Black Thorn

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Black Thorn Page 18

by Brandon Killpack

  The man was utterly infuriating and worse he was lobbying for Levi’s position as head of the Council of Kings.

  He and Jarvis had tirelessly been playing the game of persuasion, trying to ensure the other kings stayed in his corner. This further enraged Envidious to the point where Jarvis began to fear for Levi’s life.

  “Don’t push the man too hard. He’s been ruling for nearly forty years. He was born to be King, and he enjoys his power.”

  Despite his warnings Levi continued to antagonize Envidious every chance he had, setting the man up to look as incompetent as possible at every opportunity. Even though he was sure that the other Kings would continue to back him (he did bring them all together along with the dwarves and possibly the Elves someday in the future.) Levi felt that he should get in some well-placed jabs at the infuriating bastard. Little did he know just how unstable Envidious truly was.

  It began one day while Levi was taking tea with the other Kings, this was just a brief respite from the meeting they had been holding all morning. The bulk of which concerned the standing army Levi was putting together. They needed more permanent soldiers, but Envidious set to contradict him at every move voicing that he was concerned with stationing a large number of soldiers in the city.

  “What happens when they decide that they don’t need to take orders from us anymore?” Envidious asked.

  Privately Levi thought that it was a valid fear, but he reasoned that keeping a large standing army was their only chance of enduring the ages.

  “If we keep them paid, fed, and keep them busy with training in times of peace then that shouldn’t be a problem,” Levi said thinking it perfectly reasonable.

  Envidious, however, was not impressed, “Oh to be so young and naïve about the world around you.”

  This had sparked a twelve-minute shouting match between himself and Envidious, with each man shouting at the other until hoarse. Finally, Levi said that they should break for tea and pick up where they left off afterward. Envidious agreed telling the waiting servant to give him a splash of brandy in his.

  Levi raised his eyebrow in a “drinking awfully early aren’t we?” gesture, but Envidious ignored him.

  Levi was just setting to enjoying his tea when a great trumpeting and cheering could be heard from the courtyard outside. They didn’t have to dash to the windows to see what all the commotion was about, as the proceedings had moved into the entry hall and were steadily moving to their meeting hall.

  No one could have predicted what would emerge from behind those double doors as they swung open to reveal a large procession of Elves. In fact, it was more of a squadron of Elves Levi thought, taking in their numbers. They were followed by several guards, soldiers, and common people most of whom had never seen an Elf in their life. Even most of the kings to his right and left looked awestruck at the fair and graceful Elves and shocked when they marched right up to them, that is save for Levi who sat sipping his tea, a broad grin on his face.

  A graceful Elven solder in gleaming armor stepped forward, his slanted features creased in a broad and warm smile.

  Brandishing a scroll he bowed and spoke, “Greeting to Lord Levi and his Circle of Kings.” Levi sent a smug look across to Envidious at this.

  “His most Great King Radavas sends his greetings and this message.” The Elf unrolled the scroll and began to read.

  “Behold Levi for history is indeed in the making. I declare our races to have peace, whose terms we will discuss after we have rid this world of the terrible menace that is the necromancer. As a token of my friendship, I give to you these soldiers that were handpicked as my personal guard. Please use them where you can, but my generosity does not end there for I have also sent to you a chest of the purest gold that I myself sang from the ground and my two sons Dominic and Alistair to speak for me in my stead. I pray that we will ride together in battle soon and make history by riding this world of an evil most terrible. Keep your men at the ready for I feel we are indeed on the cusp of that history of which I have spoken. I will see you soon. Yours most truly, the Great King Radavas.” The Elf that was reading bowed and ushered forward the chest of gold and behind that the two regale sons of Radavas.

  Alto rose up from his seat and said, “All hail Levi, the King that united the lands!” The others cheered as Levi greeted the sons, embracing each of them briefly then bidding them join the circle. Before sitting back down Levi cast a smug glance at Envidious and saw to his shock that the man had murder in his eyes.

  Perhaps, he thought, I have been a little too smug this day.

  The rest of the meeting went very much in Levi’s favor. He found that both Dominic and Alistair were very charismatic and very shrewd in their understandings of matters of state. With their help and the help of some of the Elven guards, Levi was able to create new training for his soldiers and get the other Kings to agree that they needed more men and more resources to be poured into the army. Hopefully, when the time came for them to war with the necromancer, they would be ready.

  Dominic and Alistair were also able to secure for Levi some hard-won trading agreements that would place more power in Evenstar, making the Empire more secure and hopefully enduring. Several other matters were also sped through and agreed upon, most of which Levi hadn’t been able to get past previously for Envidious had countered these each time, this time, however, he didn’t object at all.

  In fact, the man hadn’t said a single word since the Elves arrived, not casting a single vote or adding a single snide comment. Although Levi saw this as a much need improvement, it rattled him just a little.

  Perhaps he has admitted defeat? Levi thought, then with a shake of his head, he dismissed it.

  As the meeting broke Levi called out to his friend the king of the Dwarves, “Jarvis might I have a quick word?”

  Jarvis sauntered up giving Levi a mock bow, “Yes oh hero King Levi, greatest among men.” Jarvis chuckled, “I hope you saw Envidious’s face, it looked like he swallowed a lemon.”

  Levi smiled at him, “Yes yes old friend, but I have something urgent that I need to discuss with you.”

  Jarvis’s smile faded from his face adding another ten years to his already ancient Dwarf features.

  “What is it Levi, something wrong?” Jarvis hissed.

  Levi took a moment steering Jarvis across the room and making sure Envidious was well out of earshot.

  Before saying, “I want the Elves guarded immediately, and I want your people keeping an eye on Envidious. It would look very bad on us if something were to happen to Radavas’s sons on the day peace was declared between our two races. Also,” He added as an afterthought, “It might not be a bad idea to have some guards around Alto. After the outburst he made, I am sure Envidious hates him now almost as much as he hates me.”

  Jarvis nodded then motioned over to his page, and the boy ran to him stopping close to his master. Jarvis whispered something in his ear, the boy’s eyes widened then he nodded and sprinted away trailing Envidious.

  “Best we tell the Elves we’d like to have them placed under guard,” Jarvis said in a weary voice. Levi agreed, it was much easier to protect someone who was willing to be protected than someone who wasn’t. They approached the two Elves who were amusing themselves with the various art pieces on the walls. They would point and laugh then speak in quick elvish words gesturing madly all the while.

  “Ah, hum, master Elves,” Jarvis began, “We feel that for the duration of your stay we would like to place some of our guards with you. Although I am sure none would dare wish you harm, it is a chance we will not take.”

  Levi watched as Dominic and Alistair looked at each other and started to laugh at Jarvis.

  “Good King Dwarf, we are Elves. We both have spent twenty years serving in our army as all Elves must serve, at least for a time.” Dominic said

  “We are born warriors, not politicians. We would not be so easily killed by Humans I think.” Alistair continued.

  Levi smiled at the two
of them, “Be that as it may, it is my wish that you are protected while you stay in my city. It would grieve me much should either of you come to harm. Therefore I will have two guards appointed to each of you, and I would like you to have just as many Elven guards with you as well. While you are here they will be by your side at all times, do you agree to this?”

  Alistair turned to his brother, “Are all Humans this paranoid?” and they both began to laugh.

  “We will do as you wish.” Dominic said then together they strode away letting their voice carry, “We will have to write Lily about this and all the other peculiarities of the Human city.”

  As they left Jarvis turned to Levi and said, “Cheeky ones those two, but we will make sure they come to no harm.”

  Levi turned to him, “See that you do, I have a feeling something is going to happen.”

  F or several days nothing out of the ordinary happened, and the Kingdom operated as usual, better in fact as the added might of the Elves all but gave Levi complete control over the council meetings. Jarvis was still having his network of pages spying on Envidious, but so far it appeared that nothing was going to happen, which allowed them to breathe a sigh of relief.

  Then one afternoon Levi was alone in his study pouring over the most recent reports and records for the last month. He was very lost in thought while he did this activity and as always he had a full pot of steaming tea with him. Whenever he looked at the reports (or at any time socially acceptable.), he drank copious amounts of the stuff, munching on biscuits in between cups. He was about to reach for the teapot and pour himself another cup when he froze. A cold chill ran down his spine and knew he was no longer alone in the room.

  His study was a long room with very few windows and several bookshelves creating a near perfect place to slide into the shadows. All that stood between him and whoever was now in the room was his large cherry wood desk, a vast expanse of space piled high with books and papers. Levi weighed his options. His desk was at the back of the room with the only exit at the front. It was true that there was a large window behind him, but he imagined how undignified it would look if he were to burst through it falling into the rose bushes that lay directly underneath. With the image in his head, he crossed that option off the list, only one thing to do then.

  Levi stood glancing down the room searching for the intruder, finally sick of the cloak and dagger routine he called out, “I know you are there, might as well come out and get on with what you came to do.” He waited a moment, then deciding that the intruder had lost his nerve he poured himself that cup of tea. As he began to sip a figure stepped out of the shadows. He was clothed completely in black and had the most ridiculous wrap around his head concealing his face and in his right hand a jagged dagger. Levi bit back a laugh at this whole display. The man was clearly playing the part of the assassin. He patiently sipped his tea as the assassin stared at him. Finally, with a roll of his eye, he said, “If you’re here to kill me you had best get on with it. Otherwise, I’m busy.”

  The assassin cocked his head to the side, “You are not frightened?”

  This time Levi did laugh, “Frightened? Of you no, the paperwork, on the other hand, is terrifying.”

  The assassin took a step forward, “I have been sent to kill you.”

  “Obviously, I gathered that by the dagger in your hand and the ghastly clothing you’re wearing. Is there anything else I should know?” Levi asked.

  The assassin stared blankly back at him.

  “The man who hired me wanted you to know who killed you, and he wanted you to know it was he responsible for your downfall. That man is…”

  “Envidious King of Wilden, yes I figured he’d try sooner or later, although one would have hoped he would have employed a more intelligent person.”

  Again the assassin looked blankly back at him, and Levi could actually see the gears slowly trying to turn.

  “Well, what are you waiting for, get on with it. If you’re going to try and kill me you had better hurry up my tea is getting cold.” Levi said with a sip.

  As if he was waiting for the permission the assassin started forward, raising his right hand that held the dagger dramatically. Levi allowed him to get within ten feet of the desk, and then he picked up the still steaming teapot and hurled it at the assassin’s head. With a great shatter, the teapot broke over the assassin’s face sending scolding hot tea steaming over his face, soaking the cloth that was bound around his head and proving to Levi that he should always have a steaming pot of tea on hand socially acceptable or not.

  The assassin screamed in agony as he desperately flailed about like a fish trying to get the wrap off his face and dropping the dagger in the process. Levi seized the opportunity and scooped up the blade and for good measure he seized the assassin’s right hand and cut it off adding to his pain.

  Levi looked at him, “Well look at it this way. Now you’re not so concerned about that face of yours are you?” he said as blood poured porously from the limb. The assassin had his wrap off and was trying to cover his stump with it when the guards finally came pouring into the study. A look of utter bewilderment was on the assassin’s burnt face as he was hoisted up and circled by the guards. Levi made a mental note to have personal guards with him moving forward.

  “Well it certainly took you lot long enough didn’t it,” Levi said as he strode forward grabbing the bloody wrap from the assassin’s arm sending a circle of blue healing magic to stop his bleeding.

  “I want this man kept alive, I’ll question him later,” Levi said, and a whimper came from the assassin, and to Levi’s complete astonishment he started sobbing.

  “Oh, good gods get him out of here!” Levi said, and two of the guards grabbed him by the arms and hauled him off. Seconds later Jarvis came puffing and whizzing into the room, took a look at the pools of blood some of the soldiers were now starting to clean up and almost fainted.

  His face was deadly pale he said, “I just got word moments ago. I-I was afraid you were finished. I honestly thought he would go for the Elves not attack you directly.”

  Levi thought the poor Dwarf was going to be the next one to start crying, so he patted him on the shoulder, then as he was slipping the dagger into his belt he said. “You know I think you worry too much old friend. Leave that!” he added as one of the guards was attempting to scoop up the severed hand. The guard paled looking at the dagger in Levi’s belt.

  “Yes my Lord, whatever you say, sir.” The guard jabbered.

  “Good, you clean up my study, I want it sparkling when I return. The rest of you follow me.” Levi knelt and with the soaking wrap, he wrapped up the hand and stuck it under his arm like a grotesque parcel.

  “Just what on earth are you going to do with that?” Jarvis asked not hiding his disgust.

  Levi smiled a little maniacally, “Follow me my friend and you’ll find out.”

  Levi exited the room with Jarvis and the guards at his heels and the hand soaking at his side. He walked bristly though the corridors making his way to the meeting hall where he expected to find Envidious with the other Kings, even though there was no meeting scheduled today. He was not disappointed. It appeared that Envidious had just been telling the council something tragic for the look of shock and amazement on their faces was proof enough of their innocence. Envidious for his part looked like he was staring at a ghost.

  Levi strode to the long crescent table that sat in front of the council. He dropped the parcel onto the table holding on to one end of the wrap sending the hand flopping along the table. Swiftly he drove the dagger deep into the hand, nailing it to the table in front of Envidious.

  “Next time you go to kill someone, Envidious, do be sure to employ a more competent henchmen. Also don’t have him boast about his employer, that just bad taste and rather stupid.” The guards that flanked Levi seized Envidious, apparently trying to prove their worth. They dragged him away kicking and screaming and to an end that would surely be fitting this overgrown man-child

  “Now,” Levi started while pouring himself a cup of tea from the set on the table. “Does anyone have any idea what we should do with his Kingdom now that it’s without a King?”

  Chapter 17 The Shepherd

  H urry my young ones. You must hurry!” Joseph called out as they fumbled through the forest. The terrain of the black forested mountains that formed the Blackridge was as equally hard to descend as it was to climb. They had started on one of the few passes that connected the two halves of the country but were soon forced to traverse the maze of dark trees as the drackens discovered them. They fumbled desperately like blind baggers, running into trees and bushes as they tried to evade the nimble drackens.

  “You’d think they’d have given up by now.” Harth panted as he struggled to keep up.

  “No Master Dwarf, their entire race is tied up in that cult religion and not only have we killed off their leader, but they are under the direct control of the necromancer. He has promised them too much for them to let us escape so easily.”

  “Easily? Great sage there has been nothing easy about this venture.” Harth huffed as he jogged down the path clutching a stitch in his side.

  “We are nearly there, and we must reach the forest of Elden before daybreak. Hopefully, there, we will find some rest before we have to continue our journey.” Joseph panted.

  They continued throughout the night, using as little light as possible. It was here they relied most heavily on Harth as his Dwarf eyes suited the dark. They stopped to rest very seldom as each time they sagged to the forest floor they would have to jump back up as the angry cries of the drackens filled the night air behind them. So they ran on feeling the wisps of fear with every step.


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