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Black Thorn

Page 10

by Brandon Killpack

  After ensuring that he and Katrina knew of the trouble his father gave the word to Larson to begin the evacuation. The manic ringing of the warning bell would waken all the villagers. The knights and the watch would go door to door giving the word that the people would leave within the hour. Most would come, not many would give up the chance to travel with the protection of the knights. There would, of course, be the stubborn ones who stay to be slaughtered on their land, but by and large, the village would be empty by the time the strangers came.

  Levi walked across the hall to the battlements outside to look one last time upon the village. His inheritance was bedlam. People were scattering all about like ants and a mostly disorganized lot they were.

  “Levi? What are you doing?”

  Levi turned around to find his sister Katrina walking briskly towards him; a letter clutched in her hands. Her hair was tied back in a tight ponytail, and she had donned her armor. Her light round shield slung across her back, and her sword buckled to her trim waist.

  “I am looking down upon the village for the last time. What are you doing sister?”

  A look of pity crossed Katrina’s face, “We will see home again brother I know it. I was just writing Gideon a letter. He’s off with that sage Joseph, and I want him to know that we are ok when she returns. I do hope he’s safe.”

  Levi masked the jealousy he felt, “I am sure that our brother is doing just fine. Like you said we'd all come home again and everything will be just fine.”

  Katrina hardened herself; she didn’t understand why her brother acted like this. “I was only trying to comfort you.”

  Levi stepped uncomfortably close to her, “I need no comfort from you, you’re a little girl trying to play with the big people. Do pray you’re not here when they come; you know what the bad men would do to such a pretty little thing.”

  “How could you say such…?”

  Levi didn’t stay to hear the rest of her words. He left Katrina with tears in her eyes. He must bring order to his people. He strode out the gate, heading to the stables he mounted his readied horse and made a mad dash to the village.

  His manic riding echoed throughout the cobbled street. Reining in his horse, he stopped in the square where the main group of villagers where huddled.

  “People of Thornpine! Hear me now; you must all be calm and hurry your efforts. Share your carts and horses if you can, but do not overburden yourselves with possessions. Take only what you need to live. We will protect you but can only do so if you hurry.”

  The people cheered at his words and doubled their efforts to be ready. Within twenty minutes the bulk of the village was grouped in the square, ready to leave.

  Adam came riding with Katrina and the knights. The whole army of Thornpine was with them. The few knights, the watch, and the night stalkers taking up the rear. Adams roar of a voice silenced the gathering.

  “We ride for Evenstar, I have sent runners ahead to warn the king of our arrival. With luck, we will be met with a battalion. I have also sent word to Wood’s edge and Wolf Pine as they are in the same danger. I ask all able-bodied men to arm themselves as best as they can. We will keep you all safe as best we can. Now the watch will march with those on foot; the knights will be with me. Stalkers, please scout ahead. Now March!”

  It was a solemn ride as they exited the village and began their trip south. Most where silent, but every now and again there would be the cry of a child which would be hastily hushed by their parents. They were some miles from the village climbing the steep hill which overlooked their lands and gave way to the mash like plain that surrounded star lake. The full moon bathed them in a comforting light.

  Everything was still as Katrina looked around from atop her horse. The thrill of unease had lessened within her.

  Chapter 8 Elves

  G ideon inhaled the stale dusty air of the canvas bag his head had been shoved in at the beginning of this disaster. He had willingly surrendered to the Elves. Although he felt completely restored he didn’t dare test himself against a foe of such numbers and as there was the distinct possibility that his lands were going to be invaded he figured it would be a good idea to not increase his list of enemies at the moment. So he stomped through the forest with rope biting his wrists and a canvas bag hindering his vision.

  The leader of this group of Elves was called Asuna. Gideon thought she was beautiful… for an Elf. She wore long satin black hair that was tied off by a thong of leather. A slender yet muscular body, and very ample assists. When she had first come upon him naked and dripping wet from the spring, she had looked him up and down with a grin. Then she stepped forward coming far too close for comfort and gazed deep into his eyes as if she was trying to read his thoughts.

  “Dress, then come quietly.”

  Dripping dry Gideon edged his way over to where Joseph sat. For his part, he was hardly surprised that they were being taken hostage. Although the Elves seemed to know who he was, speaking to them in their own sing-song langue Joseph seemed to be conveying the reasons to their trespass.

  Joseph walked over to the spring after a moment and began filling several glass vials with the potent water. Each vial gave off a slight glow before he stoppered them and shoved them deep inside his pack.

  “Well then,” He said, “Shall we get going?”

  “That we shall.” Said a gruff thickly accented voice.

  Stepping towards Gideon came the largest Elf he had ever seen. Easily seven foot tall and built like the most battle harden knight Gideon had ever set eyes on. The freakishly tall Elf laid his hands upon his shoulders.

  “Now are we going to have any problems from you little Human?”

  Gideon shook his head his eyes wide with surprise.

  He chuckled, “Good good. I would not want to have to kill you before you have been tried. It's bad manners.”

  “Siegfried! Be sure to not spoil him, make his bonds nice and tight.”

  “Yes, my lady Asuna.”

  And with that, he was led, not too gently deeper into the forest. Siegfried shoving him from behind whenever he would lag behind and roughly snatching him from the ground whenever Siegfried would allow him to crash headlong into a tree. He seemed to think this great fun because by the time they stopped for the night Gideon had amassed several large welts upon his forehead. Siegfried cut the ropes from his wrists and tossed him a hunk of cheese and a waterskin.

  “Eat and drink, then sleep if you can. We won’t rest for too long.”

  Gideon downed the food and drink quickly. He briefly thought of trying to escape, but seeing Siegfried and his wickedly long sword strapped to his back he thought better of it. Seeing as there wasn’t any better spot he fell over and went to sleep on the spot.

  Gideon woke with a start, an explosion of noise filled the air. It took him a moment to realize that it was the confused sound of battle that roused him. He clumsily got to his feet, his newly fastened bindings hindering his progress. Bindings which he could have sworn hadn’t been there when he went to sleep. Had the giant put new ones on while he slept? Shuddering he pushed the thought out of his mind, this wasn’t the time. He ran over to the source of the noises. He found Joseph and the Elves fighting for their lives against an army of goblins. Many of the Elven had already fallen and the group that remained didn’t look like they would last too long.

  “Joseph!” Gideon cried, “My sword where is my sword?”

  Siegfried shot a reply to Joseph “He’s a prisoner! He’s not allowed to fight.”

  Asuna cut him off, “I’d rather have him fight than the lot of us be cut down. Give him his sword.”

  Joseph ran over, unsheathing Gideon’s sword as he ran. With a quick motion, he cut the bonds that bound him.

  “Better hope you’re up to this boy, we need a miracle.” He said as he ran back into the fray shaking his staff and screaming profanities.

  Gideon followed, but a little more somber. Seconds later he clashed with the first goblin. The grey-greenish c
reature stood around five feet tall, clad in half armor, and was wielding a short spear in one hand and a shield in the other. He rushed headlong into the goblin, who only had time to screech and hold up his shield. With a swift motion, the goblins head rolled off its shoulders and onto the grass.

  With his sword flashing Gideon dispatched enemy after enemy. He was doing better than he had ever done, but the battle was wearing on. There seemed to be no end of the goblins. With each passing moment, Gideon’s sword became heavier and heavier. Until he started to lose the ground he had fought so hard to win.

  He looked around, Siegfried, Asuna, and Joseph weren’t fairing much better. The goblins, although their numbers dwindling continued to outnumber them two to one and all of their companions were either dead or dying. They were being corralled in. Soon they were shoulder to shoulder.

  Was this it? Gideon thought. Was this the end of my adventure?

  Asuna cried out as a goblin stabbed at her. Wounded she fell to her knees. Siegfried came around to defend her with his bulk. Gideon looked at Joseph, in his eyes he could see that he was resigned to the end.

  A great bellow from a horn sounded from in front of them. The battle seemed to freeze. Then one by one the goblins began to fall. A fury of activity caused a mass of confusion to waylay the goblins. Gideon took his chance and began to fight back with a renewed vigor. To the far side, he could see what was crushing his enemies. Forty or so furry little men, wielding battle axes, crossbows, and lances were in a massive frenzy. Their bloodlust sang with ever head that rolled until the goblins were no more.

  The two groups stood there facing off at each other, trying to decide if this was but one more battle to fight. Gideon looked at his pitiful band of fighters. From twelve to five they had become and Asuna looked worse for the wear. With dread he stepped forward, sheathing his sword and raising his hands.

  “Thank you, my fellow warriors. You have saved us from assured defeat.”

  A red-headed Dwarf with a long knotted beard stepped forward as he hung his battle axe on a clip on his back.

  “Mine kin don’t speak common words well. I am Harth, we are happy to have come on you when we did. Any longer and you might not be breathing.”

  Gideon let out an uneasy laugh. “You would be right there, but I have to ask what are dwarves doing in an Elven forest?”

  Harth looked guarded. “Perhaps we should move on a little and tend to your friend there. She is looking rather ill.”

  Gideon looked back over at Asuna, Siegfried was holding her in his arms. Her face had turned a pale green color and the wound on her side Gideon could now see clearly looked bad.

  The group moved back into their makeshift camp followed by the forty dwarves. The dwarves cleaned and wrapped Asuna’s wounds as a vigilant Siegfried watched over her.

  Harth took Joseph and Gideon over to the side of the camp. Where he passed over a bottle with some amber liquor in it. The drink tasted of honey but burned like fire as it went down. Grinning Harth stoppered the bottle and returned it to his cloak.

  “Now I will answer your questions if you answer mine.” Gideon looked and Joseph and he nodded his approval.

  “Fair enough.”

  Harth cleared his throat, “Mine kin and I are hunting Orcs.”

  Gideon and Joseph exchanged a look then leaned in to listen closely to what the Dwarf had to say.

  “About a year ago, mine people began to see some strange goings on with the Orcs. We have had, for lack of a better word an uneasy trade agreement with them. We trade ore and the like and they supply us with fresh game they have hunted in the high cliffs or produce they have grown. Our kingdom doesn’t have much land for farming so we trade what we can with the Orcs, gnomes, and sometimes the Humans. Well a year ago, we went to trade with the only Orc village we do business with. It’s a small outpost on their southern border but it’s always been busy with trade.” He paused and shook his furry head. “When we got there it was completely deserted. We thought them dead because all their belongings had been left. But not one body was found. Not one Orc body that is, we found the Dwarven residents slaughtered and piled high in the middle. So we were concerned and angered. Without their trade life would start to get hard and what if what happened to them happened to us? Would we suddenly go mad and kill each other, while the remaining just walk off? So our king sent me and mine men to venture through the mountains, track them, and discover what we could. We would spy on the villages never going down to check door to door. From what we could find all the southern villages were deserted. It wasn’t until we reached their capital that we found them. A huge horde had gathered with a smaller one departing for these woods. We gave chase, hoping for revenge and followed them in here. Thats when we came upon you.” Harth gave them a moment to digest what he just said. “Now I’ve told you my lot, you tell me yours.”

  “Where to begin?” Gideon told the story of the shade and the death of Kallen. Then of their journey to the pool. Joseph filling in the parts that he missed.

  “When I came to, I was bound by these Elves. They told me I’d done a crime by bathing in the pool and they were taking me to their capital for judging when we were attacked.”

  Harth looked grave as he examined Gideon up and down.

  “We too have a pool like that, fed by what we call the spring of order. It seems to have healing powers, but what you described is like nothing I have ever heard of. No wonder the Elves were ticked off.”

  Joseph looked troubled suddenly. “Did you say the Orcs were headed south?” That got Gideon’s attention.

  Harth nodded “Yeah, their lot went crashing right through here. Wonder you didn’t cross paths. Though wouldn’t want to be in front of that lot if you get my meaning. They were armed to the teeth and looked ready for battle.”

  Gideon stood “We have to go. Thornpine is to the south and there is no way the village can stand agents them.”

  Harth clapped him on the shoulder. “We will see you safely there, but what about your Elves?”

  As if on cue Siegfried marched over. “You are still a prisoner of the Elven Empire. We will take you for judging.”

  Joseph sigh, “Siegfried I know your people have bitterness for the Humans, but now is not the time. A horde of Orcs is marching its way to Thornpine. We have to warn them before it’s too late.”

  It took some time to convince Siegfried, but finally he relented, so long as he was able to venture with the party.

  Harth was kind enough to accompany them and send word to his King asking for support. Siegfried sent his last surviving Elven brother with a small escort of Dwarves to the capital bearing the news of recent events and where he and Asuna were going. He added that he couldn’t leave a village to burn, but he also could let a prisoner go free. He honestly wasn’t sure what the Queen and King would do, but he was committed.

  Asuna slept on one of the pack pony’s the Dwarves had brought with them. Come the third day she was walking with the rest of them but was much more subdued than she had been the days prior. The fourth day they reached Thornpine.

  They found the village sacked, most the fields and houses burnt, the keep had clearly been ransacked and looted. But worse at least for Gideon was the tall white pine that has been in the center of the village was now just a blacken tower of soot.

  It was here that Gideon succumbed to grief. He let the tears flow not caring who saw him. To his surprise, Asuna and Siegfried shared in his grief.

  “We may have long hated Humans, but no one should have their home destroyed. It was a kindness, that the Wolf took this city from us, instead of burning it. That way he made peace between our people.” Siegfried said as he surveyed the destruction.

  Asuna walked up to Gideon and clasped him on the shoulder.

  “It looks as if few were here when they attacked. Perhaps your people yet live.” Gideon nodded his agreement. “Come, we must make for the capital. Evenstar is where we shall find this horde.”

  Before they left
Gideon searched the ruins of his home, finding nothing that would give him comfort. Asuna sat at the base of the Thornpine looking for something, what she was looking for she would not say when Gideon questioned her. Not for the first time did her actions confuse him, but now was not the time nor the place to pursue his curiosity.

  Evenstar was a long journey from the ruins of Thornpine. A cloud of depression followed the band of warriors as they trekked the foothills and forest. They passed town after town that was just the same as Thornpine a black stain upon the earth.

  Chapter 9 Battle Plans

  K atrina stood on the battlements overlooking the high wall of Evenstar. The capital was a natural fortress built into the side of a mountain the bulk of the keep set into the caves. The caves had been a physical feature that some of the first Humans had discovered. The caves had high sizeable crystalline ceiling and some were filled with pools of cool, clean water. When light glittered upon then, it was as if thousands of stars shone all around. This had given the city its name. It was a beautiful sight. The mountain is the only one in the area offered a great strategic location. From the top towers, the sentries could see from miles all around, making it unlikely that any army could ever come within twenty miles undetected.

  Even from her spot on the battlements, she could still spy the columns of thick black smoke that marked village after village that the Orc horde had destroyed. The sight of the smoke put her stomach in knots. How could this be happening? Everything she ever knew was gone, lost in a puff of smoke. She was angry and confused and a little depressed. Her short life had not prepared her for so much loss and destruction. She tiptoed through the soldiers and made her way off the battlements and back into the gloom of the keep.

  Katrina stormed into the hall, fear, and rage overtaking her senses. “What is to be done of this chaos that has gripped our kingdom?”


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