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Pregnant by My Alien Master

Page 7

by Kaylee Kane

  “Yes,” I admitted. A sigh escaped from my chest. “In retrospect, I thought I was so silly. I was trying to rescue Marcy and Jacey. When they were the ones on Rykes Jnr.’s side setting me up for this fuckery!”

  Damaris clutched onto my arms. His fingers clamped onto my flesh tightly, not wanting to let go. “Do you still love me, Ayana?”

  Our gazes interlocked. I was slightly hurt by the question. “Why did you think I came back for you?”

  A long silence stretched between us before Damaris pulled me into his embrace and pressed me against his chest. His warmth engulfed my body. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I shut my eyes and luxuriated against his heartbeat against mine. “I love you always, Damaris.”

  “Promise me you will never leave me ever,” Damaris whispered into my ear.

  “I promise, Damaris. I will never leave you forever.”

  After what felt like an eternity, we pulled apart. We traded smiles. I turned around when I was met eye to eye with Zand. My stomach lurched. “Zand?” I muttered. He lowered his eyes. He looked like he was trying to hide away before I saw him but changed his mind. He didn’t even want to look me in the eyes when he said, “We’re approaching the destination. Get ready.” Distress heavy in his voice.

  I knew I hurt him and it felt terrible. I sucked in a deep breath to stop myself from chasing after him when he turned around and left. Why did romance have to be so complex? Why did I have to fall in love with two males at the same time? The question was…why couldn’t I be with the two of them at the same time? Why did I have to choose?

  We followed Zand to the cockpit where he presented the hologram blueprint of the breeding center to us. “The three of us will be going on separate ways.” He didn’t even look at me. His eyes were on Damaris and the blueprint all the time. Maybe it was better for us. Maybe that would help me detach emotionally from him entirely. That would end our pains.

  “The prisoners are held captive at the breeding center. I will be freeing them. And Damaris–” Damaris held up his hand to correct Zand. “It’s Commander Damaris.”

  Zand rolled his eyes. “I figured out that the clones have been implanted with some mind control device. You need to get in there and neutralize their control. And Ayana…” His eyes lingered on my face for the first time. I forgot how to breathe. Then, he started talking and I broke out of my stupor. “You will get into the lab and get the antidote.”

  I cringed. Get into the lab and get the fucking antidote. How easy that sounded right? How did I know which fucking antidote was the right one? Uneasiness pricked my skin.

  “Ayana?” Zand called me again.

  I looked up and realized I was in the center of attention. I nodded. My voice cracked a little when I said, “I got it.” Did I really? Could I go and rescue the prisoners instead?

  A haze of futile fear swept over me. I blurted out. “I can’t do this…” My legs were shaking. “What if I got the wrong one? I can’t do this.”

  Zand held me by the shoulder and lasered into my eyes. “You got this, Ayana. You got this. Don’t let the words of Rykes Jnr. and your fucking asshole colleagues get into your mind. You are better than that.”

  I shook my head as my voice crackled with frustration. “You don’t understand. They were right. I fucked up. If I hadn’t fucked up, this wouldn’t have happened! Rykes Jnr. was right about me being incapable as fuck. Marcy and Jacey were right about me–”

  “Prove them wrong this time, Ayana.” My breath rushed out as Zand’s eyes entangled with mine. “Plus, they won’t matter anymore when they are dead.” He shot me a wicked wink that made me smile instantly.

  I nodded.

  “You got this, Ayana?” asked Zand.

  “I got this.”

  The memory of the last time I had been here flashed into my mind. Ayana, oh, Ayana. How dumb could you be? You knew that your colleagues were fucking assholes. How could you be so retarded to rescue them from the Lunatics? Not only I had done it once, but I also did it twice. I wished I could go back in time and fuck them up. But then again, if I could turn back time, I had many more other things to change than my decision to rescue Marcy and Jacey.

  I wouldn’t join the Luna Nova Mission. Heck, I wouldn’t fucking join the GGG at all. Rykes Jnr. was right about one thing. I would have completed my degree and get a normal job. I would have graduated by now…but then again, would anyone else have graduated? Now that Rykes Jnr. had wiped out most of the world’s population. Would it still matter to have a degree right now?

  If I didn’t join the GGG and go on the Luna Nova Mission, would I still meet and fall in love with Damaris? Would I still bear his child? Oh god, I missed Ezekil so much. When I asked Damaris where our child was, he told me he was in a safe place and asked me not to worry about it. I didn’t ask further. Too many things whirling in my mind.

  I shook my head and focused on the mission. To get the real antidote for Damaris. And I wasn’t going to fuck it up this time.

  Everything in the Luna Nova Breeding Center looked the same. Except for the Lunatic staff no longer had to veil themselves in white, light-reflective clothing like they had to before. I switched on the cloaking device and breezed through the quiet, spartan hallways.

  I still remembered clearly everything that had happened in these hallways. How I rescued Marcy and Jacey from Dr. Gav. How we got caught by Commander Damaris’ sentinels. I wished there was a delete button in my mind that could erase all these rubbish thoughts so that I didn’t have to relive these moments through my memories. I made a mental note to ask Damaris if they had such technology. I roughly remembered the directions to the Genetics Lab from the blueprint and my previous encounter and groped my way there when something coming from behind the thin wall caught my attention.

  I pulled up and listened carefully when I recognized it was Arman’s voice. I stepped back and looked through the window in the staircase. Arman wasn’t alone. There was no mistaking it was Marcy.

  My heart lurched when I heard advancing footsteps coming from behind me. I turned around to see a Lunatic rushing towards me. My stomach shrank thinking he saw me but he breezed past and diffused through the wall into the staircase. Arman and Marcy turned around to glance at him. The Lunatic didn’t even look at them as he bolted upstairs.

  I slipped in after the Lunatic like a ghost and flattened myself against the wall. I grinned sheepishly to myself as their gazes locked. Marcy’s pleading while Arman’s was cold. “You knew this was going to happen,” said Arman, the chill in his voice made my hairs stand on ends.

  Marcy’s eyes turned glassy. She gulped. There was a brief silence. “I don’t have a choice, you know that.” Arman remained quiet so Marcy added, “I really wanted to get into the Galactic Girl Gang. You know how cut-throat is to get into the GGG. I don’t have a choice. If I want to be in it, I have to sign the deal with Rykes Jnr. I have to suck his cock. Jacey would tell you the same.” The last part was dripped with venom.

  Arman looked away. “This is not about Jacey.”

  “Since when it’s not about Jacey, Arman?” Marcy snorted as she crossed her arms over her chest, purposely pushed her breasts up to make them look fuller. She was wearing nothing underneath her lab coat and her nipples prodded through the thin fabric.

  “You can’t talk shit about me fucking Jacey when you were the one going around sucking your bosses’ cocks! Tell me, which one of your managers’ cocks haven’t you sucked before?” Marcy’s face turned deep purple. I could see the agony in her face as she fought so hard not to frown.

  I gulped. I didn’t think there was so much tension between the three of them. Based on their fucking rate, I thought the three of them were in a peaceful open relationship. Marcy let out a resigning sigh. “You know I didn’t have a choice. Look. I don’t want to talk about that.” He grabbed onto Arman’s arm as she shifted closer. “I’m pregnant, Arman. I didn’t even know which of the Lunatics who fucked me got me preggers. I don’t want to squeeze out som
e alien child! It’s disgusting!”

  I couldn’t help feeling offended. I fought with my every nerve not to launch myself at Marcy and bitch-slap that bitch.

  Arman’s eyes grew wide as if he didn’t know before that fucking would create babies. “How is that possible?”

  Marcy sniffed. “Before the Luna Nova Mission, Jacey and I were given contraceptive pills to stop us from getting impregnated by the Lunatics. It was a part of his plans. He didn’t want us getting impregnated randomly by the Lunatics. He wanted us to get on their leader, Damaris’ good side. Of course, that didn’t work as planned.” Marcy glared over Arman’s shoulder.

  I sucked in my breath thinking she was glaring at me. “That bitch Ayana sabotaged the whole plan by getting on Damaris’ good side first.” I balled my fists. She was glaring at me after all.

  “So we changed the plan. We tried to get on Ayana’s good side instead. That dumb bitch thought we were conciliating with her and agreed to get us back to Earth.” My knuckles started to turn white. “Rykes Jnr. promised this would be the last mission for us. Who knew he betrayed us and gave us to the Lunatics!”

  Marcy rested her head against Arman’s shoulder only to be brushed off. “You should have known Rykes Jnr. isn’t one to trust.”

  “Then why are you still here?” Marcy cried out. Realizing she had been too loud, as always, she glanced around and lowered her voice. “Why are you still helping him?”

  A pained expression crossed Arman’s face. “I do not have a choice. He made me…” He looked straight into Marcy’s eyes and cupped her face in his hands. “I have a mind control chip implanted in me. If I betray him, I will die, Marcy. It’s not that simple.”

  Marcy’s fake brows quirked up in surprise. She looked lovingly into Arman’s eyes as she traced her fingers decked with fake long nails across Arman’s purple eyes. “Arman…we will fix this…Rykes Jnr. cannot control our lives.”

  Arman grabbed Marcy by her arms and pulled her away. “You don’t understand, Marcy. Rykes Jnr. is going to take over the whole Creamy Way. He’s already wiped out Earth, now halfway through Luna Nova. It’s about time he conquers every fucking planet in the world. There is no way out.”

  “Yes, we can! Trust me for once, Arman.” Marcy’s fingers clamped tightly onto Arman. Arman’s eyes lasered into Marcy’s. “Arman, we can deactivate the mind control device and flee with the Beastship.” An evil smirk quirked up Marcy’s lips. “Rykes Jnr. can’t leave Luna Nova without that shit.”

  The same wicked look molded on Arman’s face. “That sounds like a great idea. What about Jacey?”

  Marcy’s face plummeted. “What about her?” I couldn’t believe that even Marcy didn’t give a fuck about rescuing Jacey. I was the fool who bothered to rescue them from Luna Nova. What kind of fucking world did we live in?

  Arman pursed his lips. “I’m not leaving without her. That’s the deal.”

  Marcy rolled her eyes. “Alright. We’ll leave together.”

  Arman nodded. “Deal.” I jumped a foot in the air when Arman turned around. He breezed past me and diffused through the wall. Marcy followed suit. I took up the rear but didn’t follow them down the hallway when the cacophony from behind me caught my attention. I turned around to see a hologram television floating on the top right corner of the hallway.

  It was the national news. A Lunatic reporter looked to the screen. “After the disappearance of our esteemed leader, Commander Damaris, an alien being who claimed himself as Dr. Rykes Jnr. has come forth to offer a solution to the human fever that plagued our society. But will this extraterrestrial being be able to solve a problem that has been here for generations?”

  Rykes Jnr.’s pompous face appeared on the screen. He spread his arms wide in the air. “Greetings, my fellow Lunatics. I am Dr. Rykes Jnr., a renowned scientist from Earth. My forefathers had long been in contact with Luna Nova during the reign of Commander Karzen. In fact, they were very best friends.” I glared at the hologram. What a disgusting self-obsessed prick he was. Well, to be fair, most from the GGG was disgusting, arrogant bastards anyway.

  “I have long been aware of the reproductive difficulty and UV ray allergy, a phenomenon we called Light Sensitive, faced by the Lunatics. I have not only come with a little treat for everybody…” He winked lewdly at the camera, making the tiny hairs on my arms stand on ends. “Yes…I have brought you our women for your use and pleasure…I have also come with the antidote that will cure your reproductive problem and Light Sensitive.” A dramatic pause. “All you have to do is to make me your new leader and I will give you the light in your life that you’ve been looking for.”

  I pulled myself away from the screen and marched down the hallway. I wasted too much time eavesdropping on Arman and Marcy. I couldn’t believe they were revolting against Rykes Jnr. I had to get the antidote before they fucked everything up. My heart almost leaped out of my chest when a disembodied voice rang out in my ears. “Ayana?”

  “Holy fucking shit!” I mouthed to myself as my hand flew to my chest and I flattened myself against the wall. I almost forgot I had the earpiece on. I desperately gasped for air before I pushed the microphone button. “What’s up?”

  “Have you got the antidote?” It was Zand.

  I hesitated. I didn’t want to tell him I wasted fifteen minutes spying on Arman and Marcy. “I’m on my way!” I said. I glanced around. The Genetics Lab should be around the corner anyway.

  “Good. I found the prisoners.” Zand was whispering. It was so good to hear his voice again. To know that he was still talking to me. “I just got access to the keycard.” I closed my eyes and luxuriated against his warm, dark voice in my ear.

  “Mmm…that’s good.”

  “You need to get the antidote quick. The lab might get into lockdown mode.”

  Adrenaline rushed through my veins. My eyes sprang open. Of course, why didn’t I think about it? My stomach fluttered as urgency catapulted me down the hallway. I skidded to a halt at the crossroad when advancing footsteps stomped up the hallway. My stomach flipped when Rykes Jnr. and his troop of alien clones marched down the hallway in my direction.

  “Oh fuck!” I muttered.

  “Ayana, you okay?”

  “I gotta go.” I killed the earpiece and flattened myself against the wall. My heart thundered with the rhythm of the footsteps as they approached.

  Rykes Jnr.’s white coat waved behind him as he moved. I pinched my eyes closed as the floor trembled beneath my boots. I held my breath and sucked in my chest as they marched past. Every second stretched to eternity. When the last row of clones swept past, I slumped and let out an explosive sigh.

  “Wait!” my body went taut when the troop stopped and someone shouted, “I smell human here!” My eyes flew open as all blood drained from my face.


  “Fuck,” I mouthed as I bolted in the opposite direction. My heart galloped in my chest. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I groped on my ear to switch on the earpiece. In the haze of panic, I accidentally deactivated the cloaking mode. “Oh fuck!” How fucked up could I be?

  “There she is!” Advancing footsteps stormed in my direction. I turned around and saw all these hunky Damaris clones after me. I gulped as my mouth turned dry. It looked like my wildest fantasy to be chased and shared by dozens of them. Could I even handle them all? I blinked quickly to shut the thoughts out of my head. I needed to focus on my Damaris. The real Damaris who needed me the most. Not these clones…

  But what if I just let myself loose for a bit? It wouldn’t hurt, right?

  “Oh no, not this time, Ayana…not this time…” I muttered to myself and flicked on the earpiece. “Mayday! I’m under attack–argh” I tripped on my own foot and keeled forward. My stomach plunged as I fell face first on the floor. Pain burst on my body. “Ayana? Ayana?”

  I gasped loudly. When I turned around, the troop of clones hovered over me, casting their shadow on me. Rykes Jnr. came forth and sneered at me. “Hello again, Ayana.”
His dark voice sent a spurt of wrath through me. I clenched my fists and mustered the most intimidating glare up at him.

  “You son of a bitch!” I snarled.

  “You have a big mouth for someone who’s been fucked over again and again. No puns intended. To be honest, I’m really awed by your resilience and confidence. You are relentless. Roderock was right for picking you to be a part of the glorious Galactic Girl Gang.” Rykes Jnr. faked a tear. “Ah, Commander Roderock…he was a wise man…Of all the bitches in GGG, you are the most reliable and clever one. Alas, that makes you the perfect target for toxic workplace culture. And that also makes you my perfect subject for my brilliant plan!”

  I felt revolted when Dr. Rykes Jnr.’s laugh boomed across the hallway. I rolled my eyes at his long-winded monologue. It was getting boring I wanted him to just kill me. “You have done your part, Ayana. I must say, thank you for your help. I would gift you to the Lunatics but that’s too risky for someone with your brain…I will not put this long-planned scheme at stake…My forefathers have worked too hard for this.”

  “You and your family are sick bastards!” I shouted.

  Rykes Jnr. snorted. “Of course we are sick bastards. How did you think we could achieve big dreams without a streak of madness?”

  I shook my head. “Oh, no. this is not just a streak of madness, Rykes Jnr. It looks like you have been dipped in the sewage of insanity!”

  Rykes Jnr. burst into hooting laughter. “You are so funny, Ayana! It’s a shame you die young! If only you were more submissive like Marcy and Jacey…I would make you my sex harem!”

  I couldn’t help smirking. I was this close to snitching Marcy. But I wasn’t going to let myself stoop to her level. To be fair, I wanted to watch the freak show when Rykes Jnr. found out that the people he thought he could trust the most betrayed him. That would be more fun than letting the cat out right now.

  I put on a poker face when Rykes Jnr. turned to his troop of alien clones and said, “Share her among yourselves, then dispose of her body.”


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