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Black Thorn

Page 13

by Brandon Killpack

  And for a few moments, Gideon saw the brother he knew before all this happened, but it quickly faded. Something had changed in his brother, and he didn’t know if it was for good or ill.

  Gideon was making his way back to the courtyard when he saw that Siegfried was sitting on one of the many benches waiting for him. Siegfried rose and motioned for him to follow him. They walked in silence for a good long time until they found their way to one of the side gardens. There was no one around, and it was unlikely that they would be interrupted.

  “Gideon, I just want a quick word with you. I hope that is alright.” Siegfried said.

  “Of course Siegfried, anything,” Gideon replied.

  They walked the garden a bit more before he spoke. “Gideon, I take you for an honorable man. I have fought at your side twice now, and we have traveled long together. So I have to ask...”

  “Why I didn’t tell my brother I am still a prisoner of the Elven Empire?” Gideon finished, a look of surprise covering Siegfried’s face. “The answer is fairly simple. I do not wish to burden my brother with my problems. You see, we have lost everything. Our father, our home, and now the burden of being responsible for an entire kingdom rest on his shoulders. No, its best that I deal with the Empire myself.”

  Siegfried looked at his comrade with newly found admiration. “You know, you may be the first Human that I come to like, perhaps even call friend. I cannot guarantee that the punishment will be stayed, but I will ensure you are able to speak in your own defense. I will also give testimony. I will tell you this, if we can find the historian first, then you have more of a fighting chance. My people greatly value his opinion.”

  Gideon placed a hand on Siegfried’s shoulder, and with a smile, he said, “I do hope that one day you will be able to call me friend and just so you know I plan on speaking to the Empire first.” Siegfried looked a little awkward and nodded.

  “Come on,” Gideon said. “We should find the others and get ready to depart. After all, I have a date with royalty, and I would hate to miss it.”

  They found Harth and Asuna in the courtyard standing next to their newly prepared bags. Harth and Asuna were in what was becoming a very heated argument about which gemstones were the most beautiful. To Gideon’s surprise Katrina was with them waiting for him. Siegfried stared wide-eyed at her for a few moments before looking at Gideon perhaps a little sheepishly, then rushing to join Asuna and Harth in the discussion on why the sapphire is much more beautiful than the ruby, but jade was by far the most elegant.

  “Katrina, what are you doing here sister dearest?”

  She smiled at him, “I have something for you.” She placed a long, thin wrapped parcel in his hands. He was intrigued as he hefted the box. Its weight surprised him, and he quickly began unwrapping the white linen that covered the wooden box. Inside he found his father’s sword. He swallowed the surge of grief that came with the present. Mastering himself, he looked at her.

  “Thank you.” He whispered.

  She smiled sweetly at him, wiping a tear from her eye she said. “Levi asked me to bring this to you. He said father would have wanted you to have it.”

  This was a mighty gift, by all rights it was Levi’s. The fact that he had sensed that Gideon should have it warmed his heart. Gideon beamed at his sister and hugged her close to him.

  “Thank you, again.”

  Katrina looked up at her brother, “There’s more, Levi has asked me to accompany you on your journey to find the old man and to see the Elves. I am to be your Shield Maiden.” Gideon gawked at her in surprise but was unable to say anything because she barreled through saying,

  “Do not look so surprised brother. I served Levi as Shield Maiden during the battle, and I have been trained as a Shield Maiden since I was very little, which you well know. I am capable, and father even gifted me mother’s armor and the sword and shield she wore while she was a Shield Maiden.” Katrina continued building more and more defenses as to why she should be allowed to go with him that when Gideon simply said, “Okay” she was at a loss for words. She swallowed and continued, “Okay? Is that really all you have to say on the matter?”

  Gideon started laughing; he couldn’t help himself. His sister seemed so upset that he didn’t object to her coming that the whole situation was ridiculous.

  “Listen, hey, listen to me. I only meant that I have no problem with you coming.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her towards the others, before stopping just out of earshot. Grasping both her shoulders with his hands he looked her in the eyes. “Besides I would love to travel with you, little sister. I’m happy to spend what time I have left with you.”

  She looked puzzled at this, and he quickly continued, “We’re at war so I don’t know what the future holds but I would love to spend what time I know I have left with family. Here,” He motioned to the others to join them. “We must properly introduce you all, after all, we’re going on an adventure together.”

  Chapter 12 The Empire

  L evi immediately appreciated what his father and uncle had to go through on a daily basis by the time his first week as king came to an end. The issues were piled high every day, from civil disputes between peasants to the pressing matters of state, to the ever-nagging problem of the Orc horde that his brother and his band of followers were now on route to investigate. He only hopped the little detour to the Elven capital would go smoothly and be fruitful. Hopefully, they would be able to find the old man, and he will have some good news to deliver, such as, “Oh the Orcs have decided to leave us alone” or something equally unrealistic.

  After several long sessions with his advisors, Levi had decided on several courses of action that he would enact immediately. First off, the kingdom needed supplies. The battle had left them with very little food and even less general supplies. Therefore he directed several well-armed parties to search the deserted villages and bring back what supplies and livestock they could find. Not all of these adventures proved successful, but several came back with plenty of supplies and even had to make multiple trips. This was good if they could get by for the next couple of months things would work themselves out. As Evenstar was now playing host to nearly the entire population of Esnela, Levi decreed to expand the city beyond the walls. Ture that in times of war the buildings would be in danger, but they needed to expand as the people were reluctant to return to their burnt down villages. The fear of another attack was always on their mind. So lumber was cut from the surrounding forest, and simple yet robust structures were erected.

  The next directive Levi had was to get the people back to a normal way of life. Levi put those with trades back to work and those who were unskilled were used as either farm hands or general laborers. Then to those who show real promise in the battle were used to form Esnela first standing army. They would train from sun up to sun down, ever ready to do battle and defend their homeland. His brother's Guardians would be the task forces sent out to deal with delicate matters, but this army would be his crowning achievement.

  An undeniable fact had occurred to him one day after court; they would not have been in as such bad shape as they were in if their neighboring Kingdoms had lent aid. It was a burning fact that not a single one of Esnela’s allies had failed to help in any form. Even after he had sent numerous messages. This was a glaring fact that boiled his blood. The Kingdom had always been on friendly terms with all the small Kingdoms and even made some trade with one of the larger ones. Yet out of the seven total Human Kingdoms, only Esnela was having to rebuild and repair its way of life. It was true that the Dwarven King Jarvis had promised his support and friendship in a swiftly returned letter. The king had told him that he would not only send troops and supplies but he himself would join Levi in Evenstar and work with the rebuilding effort. Levi believed that he might have more than just the rebuilding of Evenstar on his mind, but he would accept any help offered. His letter had expressed a much needed permeant peace between their kingdoms and that the whole Dwarven
nation is behind him. The promise had tugged at the strings of a fantasy Levi had nursed for years. A unified Rosenkar, all people of every race and nation under a single banner, his banner. Because why not? He had the drive and the motivation to see this to fruition, and he was now in a position to make it happen.

  Now the dilemma of how to make his fellow kings see eye to eye. That answer, like so many, came to him while he was holding court. A common women, had asked the same question that had been asked time and time again, perhaps a thousand times now. What did he plan on doing about the Orc’s and why the neighboring Kingdoms had not helped them when they would have surely sent aid to them. The question had sparked an idea that quickly formed into a plan.

  “My dear women,” Levi said, “You speak the truth, we would have bled for our allies, yet they wouldn’t lift a finger to help us. So I will propose to them, I will send out a message to the four Kingdoms nearest us. In this message, I will invite their nations to join us and the Dwarven nation in a permeant peace and cooperation. I declare we will be joined and will create a unified nation that will outlast any invasion Orcs or otherwise. They will join us, or when the Orcs come knowing on their doorstep we will turn our backs on them as they had done to us! We offer forgiveness and strength, and I assure you they will accept!”

  As it was conceived so was it done, messages were sent out to the three nations closest to Esnela expressing the need for this union, sighting that if they were to be attacked that no assistance would come from Esnela and they would inevitably fall in such an event. Yet if they were to join him they would have the might of Esnela and the Dwarven nation behind them. For with a union so strong who could stand agents them.

  By the time the first reply had arrived so had King Jarvis. They were sitting down to tea when a page came with the letter. Levi accepted it then dismissed the boy.

  “Hmm, Bane of Bleak Wallow has pledged peace, men, fishing vessels, and supplies. He will arrive in three weeks’ time to make the official declaration. He says he would like to discuss the future of this new union.” Levi read aloud to Jarvis as he sipped his tea. The Dwarf had chuckled darkly, stroking his long grey beard and adjusting his massive girth in his chair.

  “Bleak Wallow won’t fill the coffers, but its men will do fine to fill the army. Yes, that small coastal Kingdom will look fine as a part of our growing empire.”

  “Indeed, have a biscuit.” Was Levi’s response. He sipped his tea, pondering “I do believe,” he began “that for each Kingdom we assimilate we should have the Kings housed here in Evenstar. They can form a Circle of Kings. A council for the running of the empire. It will give them the illusion of control while allowing us to keep an eye on them.”

  “Ho ho, I like you, Levi, you are a clever one. You are starting to think like a real Lord, or should I call you Emperor?”

  Levi shook his head, “No, at least not yet. I find power is something best gained slowly.”

  With Bane in Evenstar, Levi had begun holding their meetings publicly for all to watch if they wanted to. It gave the illusion of transparency which put the minds of the common people at ease. While his real meetings, the ones with Jarvis were held behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes and loose lips. These meetings were where the actual policies and plans where formed.

  “This month has been prosperous, Brian of Castlemore has finally agreed to join us, be it begrudgingly. Alto of Sirewatch says that his men and supplies should be here in a week and we have officially received a threat from Envidious. He’s the king of Wilden, near your stronghold at Ironmere. Says we’ve disrupted his trade.” Levi read aloud.

  Jarvis leaned back in his chair looking smug, “More like stopped it completely. Bet the big three are wondering why there’s no longer any trade to be had from these small Kingdoms they preyed on for so long. They’ve looked down upon them for so long, bet it never occurred to them that without their trade their kingdoms will quickly dry up. How many deserters are flocking to us?”

  “Too many. I want his allegiance, not his merchants. Now that they all have joined the Empire the big three will hardly be able to call us small. As it is though, we cannot ignore them for long. I think perhaps an ultimatum is in order.”

  Chuckling in his cup, Jarvis replied, “Yes Levi, tell him to join us or watch his gold dry up before his eyes. It will be like water in the Tioram Desert.”

  Levi smiled at his co-conspirator, he liked the old Dwarf. His shrewdness had helped grow the Empire faster than anything he could have ever imagined. With the unity of all the small kingdoms and the shared resources, they were entirely self-sufficient. Evenstar had swelled, people and gold flowing into the city and the surrounding hamlets that were popping up all over. Businesses opened up all over the city, the barracks were fit to burst, and the city was now by far the largest city in the northern lands.

  One day, about two months into the newly found prosperity Jarvis asked Levi if he had had any word from his brother. He said no and didn’t really expect to hear anything for some time. However, that got him worrying. He didn’t trust the Elves, even if his brother had befriended two of them that didn’t mean the entire Elven Empire would act as friendly to him.

  “Jarvis, what do you know of the Elven Empire?”

  Jarvis grunted, “That depends on what you want to know. Most of my knowledge is from rumor. They like us dwarves almost as much as they like you, Humans.”

  Levi pondered this for a moment. “Well for starters who do they trade with? What is the name of their capital and where is it located? Most importantly do you think they will join us?”

  Jarvis laughed at this, “I am not all-knowing Lord Levi. I do know the name of their capital though it’s called Haven, don’t ask me where it is because I don’t know. I know they have several cities, but the exact number I’m not sure about. I do know that they are at least the size as one of the big three if not bigger. As for the rest, your guess is as good as mine. Although I will add this, I know for certain that they don’t trade with anyone I have ever traded with. They are also the strongest magic users on earth so long as their scared spaces are not invaded. Even their children can boast strong magic, so if they decide not to join us, we would do well not to antagonize them.”

  Levi sat digesting this new information over the next couple of days. Finally, he came to the conclusion that there was nothing to be done about them at present and put the matter out of his mind. Which was a good thing because he and Jarvis were about to have what could only be called an unpleasant visit.

  They were in the study having a perfectly lovely afternoon tea relaxing after what had been a long day of settlements with the council of kings. Managing an empire was tiring work. Levi was on his second cup when a ruckus could be heard from down the hall, and it was getting closer.

  “My lord! My lord!” a page came bursting in, his tunic a strew sweat covering his pale face. “My lord,” he gasps while clutching a stitch in his chest. “Lords the King of Wilden is here!”

  Levi jumped to his feet; there was a crunching noise as Jarvis toppled to the floor, evidently trying to climb up himself. “What do you mean he’s here?”

  The page swallowed, “The King Envidious is here, he’s-he’s waiting in the throne room.” Levi and Jarvis looked at each other, and there was no laughter from the Dwarf this time as they rushed to the throne room.

  “How the blazes did he get here without being announced?” Jarvis asked.

  Levi was just as bewildered as he was and did not answer.

  They found the throne room packed with men and women that were apparently not of the Empire and there sitting astride Levi’s throne sat Envidious. Levi took in this new and imposing figure; he stood as they entered and to Levi, he looked like a deranged scarecrow. Tall and lanky, slightly hunched with a smartly trimmed beard. His face was split into what was without a doubt the most enormous, most twisted, creepy smile he had ever seen. His head slightly cocked to one side he had the look like a hangman weighing
you up for the rope. When they were in front of the throne, the vulture flew from his perch and landed close in front of Levi.

  “Well well well, if it’s not the child that would be King and his pet Dwarf.” He flashed his jester’s smile then screamed: “Everyone out!” Levi was frazzled but collected himself quickly.

  “King Envidious, welcome, what a nice surprise. We were not expecting you. I trust the road has not been too strenuous?”

  Envidious narrowed his eyes, then moved in dangerously close. Nearly nose to nose he spat “Your little game has gone on long enough boy! Your meddling has cost my Kingdom a fortune. I am not about to stand by and watch as a backwater child, and some aged rock dweller steals what’s rightfully mine!”

  Levi was cool. He merely said, “Well Lord we haven’t stolen anything. The current policies of the Empire are not to trade with outsiders. You see, we are quite self-sufficient. Lumber, grain, and of course gold. Why we have all we need, more in fact, but I prefer to have a surplus. You see, what this backwater child and my rock dweller friend realized is that the small kingdoms really don’t need you. Combined we are a rather formidable force. Now if you wanted to join the Empire, I am sure we can arrange that, and you would share in the prosperity. However, if you have just traveled all this way to insult us and throw tantrums, then we have very little to discuss.”

  Envidious’s face went from its pale white to beet red in an instant. He huffed and puffed there for a moment, then seemed to calm himself.

  “If my Kingdom was to join with you, what’s in it for me?”

  “Nothing, except for prosperity. But if that doesn’t suit you, you’re welcome to leave.”

  Envidious narrowed his eyes as if to try and see into Levi’s mind. Then backed up to the throne and sat down. Still pondering. This action made Levi’s blood boil; this was the second time the bastard had sat his twiggy ass in his throne. But Levi remained cool.


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