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Want (Vampire Beloved Book One)

Page 14

by R. E. Butler

  “Or whoever takes over this position, which I hope is very soon. We also need a permanent coat-check person. I have coven members filling in, but everyone hates these jobs. I’ve got the jobs posted online, but no one’s biting yet.”

  Angie snorted at the pun. “Before I forget, Vex and Rage are taking me to Bistro Claret on Sunday night and they said you had an ‘in’ with a designer for nice clothes?”

  “Absolutely,” Cella said, picking up a pen and writing on a sticky note. “Text me your measurements and I’ll have her bring a selection of clothes over tomorrow. You need to see her anyway.”

  “I do?” Angie asked as she accepted the sticky note with Cella’s phone number on it.

  “Mishka has a certain style of clothing he likes the staff to wear,” Cella said, gesturing to her outfit of a short skirt and revealing vest.


  Angie looked down at her conservative outfit of dress slacks and a short-sleeved sweater, quickly comparing it to the clothing of the two females. The sexiest clothes Angie owned were the ones she’d worn to the club the night she met Vex and Rage, but the idea of wearing sexy clothes for her mates was appealing. She was curious to see what she’d be able to get.

  “The Bistro is a lot of fun,” Arissa said. “The family members are well-known there, so you’ll get treated like a queen as the beloved of two of them.”

  “It’s run by humans?”

  “It’s owned by a coven member, and it’s staffed with a mixture of vampires and humans,” Cella said.

  “Sounds neat,” Angie said. “Thanks for the phone number.”

  “Thanks for filling in at the reception desk,” Cella said. “I hope you like it.”

  They left the office and met up with Bellamin and Dylan, who had waited for them outside, and headed down to the first floor of the club. Angie stopped as they passed by a large window that looked out into the club. She could see people dancing as strobe lights and lasers flashed over them. Pressing her palm to the window, she could feel the bass of the music pounding like a pulse.

  “If you don’t mind me asking,” Angie said to Arissa, “why are you giving up the reception desk position until the new year?”

  Arissa leaned against the glass and folded her arms. “It’s not that I don’t like working the desk, because I do. But Mishka has asked me to handle some issues for him and it requires a lot of research.”

  Angie dropped her hand and stopped watching the dancing club goers, turning her attention to the wiccan. “Issues because of the church?”

  “Yeah. I have protection wards for all the mates and the family members and the witch glass, and those have all helped, but I need to do more. It would really be helpful if I had another wiccan around to make my spells stronger.”

  “Maybe one of the family members will have a wiccan for a beloved mate,” Angie said.

  “That would be great. Plus, Mishka’s an antiquities collector, and I’m helping him out with some of that, and Brone’s busy with the security of the family and club, and I help him where I can, and I work at the wiccan’s store one weekend a month.”

  “Sounds like it’s all keeping you busy.”

  “I love it, though.”

  “We should get back,” Bellamin said. “Mishka doesn’t like the reception office to be unstaffed mid-shift.”

  “Right,” Arissa said. “Let’s go.”

  When they reached the office, Arissa opened a drawer and pulled out a flat wooden box. She set it on the desk and lifted the lid, revealing nine pouches, six that were black and three that were navy. Arissa untied each pouch and dumped out the contents – six bracelets and three necklaces, each with a colorful stone pendant.

  “These are protection wards,” Arissa said. “All the coven’s mates wear them, as well as my personal guards and Brone.” She lifted her wrist and flashed a bracelet at Angie with a stone that dangled from it. “They won’t put an invisible barrier around you that would stop a bullet or anything, but they will give you a sort of sixth sense of danger if someone around you would do you harm. You can choose a bracelet or necklace, and just wear it whenever you leave the club.”

  “The leather cuffs that Vex and Rage wore when they took me back to my pack... were they protection wards?”

  “Yep. All the family members have them. It takes a lot of power to make them, so I make a few every month and set them aside.”

  Angie lifted one of the necklaces that had a pretty brown stone hanging from it. The colors were chocolate, gold, and bronze swirled together to make a beautiful pattern. “I like this one.”

  “It’s yours,” Arissa said as she put the others away.

  “Thank you.” Angie put it on, the stone warm against her skin.

  The rest of the night went quickly as she learned the ropes from Arissa. Vex appeared at the end of the shift, an hour before dawn, and picked her up to escort her home. They met Rage in the hallway, and the trio returned to their chamber.

  “Did you enjoy the reception desk?” Vex asked as he opened the door.

  “It was neat,” she said. “A lot to remember, and I feel like I know nothing at all about vampires, but I’m a quick learner.”

  “We can answer any questions you have as well,” Rage said.

  She smiled at her mates and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “It’s been a great night, but it’s not over yet.”

  “Oh?” Vex asked.

  Rage snarled softly, his eyes flashing with heat. “Does our beloved have something wicked on her mind?”


  * * *

  The following night as Angie sat at the reception desk with Arissa, four women walked into the office. Two were lugging a clothes rack and a large cart, and the other two women walked ahead of them. Arissa stood and greeted the two women in front, shaking their hands and accepting cheek kisses. She gestured to Angie who joined them.

  “Ladies, this is Angie, the beloved mate of Vex and Rage. Angie, this is Sophie. She’s fae and works for the coven as a daytime staff manager. This is Gretel. She’s a boutique clothier and handles the coven’s clothing needs.”

  Angie shook both their hands. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “I was out of town for a family wedding,” Sophie said. “I just wanted to stop in and meet the newest beloved mate. You won’t see me around unless you’re out in the club during the daytime, but if you ever need anything at all during the day, give my cell a call.” She handed Angie a pretty floral business card.

  “I will, thanks.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m going home to bed so I can be back to work at dawn,” Sophie said with a wave before gliding out the door.

  “I’ve never met a fae before,” Angie said, tucking the business card inside her cell phone case.

  “She’s not technically a fae anymore,” Arissa said. “It’s just easier to say she is instead of explaining it every time she meets someone new. Fae aren’t allowed to live in our realm and keep their wings. She was in love with a man and chose to stay in this realm because he was human. A fae soldier cut off her wings. She retained her immortality and some supernatural power, but she isn’t allowed back in the fae realm.”

  “Is she still with the man?” Angie asked.

  Arissa shook her head. “She helped him hook up with a vampire master willing to change him so he could be immortal, too, but once he became a vampire, he left her behind. That was a hundred years ago or so, I think. She’s been working for Mishka for the last decade, and she’s really sweet.”

  “That sucks,” Angie said.

  “Yes, yes, men suck,” Gretel said. “The night is waning, and there are outfits to try.”

  “Sorry, Gretel,” Arissa said with a laugh.

  The hunched-over, older female had a sparkle in her light brown eyes. “Youth is wasted on the young.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Arissa said.

  They left the reception desk and went into an empty office.

  “These are
my helpers,” Gretel said to the two young women who lugged the clothes rack and cart.

  “Hi,” Angie said.

  The women smiled at her as they began to unzip the fabric cover over the rack and unload the cart. In minutes, a privacy screen was set up at the back of the office and Angie was given an outfit to put on. She’d known that the clothing choices she’d be given would be sexier than she usually dressed, but she didn’t mind. She didn’t dress sexy on a regular basis because she’d never had anyone to dress sexy for. But now she did. Aside from the bonus of thrilling her mates with short skirts and revealing tops, if she was going to work out in the reception area, she needed to dress the way that Mishka preferred for the staff.

  Angie stepped from behind the screen and tugged on the hem of the mini skirt.

  “Wow,” Arissa said. “That makes your legs look like they go on forever. Lovely!”


  Gretel walked around Angie, taking in the black leather skirt and the forest green silk vest, paired with open-toed ankle boots. “It is good, yes? Sexy.”

  “Has anyone ever suggested that the guys should dress sexier?” Angie asked Arissa.

  “Well, vampires naturally exude sexuality no matter what they’re wearing. It’s what makes them such effective predators. But to be fair, if you said you didn’t want to wear such sexy clothing, Mishka wouldn’t raise a fuss. He’s not a dictator, he just has preferences.”

  “I don’t want to make him mad.”

  “You wouldn’t. You’re Vex and Rage’s beloved and that makes you precious to Mishka. If you’d prefer to wear other clothes, he’d be gracious about it. To be honest, this isn’t how I dressed before I came here either, but I like it. And Brone likes it.”

  “I’ll bet,” Angie said. “I don’t mind, actually. And this outfit is nicer than anything I’ve ever owned before.”

  Gretel nodded. “You’re welcome. I only design the best.”

  Angie tried on a handful of different outfits and shared what she liked and disliked about them. Her favorite was a pair of dress slacks and a wine-red corset.

  Gretel gave her enough clothes, shoes, and undergarments for a week, taking notes on what she preferred. “Are there any special occasions I should prepare for?”

  “I don’t think so. Well, we’re going out on a date to Bistro Claret on Sunday night.”

  “And the Christmas Eve party,” Arissa said.

  “Ah.” Gretel turned to one of the women with her and whispered in her ear. A few moments later, she handed Gretel a slinky black dress and a pair of stiletto heels. “For your date night. I’ll send you something appropriate for the Christmas Eve party when the time comes.”

  “Oh, wow,” Angie said. “This is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Gretel said. “You’ll receive clothing from me at the beginning of each week. You may keep anything you like, otherwise they get returned to my store.”

  “It was so nice to meet you,” Angie said, accepting a cheek kiss from the woman.

  “My pleasure. Be well, Angie.” Then she turned to Arissa and snapped her fingers, one of the women handing her a long box, which she gave to Arissa. “I did not forget your love of jewelry.”

  Arissa opened the box and lifted out a stunning jeweled necklace made up of green and blue stones that shimmered like they were made of metal. “It’s just lovely, thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. Good night, beloved ladies.” Gretel bowed slightly, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled.

  Arissa and Angie escorted her out of the office and returned to the front desk.

  “Wow, she’s a character,” Angie said.

  “Indeed. Anytime you have a special occasion or need something, just give her a call or send a text and she’ll have something delivered. When you and your beloveds get married, she’ll handle your gown, too. Unless you have a family gown to wear.”

  “I don’t. That’s good to know. Are you and Brone married?”

  “Yes. We were married in a family-only ceremony a year ago. It’s the only time I’ve seen him nervous. It was adorable.”

  Arissa made a call and several trolls appeared a few minutes later and carried Angie’s things down to the temporary chamber she shared with her mates. By the time the mid-night break had arrived, Angie was missing her mates something fierce and looked forward to seeing them. She left Arissa at Brone’s office and walked to the break room with Vex and Rage.

  “We saw the trolls,” Vex said. “How did the fitting go?”

  “Pretty awesome. I have something nice to wear for our date tomorrow.”

  “We can’t wait to take it off you,” Rage said, his eyes darkening with promise.

  She laughed. “I’m glad that after the night is done, we’ll have our weekend. I’m really looking forward to going out on our first date.”

  “We’re looking forward to it as well,” Vex said. “Temple is going to drive us.”

  “We have to have a driver?” she asked, eyes wide.

  “And a guard,” Rage said.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because we want to be able to enjoy being with you. If we’re worried about your safety, it won’t be as enjoyable for you or us. This way, you’ll be the center of attention, as you rightly should be.”

  “Cool. I love how you guys always think of everything.”

  The rest of the night passed quickly, and before long, Angie was tumbling into bed with her mates, grateful for the dawn that heralded the end of the work week.

  Chapter 16

  Late Sunday afternoon, they each got ready for their date. Vex had never been on a date, and neither had Rage. It just wasn’t something they’d ever been inclined to do. But once he’d met Angie, once his dream female had been real in the flesh in his arms, he wanted to experience everything with her. Adjusting his tie for the tenth time, he looked at his reflection in the mirror critically. He and Rage were identical twins, but ever since they were young, they’d always done small things to separate themselves from each other physically, from hairstyles to clothing choices. Angie had no trouble telling them apart, even with her eyes closed. Throughout their long life, people had often assumed that because they were identical on the outside, that they were also on the inside, but he and Rage were far from identical personality-wise. They were both warriors – yes. But Rage had alpha tendencies that Vex just wasn’t interested in exploring. He would die for Angie in half a heartbeat, but he would much prefer for her to be safely ensconced in their chamber, shouting her pleasure to the ceiling.

  No one in history was as glorious in her passion as their beloved. Captivating on every level. As beautiful as the most magnificent diamond. Strong enough to weather any storm.

  There he was, waxing poetic while his sweetheart got ready in Cella’s chamber. He chuckled to himself, adjusted his tie for the eleventh time, and ran his fingers through his hair and tamed any wild strands.

  “Ready?” Rage asked from inside the chamber. “Angie just texted that she’d like to be picked up at the door.”

  Vex chuckled and turned, opening the bathroom door. Unlike his brother, who was wearing all black dress clothes save for a blue tie the same shade as Angie’s eyes, Vex wore a classic black suit with a white dress shirt, and... a blue tie. He looked down at the tie and then at Rage and laughed.

  “Great minds, I suppose.”

  “Indeed,” Rage said. “Do you think we should have gotten her flowers?”

  Vex smiled at his brother, who for the first time in memory seemed nervous.

  “We’ve got flowers waiting for her at the restaurant, remember?”

  “Ah, right.” Rage blew out a breath.

  Vex patted his pocket where the black velvet box held the engagement ring he’d chosen for her. The platinum band was engraved on the inside with the date they met. A perfect three-carat, princess cut diamond sat atop the ring, a testament to her perfection and the three members of their mating. Rag
e had picked a ring called an eternity band, and instead of the date of their meeting, he’d had their location – longitude and latitude – inscribed on the interior.

  Rage patted his own pocket. “Dinner first.”

  “Then dessert, and we’ll propose to her over champagne.”

  “I’m nervous. It’s a weird feeling.” Rage rubbed his chest.

  “I think all males feel this way.” Vex cleared his throat and tugged on the sleeves, checking the sapphire cufflinks. “Let’s go treat our beloved like a queen.”

  They left the chamber and knocked on the door of Cella’s chamber. She opened the door, and Angie was just behind her, greeting them with a sweet smile.

  “Hey,” Cella said. “I was just helping your sweet mate get ready.”

  “Cella thought we could double date sometime with her and the male she’s bringing under the fang.”

  Cella tilted her head in thought. “Is it a double date if there are five of us?”

  Angie grinned. “I love your sense of humor.”

  The two females embraced. “Have fun. See you later.”

  Cella slipped from the room, and Vex and Rage turned their attention entirely to their mate. Angie looked... stunning. The black silk dress clung to her like a second skin, with a deep v in front that revealed the swells of her breasts. It stopped mid-thigh, showcasing her sexy legs accentuated with tall, glittery heels. Her hair was swept up so the marks on the sides of her neck were visible.

  “Wow,” she said, her voice husky. “You guys look amazing. We should stay in, I think.”

  Vex took her hand and gently pulled her into the hall. The heels brought her a few inches closer, but she was still nearly a foot shorter than them. “We want to show you off, sweetheart. You’re too gorgeous to stay inside all the time, even though we covet having you all to ourselves.”

  Her eyes darkened and she smiled, rising onto her toes. He brushed his lips over hers, catching a hint of the gloss that she’d used to make her natural pink lips even darker and more alluring. “And I get to show you two off. I’ll be the envy of everyone.”


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