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Wooed by You

Page 6

by Sophia Knightly

  He stroked her hair away from her flushed face. “Easy, honey, your pulse is out of control,” he murmured, his voice a low growl of arousal.

  Her eyes shot open. “Can you hear my heartbeat?”

  “No, but I can feel it. Here,” he said, his calloused fingertips trailing up from her neck to her earlobes, “and here.” Isabel’s breath caught in her throat when her soft breasts made contact with the muscular planes of his chest. Her nipples formed sharp little points, tingling with an ache only he could assuage.

  His big strong hands held her steady as his mouth covered hers in a long, sweet, lingering kiss. Isabel’s groping hands slid up his powerful arms and clutched them. Clinging to him madly, she gasped.

  He took advantage of her open mouth and slid his tongue inside, rubbing it against hers so erotically her knees buckled. Shivers of pleasure consumed her and heat erupted inside her like a blazing furnace. Her eyes widened as heady sensations pooled in her most intimate place.

  She shouldn’t, couldn’t let him do this, but her body was drowning in a tsunami of desire. Linc was so intensely male and large and utterly unmanageable, all she could do was stare at him as her willpower disintegrated.

  Abruptly, he released her and walked out the door.

  "Be ready Saturday at six," he said without looking back.

  Speechless, Isabel nodded.

  Chapter 7

  By late Saturday afternoon, Isabel was exasperated with Linc. After his parting kiss, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him all week. He’d acted eager to see her again, yet she hadn’t heard from him since. She tried to make sense of it because it seemed so out of character for him.

  Had he met with foul play? She kept reliving the tense change in him after the phone call he took that night. He’d mentioned he needed to resolve unfinished business. Was it about the briefcase? A sense of dread permeated her bones. He headed the narcotics unit, one of the most lethal departments…

  Stop worrying about him. She’d done enough worrying about Frank and she didn't want to start fretting over Linc now, but she couldn’t help it. He’d been so insistent about Saturday night, she had arranged for her mother to babysit. Now she’d have to tell her it was canceled and it would lead to questions Isabel didn’t want to answer.

  Had Linc assumed she’d be ready Saturday night like he had arrogantly ordered? Isabel set her jaw. If he expected her to be ready tonight, he'd be in for a long wait. He hadn't told her where they were going, only that he had something special planned, and when she had tried to decline, he had simply kissed her into helpless agreement.

  It was already four o’clock p.m. and radio silence from Linc. Feeling like a fool for getting her hopes up, Isabel took a hot shower, then put on an old warm up suit and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She was unhappy with Linc, but a tiny part of her needed to know he was safe so she could relax.

  She opened her fridge. Soup and salad would have to do for dinner. As she reached for the lettuce, she heard Thunder barking raucously. She shut the refrigerator just as the doorbell rang and her belly did a somersault. Squaring her shoulders, she headed to the door on unsteady legs.

  "Who is it?" Isabel asked through the door.


  "You mean the missing link?" she said ironically.

  "No, the link to you,” he had the nerve to say. "May I come in?"

  She opened the door a crack and lifted her chin haughtily. But when his striking blue eyes locked with hers, her resolve to give him a hard time faltered. "I didn't expect to see you tonight.”

  "Why? I expected to see you, honey." Linc pried the door open and took a step forward.

  Isabel’s eyes widened as she stared at him. He stole her breath, filling her doorway with rugged virility harnessed in a navy sports jacket and gray dress pants. The starched white dress shirt contrasted sharply against his tanned skin, and his mahogany hair was brushed back from his face, emphasizing the sharp angle of his jaw.

  "Hello, beautiful." He stood before her with his hands clasped behind his back. “This is for you,” he said, handing her a bouquet of pink roses. He held another smaller bouquet in his hands.

  "Thank you," Isabel said when she found her voice. The sly detective was courting her, his expression open and admiring as his eyes appraised her with frank appreciation.

  "You should have called to confirm our date,” she said, frustrated because she wanted to be with him so badly. “I even got my mom to babysit, but I can’t go now. Look how I’m dressed," she said, her heart sinking. It would be a mistake to hop to it and get ready when he’d ignored her all week. It was inconsiderate and rude and…

  "I'm sorry I didn't call you, Isabel. Believe me when I say I had a good reason."

  She squared her shoulders and stiffened her spine, not ready to let him off the hook. "Where were you planning to take me tonight?" she asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

  "We have tickets to a Flamenco guitar concert and then we’ll eat dinner at a cool place in South Beach."

  She stared at Linc, surprised by his choice of plans. He had planned a wonderful evening, and he was dressed so nicely. "Come inside," she finally said, weakening as she led him into her living room, walking past her leafy plants and orchids in their large terra cotta planters.

  "What's all that racket?" Linc asked, glancing around him.

  Isabel waved a hand and grinned. "That’s Suzie, the diva rock star. Her favorite thing lately is to close herself up in her room and rock out to the Billboard Top 100s. Unfortunately, she’s a bit off key sometimes."

  “A bit? What a character,” he said, chuckling. “Why don’t you go and get ready? We don’t want to waste your babysitter tonight.”

  Isabel frowned. "I'm still annoyed you never called. A girl likes to primp for a date.” If she gave in and agreed, she’d barely have time to get ready for the special evening.

  "I already apologized," he reminded her patiently. "You don’t have to primp, you’re naturally beautiful. You only have about twenty minutes to get ready, so scoot." He turned her around in the direction of her bedroom and gave her bottom a parting smack.

  Stunned, Isabel whirled around and caught the playful glint in his eyes. Ohhh. He was infuriating and entirely too self-confident! So why was she rushing to get ready?

  In her bedroom, she hurriedly removed the tags still hanging from the royal blue silk dress her mother had given her last Christmas. Tossing her warm up suit inside the closet, she put on a black satin strapless bra and matching panties and rubbed perfumed body cream into her skin. Her nostrils dreamily welcomed the hints of jasmine and tuberose in her favorite perfume. She carefully stepped into the dress and zipped it up, adjusting the gold chain-link straps on her shoulders.

  Feeling feminine and eagerly looking forward to something for the first time in months, she loosened her hair from the ponytail and ran a brush through it, then applied mascara, blush and lipstick. She slid her feet into high-heeled pumps and grabbed a purse and shawl before dialing her mother’s number to let her know they’d be coming over with Suzie.

  Linc's eyes lit up when he saw her. "Wow,” he breathed, “you look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” Her insides warmed and tingles spread through her as his gaze slowly traveled down the length of her body. “Um…well…” she stammered. “I’ll go get Suzie so we can leave. She’s spending the night at my mom's."

  When Isabel returned with Suzie, Linc handed Suzie the smaller bouquet of roses he’d brought.

  "Are these for me?" Suzie glanced at him in amazement. “What about Mami?”

  “I brought her some too,” Linc said, eyes twinkling.

  “Oh good.” Suzie wound her arms around his waist and pressed her radiant face against his side. "Thank you. I love them.”

  Linc gently squeezed her shoulder. “You're very welcome, kitten."

  Suzie drew back in surprise. “How did you know I love kitties?”

  Linc chucked her under her chin and
winked. “It was a lucky guess.”

  Isabel cleared her throat against the rush of emotion she felt watching them together. "As soon as I put these flowers in vases we can leave." She left quickly, her heels clicking against the tile in a swift staccato that matched her heartbeat.

  During the short drive to Olga's, Suzie entertained Linc with stories about her goldfish, Sparkle. “I love Sparkle, but she’s not cuddly. I want a little kitty I can cuddle.”

  “What about Thunder?” Linc asked. “Do you think he’d get along with a kitten?”

  Suzie shrugged. “He’ll be okay. He’s outside most of the time protecting us.”

  Linc’s face turned solemn when Suzie mentioned Thunder protecting them.

  “Thunder loves being outside, but he sleeps indoors in the summer time. It’s too hot for him otherwise,” Isabel said.

  They arrived at Olga’s house and when they walked in, Isabel’s two great aunts, Tía Julia and Tía Elena, were visiting. Isabel made introductions, smiling inwardly as the three women swooned at the sight of handsome Linc.

  "Olga, bring the camera," Tía Julia urged. "Isabelita looks so beautiful and her date is not too bad either," she observed drolly.

  "Actually…we're running late, Tía Julia," Isabel said gently, "I don't think we have time to take pictures and—"

  "Of course we do," Linc cut in, his face breaking into a grin. "Come and stand next to me, Isabel." He posed for the aunts, with his arm tucked securely around Isabel's waist, enjoying every minute of it.

  Suzie jumped up and down. “Can I be in the picture too?” she asked.

  Tía Julia’s eyes softened as she shook her head and smiled obligingly. Isabel knew what she was thinking and it made her uneasy.

  "Did you know that Isabelita is a wonderful cook?" Tía Elena asked Linc.

  Oh gosh, this was getting awkward. If they didn’t get out of here soon, her aunts would be planning the wedding.

  "Is that so?" Linc asked, turning to grin at Isabel.

  "Oh, yes. Her arroz con pollo and flan are even better than mine!" Tía Elena exclaimed generously. "And did you know that she is an expert gardener? Her orchids are the loveliest I’ve seen. She was studying to be a botanist before—” She stopped suddenly and looked uneasy. Isabel sighed, knowing her great aunt was probably aghast that she had almost mentioned Isabel’s marriage to Frank.

  "Isabel is lovelier than her orchids," Linc replied smoothly, the corners of his lips lifting in a charming smile. “And she smells sweeter.”

  Isabel’s jaw dropped when her aunts and her mother burst into hearty chuckles.

  “Are you wearing Agua de Violetas, Isabelita?” Tía Julia asked, mischief sparkling in her eyes.

  “No, Tía. I haven’t worn it since I was a little girl,” Isabel said with a smile. Little Cuban girls were raised with the scent of sweet violets on her skin and in her hair.

  Olga studied Linc with shrewd eyes, a trace of a smile playing at her lips. “How did you meet my daughter, Linc?”

  Isabel waved a casual hand and decided to answer before he did. She doubted Linc would bring up Frank, but it was best to speak up first. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you another time,” she said trying to sound cool, though her insides twisted remembering the circumstances of their first meeting. She hadn’t told her mother exactly who Linc was and now wasn’t the time to get into it. “We really have to get going," she said, glancing at her watch.

  "It was a pleasure meeting you." Linc extended his hand to the aunts and Olga. All three took turns shaking his hand and offering their cheeks for kisses.

  "Isabelita, you must bring him over for dinner one night," Tía Elena gushed. “Julita and I will make a special meal.”

  "Gracias,” Linc said in his gringo accented Spanish. “I'd love to come."

  Isabel quickly kissed everyone goodbye and was glad when they left the inquisitive faces behind.

  The Arscht Performing Arts Center was buzzing with excitement when they arrived. Several stretch limousines drove up along with expensive, imported cars. Isabel glanced at Linc as he greeted a few friends and introduced them to her. He seemed surprisingly at home as he escorted Isabel to their reserved seats.

  The Flamenco guitar concert was exciting and transported Isabel to a magical place, where no worries existed, only thrilling sounds. Enchanted, she leaned forward in her seat, letting the passionate rhythm pulse through her. She hadn't enjoyed herself this much in years. She stole a peek at Linc, who was enjoying himself too. My God, he smelled amazing close up—his cologne clean, citrusy and deliciously male. Every time he leaned forward to say something in her ear, a thrill shot through her and her heartbeat sped up.

  After the show, they dined on moist, flavorful seafood paella paired with delicious Rioja wine. Linc’s blue eyes glimmered as he watched her with an intensity that made her insides quiver and her skin heat up.

  "The food here is divine," Isabel said, sipping her second glass of wine. "Flamenco guitar and Spanish music. You seem to appreciate our Latin culture. Are you originally from Miami?" She was touched by his efforts in planning a special evening geared toward her culture.

  “Nope. Born and raised in Connecticut."

  She smiled at him. "What made you move down here?"

  "I left to get away from my overbearing father. He was the CEO of a large public relations firm. Dad wanted me to follow in his footsteps. Go to Columbia University like he did and become a hotshot executive."

  "What was wrong with that?" she asked.

  Linc’s mouth twisted. "He was a workaholic to the extreme. His ruthless ambition and demands on my mother led her to drugs." A frown darkened his face. "When she became addicted to painkillers and anti-depressants, he divorced her."

  "I'm sorry,” Isabel said, her heart aching for him. “It must have been hard to see your mother like that.”

  "Mom's clean now. No drugs, but it took a toll on her, physically and emotionally. I wouldn’t wish the aftereffects of withdrawal on anyone. It’s brutal, and it takes a lot out of a person." He paused for a long, reflective moment, his eyes distant and vaguely mystified. "You know…I've never admitted that to anyone."

  "I’m glad you did," she said with an encouraging smile. “What happened after that?”

  "After the divorce, the judge made me move in with my dad, but when I turned eighteen I sold all my stuff and bought a Harley. I had just enough money to bike down to Miami and join the police force."

  "Do you still own the Harley?” An image of Linc’s massive form draped over a big motorcycle, forearms flexing, made her shiver. Then just as quickly, she squashed it. When she’d first met Frank, she’d been bowled over by seeing him on his motorcycle. She didn’t want to go there now.

  "No, I sold it years ago," Linc said, relieving her trepidation.

  As Linc watched the tension ease from Isabel’s shoulders, his gaze was drawn to her full breasts.

  “How did your parents feel about your move down here?" she asked.

  He lifted his gaze from the bounty of her bosom and tried to clear the sensual haze from his mind. "Mom was sad, but she understood I had to leave. Dad threatened to disinherit me if I didn't go to college."

  "What did you do?"

  "I told him I didn't want his money. By then I realized I loved police work—the grit and challenge of it.”

  "Did you ever make peace with your father?"

  "No. I never got a chance to make amends with him before he died," Linc said, with a pang of regret. “I ended up going to college anyway. At least he would have been satisfied with that. After I graduated, I became a detective.”

  “Where does your mom live now?”

  “She moved down to Miami after Dad died. She has an apartment on Key Biscayne and a new boyfriend,” he said with a smile.

  “It’s nice she’s not alone. I’d love for my mother to meet someone.” Isabel sighed. "It’s tough to disappoint your parents. I understand how you must have felt about your dad. Both m
y parents were devastated when I eloped with Frank."

  "How did you ever get mixed up with him?"

  "I met Frank at the mall, believe it or not. I was a late bloomer and a bit of an outsider.”

  "Really?" he asked, surprised.

  She grimaced. "Yes, in high school, I didn’t have much of a social life because we lived so far from school. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school, and I was very studious. This will sound like a cliché, but I wore thick glasses and had braces for four years.”

  Linc grinned at her. “I’ll bet you were adorable.”

  “Hardly,” Isabel said with a self-deprecating snort. “But when I turned seventeen, the braces came off and I got contacts. Those two things gave me the confidence to believe I might have a chance with a guy like Frank. He was the only one I ever dated," she said, sounding regretful.

  What a waste of beauty and intelligence on a jerk like Frank. “That’s a damn shame,” Linc muttered.

  Isabel shrugged. “I was a bit of a tomboy growing up and always felt happiest outdoors with my plants and trees. When I hit puberty, my parents became overly strict. Frank represented freedom and it was irresistible. Marriage to him seemed like the ideal escape."

  "Were they really that strict?"

  "God, yes. Especially my father. When he found out I was sneaking out to see Frank, he forbade me to see him again. We had a huge fight and my mother sided with him. A month later, I eloped with Frank. I don't know if my father ever got over the heartache, and he refused to accept Frank,” she said, her voice breaking. “He allowed me to come visit him, but never Frank. Even though my father was hurt and disappointed, he said he loved me too much to shut me out completely.” Her eyes welled up. “I wish I could go back and do things differently. I hate thinking about how I hurt him. He wanted the best for me. I understand that now that I’m a parent."


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