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Courteously Seduced By An Enigmatic Duke (Steamy Historical Regency Romance)

Page 10

by Scarlett Osborne

  “That’s exactly what I’m trying to do. Are you willing to try?”

  The glint that appeared in his eyes made her breathing grow shallow. Hannah tried to remain normal, even as he slowly made his way to stand next to her. So close to him, she wasn’t sure how she was even breathing.

  “I’ll take that challenge,” he said, taking the stone from her hand. Their fingers brushed for just a second and Hannah wished he had at least taken her hand instead. She would have been able to settle with that for at least a little while. Maybe that would keep lustful thoughts at bay.

  Unaware of her wandering thoughts, Mr. Albertson stepped closer to the edge of the stream. Even so, throwing the pebble with only one finger was bound to be difficult. Hannah wasn’t sure he could do it but a part of her wanted him to succeed.

  Mr. Albertson concentrated for a second. Hannah watched him intently, glad for this excuse to stare at him without judgment.

  Finally, he whipped his arm forward with such speed that Hannah didn’t see when the pebble flew. She caught sight of it in the air and just by the speed and height at which it went, she knew it would land on the other side before it did. She watched in awe as it fell a few feet away from the bank.

  “Wow,” was all she could say.

  “I suppose this means you owe me an answer to my question,” he said smugly.

  Hannah nodded. She wasn’t very concerned with that. She came up with this simple trick just to ask him a question. She didn’t mind telling him anything he wanted to know.

  “Before you do,” she said, picking up another pebble. “It’s my turn.”

  She balanced the pebble on her finger and concentrated with all her might. When she thought she was ready, she flicked her wrist quickly. Hannah held her breath, watching as the pebble fell short of the bank and fell toward the water. To her surprise, it bounced off a protruding stone embedded in the bottom and landed safely on the bank.

  “That should be considered cheating,” Mr. Albertson grumbled.

  “It’s only cheating if I set out to do it,” she said, just as smug as he had been. “I couldn’t have possibly known that would happen.”

  “You win, then. What is your question?”

  Hannah looked at him. Mr. Albertson didn’t look as defeated as his tone suggested. He seemed to be bracing himself, clearly not knowing what she would ask. Hannah knew he wasn’t as open to talking about himself as she was, so she chose what she was going to say carefully.

  Her first instinct was to ask about his nightly trip to the woods. That was the one thing she was curious about the most. But Hannah knew that the jovial Mr. Albertson who stood before her now would clam up at the mention of his trip to the woods. She knew he had done so in secret and he surely wasn’t going to appreciate her asking about it.

  She still wanted to know, but she could save that for when he was more comfortable with her. For now, Hannah chose to ask about something else.

  “Do you like it here at Gresham Manor?”

  Hannah hid a question within a question, hoping he would be able to see beneath it. In truth, what she wanted to know was if he liked being here with her.

  She knew he was aware of it, too. Hannah stared into his eyes unabashedly, watching as understanding filled them. She stepped closer to him, waiting with bated breath for his response.

  Mr. Albertson seemed to take forever, and in that time, her nerves were ripped to shreds. Stepping closer to him was a foolish move because he didn’t step back. He simply lowered his gaze to meet her, lips parted as he thought of what to say. With her body so close to his, she could feel the heat of it. Her fingers itched with the urge to touch his skin, to simply graze them along his sharp jawline. She wanted to run them through his hair, and she wondered if he would allow her to do something so simple yet intimate.

  The seconds stretched endlessly and Hannah’s nervousness returned with full force. Perhaps she shouldn’t have asked the question. Maybe it wasn’t too late to play it off and make it seem less intense than they both knew it was. Was he growing irritated by her?

  No, Hannah didn’t think so. She might have been mistaken but she could have sworn his breath hitched when her eyes fell to his lips, a clear sign of what she wanted him to do. It was a bold move, but Hannah was used to making bold moves. She had gone against custom, heading to a stream with a gentleman alone. No one was around to see them, no one was around for her to call out to if things were to go south. A bold move and a stupid one, but she didn’t care. If he kissed her, then it would all be worth it.

  But when he moved, Hannah stiffened. She feared she might come off as unapproachable so she tried to relax, but she couldn’t help stiffening even more when he wrapped his fingers around her neck, drawing her closer still. This time, Hannah thought her heart would quite literally beat right out of her chest.

  Hannah closed her eyes on instinct just as his lips brushed against hers. She folded her fingers into her gown, not knowing what to do. The kiss was tender, soft. He simply ran his lips against hers, back and forth, then deepened it just a little bit. Every touch threatened to set her on fire.

  It was simple, as far as kisses went, and when he pulled away, Hannah was eager to ask for more. She bit her lips to keep the words in and instead, looked up into his eyes for an explanation.

  His hand was still cradling her neck, his face still close when he murmured, “Does that answer your question for you?”

  Hannah didn’t know what to say and that in itself dumbfounded her. She’d never been at a loss for words but right now, in this incredibly magical and sizzling moment, she couldn’t be sure what the right words were. A part of her wanted to kiss him again, to taste more of him. Another part of her wanted to scream and squeal in excitement.

  She would save the latter for later. For now, she needed to focus on opening her mouth and saying something that wouldn’t be incredibly embarrassing.

  Mr. Albertson looked as if he expected as much from her. His hand slid from her neck, down her arm, and toward her fingers until he was no longer holding her. Hannah felt coldness wash over her body the moment they ceased being in contact, and she tried her hardest to school that from her face. She only watched as he stepped away, clearing his throat and looking to the side, as if he didn’t know what to do with himself, either.

  “I think it’s time we get back,” he murmured, still not looking at her.

  On the contrary, Hannah didn’t think she could tear her gaze away from him. A gentle breeze drifted past his face, picking up a few unruly strands of his hair. His jaw looked hard, and for a moment, she could have sworn she saw it tick. In irritation?

  What is going through his mind right now? I hope he doesn’t think terribly of me.

  She didn’t get the chance to answer. He turned away, heading swiftly back to his horse. Hannah stared after him for a moment before her leaden feet unstuck themselves from the ground. She slowly approached her mare, shooting him glances. He wasn’t looking at her, only staring out into the vast fields as he waited for her to mount her horse.

  Hannah got on quickly. The moment she was seated, he trotted away and she was forced to follow him.

  What is this attitude? Is he regretting the kiss?

  For a moment, Hannah wanted to ask, before she decided against it. Her pride wouldn’t allow her to say such a thing out loud. For now, she would just watch him. Surely he wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t wanted to? Surely he wouldn’t say those things to her if he didn’t think them to be true? Unless he was only saying them to appease her?

  That didn’t sound quite right. She hadn’t known Mr. Albertson for long but he didn’t strike her as the type to say false things to please someone else. In fact, what she liked the most about him was how caring she could see that he was, even though he tried to mask it.

  They made their way back to the stables in silence, Hannah only one step behind him. By that time, the fog had started to lift, and she could see everyone and everything more clearly. An
d so could the servants. They watched them as they approached but Hannah paid them no mind. She only thanked heavens neither her parents nor her sisters were around to see her unchaperoned. Even Miss Jolley not witnessing such a thing was good, though Hannah had no doubt she would learn about it eventually.

  She tried not to make the fact that she was watching Mr. Albertson look too obvious now that there were other eyes around. She handed her horse over to a stable hand, barely aware of what she was doing.


  Blinking, Hannah looked at the stable hand, surprised to see that he hadn’t left yet. “Yes...Josef, is it?”

  He gave her a fleeting smile, surprised that she remembered his name. “Yes, M’Lady.”

  Josef lingered for a moment, as if he wanted to say something else, but when Hannah looked at him, he paled and hurried away. Distracted, Hannah stared after him until Mr. Albertson approached her again and recaptured her attention.

  “It was a good ride today, My Lady,” he said.

  Hannah studied him. He didn’t look as stony as he did when they left the stream. “Yes,” she agreed. “It was.”

  “I’ll look forward to the morrow,” he said, smiling slightly. Then he nodded and left.

  Hannah watched him go, her chest blooming with heat. Excitement mounted in her and once he was a safe distance away, she started making her way back to the manor as well. She wouldn’t rejoice just yet. Not until there were no eyes to witness it.

  Chapter 15

  Hannah didn’t know how much time she spent in her bedchamber squealing into her bedding. The softness of the fabric swallowed the sounds, allowing her to let out as much as she could until she was breathless, with a thumping heart. Once she was done, Hannah sat up, brushing stray strands of hair from her face, unable to stop herself from grinning from ear to ear.

  She’d never thought of herself as immature, but here in the solitude of her bedchamber, she could only think one painfully immature thought.

  He kissed me!

  Her very first kiss...and with the man she desperately wanted. The very thought of him made her stomach pool with warmth, and she held her face, as if that would stop herself from blushing. She could still feel the shadow of his lips on hers, his breath against her cheek when he pulled away.

  Hannah should have held him there. She should have grabbed him by his neck and pulled him back down to meet her lips. She shouldn’t have let him get back on his horse, but she should have brought his hand to her back, guiding him through the process of undressing her…

  The thought made her head go hot, but she couldn’t stop herself. Her mind wandered to what might have happened if she had deepened the kiss. What would have happened if he had given into it, if she had allowed herself to take advantage of their privacy?

  Why hadn’t she?

  Hannah sighed heavily, regret filling her. Who knew when next they would have time alone like that? Lily wasn’t going to let another day pass with her in bed. Sick or not, she would be right by Hannah’s side and Hannah would have nothing to say about it.

  Speaking of Lily, I’d better go check on her before it is time for breakfast.

  Hannah made her way over to her large looking glass to ensure there was nothing out of place. She would stop by the kitchens first and Karla was a very observant woman. She would notice if something was off with her and Hannah didn’t need that right now. After ensuring everything was in order, Hannah left her bedchamber and began her trek to the kitchens.

  It was odd not having company with her as she walked around the manor. Hannah hadn’t realized just how much she had come to rely on Lily’s presence until she was gone. Suddenly, it hit her that the girl had never been ill since she came to work here. She’d been by Hannah’s side every day, rain or shine. Hannah should take care not to take advantage of that.

  On the other hand, she wondered if she would run into Mr. Albertson again. The possibility of that happening made her more aware of her surroundings, hope springing to her heart before she turned a corner, only to be disappointed in the end. But it was wishful thinking. He was probably in his bedchamber.

  To her disappointment, she saw no one but a few servants on her way to the kitchens. Hannah relished the quiet manor. Her sisters were probably just now waking up, and her mother...well, the Duchess could be anywhere right about now. Hannah could never predict what her mother would do and she’d long ago stopped trying to.

  When she arrived at the kitchens and spotted Karla on the other end of the large and very busy room, she instantly felt at ease. She watched the other woman for a moment as she scrutinized the crate of vegetables before her. Hannah drew closer, quietly acknowledging a few of the kitchens hands and raised her finger to her lips for them not to give her away.

  Karla didn’t notice her approach. She was too busy examining the tomato in her hand with all the concentration she could muster.

  “Is there something wrong with it?” Hannah asked as she peeked over the other woman’s shoulder.

  Karla yelped, jumping away from her. She kept a firm grip on the tomato, however, even as she blinked in shock. “M’Lady! You can’t sneak up on me like that!”

  “Why not?” Hannah asked innocently. “It’s funny seeing the way you jump like that.”

  “At my old age, you can give me quite a terrible shock,” Karla grumbled.

  Hannah chuckled. Karla was always going on about how old she was, when Hannah had a feeling she hadn’t hit year fifty yet. Karla looked young but acted way beyond her years, like a woman who had seen it all.

  She shook her head and continued with her intense perusal of the vegetables. Hannah leaned against the counter, watching her for a while. She’d known Karla for years now and they had struck an unlikely friendship despite the dividers that separated them. Karla always looked at Hannah as if she was a child that needed to be taken care of and even though she was now of age, Hannah didn’t think Karla would ever drop that motherly attitude with her.

  “Why are you studying this so intently?” Hannah asked curiously. She took a look at the vegetables, no doubt from Gresham Manor’s own impressive garden, and they didn’t look any different from usual. Hannah didn’t frequent the gardens much anymore, but she recognized their produce when she saw it. “Is there something wrong with it?”

  “I want to make sure they are perfect,” Karla said. She replaced the tomato and picked up a squash. “His Grace has informed me that the Prince of Denmark will be visiting us.”

  “Ah, I see. You want to make sure that everything is perfect for his arrival.”

  “It isn’t every day you get to see a Prince,” Karla said. Hannah heard the thread of excitement in her voice and it made her sad. She doubted anyone in this kitchen would actually get to see the Prince.

  She supposed it was normal for the servants to be so excited. They were used to visitors, but a lot of them who had been hired in the recent years, like Karla, had never come close to such royalty before. It was one thing to serve a Duke and his family. It was another thing entirely to cook for the Prince of a foreign country.

  Hannah was more used to it, as was her mother, and most definitely the Duke. Before her mother and Hannah had come to the manor, the Duke of Gresham had already been well settled into his post after his father’s death and so he was used to such things happening. Hannah had also met quite a few important diplomats from other countries during her time in London, and she doubted a Prince would be any different.

  She had only thought of her sisters when she pictured anyone being excited for the Prince’s arrival. She didn’t think to lump Karla and the other kitchen help in with them as well. As soon as Karla mentioned it, a murmur went through the room as those who overheard began to whisper in their own eagerness.

  “Is there something you wanted, M’Lady?” Karla asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  “Ah, yes. I came to see if you could make something for Lily. She’s ill.”

  “Ah, I heard about the lit
tle bird getting sick,” Karla said with a knowing nod. “She works herself senseless all the time. It’s no wonder that it has taken a toll on her body. I’ll have Belinda whip something up.”

  Belinda overheard and hurried off to do it. Hannah gave her a thankful smile then returned her attention to Karla. Karla was moving on to the crate of fruits sitting next to the vegetables.

  “You know,” said Hannah. “The Prince won’t be here for a few weeks. Those won’t be good by then.”

  “I know, but I want to make sure that the crops aren’t failing.”

  “They haven’t before, so why would they now?”

  “Are you hovering over me so you can make your smart remarks, M’Lady?”

  Hannah hid her smile. She couldn’t help that smart remarks came out when she was in a good mood. “All right, I’ll behave.”


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