Wooed by You

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Wooed by You Page 5

by Sophia Knightly

  Friend? He hoped to be more than a friend, Linc thought as he approached the dog. “Hey, Thunder. How you doin’, big boy?”

  Thunder’s groan turned into a deep purr as Linc scratched the dog’s ears and rubbed his broad back.

  “I’m going to go in and grab a sweater. Are you cold?"

  Linc grinned. “With you? Never.”

  Isabel smiled and gazed at him for a long moment before walking away.

  She returned wearing a pearl colored cashmere sweater and slinky black pants that accentuated her slim waist and skimmed over her curved hips. She had changed out of her jeans and sneakers and wore black ballet flats. Up close, she smelled feminine and fragrant. Captivated, he stared at her seductive beauty as she joined him on the swing.

  He set his wine glass on the table beside him. ''You changed." His voice sounded strangled to his ears and he cleared his throat.

  Isabel smiled. “I freshened up a bit.'' She took a sip of wine and looked out over her land. "I love it out here. It’s lovely, isn't it?"

  "Lovely," Linc repeated, staring at Isabel's full, rosy lips. Desire swamped his body as he drank wine and wondered how long Suzie would sleep.

  As luck would have it, Suzie walked into the patio, rubbing her eyes with her chubby little hands.

  "Mami, I'm hungry," Suzie said, clutching her stomach. "What's for dinner?"

  "Let me order in some food," Linc offered immediately, not wanting to let the opportunity to stay a while longer slip by.

  "No, that's not necessary. Before we left, I made potato salad and left steaks marinating." Isabel hesitated a moment and seemed to be debating what to do. Finally, she said, "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

  Linc grinned. Score one. "Only if you let me do the grilling. It's my specialty."

  "You don’t need to tell me that," she murmured dryly.

  He smiled through the grim reminder that he’d grilled her in the past. "I’ll only be grilling steaks today," he said lightly.

  “Good. You can grill while I get Suzie cleaned up.” Isabel rose and took hold of Suzie’s hand. Linc followed her into the kitchen where she handed him a platter of steaks. “The gas grill is at the far end of the patio on the right side.”

  “Yeah, I saw it. I have a similar one.”

  Isabel motioned at the tray in his hands. “There’s an extra steak because I was going to invite my mom to join tonight.” She paused. “But not now.”

  Suzie tugged at her hand. “Mami, can you hurry up so we can eat?”

  “Sure.” She smiled and left with Suzie while Linc got busy grilling dinner.

  When Isabel returned with Suzie a half an hour later, the table was set and two glasses of wine were served along with a glass of milk for Suzie.

  Isabel's eyes widened. "You did all this in the short time we were gone? I’m impressed." She sucked in her breath and her stomach tightened. Linc looked so at ease in her home that it made her heart hurt. She didn’t know how to handle him. He was larger than life and made no bones about showing her how much he liked her. She yearned for him, yet she needed to resist him—but she was weak, so very weak when it came to him.

  If she gave in just once to her escalating feelings, she wouldn’t be able to stop…and that would only bring heartache for her and Suzie.

  He smiled. "Everything’s ready," he said, motioning to the food on the table.

  Isabel served potato salad for them and cut up Suzie’s meat. She took a bite of the charbroiled steak and nodded in approval. "Nice job. Exactly the way I like it—perfectly pink. Don't tell me you like to cook too."

  Linc chuckled. "No, I'm useless in the kitchen. Sometimes I'll throw a steak or fish on the grill, but that’s about it."

  Suzie said, “Mami is a really good cook. She learned everything from Abuela. Have you met my grandma?”

  “Not yet.” Linc’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he gave Suzie his attention. “Is she nice?”

  “Yes, you’re going to love her,” Suzie said with such conviction it concerned Isabel. Suzie was moving fast, already making plans for a future with Linc. "Can you stay and watch TV with us?" She turned to Isabel and asked, "Is today Saturday?"

  "It is," Isabel said.

  ''Yippee! We’ll probably watch a Hallmark movie tonight. Mami loves them. And we get to eat ice cream. Sometimes Mami eats it out the carton,” Suzie said, chortling.

  “TMI, Suzie,” Isabel warned, “remember what I said about not blurting out everything that comes to your mind.”

  Suzie sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically. “Sorry, Mami.”

  Laughter rumbled from Linc’s chest and Isabel felt her face heat up.

  Great. Now he knew she had no life. She spent Saturday nights watching sappy movies and eating ice cream out of the carton. Small wonder she couldn’t handle a blind date, he had to be thinking.

  Suzie slanted her head and regarded Linc. “Do you like frozen lychee fruit?"

  "I've never tasted it," he said.

  “They're yummy. Mami gets them from the trees she grows. Want some?" Suzie asked, jumping up from the table.

  Isabel cleared her throat and gave her daughter a measured look. “We can have the lychee, Suzie. But Linc is very busy. He can’t stay and watch TV with us,” Isabel said, noting how he watched her expectantly.

  He gave her a brief nod of understanding. “Your mommy is right. I have to leave after dessert.”

  "Okay,” Suzie said in a dejected tone. Her little shoulders slumped as she put her flatware on her plate.

  Isabel rose. “Come help me in the kitchen, Suzie.”

  While she brewed Cuban espresso, Suzie stood by impatiently. “Do you like Linc?”

  “Of course, sweetie,” Isabel said, kissing the top of her head. Where had that come from? “Why do you ask?”

  Suzie shrugged. “You act nervous with him.”

  “He doesn’t make me nervous. Let’s bring out the dessert,” Isabel said to stem Suzie’s pointed questions.

  “I hope you like it,” Suzie said to Linc when Isabel placed a white bowl brimming with frozen red lychees on the table. Suzie stood beside him and solicitously spooned a few into a bowl for him, trying hard not to spill any. “You have to peel them before you eat them. Like this,” she said, taking one and pulling the skin back.

  Isabel said, “The pulp is sweet and the texture is like a grape's. Be careful when you bite into it. There's a large pit inside." Her gaze was drawn to Linc's mouth as he bit into the fruit, his sensual lips moistened by the wet, pulpy flesh. His tongue flicked over his lower lip, and Isabel felt a stab of lust so intense she had to look away.

  "What other fruit trees do you sell, Isabel?" Linc asked.

  Isabel met his gaze, noting how he regarded her with a furrowed brow. "We have many varieties of mangoes and avocados, key limes, oranges, grapefruits, tamarind, carambola and pumello."

  "When did your family start the business?"

  "My father's family came over from Cuba many years ago and bought a lot of acres of fertile land. They were lucky to leave before Castro took over their money. Papi inherited all this land," she said, remembering him fondly. He had been a big teddy bear of a man who was hardworking and kind. "On one of his trips back to Cuba, he fell in love with my mother, who was thirteen years younger. He married her and brought her here.” She smiled sadly. “But it was hard for her because she was separated from her family. He worked tirelessly until he could bring her whole family over."

  “Tell him about when Abuela's family came over from Cuba!" Suzie cut in excitedly.

  Isabel nodded and continued, "It was hard on them to be uprooted from their homeland. Most of them stayed with us until they found jobs. They were a big comfort when Papi died."

  "Are all Cuban families so united?" Linc asked.

  "Mostly, yes," Isabel said, thankful she could always count on an aunt or uncle to watch Suzie in a pinch if her mother wasn’t available.

  "Mine isn't,” he said. “I don't think my
parents were ever happy together. In fact, I don't remember being with both of my grandparents at one time because they didn't get along either."

  "Why not?" Suzie asked, her forehead creased with a frown.

  "Oh, just silly reasons," he replied lightly.

  “You should see our Christmas party,” Suzie said, eyes shining. “Tell him about it, Mami.”

  Isabel smiled. “We usually have at least thirty relatives over to celebrate the Nochebuena party." She cleaned Suzie’s hands with a paper napkin. “Now that you finished dessert, please go brush your teeth,” she told her. “I'll be there in a little while to start the shower."

  “Why can’t I stay?” Suzie asked plaintively. “I want to show Linc—”

  “Not tonight,” Isabel said firmly. “If you want to have another outing, you have to be a good girl and do as I say.”

  Suzie mulled it over for a moment, then her face split into a wide grin. “Okay, Mami. Good night, Linc.” She kissed Linc’s jaw and gave his neck a tight hug before scampering away.

  Isabel felt like she’d been punched in the stomach after witnessing Suzie’s affection for Linc. Suzie barely knew him, yet she already adored being in his company. Shaking her head with dismay, Isabel silently cleared the table and Linc followed her into the kitchen, carrying the plates and flatware.

  Chapter 6

  "Let me help you with that," Linc offered when Isabel started to rinse the dishes with jerky movements.

  "No, thanks,” she said.

  “Why won’t you accept my help?”

  “It's only a few dishes. I'll load them in the dishwasher later," Isabel said, turning to face him.

  Linc’s hand gently stroked her cheek. Isabel forced her body to remain still as heady sensations made her long for more of his touch. His gaze settled on her mouth and he leaned forward, his lips hovering over hers with dizzying temptation, but when his lips brushed hers, he drew back.

  “What’s wrong?” Dazed and disappointed he’d cut the kiss short, Isabel searched his eyes.

  Linc motioned behind her, his lips twitching.

  "I brushed my toothies," Suzie announced, appearing in the doorway. She flashed her baby teeth in a broad smile. "Look how clean they are."

  Linc chuckled. "They're spotless. Good job.” He straightened as Isabel took a step backward. “It’s time for me to leave. I hope you had as much fun as I did today, Suzie."

  "I did. Can we do it again next week? Pleeeze?" Suzie turned puppy dog eyes toward him and put her hands together in supplication.

  "Suzie! Where are your manners?" Isabel admonished, taken aback by how boldly she was trying to coerce Linc into a new plan.

  "What's wrong, Mami? I said ple-ease,'' she said in a singsong voice.

  Linc laughed at Suzie's disgruntled expression and patted the top of her head. "Maybe we'll plan something different for next weekend. But you have to be a really good girl this week."

  Suzie’s round little tummy pointed forward as she puffed up her chest. “I will. I’m always a good girl,” she proclaimed proudly.

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Linc said, his eyes lit up with amusement.

  Isabel accompanied him to the front porch with Suzie close at her heels. "Good night…and thank you,” she said. “Suzie and I had a great time today."

  "My pleasure." He didn't make a move to kiss her, but his eyes darkened with sensual promise when he gazed at her lips.

  Isabel watched his tall, broad-shouldered body walk to his car, every inch of her aching for the passion she knew she would feel if he ever took her in his arms.

  Sunday evening, Isabel heard Thunder barking outside. Soon, a loud knock at her front door startled her. A tremor of apprehension kept her rooted to the spot. She hadn’t expected anyone to stop by tonight. She was already showered and in her nightgown after tucking Suzie in bed. Another knock made her heart pound. She tiptoed to the door and peeked through the peephole, her spirits leaping when she saw it was Linc.

  She spoke to him through the door without opening it. "Sorry, but I can't let you in.” Looking down at her filmy, long-sleeved nighty, she could see the dusky outlines of her nipples beneath the diaphanous fabric.

  “Why not?”

  “I am in my nightgown," she said lamely.

  Through the peephole she caught the wry shake his head and a curve to his lips. "Put on a robe. I’ll wait."

  Isabel lingered behind the closed door and wondered if it wasn’t a social call after all. Could this be about the briefcase? Did Linc have something so important to tell her that he had to do it in person?

  “Okay, I’ll be right back,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

  She ran to her bedroom and returned wrapped in a pale pink plush robe. Her mouth went dry when she opened the door and caught sight of Linc, sun bronzed and relaxed, standing with his hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans.

  "How was your day?" he asked, his deep voice causing her stomach to flutter.

  "It was fine. Come in." She led him into the family room, glad he looked unruffled. Maybe it wasn’t bad news after all. "Why are you here?" she asked tentatively.

  Linc's blue eyes twinkled with mild reproach. "What kind of a welcome is that?"

  Isabel played with the ends of the sash tied around her waist and ignored the playful tug at the corners of his mouth. "I wasn’t expecting a visit from anyone tonight.” Especially you. She stared at him helplessly. Why did the mere sight of Linc have to steal her breath? Tiny sparks of sensual awareness teased her skin. It wasn’t fair how he effortlessly made her shiver inside, luring her fragile heart with irresistible force.

  "I wanted to see you." Linc eased his large frame into an armchair and stretched his muscular legs in front of him. "What did you do today?" he asked, peering at her from beneath lidded eyes. The sensual gleam in his blue gaze was unmistakable, telling her he’d come over for more than a friendly visit.

  "My usual Sunday routine.” She broke eye contact and tossed her hair over her shoulder, buying time as she curtailed her rampant attraction to him. "First Mass and then out to lunch with my mom and Suzie. What about you?"

  "It was gorgeous outside. A perfect day to be on the bay. I took my sailboat out and got back a little while ago.” Linc's eyes glowed with enthusiasm. ''You should have been with me. The sky was a clear blue."

  Like your eyes, she thought. An appealing image came to mind of his rugged profile lifted against the wind while his strong arms skillfully manned the sail.

  "When can I take you out?" Linc asked, getting right to the point.

  "Never, I'm afraid," she said, her heart beating a swift pulse of regret.

  His perplexed eyes bored into hers as a frown etched his forehead. "You can't mean that."

  "I do." She met his gaze directly. "Ever since you left, Suzie has talked about you nonstop.” She sighed. “That's exactly what I didn't want to happen."

  "It’s understandable. She's not used to having a man visit her mother."

  Isabel considered it for a moment. "You're right. Now that I've started to date again, she'll have to get used to men coming over."

  Linc’s dark brows drew together sharply over eyes that flared with possessive heat. "I don't want other men coming here.” His jaw jutted forward. “Just me.”

  Isabel’s chin lifted. "Oh?" she challenged, not wanting to encourage his display of male dominance.

  “Yeah, only me.” His firm mouth curved into an indolent grin, softening his earlier decree.

  Isabel wrapped her robe tighter as heat flared inside her. He had the sexiest grin and it was playing havoc with her. "I wish you’d called before stopping by."

  "While I was driving here, I imagined you'd be wearing a soft blouse with those tight little jeans that look terrific on you, and fuzzy bunny slippers. Your hair would be pulled up in a ponytail."

  Isabel smiled, in spite of herself. "That's exactly what I was wearing earlier. Everything, but the bunny slippers. I don't own a pair."

  "You’ll have to put it on Santa's list, and if you're a good girl, he might bring them for you," he teased. "What are your plans for next Saturday night?"

  She looked at the ceiling nonchalantly and when her eyes met his, she noted his expectant gaze. “Samantha is lining up another date for me, but I’m not sure I want to take her up on it.” Her best friend had been lobbying to make it up to her after the debacle with Eugene, but Isabel was through with blind dates.

  "Glad you’re not going to," Linc grunted, not taking his eyes from hers. "No more blind dates for you. I have plans for us."

  Isabel’s brows rose. His male arrogance knew no bounds, she thought, staring at him in shock. “Now you’re giving me orders, Lieutenant?”

  "Don’t get your back up. It wasn’t an order, just a fact,” he said, infuriating her further.

  She was about to tell him no man gave her orders anymore when his pager caught his attention. "Sorry, I have to take this in private," he said tersely. He walked out the door and made a call in her driveway.

  When Linc returned, he looked on edge, the lines of his face severe.

  "Is something wrong?" Isabel asked, concerned by his sudden change of mood.

  "I have to go now." His jaw was set and his mouth tense.

  "Is it an emergency?"

  "No. It’s unfinished business." He reached for the door handle. "I want to see you Saturday night. I have something special planned. I'll call you later this week to confirm."

  "I haven't agreed to go out with you," she said stubbornly.

  Bracing his hands on the wall on either side of her face, he hunched forward and said in a low voice, "I meant to do this yesterday, but it wasn't possible with our little chaperone." Heat seeped from his strong body into hers as she stood before him, her breath coming in rapid, shallow pants. When Linc bent his face toward her, restless yearning assailed every inch of her, but she kept her body straight and unyielding.

  He kissed the side of her neck, his warm lips nuzzling her sensitive skin. His hands circled her waist and drew her toward him, settling her between the V of his hard thighs. Isabel closed her eyes and moaned as delicious sensations warmed her insides and made her toes curl.


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