuck you, Mr. Sparrow, and your lessons.

  Araneae 22

  According to my watch it was after ten in the morning when I finally woke. As my eyes opened, I had that strange sensation of disorientation: that feeling of not knowing where I was, as if my dream world and reality had come together, crashing in an unknown dimension. It didn’t help that I was only wearing my underwear, and the damn underwires were reminding me why I don’t usually sleep in my bra.

  I’d been too tired physically and especially mentally after Sterling left the room to worry about finding my sleeping clothes in my carry-on. Though I imagined lying awake worrying about my apartment, I didn’t. Knowing that Jeanne was safe and the things that meant the most to me had been packed, my last thought before falling asleep was about my neighbor’s cats.

  Opening the blinds, the room flooded with sunlight.

  I’d never been in Canada before, not even to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls right over the US border. From the view from my windows, the land surrounding Sterling’s cabin was pristine. The window looked out toward the tall trees I’d seen last night.

  While in college, I’d gone on a Northern Pacific vacation with the Nelsons, Louisa’s family. I remembered how the pine trees seemed straighter and taller than those in Colorado or those I could recall from Illinois. The trees currently outside the window reminded me of those, while the growling of my stomach reminded me that it had been forever since I’d eaten. The cheese and fruit on the plane had been it.

  Warm water washed over me as I showered, waiting for the food I’d called and asked for to be delivered to my room. Though I hadn’t eaten much since getting on Sterling’s plane, I was definitely clean. Shower number four since I’d awakened yesterday morning.

  A covered tray met me as I wrapped the warm robe around myself and made my way back into the bedroom. More importantly, there was a decanter of coffee. My mouth watered as I poured the rich dark liquid and added cream.

  As I ate and sipped the delicious brew, I let last night’s late conversation replay in my head. It was as I recalled Louisa’s texts that I decided I needed to find Sterling or Patrick soon—whoever had my phone. I had at least one call I needed to make. Probably more.

  Less than thirty minutes later, I was fully dressed with my long hair dried and secured in a side ponytail. Taking one more look in the mirror, I was ready to find my phone and whatever else Sterling Sparrow had in store. My jeans were the same as last night but the sweater was different, a soft shade of pink. The low-heeled ankle boots I’d worn on the helicopter were currently my only choice, besides the ridiculously high sandals from Sterling’s gift.

  I was still waiting on the delivery of the rest of my luggage.

  For a split second, fear prickled my skin as I reached for the doorknob, wondering if it would open. And then without resistance, it did.

  Rita had said that Sterling mentioned I could roam.

  That still begged the question, to where could I roam? Despite my choice of footwear, not anywhere that required bear repellent. Of that I was certain.

  As they had last night, my steps stilled when I reached the walkway above the massive living room. The windows extended higher than the second floor, bathing the room below in shimmering sunlight. Beyond the glass and the yard where we’d landed last night, was a glistening lake extending to the horizon as the sun’s rays reflected off the blue water sparkling like diamonds.

  I had visions of Lake Tahoe, another place I’d visited with Louisa before she was married. At first, we had a condo in Big Bear, a drive from the lake. We’d stayed there until we returned one night to find the door to our condo ajar.

  I gripped the edge of the railing. Nothing had been missing and the resort claimed that the most likely explanation was that the maid had forgotten to latch the door. Needless to say, we weren’t comfortable staying there any longer and moved to a hotel closer to the lake. I couldn’t remember the name, but it h
ad a casino.

  Sterling’s words from last night came back…are you certain you’ve never been broken into before?

  Certainly, what happened in Big Bear wasn’t related.

  That’s what I told myself as I stared out at the untouched wilderness. His words were making me paranoid. That was all it was. As I gave it all more thought, radiating warmth covered my back as the unique spice of Sterling’s cologne filled my senses. Like last night, I didn’t need to turn to know who was behind me.

  “Good morning.”

  The deep tenor reverberated from my ear to my toes and everywhere in between. Slowly, I spun as his hands landed on the railing and strong arms once again caged me. The sunshine from the windows glistened in his gaze as I lifted my chin to see him better. I had to stop myself from reaching up and placing my palm on his cheek. Now cleanly shaven, I yearned to feel the smoothness under my touch.

  What was wrong with me?

  So far, this man had done little to give me anything other than paranoia. He claimed I was his, threatened my loved ones, took me not to Chicago as planned but to a remote location that I couldn’t even pinpoint. He held the name my mother had warned me about, and yet in his presence under his burning gaze, every reason I had to despise him was reduced to ash.

  “Good morning,” I managed.

  “Do you always sleep this late?” His cheeks rose as his lips curled upward.

  “Only when a man keeps me awake into the early hours of the morning.”

  One side of his grin quirked higher as his eyebrows rose. “I believe my goal will be to keep you awake every night, only I plan to use a different technique.”

  My insides twisted at his meaning while at the same time I cursed my non-padded bra and the lightweight yarn of my sweater. He’d said last night that he always accomplished his goals. Would sex be one of them? I didn’t ask.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “I was on my way to find you.”

  “To finish our conversation or explore my new technique?”

  It was my turn to grin.

  As I’d dressed, I gave myself a pep talk, telling myself to stay strong and concentrate on learning more of my past. And yet despite the lecture, as my blood warmed in his presence and my insides turned to molten goo, there was no doubt that I was failing miserably. I couldn’t remember ever being as attracted to any man as I was to Sterling Sparrow. No matter how many times my mind protested, when he was near, my body was kindling and he was the match.

  I leaned back to give myself more space. As I did, half of my body suspended over the railing. “I was thinking you might have my phone.”

  “This is a do-not-disturb getaway, remember?”

  “It’s a little hard to forget.”

  His hand landed in the small of my back, pulling me toward him. “I didn’t bring you here to lose you over a railing.” His motion stopped millimeters before our chests collided.

  I imagined inhaling deeply. Would my nipples brush against his t-shirt? Would he know how hard they were?

  It was then I noticed his casual attire. In hiking boots more rugged than mine, he was wearing a darker pair of jeans than yesterday and a soft gray t-shirt that covered the defined abs I’d seen yesterday when he was…

  Stop it, Kennedy.

  I took a step to the side. “Thank you for saving me. Now, about that phone.”

  His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath. Just as I was about to argue, he pulled my phone from the back pocket of his jeans. “Also, you should call your apartment complex and let them know you’re out of town and have been since late yesterday afternoon. If we’re right and the fire originated in your unit, you’ll be under suspicion.”

  “What? No. Why would they think that?”

  “It’s better to be proactive.”

  With his hand on the small of my back, we walked down the large wooden staircase to the living room below. Once there, I waited for him to move on. When he didn’t, I finally asked, “Do you mind? I’d like some privacy as I talk to Louisa.”

  “I do mind. It’s very important to keep any information about you to a minimum right now. From what I’ve seen and heard, being discreet isn’t one of your strengths.”

  “You know what?” I asked, my free hand moving to my hip. “You really can be an asshole.”

  Scrunching his lips as if stopping himself from smiling, he nodded. “Most people are wise enough not to tell me that to my face, but yes, I’ve been made aware of that virtue.”

  “Virtue? It’s not a virtue. I’m going to make my calls in private.”

  Before I realized what he’d done, Sterling snatched the phone, stealing it from my grasp. “The choice is yours: make the calls here and now or forget the calls and Patrick will respond to Louisa’s texts by text message and your apartment complex by email.”

  “You are fucking unbelievable.”

  “Make up your mind because we have plans.”

  “Give me my damn phone, and tell me why I would agree to any plans with you.”

  Amusement now overpowered his expression. “Does that mean you’ll make the calls here and now?”

  “It means that apparently I don’t have a choice, but I’m pissed.”

  “Good,” he said handing me the phone. “A little fire in your blood will make our plans all that much better.”

  “Bastard,” I muttered as I scrolled to Louisa’s number. Before I hit Call my chin was lifted until my gaze met his dark stare.

  “I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, I had a father.”

  “Sterling, that isn’t what I meant.”

  “I rest my case. You’re too quick to speak without thinking. Now, hurry your calls to Louisa and the apartment complex.”

  “Next you’re going to tell me to put it on speaker.”

  He nodded.

  “Fuck you.” Securing the grip on my phone, I walked to one of the large sofas, one facing the windows, and turned my back on my new telephone monitor. As I hit Call, I lifted the phone to my ear. There was no way I was putting it on speaker. I also wondered if it mattered. Sterling had told me a week ago that all my devices were monitored. Most likely, not only was he hearing what I said, but Patrick or someone in his network was hearing both sides.

  Though Sterling had the decency to stay out of my view, that didn’t mean I couldn’t feel his presence in every nerve in my body. Each nerve and each small hair were like tiny lightning rods, buzzing with the energy Sterling Sparrow emanated.

  Louisa answered on the first ring. “Kenni, thank God.”

  The sound of that name brought a smile to my lips.

  It wasn’t until she asked where I was that I turned toward Sterling. I wanted to trust my best friend—I did. However, if Patrick could monitor my phone so could the people who set my apartment on fire. “Where am I?” I said aloud, repeating her question.

  “Canada,” Sterling said softly from across the room. “Nothing specific.”

  Was this safe to not tell her? I remembered the note I’d hidden in my freezer. If the apartment was gone, that included the refrigerator and the note. What if Sterling was the person I needed to fear? What if his people had started the fire?

  I didn’t want to believe that.

  “Canada,” I said with as much excitement as I could muster.

  “I-I’m shocked,” Louisa replied.

  “It’s absolutely beautiful. The perfect spot to unwind a bit before things get crazy in Chicago.”

  “Jeez, Kenni. I thought you’d be more upset about the apartment. And this trip…it’s not like you.”

  “I am upset,” I retorted. “I can’t believe what happened. At least Mrs. Powell is safe.”

  “I don’t know how you know that, but nevertheless, two people are dead.”

  Her words were a punch to my gut. I’d been so relieved that it wasn’t Jeanne that I hadn’t given the proper attention to the fact that people were dead, most likely because of me. “Have they released the names?”

“No, but from the looks of your building, I’d venture to guess it was the people who lived across the hall from you. The top level is totally gone. I can’t imagine if you were home…

  “Oh, a man from your insurance company called the office. Winnie took the message. She told him you were out of town but would contact them as soon as you could.”

  “Wow, that was fast.” I tried to remember the couple living across the hall, thinking how sad it was that people went on with their lives without reaching out to those around them. “I never talked to those neighbors, really. I saw her a few times in the hallway. We usually just nodded.”

  “Franco called,” Louisa said, changing the subject. “I know you can’t get there until you get back from Ca-n-a-da.” She elongated the word. “But I told him you were going to be spending more time in Chicago and you’d stop by. He said inventory is balancing now, but there is a new concern regarding a driver. There was something about a blip on the security tape.”

  “A blip? What do you mean?” I didn’t like the way that sounded.

  “A time stamp issue. When I told him you’d come see him, he said he’d explain it to you.”

  “Okay.” I changed my tone. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fat and awkward,” she said with a laugh. “I’m ready to hold little Kennedy in my arms and not inside my body. I swear, if my skin stretches any more, it’s going to pop.”

  Hearing her joke and talk about the baby filled me with both joy and concern. “You’re radiant.”

  “That’s what people say. I’m convinced it’s code for you look like a blimp.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Give Jason my love. If I don’t answer when you call or text, it’s probably the reception here. Leave me a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” I turned back to Sterling for the last part.

  After we disconnected the call, I called my apartment complex, explaining as Sterling had advised that I was out of town and devastated by the loss.

  “Ms. Hawkins,” the lady from the apartment’s office said, “there was an insurance adjuster here first thing this morning asking for a detailed log of everything in your apartment. I told him to send you an email.”


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