Black Thorn

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Black Thorn Page 17

by Brandon Killpack

  Jarvis took out his small pocketbook and leafed through its pages for a few moments before answering.

  “Well let’s see here. Oh yes, he’s a fully-fledged mage, rather powerful I’m told. Not attached to any one town, boy seems to move from place to place. It seems he is doing some kind of research into the history of Humanity, could be the basis of Michael’s complaints and good lord he’s only sixteen!”

  Levi’s head shot up in amazement.

  “Is he a member of the guild in Wilden? I’m sure Envidious has all kinds of pawns here in Evenstar, even gifted ones.” Levi said his eyes dancing wildly.

  “Yes well, it would seem he’s a native actually. Sorry to burst your conspiracy so soon. He was born here in Evenstar at least that is what my informants have found out anyways.” Jarvis replied.

  “Still could be a spy,” Levi muttered. “Either way it doesn’t make much since we haven’t had a mage’s guild for several hundred years. How was the boy trained if not in Wilden?”

  Jarvis shook his head. “I’m not sure maybe you should ask him. Either way, he was a determining factor in winning the battle. He seems to be a fabulous healer, stayed on the battlefield keeping the soldiers going and helping with battle magic from time to time. By all accounts, he’s a hero, a bit odd, but people like him. He has recently taken to healing the poor and those the healer’s guild has deemed incurable.”

  Levi narrowed his eyes. “That’s it right there, and now we know why the church is out to get him.”

  “Indeed. Shall I set up a meeting?” Jarvis said as he helped himself to some tea and biscuits.

  “As soon as possible, but make it seem like a trial I’d like to flush out as many rats as possible. Also, find out what else if anything the church might have against him before we move forward.” Levi said pointing one of his own biscuits at Jarvis before taking a bite.

  Jarvis clapped his hands together twice summoning a waiting page from the hallway. Jarvis gave him several detailed instructions before setting the lad off at a trout.

  Levi laughed, “One day you’ll tell me just how you came to have such a reliable network of spies and henchmen.”

  “Henchmen? You wound me, Levi, I don’t have henchmen I have incredibility reliable and timely boys to do my bidding. Adults hardly ever get anything right or on time.” Jarvis said with a dark chuckle.

  S everal hours later Levi was sitting in the high backed chair that overlooked the public meeting chamber. This chamber was very similar to the meeting hall in that the council seats were elevated and arranged in a half circle and a long wooden table curved around in front of each seat. In front of this arrangement was two podiums separated by a center aisle. Rows of chair sat behind each of these. This room was saved for public trials and meeting where the common people would be given the opportunity to speak their problems before the Council of Kings. Now, however, it was empty save Levi and the mage Felix.

  He looked down upon this rather mousy boy. He had a bookish appearance as he clearly spent several hours poring through tomes and not much time out in the sun. He had mousey brown hair and green eyes. He also kept fidgeting as Levi scrutinized him.

  “It would seem that Father Michael has it out for you.” It was a statement of fact that Levi saw clearly in the mage’s eyes.

  “If you say so, Lord. I don’t think I have done any wrong.” He said before Levi held up a hand to silence him.

  “Just so you know the healers are tied very closely to the church and are typically paid for their labors. As for what you stand accused of I would like an explanation.”

  Felix looked awkwardly around for some support. None was to be found in the empty meeting chamber.

  “I think sir, that the church has it wrong on that score.” Levi raised an eyebrow at this but let him continue. “See Humanity had once the ability to house, feed, and protect billions of people without the aid of magic. We used to fly my lord, sail the deep waters, and were masters of our world. We know of our mistakes, we understand the folly of bringing forth the great automaton race. Why then should we not pursue the taboo? Why should we continue to live in ignorance?”

  Levi did not answer him directly. Instead, he stared at the youth. The depth of his convictions was impressive, and he had a way about him that lured you into his speech. Again Felix began to fidget under Levi’s gaze, and he let him sweat a little while he pondered his next move. Was this a battle he really wanted to undertake? Coming to a decision, he rang a small silver bell that sat in front of him. Moments later a page arrived.

  “Bring in the priest Michael if you please,” Levi said.

  The page drew in a breath but did not speak. Instead, he turned on his heels and exited the chamber. Levi spared a glance at the mage; he was shaking. Before Levi could say anything, the door sprang open and bounded in Michael followed by a fan fair of brothers, nuns, common folk, and various Kings and officials, with Jarvis rounding out the rear. Levi gave a sneer of disgust at the pompous procession.

  Michael approached the podium, gave a bow to Levi and a bow to the spectators then raised an outstretched hand and an accusing finger and pointed at Felix.

  “I suspect my Lord that you have finally found this heretic guilty? If it is a punishment you seek Lord, might I suggest death for one who lusts after the taboos.” Michael said with a sneer.

  Levi closed his eyes and took a breath before saying, “Is it not so written that the Maker is forever forgiving? Or should I find you the executioner’s axe?”

  A look of indignation replaced the brief shock that had painted the priest’s face, Levi continued. “This brave boy, barely a man by our standards worked tirelessly to heal and protect our soldiers during the last conflict with the Orcs. He has been a balm to the poor and has worked endlessly to help those in need. However, the deeds do not conceal the crime he has committed, as the study of the taboos is one that is best left alone.”

  The priest shot a smug look at Felix who seemed to shrink under his gaze.

  “Unless that is the research is carefully monitored, and its findings are put to the best interest of Humanity. Then is it not reasonable to find out as much as we can about our past?” Levi mused and watched as a myriad of emotions played over the priest's face, here is where the games would begin.

  “It is possible, am I hearing you’re correct, are you actually endorsing a sin against the Maker? Would any King be so bold as to risk such… heresy?” Michael said.

  There was a great hush over the gathered crowd, and Levi watched with mounting dread and not a shred of surprise as Envidious slid into the back of the chamber. He closed his eyes again and took several deep breaths, then swallowed hard his fear before he answered the priest.

  “You misunderstand me, Father Michael. Those who dwell at the deepest reaches of the earth must never again be brought to the surface, but a technology that could save lives and improve our chances of survival against the Orc horde is essential. When the Maker blessed me by this position did I not vow to strive for a prosperous Kingdom? Did you not say that my reign was to be a blessing to our people as we lost our beloved King Udda? That the Maker himself makes all things happen? Therefore it must be by the Maker’s wisdom and grace that he brought us such a gifted mage with the heart to serve his people.”

  There was a scattering of murmurings though the crowd. Several priest and nuns were nodding along in agreement, and Levi allowed himself a smile before continuing.

  “In an effort to ensure we never tread upon the dangerous taboo, we must learn from our mistakes. Therefore from this day hence I appoint Felix of Evenstar as the leader of the newly created Evenstar Mage’s Guild. It will research and record, and will be a new defense in our struggle against the horde.”

  Cheers erupted from the crowd and Levi suspected that Jarvis and his many present pages had started the cacophony. The effect was clear enough, Michael looking furious could see that he was defeated. He stormed from the room without a backward glance.

p; Jarvis using his considerable bulk forced his way through, parting the crowd with ease. He reached Levi and with a whisper said, “You made another enemy lad.”

  To which Levi replied, “Well what’s life without a couple of enemies.” As his eyes followed Envidious as he exited the chamber.

  D espite his misgivings, the fallout from his proposal did not reach Levi until the following day, in fact, the remaining time after he had announced Felix leader of the mages guild thus absolving him of his guilt had been very pleasant. Levi had been able to devote several hours to tea and his favorite books, an activity he had only been able to do sparingly in the past few months. He had a nice privet dinner alone and even joined Jarvis for a nightcap before staggering off to bed in the early hours.

  Levi should have known better. He should have known that this was merely the calm before the storm. For no sooner had the sun began its heavenly ascent was Levi thrust out of bed by the most ungodly noise. Father Michael was bulling his guards to let him through and was now sitting in Levi’s private apartment commanding the guards to bring Levi before him, all while making enough noise to wake the castle. Levi lay in bed a moment longer glowering at the ceiling and praying to the Maker to strike down the ill-begotten priest before he had to get out of bed. It didn’t happen. It is very rare for the Maker to intervene on one’s behalf even in a crisis. His last thought before he hoisted himself out of bed was that he would have to do something about those utterly worthless guards.

  Irritated at being woken up at such an ungodly hour Levi was feeling a bit petulant and thus snapped at his servant a little more severe than he usually ever would. He ordered her to bring tea and breakfast for two and to wake up the cook if she had to. The poor girl flinched away at his cruelty, and sensing danger ran to complete her errand.

  A few minutes later Levi was dressed, and the smell of eggs and bacon was wafting into his room, there was nothing to it he had to face Michael now. His servant was in the midst of setting the large platters of food on the table when he walked in. Adding further annoyance, he saw that Michael was already helping himself to the food and one of the two large steaming pots of tea.

  “I am most ever so pleased that you could breakfast with me at this most holy hour Father,” Levi said with a forced grin.

  “Don’t be flippant with me Levi, I was to discuss what happened yesterday, and I am not leaving until I get my answers.” Michael steamed.

  Levi gave a great yawn while he took his seat and reached for the teapot. Then he sat back and sipped at his tea and munching on a fried piece of bacon waiting for Michael to continue. After several mouth-fulls’ it was clear that he wasn’t going to be starting this conversation.

  “What is it precisely that you wish to discuss father Michael?” Levi asked. Father Michael swallowed the eggs he had just been plowing into his mouth and pointed his fork at Levi.

  “See here Levi what the devil do you mean by protecting that boy? He’s a menace and a heretic and should be strung up by the nearest tree!” He said all this while continuing to shovel copious amounts of bacon and eggs in his mouth. Levi watched him a moment with a bemused smile.

  “Father, I am not killing a mage they’re too valuable. A fully trained mage is worth ten of my spell swords, besides the boy is just sixteen, hardly into his manhood. There is also the fact that he has already proven himself both powerful and courageous. We need him, and his abilities and I really don’t think that allowing him to research topics that may end up being useful is too much to ask. Now I know you to be an understanding individual, what could he possibly have done to set you against him?” Levi asked.

  Michael chewed for what seemed like hours then finally said, “He is taking away too much business from the healers.”

  Levi bit back a laugh; there it was the root cause of it all, money. Rubbing his chin thoughtfully he said, “Perhaps with his new duties he will be too busy to heal the masses?”

  “That’s not enough!” Michael exploded. “The damage has already been done! That boy, ugh if he had only stayed in with the healers, this wouldn’t be a problem, but now he’s gone rogue and taking all the business with him!” Michael ranted.

  “I understand that, but perhaps in his research, he finds some useful advancements that could help us win the war?”

  Michael growled, “If he’s researching anything I want to know exactly what! I want in the loop!” he banged his fist on the table to make his point.

  Levi nodded, “Well that’s only natural, and if he were to find some advancements that would help the people with their health I am sure we could give that information to the healers a little ahead of the masses. Who knows, such advances could be quite profitable. Now would this be acceptable?”

  A crooked smile widened on Michael’s face. He stood up shaking Levi’s hand, “I knew you were a reasonable man my Lord.”

  Oh it’s my Lord now, is it? Levi thought, but he returned the smile. “I would be correct in thinking that in the future I will have the full support of the church moving forward?”

  Michael gave an exaggerated bow, “Of course my Lord, anything you need my Lord.” He left the room leaving Levi with a sour taste in his mouth.

  Levi finished his breakfast in silence trying in vain to wash the vile taste the conversation had left in his mouth with the fried eggs, and crispy bacon, and not to mention cup after cup of his tea. With breakfast ruined he spent the rest of the morning in a foul mood. He was only able to reign in his emotions come lunchtime, where he was joined by Jarvis.

  Jarvis not to have his food tainted by anyone’s mood said, “Buck up or you’ll sour the milk. Besides you need to plaster a smile, we will be lunching with one more today.” He said indicating the third sitting at the table.

  It was too much, Levi rolled his eyes to heaven and gave a great sigh just as the door opened reviling the mage Felix. Fixing his face in a composed smile Levi made to greet the mage, but surprisingly Jarvis beat him to it. Leaping out of his chair and shaking the table while he did it, he slapped Felix hard on the back sending him skidding forward several paces.

  “Damn good to see you boy! Anyone and I mean anyone who can ruffle the feathers of that great stuffed shirt Michael is a friend of mine! Here sit sit, we were just getting started.”

  Felix looked shocked and wary, like a rabbit that had somehow found its way in a den of wolves. He sat down on the edge of his seat poised for flight should they decide that the sandwiches were not as appealing.

  “Oh good lord, do relax I promise we are going to eat our lunch not you,” Levi said dryly as he picked as his sandwich.

  Jarvis chuckled, “Come on everything is going to be fine. Levi here is on your side even if he is a bit harassable at times.”

  Levi shot Jarvis a look of disdain, “You would be in a bad mood too if you were woken up at the crack of dawn by that grease ball of a priest!”

  “Were you really?” Felix asked tentatively.

  Levi gave him a pained, but sincere smile. “Oh yes, being a King means you rarely get to sleep in or escape those you dislike. “

  They ate in silence for a time. Finally, after they all had eaten their fill, Jarvis voiced the reason for their meeting.

  “I asked you to join Levi and myself here today to have a little chat in regards to your future here in Evenstar. But first I must know how are you enjoying your new lodgings?” Jarvis asked eagerly.

  “Very much sir, my lord, they are very luxurious my lord,” Felix answered.

  Jarvis waved a dismissive hand, “Don’t mention it, truth be told they're not the poshest, but I figured that a leader of a guild as important as the Mages Guild deserved something just a tad flashy.”

  Levi chuckled, if he knew Jarvis as well as he thought he did, the room was far more flamboyant than he let on.

  “About my being the head of the Mages Guild Lords. I am flattered, but I don’t really think I can lead a guild.” Felix said.

  Levi and Jarvis looked at each other.
Neither displaying the subtlest hint of surprise. Jarvis leaned back in his chair, knit his fingers together over his massive stomach and poised to watch the show.

  Levi considered Felix for a moment. “You talk as if you have a choice in the matter. Understand this well Guild Master. Your new position is what saved you from the gallows.”

  Levi let his words sink in before he continued, “I do see you as someone who can really do some good here, and your position will give you access to the materials and documents required for your research. Just do your best, and we will keep Michael and his cronies out of your way.”

  Felix looked downcast as if he was being caged. Which in a way he was. “Do I truly have no other options?” Felix asked.

  Jarvis leaned forward and said in a kind voice, “Not unless you plan on fleeing the Empire son. Work with us and help us bring about new prosperity to our people.”

  Felix didn’t look convinced, but he said, “Okay as you wish my Lords. I will do my best to meet your expectations.” He rose to leave and was at the door when Levi put in.

  “Perhaps you will be the one to return us to the sky? I do think I like the idea of soring with the birds in the heavens.” Levi said and was satisfied when a smile touched Felix’s lips before he departed.

  This Empire has just gotten a little more complicated. Levi thought as he watched the youth leave. Then he closed his eyes and enjoyed the companionable silence between himself and Jarvis.

  I t had been a long day for Levi, this Envidious fellow was proving to be somewhat troublesome, but his arrival had shown to be helpful in its way. With his Kingdom of Wilden within the folds of the Empire, it wasn’t long until Jarred of Witchhallow and Michael of Staghelm, the last Kings in all of Rosenkar, agreed to join him and relocate to Evenstar.

  However, Envidious was quick in his attempts to take control of the council. He would try and control each and every meeting, pointing out Levi’s young age at every opportunity adding comments such as “It’s is understandable that you would believe such things, you are still so very young.” Or “Allow me to take care of this for you Levi for I have already done such things in my early years of rule many, many years ago. This is something that only experience can show the correct path.”


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