Wooed by You

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Wooed by You Page 4

by Sophia Knightly

  Tearing his gaze away from her, Linc studied the house before him. Not only was it dimly lit, but the entrance surrounded by dense foliage, provided an easy target for an intruder.

  "Did you ever get an estimate for a burglar alarm system?" he asked, determined to make sure that happened soon.

  "No. I can’t afford it right now."

  “You can't afford not to have one. I have a friend who installs them. I'll see if he can come out here."

  Isabel stiffened. "I just told you I can't afford it."

  "My friend will cut you a good deal, and I’ll cover the cost. You can pay me back whenever you can."

  "No, I can't let you do that," she protested, looking uncomfortable with his offer.

  "Don’t be foolish. Frank's past involvement with the cartel should make you take extra precautions."

  Her chin shot up. "I took a self-defense course after Frank died.”

  “A few self-defense moves won't help you against someone with a gun. You and Suzie live alone out here with your mother as the only neighbor for miles around."

  “We’re not all alone. There’s Thunder…and Sarita and Javier live in the cottage out back."

  "I wouldn't exactly call them bodyguards," he said dryly.

  “I can look after myself and Suzie just fine," she countered stubbornly.

  "Then why did you leave with that jerk? He could have raped you," Linc gritted, trying to hold onto his patience.

  “I never imagined Eugene would be so aggressive, especially since he works with Nathan.”

  "Couldn’t you tell he was bad news?"

  The corners of Isabels mouth lifted slightly. “Thanks for getting rid of him so fast. Only five minutes with you and he bolted like a scared rabbit."

  "What a tool. It was hard not to kick his scrawny ass," Linc grunted, disgusted.

  Isabel tilted her head and looked up at him. "Are you hungry? I noticed you didn’t eat your shrimp,” she said, revealing she’d been watching him too. “I didn’t eat much either.”

  “I am hungry.” He hadn’t had more than a handful of shrimp, his appetite shot when he saw Isabel and Eugene together.

  “I can make us medianoches," she offered, unlocking her front door.

  "Sounds good. I love those Cuban sandwiches.” He couldn’t care less about the sandwich, what he wanted was a taste of her sweet mouth. Once she settled down, he’d show her how pleasurable kissing could be with the right man.

  "Shhh," she mouthed, placing her forefinger over her mouth as they entered the house. “My mother spent the night to babysit Suzie."

  They tiptoed into the kitchen, where Isabel turned on the light and busied herself making the medianoche sandwiches. She slathered a thin layer of mustard on a Cuban hoagie roll and added ham, Swiss cheese and a couple of sliced dill pickles. After a few minutes toasting in the sandwich press, the sandwiches emerged golden brown with melted cheese oozing from the sides.

  Linc bit into the sandwich she served him. "Oh man, this is delicious."

  Isabel smiled. "Glad you like it."

  Linc caught a glimpse of a small figure standing in the dining room behind the kitchen door. She was a tiny replica of Isabel, but with a china doll haircut framing a round face with pink cheeks and huge almond shaped brown eyes. He pretended not to notice her spying as she watched them with wide-eyed wonder and curiosity.

  "What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked Isabel.

  "I'm taking Suzie shopping for new clothes. Maybe that’ll cut down on the arguments we’ve been having over what she wants to wear to school."

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Suzie’s shoulders slump and her face fall. "Does Suzie like to shop?" he asked.

  "No, not really. She gets very impatient," Isabel said. “She’d rather play outdoors, but she needs new clothes.”

  Suzie rolled her eyes and shook her head despairingly.

  "Why don't you take her to Zoo Miami instead?" he suggested, stifling a grin when Suzie did a fist pump and danced a little jig.

  “Zoo Miami?” Isabel’s brows drew together and she put down her sandwich. “I don’t know. That would take up the whole day and…”

  Suddenly Suzie dashed into the room and knelt before her mother, raising her clasped hands before her. "Please, Mami, let's go to the zoo. Pleeeze!"

  Astonished, Isabel frowned at her daughter. "Suzie! Why aren't you in bed? Where is Abuela?”

  Suzie giggled. “Abuela is snoring so loud she keeps waking herself up and saying ‘qué pasa?’, and then she falls back asleep.”

  The corners of Isabel’s lips twitched. “How long have you been up?"

  "Not very long. I woke up when I smelled the medianoches." Suzie rubbed her rotund little tummy like an impish sprite. “I’m not hungry, but it sure smells yummy.” Her big eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked at Linc. "Hi, I’m Suzie. What’s your name? If Mami says yes, then you can come with us," she whispered in a conspiratorial tone.

  “Suzie, you’re being very naughty,” Isabel chided. “This is Lieutenant Heller. Now say good night and go back to bed.”

  "His name is Lou Teller?” Suzie asked, butchering his name with a grin.

  Linc laughed. “No, it’s not Lou Teller. You can call me Linc.”

  “Okay!” Suzie alternated her weight from foot to foot in little eager hops. “Can we go to the zoo tomorrow, Mami? Can we?" she pleaded, scrunching her face beseechingly. Linc tried not to chuckle as Suzie worked her mother with big imploring eyes and a thrust out lower lip.

  "Not if you don't go to bed this instant, young lady," Isabel replied sternly.

  "I guess that means yes," Linc said, winking at Suzie. “Better listen to your mommy and get back in bed pronto.”

  "I am going to start counting, Suzie,” Isabel warned, “and you better be in bed by the count of three. One...two..."

  Suzie dashed out of the room so fast she tripped over her long nighty, but bounced right up as if nothing had happened. “Okay, night night, Lou Teller. I mean Linc!”

  Isabel shook her head as they listened to Suzie run back to her bedroom.

  “You don't seem too happy about going to the zoo," Linc observed.

  "I didn’t have a choice. Two against one,” Isabel said dryly. Her forehead creased. “It probably wasn’t a good idea though."

  "You don't want me to go along?" he asked, feeling slighted.

  She peered at him with uneasy eyes. “Linc, I admire you, but…” she trailed off.

  “I don’t want your admiration, Isabel, I want—”

  She raised a hand. “Please let me finish. I like you a lot…too much maybe…but I don't want Suzie to grow attached to you. Your job is way too dangerous and—”

  "I keep my private life separate from my police work,” he said coolly. “When you get to know me better, you'll see I don't live recklessly."

  She sighed and shook her head. “I didn’t say you did, but you saw how eager Suzie was to include you. She always wants me to read her stories where there’s a mommy and daddy together. It breaks my heart how much she misses Frank."

  “That’s understandable. She just lost her daddy. It’s a tough time for her emotionally.”

  “Exactly,” Isabel said, looking chagrinned.

  Linc stood up. The longer he remained, the quicker Isabel might change her mind about letting him go with them to the zoo. "I’ll come by tomorrow morning around ten. Will you be ready?" he asked, noting her conflicted eyes.

  Isabel sucked in a deep breath and regarded him silently.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, honey. Sweet dreams,” he said and left.

  Chapter 5

  The following morning, while Linc drove to Isabel's house he was reminded of what she’d said. Kissing is overrated. Why would she think that? He couldn’t wait to show her differently. The chemistry between them sizzled, but she was as cagey as a cat facing a bath when his gaze lingered on her with desire. He’d bide his time and harness his unruly passion, but he wasn't
about to give up on her because she thought his job was dangerous.

  He flinched at his next thought. If she knew how close he was to cracking the Figueroa family drug cartel Frank had been linked to, she would run hard and fast. Nevertheless, the challenge to change her mind sent adrenaline rushing through his veins.

  He intended to erase the bad memories of her ex by giving her such pleasure she wouldn’t want to turn him away. He wanted her to break free of her self-imposed restrictions and let him get close to her. His blood heated imagining her, soft and satiated in his arms, her lustrous hair tumbled on his chest, her silken curves pliant under his hands.

  Reining in his lust, he drove down the dirt road and concentrated on the dazzling hues of the many acres of trees dotted by fruits ranging from bright yellow to red-orange. Stopping the car, he got out and inhaled deeply, drawn to the exotic scents of sweet jasmine and pungent citrus. The fertile vegetation was an alluring oasis and a welcome change from the stark inner city life.

  Her one-story Mediterranean-style house was surrounded by massive royal palms and coral, red and white impatiens bordered the circular driveway leading up to it. This was Isabel's home and land, lovingly tended and cherished by her.

  How different from his spacious, yet Spartan apartment. He'd been thinking lately of buying a house on a lake where he could keep his sailboat. But living alone in a big house didn't feel right. After many years of dating, he was ready for marriage and a family.

  Linc caught sight of Suzie in her backyard, swaying on a wooden swing hanging from a massive oak tree. There probably weren't many children living nearby who went to her school. He understood her outgoing behavior. As an only child, he had learned early on to be extroverted to make friends and not feel lonely.

  Linc called out, "Hey, Suzie! Are you ready to see some monkeys?"

  Suzie leaped from the wooden swing and nodded vigorously. "Yeah! Monkeys and lions and giraffes! I want to see all of them," she cried, running up to him. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. The contrast of her tiny, baby soft hand in his big hand sent a rush of tenderness through him. She was so adorable in her eagerness. “Mami’s been waiting for you. Her hair is fixed, and she’s wearing lipstick and perfume. She looks really pretty.”

  Linc smiled at Suzie’s hard sell. “I’ll bet she does.”

  Isabel appeared at the door and greeted Linc with a warm smile.

  “See? I told you she looks pretty,” Suzie said, beaming at her mother.

  Isabel laughed and shook her head. “Don’t mind Suzie, she’s biased.” She leaned forward and lightly kissed Linc’s cheek in the Cuban style of greeting. One whiff of her fragrant floral scent made Linc want to pull her in his arms.

  “I’m going to grab a light sweater for Suzie and then we can leave," she said.

  When they arrived at Zoo Miami, Suzie was leaping like a new puppy, running from exhibit to exhibit. When she started to slow down, Linc suggested they stop for lunch.

  "Suzie, what do you like better, hamburgers or pizza?" he asked.

  "I like both, Mr. Heller. I’m not picky," she added in a forthright way.

  ''I told you you can call me Linc. Remember?" he said, smiling.

  Suzie thrust out her pointy little chin. “Yes, but Mami said I have to be very good because you’re a policeman."

  “Oh she did, did she?” Linc shook his head and gave Isabel a chiding look.

  “Busted,” she said with embarrassed amusement.

  Suzie tilted her head and studied him. "If I’m not good, are you going to arrest me?”

  Linc swallowed a chuckle. "Of course not. What gave you that idea?"

  Suzie shrugged. “Isn’t that what policemen do? Arrest everyone?”

  “Not everyone,” he said mildly. He ruffled Suzie's hair, tickled she had an impudent streak a mile wide. "Maybe we should ask your mommy what she prefers, pizza or hamburgers," he said glancing at Isabel.

  "That’s easy. Mami loves pizza best, like me," Suzie said enthusiastically.

  Isabel winked at Suzie. “I sure do, Suzie Q.”

  "Then pizza it is." Linc was glad to see Isabel unwind. She’d been quiet most of the morning with a protective wall securely wrapped around her. In contrast, Suzie was bubbling with enthusiasm and so effervescent it was a miracle she didn’t pop.

  After lunch, they continued exploring the zoo, and Isabel took pictures of Suzie watching the monkeys, entranced by the baby orangutan and her mother.

  "Look how she hangs on to her mommy!" Suzie’s face crumpled. "I don't think she has a papi, either. Where is he?"

  Isabel exchanged a look with Linc.

  "I’ll bet that’s the daddy next to the cave," Linc assured Suzie.

  Suzie strained on her tiptoes to get a better look. "Where? I can't see him."

  Linc hoisted her up on his shoulders. "Over there, Suzie," he said, pointing toward the cave.

  "Oh goodie! I see him.” Suzie hugged his neck. "Every little monkey needs a mommy and a daddy. Right, Mami?” she said pointedly to Isabel.

  Isabel nodded and avoided Linc's gaze.

  “Can I stay up here, Linc? I feel like I'm flying!" Suzie spread her arms and swayed.

  "Whoa, steady there." Linc chuckled. "Otherwise we'll both topple over."

  Suzie giggled. "That would be fun."

  By five o'clock, Suzie started to get cranky, and Isabel decided they'd been out long enough. She couldn't wait to get home and put her to bed. Just before they arrived, Suzie quieted and fell asleep.

  When Linc parked in the driveway, Isabel shivered and rubbed her bare arms.

  "Cold?" he asked.

  “A bit. There’s a nip in the air."

  Linc put his arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to his side. "Snuggle close, honey. I'll warm you."

  Isabel forced herself to inch away from the wonderful heat of his strong body. "I don't want Suzie to wake up and find me cuddling with you," she said, stealing a quick glance at her daughter who was sleeping on the back seat, her mouth ajar and her little chest rising and falling with deep breaths. “She’s out like a rock. She sure had a great time today. I did too.”

  Linc smiled. "I’m glad you were able to relax and enjoy it."

  Isabel looked down at her hands. “I did, though I admit I was feeling a bit tense at first."


  She looked up and caught him watching her with a bemused expression. “I was afraid Suzie might not behave."

  "Is that all?" His penetrating eyes drew Isabel into their stunning blue depths.

  "I wasn't looking forward to a tantrum at the zoo."

  "I would have helped you," he replied as if it were no big deal.

  She met his gaze directly. "It's not your place to do that," she said, hating how snippy she sounded, but she couldn’t encourage him. It had been hard to see how much Suzie liked him. Her daughter’s longing to please Linc was nothing short of worrisome…and heart wrenching. Isabel sighed and looked away.

  Linc’s kindness toward Suzie had been natural, not something he’d done to impress Isabel. Her hands clenched on her lap as she considered the unfairness of life. Why couldn’t he have a safe, secure job and not a perilous one where he was around guns and violence 24/7?

  When she remained quiet, Linc clutched his heart. "Ouch. You don't pull any punches, do you?” He smiled wryly. “Suzie behaved great. She’s so lively.”

  “She is that.” Isabel wished she could let go of her guardedness. “I used to be like her when I was little, but somewhere along the line, I became this serious woman who worries a lot.” She drew in a deep breath and exhaled it raggedly. “I wish I could be that carefree girl again.”

  Linc’s brow wrinkled. “Why can’t you?”

  “Are you kidding? After everything that’s happened the last six months, I feel far from carefree.” She felt wound up so tightly, she wished she could let go and simply breathe. “I have a lot of responsibilities. My most important one is sleeping in th
e back seat of your car. I have to hold it together for Suzie. She is my whole life.”

  “I understand, but you’re too hard on yourself, Isabel. Nobody expects you to be perfect. Though I think you’re pretty damn close,” he said, stroking her hair.

  That was the nicest thing any man had ever said to her. It filled her heart with gladness. “Thanks,” she said softly, “but you’re too kind. You’ve seen me at my worst.”

  “Hardly your worst, honey.” Linc smiled. “Are you ready to go inside?”

  Isabel nodded and walked beside Linc as he carried Suzie into the house. She led him to Suzie’s bedroom where he carefully placed her on the pink ruffled canopy bed and removed her sneakers while Isabel covered her with a light blanket.

  "Would you like a glass of wine?" Isabel offered as they walked down the hall. "I have a good Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon."

  "I'd love some." Linc's eyes swept over her. She looked like an exotic goddess with molten dark chocolate eyes and long, glossy hair. Her luminous skin made his hands itch to touch her. He wanted to feel her soft, womanly curves pressed against his hardness, to taste her sweet mouth and run his hands through her lustrous ebony locks.

  Isabel’s dark eyes shimmered and her cheeks were flushed a delicate pink from the brisk air. Looking away, he stilled the impulse to touch her. He would bide his time for now because she was wary, but sooner or later, she’d be soft and warm in his hands, basking in the sensual fulfillment he’d give her.

  He followed her into the kitchen and uncorked the wine bottle. Pouring two glasses, he handed one to Isabel. He heard her dog howl outside.

  She smiled. “That’s Thunder. I’d better go out before he starts barking,” she said and walked out of the French doors leading to the outdoor patio.

  Thunder raised his head and his upper body rested on his rigid paws as he growled low in his throat when he saw them. He remained seated while he eyed Linc suspiciously.

  “It’s okay, Thunder.” Isabel scratched the top of her dog’s big head and kissed it. His alert ears relaxed and he stopped growling, but he didn’t budge from his prone position. “Linc is a friend,” she crooned in a soothing way.


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