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Rock the Curves

Page 22

by Twyla Turner

Sebastian and Serena’s mouths dropped open and he dropped the bat as they took in the sight before them. The man was in the middle of very intense convulsions on the floor. And Lyris twisted his privates a little more for good measure.

  The man screamed like a little girl again and began to cry. In the light, Lyris could see that he was a middle-aged white man with a bald head and brown teeth.

  “Please, please, please!!! Just let me go. I swear I’ll leave you alone.”

  “You should’ve left me alone in the first place, you piece of shit!” Lyris squeezed and twisted some more.

  His body convulsed once more, he puked, and then passed out.

  A loud knock came from the front door, making the three of them jump.

  “Oh, that must be the cops. I called 911,” Serena said.

  She ran to the door. Lyris could hear them talking to Serena. Then they came running to Lyris’ old room.

  “Ma’am, you can let him go now.” One of the cops crouched down next to her.

  Lyris shook her head.

  “Ma’am, you’re safe now and the man isn’t even conscious. You can let him go.”

  Lyris squeezed tighter instead. The man woke up and started convulsing again. A lady cop came over and squatted next to Lyris. She gently rubbed at her back.

  “You can let go, sweetie. We’ve got this.”

  Lyris finally released him and crawled backwards. Serena and Sebastian ran to her and wrapped her up in hugs as she finally allowed herself to break down.


  Gage slammed the door to his car, ran past the police cars, and up the stairs to Lyris’ old apartment. A couple of uniformed cops tried to stop him.

  “I’m her boyfriend,” he growled at them.

  They dropped their hands and let him pass. He ran into the apartment. His eyes were wild as they searched for Lyris. He spotted her sitting in the living room with a blanket around her shoulders and a bewildered look in her eyes. Gage strode over to her and dropped to his knees in front of her. He clutched her hands and looked up at her.

  When Lyris realized it was him, she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed against his shoulder. Gage held her tight as his chest tightened with emotion.

  “Baby, what happened?” he asked after she calmed a bit.

  “I’ve been getting threatening letters in the mail from this guy,” she said around her sniffles.

  “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “I couldn’t. You were already so stressed thinking I was gonna leave at any minute.”

  “Lyris…” He said sternly. Then he took a deep breath. It wasn’t the time to scold her. “What else?”

  “I guess he chose tonight to attack me. I think he’s been following me. He couldn’t get to me at your place because it’s gated. But when I came back here, he took the opportunity. And he… And he…” Lyris couldn’t finish.

  Gage looked to her friends for clarity.

  “He tried to assault her. He held a knife to her throat and was going to force her to fellate him,” Sebastian finished.

  Gage’s eyes widened, “What the fuck?!”

  Serena pulled the blanket around Lyris down a little so that he could see the cut on her neck. Gage felt rage bubble up to nearly choke him. He was ready to get up, find the guy, and kill him.

  “But don’t worry,” Serena pressed a hand to his shoulder. The look in his eyes must have said he was going to lose it. “He didn’t get a chance to touch her. Lyris took the opportunity and she twisted his twig and berries like she was smashing grapes. It was so epic to watch. Old dude was literally convulsing on the floor. His little girl screams are what woke us up.”

  Gage turned from Serena to look at Lyris in awe. He cupped her face and gently stroked her cheeks with his thumb.

  “I’m so sorry this happened to you, baby. But I’m so proud of you for fighting back.”

  “I can’t do this anymore, Gage.” Lyris’ voice cracked.

  “What?” Gage’s stomach plummeted.

  “People won’t let us be happy. They’ve insulted me. They’ve talked shit about me. But this…this is too much. I want to be with you. But at what cost? My l-life?” Her voice broke at the end and a torrent of tears began to stream down her face.

  Gage didn’t even know how to fight this one. She was right. At what cost? He wasn’t willing to risk her life just so they could be together. He’d rather they go their separate ways and know that she was somewhere doing okay in the world than to stay together and something happen to her.

  He nodded silently. He tried to clear his clogged throat before he spoke, but his words still came out hoarse with emotion anyway.

  “Okay, Lyris. You’re right. It has gone too far. And I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  His words made Lyris choke. She buried her face in her hands and she sobbed harder.

  “But can you please come stay with me until you find another place to live? I won’t be able to sleep worrying about you here. And at least come to Coachella with me to perform the duet. You at least deserve that publicity before we go our separate ways. Please?” Gage implored.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “Thank you.” Gage sighed. He looked up at Serena and Sebastian. “If you two aren’t feeling safe, I’d be willing to pay for you to stay in a hotel.”

  “Thank you, but that’s okay,” Sebastian said. “I think we’re going to sleep in the same bed though and I’ve got my trusty bat just in case.”

  “Alright. I just wanted to be sure.”

  “We’re good. Thanks, Gage.” Serena agreed.

  Once the police were finished taking her statement, Gage wrapped his arms around Lyris and helped her to his car. She remained quiet as he drove to his house.

  They walked inside his home and Lyris started towards one of his spare bedrooms. Gage clasped her hand, stopping her.

  “Stay with me tonight? One more night. And then after that you can stay in one of the spare rooms,” Gage suggested.

  Lyris nodded once, and he led her to his room. They slid under the covers. Gage automatically reached for her and pulled her to him. She didn’t protest. He kissed her on the middle of her back. She only wore a tank and sleep shorts, so he knew she could feel his heat. His pounding heart. His hard length against her.

  He rubbed his nose back and forth across her skin. His hand slid over her side to her front. He found the hem of her tank and glided his hand up under it. Lyris didn’t stop him. His hand cupped her breast. His fingertips circled her nipple and it hardened in response.

  Lyris pressed her ass back against him. It was the invitation he needed. Gage pulled down the waistband of her shorts and then his own. Once he was free, he slid his cock home. He buried his face against her back and panted against her skin as she squeezed around him.

  Gage moved his hand from her breasts. He slipped it down over her soft tummy to the thatch of hair between her legs. He found her clit and strummed it gently with his fingers as he stroked into her from behind.

  He couldn’t shake the feeling of goodbye in their lovemaking. He slid his other arm underneath her, wrapped it around her chest, and pulled her closer to him. As close as he could get.

  There was wetness on his cheeks and he realized he was crying. Lyris’ shoulders shook. She was unable to hold them back either. She probably felt the sense of goodbye as well.

  Gage felt her pussy tighten and flutter and she tensed in his arms in an almost silent climax. Only the soft pants passing through her lips gave her away. He felt his cock jerk and spill his seed seconds after her.

  He whispered chokingly against her neck, “I love you, Lys. Always. No matter what.”

  Lyris didn’t speak. But he felt her index finger caressing the top of his hand. It only took a few seconds to realize what she was doing. She was writing a message on his hand, unable to speak the words.

  I love you too.

  The next morning Gage woke up and Lyris was gone from his bed.

he next two weeks, Lyris stayed in his house but kept her distance, except for when they needed to talk shop. Music and business were all she could handle. And he respected that. After they’d made love that last time, she’d waited until he fell asleep. Once he was out, she slipped from his bed and padded to one of the spare bedrooms. She’d cried the rest of the night.

  They were like two ghosts coexisting in the same space. They were mostly melancholy and quiet. If the band came over it was awkward and uncomfortable for them. So, they stayed away. But everyone did put on a bright smile for the release of Lyris’ debut album, A Night in Paris.

  She’d titled the album before everything came crashing down. The album cover was a stylized version of one of the photos they’d taken that night in Paris. The filter they’d used made it look like a painting of a couple staring at the Eiffel Tower at night.

  “To Lyris’ debut album! May it be just the beginning of an amazing career,” Gage lifted his glass of champagne and everyone followed.

  He looked at her with pride and more hurt than she could handle at the moment. Lyris blinked rapidly and gave everyone a watery smile.

  “Thank you.”

  It was all she could say. They all took a sip of champagne. Gage turned on her album and the speakers in his home filled with her signature Rock & Soul sounds.

  Serena came up and wrapped her arm around Lyris’ shoulders. She jerked her head in the direction of a spot in the house that was a little more private. They walked together to the living room and sat on the couch.

  “How are you holding up?” Serena asked.

  “I can’t,” Lyris choked.

  “Got it. We won’t talk about relationship stuff.” Serena waved her hands and shook her head.

  “What’s going on with you?” Lyris asked. “You said that you were in talks to start filming your first full-length feature film.”

  “Yeah, I got it!” Serena tried to contain her excitement.

  “What?!?!” Lyris screamed and then hugged her friend. “And you were going to keep that from me?!”

  “Well, I wasn’t trying to steal your moment.”

  “Bish! Steal away! We can both celebrate. Plus, I need to feel something other than all this bittersweet shit swirling around inside of me. This is so amazing for you.” She clutched her best friend’s hand.

  “And it’s one of those movies that if done right could be an underdog during awards season. You know the kind. Like Lady Bird or Moonlight. Those low budget types with incredible writing and acting.” Serena rubbed her hands together. “So, we start filming next month.”

  “I’m so proud of you,” Lyris pulled her best friend in for a hug.

  “I’m so proud of us! We came here with a goal and to take LA by storm and we did it. And in about a year’s time too! Do you know how badass that makes us?” Serena held up her hand and Lyris high-fived her.

  “Our badassery will be legendary,” Lyris grinned.

  “Have you heard from your parents yet?” Serena asked.

  “Nah. And I don’t expect to. You?”

  “Nope.” Serena rolled her eyes. “You already know they’re probably talking shit about us all throughout Indianapolis.”

  “Probably,” Lyris shrugged.

  “That’s okay, though. We’ll be each other’s family and cheering section.”

  “Always have been. That’ll never change.”

  “Okay, so when they start begging to walk the red carpet with me at the Oscars or you at the Grammy’s let’s make a pact that we’ll only take each other if we don’t have a significant other,” Serena suggested.


  Lyris hugged her friend and felt comforted for the first time in weeks that if all else failed, she’d have her best friend.


  Gage watched as the two friends embraced. He smiled softly. If nothing else, it was nice to see Lyris smiling genuinely for the first time in weeks.

  It had been torture living with her and not being able to touch her. He knew it was for the best. But he couldn’t shake that there was another way around all the drama. All day, every day, he thought of what he could do to keep the love of his life, make it to where they were both able to have successful careers, and she was happy and safe.

  He refused to believe that they couldn’t have it all.

  The seed of an idea struck Gage.

  It’s a longshot, but it just might work.

  The lights of the stage flashed over the sea of thousands. The night was perfect. The breeze was cool against Gage’s hot skin as he sang for the cheering audience. He walked down the catwalk that extended out into the crowd. He bent over and smacked the hands of fans who reached up in the hopes of touching him. Gage stood back up, leaned his head back, lifted the mic up, and hit the note everyone was waiting for. The crowd cheered even louder.

  He was in his element. But he was also excited because tonight was do or die for his future with Lyris. He ran back to the main stage. She stood there with Rainey and Mack, the three of them swaying to the music. He winked at her. She gave him a small smile.

  The song ended and the audience started chanting. Gage smiled. It was like they’d never left the tour. Gage held out his hand and gestured back to Lyris. She walked forward and the fans jumped up and down in their excitement.

  Her debut album had only been out for a week and it had shot to the Top 20 on the charts and was steadily climbing. It was all anyone was talking about in the industry. The naysayers were eating their words at the moment.

  Riley kicked off the beat to Sex & Sweat. The rest followed. Lyris rocked side to side as Gage sang. When it was her turn, she sang her part with all she had in her. Almost as if she wanted this last time to be the best. He hoped that his plan worked and it wouldn’t be their last, but only the beginning.

  Like they’d done for Rio and after, they danced together. The crowd ate it up. Gage took that moment to touch her. To feel her soft espresso skin. It had been weeks since she’d let him touch her. He pressed his forehead against hers, just to breathe the same air as her. To feel her breath on his lips. It was as close to a kiss as he’d had in days. He didn’t care if his heart was in his eyes. He loved this woman.


  Lyris saw the love that shown in Gage’s eyes. It was what she’d looked for her entire life. For someone to look at her like she was perfect in every way. To look at her and see and appreciate the amazing woman she knew she was but hoped someone else would see at some point.

  She’d finally found her person. And the world hated it. Well, not everyone. But enough did to finally pull them apart. And her heart ached every damn day she had to see Gage and not touch him or feel his hands on her. But she had to let him go.

  They ended the song. They were supposed to go immediately into their new duet, Sixth Sense, but the band stopped playing and remained silent until the audience quieted. Lyris looked at Gage questioningly as he gazed out into the crowd.

  Slowly Gage raised his mic up to his lips.

  “You see this beautiful woman,” he gestured to Lyris. “I love her beyond anything or anyone I’ve ever known in my entire life.”

  The crowd sighed collectively. Lyris blinked at him afraid of where he was going with this speech.

  “She knows me better than anyone in the world. And she accepts me just as I am. I’m not the bad boy rocker some of you think. I’m not the ladies’ man the world sees.”

  The audience gasped and Lyris looked around to see what was going on. She turned and saw on the jumbotron the rare image of him that he’d shown her the day he’d opened up to her.

  “That was me. That is me. I was the awkward chubby kid. I had a stutter. I was bullied. And when I was a teenager, my face was covered in acne. No girls wanted to date me. Ever. I was the wallflower. I was the dork. I was the guy friend the pretty girls had who they talked to about the guys who treated them like shit. I was the guy who watched romantic comedies wishing that I could be that cool guy.”

  The crowd was stunned by his admission. They were quiet and fully absorbed in his story. His truth. Something he’d only told the closest people in his life. Lyris knew this was huge for him. He didn’t want people to know about his past but to keep her, to show the world they actually were made for each other, he’d share his most painful truth.

  “I learned to speak without a stammer. I lost the weight. And I stepped on a small stage and sang my heart out for the first time in front of an audience. And my life was catapulted into the limelight. The label hired stylists to teach me how to style my hair right. And what to wear. Because I was clueless at first. I still felt big and dressed that way. I had no time to adjust between being unseen to being on the public stage. In so many ways, I’m still that guy. And people have ripped apart the woman I love because of some preconceived notion that one type of person can’t be with another. She is my person.” Gage pointed to the photo again.

  He reached down and took Lyris’ hand. He turned from the crowd and faced her.

  “Lyris, you see the real me. The dork. The awkward. The stammering when I’m nervous or upset. And you still loved me. And I see you. You’re smart. Funny. You’re stubborn. Ambitious. You’re confident and painfully shy. And when you love, you love with all your heart.

  “I can’t go back to a life before you.” Gage stepped back with one leg and dropped down to one knee.

  The audience burst into raucous cheers. The sound was deafening. Gage waited for them to calm down before he continued.

  “So, I will gladly leave the life I have to continue this life with you.”

  The crowd gasped a collective “No!”

  “Will you marry me?”

  Lyris had stopped being able to see him clearly several minutes ago. The tears wouldn’t stop flowing. She looked down at him and wiped at her face.

  “You’d really leave all of this behind for me?”

  “Absolutely. Without question.” Gage said with all the sincerity and hope in his eyes. “So, whaddya say? Will you be my wife?”


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