Book Read Free

Rock the Curves

Page 10

by Twyla Turner

  “Thanks, everyone. I appreciate it.” Lyris rolled her eyes.

  “And last but not least is the back lounge/studio that doubles as my bedroom,” Gage said as he opened the door.

  Inside was a mini recording studio. Gage walked in and pressed a button. The wall separated and a nice queen size bed lowered to the floor.


  “It works out great if a new song pops up in my head. I’ve recorded a few of the songs on this new album while on the road for the first album.”

  “That’s perfect,” Lyris said as she gazed around the room lovingly.

  “You can use it if you’d like?”


  “Heck yeah. Work on your album. Make it kickass and when you bring a polished sound to the label after killing it during my tour, they won’t be able to refuse signing you. And if they do, these days, you can always go the indie route. I can help get your name out there.” Gage held up his hands. “And I promise I’m not trying to play the ‘white savior’ or anything. You’d make it no matter what. I just want to help move it along faster.”

  “You’d really do all that for me?”

  “Of course.” Gage shrugged.

  “But why? I still don’t get it.”

  “Because you’re family now.” Gage moved closer to her. He walked around her slowly and stopped once he was behind her. He leaned in to whisper against her ear like he did often. “And because I care about you.”

  His lips grazed her ear as he spoke.

  “I thought you’d have figured that out by now.”

  He finally moved away from her to give her room to breathe. It wasn’t far enough.

  With the bed down and inviting in the room, Lyris wanting nothing more than to push him down, straddle his hips, and dry hump him into oblivion. But the door was open and some were hovering nearby in the hopes of hearing something juicy.

  Why oh why couldn’t I be asexual? It would make my life so much easier right now.

  “I think I’m gonna go to bed now. I’m pretty tired.” Lyris said unwilling to acknowledge what he’d just said.

  “Sure, you are.”


  “Sweet dreams.”

  “You’re such an ass,” Lyris said under her breath.

  “What was that?”


  Lyris quickly got out of there and found her bunk. The rest of the band grinned at her like they knew something she didn’t.

  Yeah, they know you’re weak and at the first chance you get you’re gonna give in and let that man fuck you fifty different ways from Sunday.

  Gage woke up before the rest of the band. He had interviews on some of the local radio and TV morning shows to promote the two shows in Phoenix. The night before they’d gotten to Phoenix and checked into their hotel. He’d gotten a couple hours of sleep but that was it. He’d mostly tossed and turned thinking about Lyris.

  She was driving him crazy, but he didn’t want to push harder than he already was. Since the tour began, he couldn’t look at her without his heart feeling like it would burst. He’d wanted her before. He’d thought she was beautiful before. But the energy and excitement of the tour lit her up from within. She glowed. Literally shined with joy at doing what she loved. The stage was made for her. And her for it.

  It was hard for him to see that and not want to strip her down and fuck her senseless. It was already customary for him to fuck after a show. After performing, he’d still be high on endorphins. Only a few things could mellow him out enough to sleep. Weed, melatonin, or sex. If he had to pick, he’d rather fuck instead of grow dependent on any kind of substance.

  Gage knew he could pick any groupie in the crowd and who made it backstage, but there was no way that he’d have anyone but Lyris. He didn’t want anyone else. And he knew deep down that if she found out he was sleeping with anyone she’d never let him touch her. He wouldn’t risk it. She had wiggled her way into his heart. She was his whether she knew it or not.

  “So, last question, Gage,” the morning disk jockey said.

  “I’m ready.”

  “There were rumors that you and Natasha were back together after that performance on the Jimmy Late Night Show. But she didn’t come to either of the LA performances to do your duet Sex & Sweat. Will she surprise us here in Phoenix?” Jake asked from across the table.

  Gage leaned into the mic, “Sorry, I can’t really say for sure. I wish I could.”

  “Then can you tell us if you’re back together?”

  Gage knew Jesse and the label would go ape if he didn’t hint that they could be together. If he said no, some people might not buy tickets in the hopes of seeing any kind of drama unfold between him and Nat.

  God, I hate this shit.

  “Nope. Can’t tell you that either,” he gave Jake of Jake in the Morning a sly grin and wink.

  “Well, folks he says he can’t say, but he didn’t say no and you should see the grin on his face. If you haven’t gotten tickets yet, you better get them now because you never know. And either way, the reviews for his LA shows have been filled with nothing but praise. Get the hottest ticket in town before they’re sold out. I’ll be giving a couple away later to a lucky caller. Stay tuned,” Jake said before going to commercial.

  Jake held out his hand and Gage took it. They shook as Gage got up.

  “Thanks, Jake.” Gage said sincerely.

  “No problem, man. I can’t wait to see the show tonight. Seriously, I’ve heard nothing but good things.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate that.” Gage said.

  “But I do hope Natasha will be there. That song is hot.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Natasha refused to talk to him after the last time they saw each other. She wanted to get back at him for what he’d said. He couldn’t blame her. What he’d said was pretty shitty. But the fans weren’t happy that the song hadn’t been performed in LA. Towards the end of the show they’d started chanting, “Sex and sweat! Sex and sweat! Sex and sweat!”

  There was nothing Gage could do. He wasn’t going to sing the song alone. So, he’d thanked the crowd at the end and walked off stage. Luckily, they were all saying it was a great show. But they were still disappointed that Natasha wasn’t there.

  If Gage knew his ex, she was reading the social media posts and eating it up. She loved nothing more than for people to crave her. And he was one-hundred percent sure she wanted him to come back crawling on hands and knees.

  Jesse can do that shit if he wants to. But I’ll ice skate in hell before I ever crawl back to her.

  Gage did one more interview before heading back to the hotel with Teri. He figured the rest of the band were finally starting to stir. He was headed back to bed for a few hours before the show began.

  As he strode down the hallway, he heard a familiar voice singing a familiar song. As he drew closer, he slowed down to hear better. Once he reached the door he stopped and listened.

  It was Lyris singing Sex & Sweat.

  Her voice singing Natasha’s parts brought the part to life. In a way that Natasha only wished she could sing it. The soul Lyris infused. The passion she evoked. It was raw and so fucking hot Gage felt a tightening in his groin.

  He heard someone coming down the hall. He looked up and saw Brandi. She was rooming with Lyris since Rainey and Mack were now rooming together. Brandi stopped and listened too.

  After only a few lines, Brandi gave Gage a look. It spoke volumes.

  “I know,” he said.

  “The audience wants the song. They’ll be pissed at first that it isn’t Natasha, but that’ll last for all of two seconds when they hear her. And you guys’ chemistry is insane, man. The crowd would probably eat it up. And you know how people are. They’ll create a whole love triangle with you guys, which will bring more people to the shows.” Brandi shrugged.

  “I know. But I hate this drama. Just listen to the music and fuck the rest.”

  “People have almost alwa
ys liked the drama. Or at least been intrigued by it where famous people are concerned. Take the good with the bad.”

  “Thanks, yogi.”

  “Namaste.” Brandi put her palms together in front of her and bowed.

  Inside, Lyris had started the song over again. Brandi pulled out her keycard and opened the door. Lyris glanced up. Her eyes widened and she stopped mid-stride when she saw Gage. She looked adorable. Her hair was piled on top of her head with a scarf wrapped around her head and tied in front. She wore a pajama tank and shorts set. Her breasts were free and her nipples poked through the thin white cotton. The shorts were extra short and displayed most of her thick thighs.

  She pulled the headphones off her head and looked around awkwardly.


  “Don’t mind me. Keep going.” Gage gestured for her to go on.

  “I was just messing around.”

  “No, I don’t think so. It sounds to me like you’re looking to take over someone’s spot,” Gage stepped inside the room.

  “I just like the song.”

  “And I’d like for you to sing it with me. On stage. For the rest of the tour.”

  “What?!” Lyris jerked her head back. “Are you crazy?”

  “Not at all. You sing the song more beautifully than Natasha ever could.” Gage looked over at Brandi to confirm.

  “You do,” Brandi agreed.

  “But it’s your song with her. I could never.”

  “I wrote the song for the both of us. I own the rights to the song. So, I can do with it whatever I’d like.”

  “But I… But I… I can’t.” Lyris shook her head repeatedly. “My small solo is one thing. But a whole song. I can’t.”

  “It’s not the whole song. Just half. With me. You won’t be alone. I’ll be there.” Gage urged.

  “Gage, I can’t.” Lyris implored.

  Gage walked up to her. Her eyes looked like a frightened and wounded puppy as he approached her. She looked like she was ready to bolt at any second.

  “Lyris, why did you move to LA from Indianapolis?”

  “To start my solo career,” she said softly as she looked down at the floor.

  Gage used his hand under her chin to lift her face up. She trembled like a leaf.

  “Why were you pissed that you had to sing backup?”

  “B-Because I know my voice is better than that,” she spoke even softer than before.

  “You’ve wanted this so long. But so many people you cared about told you it was a pipe dream. And you had so many doors closed in your face, that you’ve suddenly started to believe them.” Gage searched her face.

  Her soft brown eyes turned glassy before filling with tears. A few spilled over and Gage wiped them away with his thumbs.

  “You have a once in a generation voice, Lyris. You know it. Record labels are set in their ways. They think they know what people want, when they have no idea. They didn’t think people would want rock fused with Brazilian rhythms. Now my album is on track to do better than my first. You have to show them that there’s a void in the industry that only you can fill. This is the way to do it.

  “You’re just afraid because you can taste it. Your dream being realized. And it tastes sweet. But it’s scary. I’m sure it was scary up and moving across the country. But you did it.” Gage smiled down at her. “Anything worth having is always terrifying. I would know, because you scare the shit outta me.”

  Lyris’ eyes widened at his last statement. Gage began his descent down to her lips. But once again, she pulled back at the last second.

  “Damnit, Lyris! Why are you fighting this?” Gage growled as he ran his fingers roughly through his hair.

  “Because starting up a fling with a rock star is asking for trouble.” Lyris turned away and looked out the window at the Arizona mountains.

  “Who said anything about a fling?” Gage grasped her shoulders and turned her to face him. “What I want from you…for us is way more than some fling.”

  “Then it’s definitely no.”

  “So, you say you don’t want a fling with a rock star but when I say I want more you still say no. Why not now?”

  “Because then that means deeper feelings will become involved. And since this,” she gestured between them, “would never work, I’d again be setting myself for trouble.”

  “How do you know it would never work?” Gage felt his frustration rising.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “The hell it doesn’t. You know you want this. I want this. So, I don’t get what the problem is. Maybe I’m too stupid to see it. So, I need you to spell it out for me.”

  “Gage, let it go. Please!”

  “Damnit, L-Lyris! Why not?! J-Just tell me!”

  “Because you look like that,” she gestured up and down, “and I look like this.” She held her hands out and then let them drop back to her sides.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Lyris? You know about my past. You know I don’t give a fuck about that shit. And you’re gorgeous! You know that.”

  “I know, I know it. It’s not me. It’s everyone out there.” Lyris pointed out the window.

  “Who the f-fuck cares about what anyone out there has to s-say?”

  “You will!”

  “The hell I will!”

  “I’m not who the world wants to see you with. They were dying for Natasha to come out at the LA shows. That’s who they see you with. You think it’s fine now. But when social media, the record label, and regular media; print, radio, and TV; when all of it comes down on you, you’ll give in.” Lyris crossed her arms over her stomach. “I won’t put myself through it.”

  “Don’t you think this…this thing between us is worth it?”

  “I’m sure it would be lovely for a time. But that’s what would make it all the more painful if it ends.” Lyris blinked rapidly.

  Gage knew she already felt as deeply for him as he felt for her. She couldn’t keep fighting the obvious bond they had.

  “Let us cross that bridge when we get to it.”

  “Gage, can I please just make one decision at a time. Right now, I’d just like to focus on the bombshell that you want me to sing with you first. Is that okay?”

  Gage scrubbed his face. They were both stubborn. But he knew he had to wait a little longer. Being together almost 24/7 on this tour would make avoiding him nearly impossible for her. He just needed to be patient.

  “Fine. Think on it. I’d love to perform with you. The way you sing it, I think it would change your life if the public heard it.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Alright. I’m gonna go get some sleep before the show.”


  She looked up at him with so much in her eyes that she refused to say. That’s what made it all so hard. She wanted what he offered. She just refused to take it.

  Gage lifted his hand and cupped the side of her face. Lyris tried to fight it, but her eyes fluttered closed and she pressed her face into his palm. Then she quickly pulled away and walked to the window of her suite. Effectively giving him her back.

  “Have a good sleep, Gage.” She dismissed him.

  “See you tonight.” Gage said before heading to the door.

  He hadn’t realized it until just then that at some point Brandi had slipped out the room. He doubted Lyris realized it either. It was a testament to how everything else melted away when they were together.

  She can’t fight this forever.

  From Phoenix they went to Austin. From Austin they went to New Orleans. Two shows per city. And every show it was the same. By the end audience began chanting, ‘Sex and sweat! Sex and sweat! Sex and sweat!’ Gage would usually ignore them and move on to the next song or thank them and say goodnight. They’d never boo him, but a collective ‘aww’ would run through the audience. Each time it would happen Gage would glance at Lyris.

  Guilt ate at her, and yet she still hadn’t decided if she wanted to do the duet with him. She kn
ew it was the opportunity of a lifetime. The moment she’d waited her whole life for. But now that it was there for the taking, she was paralyzed with fear.

  Luckily, Gage didn’t ask her again. He gave her space to decide. It was Brandi that eventually said something.

  “Are you going to do it or not?” She asked as they walked into their hotel room in Memphis.

  Brandi was her permanent roomie for the tour. They bonded but it was obvious that the woman was getting irritated with Lyris’ indecisiveness. And since they were roommates, there was no escaping her.

  “I don’t know.” Lyris plopped down on the bed she’d chosen.

  “The tour will be over before you decide.” Brandi sat on her bed facing Lyris. “You’re a cool chick and I like you. But you’re being selfish about this. This isn’t just about you. Gage is losing credibility every time he gets out there and he doesn’t give his fans what they want. And he won’t say it, but I’ve overheard him on the phone with Jesse. The record label is pressuring him to make amends with Nat.”

  “Why is the responsibility of the whole tour and his reputation on me now? Why isn’t Natasha being held responsible? Why can’t Gage just make nice until the tour is over?” Lyris rambled off her questions.

  “To answer your first question, that’s the nature of the beast. Sometimes that shit isn’t fair, but you have to step up and take one for the team because it’s the right thing to do. Second question, she’s a popstar diva that the label coddles. She’d made them millions. They’re not going to force her to do shit. And third, did you not see how she is that night on Jimmy’s show? She’s a pain in the ass. And quite frankly, no one in the band wants her to show up at all. It’s a relief in every city we stop and find out she’s not coming.” Brandi stood up, bent over, and gripped Lyris’ shoulders to shake her slightly. “Just do us this one solid and sing with the man.”

  Lyris couldn’t help but laugh.

  “The fact that I think you could and would beat my ass if I didn’t, is swaying me towards yes.”

  “Good. I’m glad my badassery is worth something.” Brandi winked as she grabbed shorts and a tank from her duffle bag. “I’m getting in the shower. So, marinate on it.”


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