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Page 16

by Harmony Raines

  Lana’s voice rose as her orgasm raced toward her and he took her to a bone-shattering climax which left them both incredibly sated. As he lay with his mate in his arms, he closed his eyes and said a silent prayer of thanks to whoever might be listening.

  At this moment, his life was complete. Lana was his world. At least until tomorrow when they would face reality side by side.

  Chapter Twenty - Lana

  “Morning.” Jake kissed her lips as the smell of coffee reached her.

  “Breakfast in bed, you are spoiling me.” She slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to lie beside her. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

  “Dinner and sex, it was a good first date.” He chuckled as she slapped his shoulder and pushed him away.

  “Actually, it was sex and then dinner. You are a very fast and loose man, Jake Harrison.” She sat up and pulled the covers up around her. “Oh, that looks so good.”

  Jake was fully dressed as he slid off the bed and grabbed the breakfast tray from the dresser which was pushed to one side of the room. “This is a nice room, I never noticed it last night.”

  “That’s because you were too preoccupied with me.” Jake placed the tray down on the bed and poured coffee into two cups. “It was a wonderful night.” He raised his eyes to meet hers.

  “It was.” She sighed as he handed her a cup of hot coffee. “And now we’re back to reality.”

  “Let’s enjoy breakfast together, then we can shower and get dressed. I’m sure we’ll both feel better with a full stomach.” Jake revealed an array of foods including fresh fruit and cereals plus bacon and eggs with thick slices of toast and butter. “This little bubble of sanctuary can last another hour or so.”

  Lana nodded in agreement and they ate their breakfast while talking small talk, each of them skirting around their agenda for the day. She’d been surprised last night when Jake admitted he hoped Elliot would follow them. Jake wanted to catch him doing something…anything…that might land him in prison and out of their lives.

  The more she thought it through, the more she realized it would be the best scenario. If there was a confrontation here in Ferrymain, they could handle it without the children being in danger.

  Except, Amber’s child. They would have led Elliot to the child that likely was his. A child that had been kept safe by a lie. But Lana could see no other way to resolve the smear on Fiona’s reputation, or Jake’s. They had to find Amber and get her to safety so she could retract the allegations she’d made that set Elliot on his current path.

  They also needed to make Amber safe so that she no longer had to live in fear of Elliot. So that she could go home. Lana rubbed her shoulder as if it would ease the pain in her heart. If they couldn’t find Kiki, she hoped that reuniting Amber with her family would ease the pain and guilt that lived with Lana constantly.

  Like any parent whose child had disappeared, even an adult child, she lived with constant self-doubt. Could she have done more? Should she have seen clues that would indicate Kiki’s state of mind, that would have told Lana her daughter would not be coming home? Even though her child was waiting for her. And had waited for her every day since.

  Lana doubted Kiki would stay away of her own accord. Not for so long.

  Which led to the terrifying conclusion that her daughter was dead.

  “Hey, are you okay, Lana?” Jake’s hand on her shoulder jerked her out of the nightmare scene that had crept into her head. A scene where Lana was lying dead in a shallow grave somewhere they would never find. So, they would never know the truth.

  Lana scrubbed a tear from her cheek. “I just hope today gives us some answers. My mind runs around in circles constantly trying to figure out if Kiki is missing because she wants to be. Or because someone hurt her. It’s like playing a song on an infinite loop.”

  “Then let’s get going. Today might be the day you get a real breakthrough.” Jake brushed the hair back from her face and then leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you shower first?”

  “Thanks. A shower might liven me up a little.” She dragged her sorrowful ass off the bed but as she walked to the bathroom under the watchful gaze of the handsome man who had made love to her and held her all night, she felt some of her sorrow lifting once more. If there was no news today, she had to let go just a little and allow Jake to hire a professional to track down Kiki. Then she would commit to moving on with the rest of her life and being there for Ursula as she grew up.

  The child already had two absent parents. Lana had to provide a solid support system for Ursula and make sure she knew she was loved and that her nana would always be there for her.

  An hour later, Lana and Jake left the hotel and walked into the fresh early morning air. The hint of salt on the breeze awakened her mind and cleansed her soul. Today would be a good day.

  “Ready?” Jake asked and she nodded.

  “Let’s go and find Amber.” She inhaled deeply and let go of the nervous tension seeping through her veins and ignored the look Jake cast her way. Of course, she knew there was a good chance today might end up a dud, like all the other days she’d searched for answers.

  But maybe some of the good luck the Harrisons had been experiencing in the fate department might just brush off on her.

  The short drive to Ferrymain was pleasant, there wasn’t much rush hour traffic on the roads but then it might be a little early. Lana glanced at the clock on the dashboard. Since they’d abandoned their plans to visit Amber’s address last night, Jake suggested they arrive early this morning before she left the apartment. Both Lana and Jake had experience with trying to get a young child ready in the morning, everything took twice as long as expected. So, chances were, if Amber lived at the address she’d given Fiona, she would be there now.

  “This is it.” Jake cruised past the apartment building situated on a quiet backstreet of town. A converted warehouse, it would once have housed cotton and tobacco as they were brought off the ships. But those trades were gone from Ferrymain now and the town had suffered for it.

  “Your car is not exactly going to blend in, is it?” Lana commented as Jake parked the Porsche on the side of the road.

  “No, it’s not. But we didn’t come here to blend in, did we?” Jake glanced in his mirrors. “Although there is no sign of Elliot.”

  “Do you think he stayed in Bear Creek after all?” Lana asked.

  “I spoke to Tad this morning. The children are safe and there is no sign of Elliot. All we can do is keep going, keep pushing forward.” He tilted his head back and looked up at the apartment building. “There might be nothing here for us to find anyway.”

  “Only one way we’re going to find out.” Lana got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk, waiting for Jake to join her. Nerves prickled along her spine. What if they’d come all this way for nothing?

  Jake locked the car and took one last look up and down the street before he held out his hand to her. “I can’t sense anyone watching.”

  “Maybe Elliot isn’t as interested in Amber as we thought. Perhaps he is just interested in his child.” She pressed her lips together. “Are you sure you don’t want to go back so you can help protect Milly if he tries to take her?”

  Jake shook his head. “Tad and Max can handle it. My place is right here by your side.”

  She slipped her hand into his and they ran across the street and into the apartment building. The small foyer smelled stale and unpleasant, but luckily the elevator was working and when the doors pinged open, it was clean and didn’t look as if it would leave them stranded in a hallway up the apartment building.

  Jake tapped the button for the twelfth floor and the elevator jerked into motion. Lana held on to Jake’s hand so tightly she thought she might crush his fingers, but Jake didn’t seem to notice.

  “Thank you.” She leaned into him as her knees weakened.

  “You’re trembling.” He slid his arm around her shoulders. “Are you cold?”

�Scared,” she admitted. “What if I finally get answers today and they are not the answers I want?”

  “Then we’ll get through it together.” His arm tightened around her. “Surely knowing is better than not knowing?”

  “I thought so, but now I’m not so sure.” Lana jumped as the doors pinged open and a narrow corridor with red brick walls was revealed.

  “This way.” Jake checked if she was okay before he led her along the corridor toward apartment nine. With each step, her muscles tightened as tension blossomed in her stomach and then spread outward.

  “This is it.” Her jaw clenched as Jake lifted his hand to knock on the door.

  “Are you sure we shouldn’t just watch for a while?” Their plan to stake out the apartment and watch who lived here was gone. “It’s early.”

  Jake squeezed her hand and knocked on the door. “Seize the day.”

  They stood side by side in front of the door. Nothing happened. No one answered.

  Jake leaned forward and put his ear close to the door and listened while Lana held her breath. Super senses sure were useful. But not if there was no one in the apartment.

  “Is there anyone in there?” Lana asked, unable to contain the question any longer.

  “I think so.” He lifted his hand and knocked again. “Amber, can you open the door? We’re here to help.”

  “Anything?” Lana wished X-ray vision was one of Jake’s special abilities.

  “I heard a child.” He knocked again. “Amber, please. You knew Sally, she had a baby.”

  Lana stepped forward. “We believe Sally’s baby might be in danger. Please, we need your help.”

  “She’s coming closer to the door,” Jake whispered to Lana.

  “Please, we know you can hear us. We desperately need your help.” Lana almost mentioned Blake, Amber’s father, but decided that information might scare Amber. “All we want is to talk to you.”

  “I can’t help you,” came the reply.

  “Amber, please, open the door.” Lana tapped lightly.

  “I can’t. You need to leave. Sally is dead. I can’t help her, and they took her baby somewhere safe.”

  “She might be safe now. I know you were friends with Sally. I know you were the one who found her. That’s how we got your address. Can you just talk to us for five minutes?” Lana’s voice croaked as she said, “Please.”

  “It’s not safe.” Amber’s voice came from just behind the door.

  “We can make it safe, for you,” Jake told her.

  “But you said Milly was in danger. Why can’t you make her safe?” Amber asked.

  “We want to make it safe for you and your baby and Milly. I promise, but we need your help to do that.” Lana tapped on the door again. “Just open the door.”

  Jake stood back as the bolt slid open and the door handle turned. As the door inched open, a security chain tightened, stopping them from entering. “How do I know who you are?”

  “I’m Jake Harrison. I’m a relative of Sally’s.” Jake held up his driver’s license as ID. “Can you see it?”

  “Sally talked about you. You’re the rich guy, right?” Amber asked.

  “I am.” Jake withdrew his hand and tucked his driver’s license back inside his wallet. “The lady with me is Lana Ross. She is also looking for her daughter, Kiki.”

  Amber took a short, sharp breath. “Kiki’s mom?”

  “You know Kiki?” Lana slumped forward. “Is she okay?”

  The door closed enough for Amber to jerk the chain off and then she opened it wide. “Come in.”

  Jake entered first and took a swift look around before he nodded to Lana, who followed him in. Amber shut the door behind them, her dark-rimmed eyes filled with fear, she’d taken a risk answering them and taken a bigger risk letting them in.

  “It’s okay. We can help you if you help us,” Jake said gently.

  Lana only had one question burning in her head. “Do you know where Kiki is?”

  Amber shook her head. “No.” Lana leaned on Jake as her hope evaporated. “But I do know what happened to her.”

  Fear filled Lana as she searched Amber’s face for answers. She had a horrible feeling she was about to find out the fate of her daughter and it was not going to be the happy ending Kiki deserved.

  Chapter Twenty-One - Jake

  “Amber, we need you to tell us everything you know.” Jake guided Lana toward a worn-out sofa while Amber hovered over them.

  “I’ll try. But as I said, I don’t know where Kiki is.” Amber looked up as a small voice called out.

  “Mommy?” One of the doors leading off the small sitting room opened up and a girl’s face peered out. Pale, with big eyes, the child must be around the same age as Milly, but without the happy expression Jake’s adopted daughter wore almost every minute of every day.

  “Hey, Charlotte.” Amber went to her daughter and picked her up, holding her protectively in her arms. “Mommy has a couple of visitors. Can you go play quietly for a while?”

  “Can’t I stay with you?” Charlotte asked hopefully as she eyed Lana and Jake with suspicion.

  “Why don’t we put on one of your favorite movies?” Amber went to her daughter and ushered her back in the bedroom. “I’ll just be a minute.”

  “We don’t mind if she wants to sit out here with you,” Lana said gently.

  Amber shook her head and looked furtively into the bedroom. “I don’t want her to hear,” she answered quietly before backing into the bedroom.

  “Take a deep breath,” Jake instructed as Lana’s face paled. “We don’t know anything for sure yet.”

  “You heard what she said, not in front of Charlotte.” Lana rubbed her hand over her face. “What happened to her?”

  “She’s coming out.” Jake held onto Lana’s hand and sent her comforting thoughts and strength. He would give anything to take her pain away and make this okay for her.

  “She’s settled for a while.” Amber hovered over them. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Yes, please.” Jake glanced down at Lana, who sat up and sniffed loudly. “I think we could both do with some.”

  Amber nodded and went to the small kitchen area and took three coffee mugs out of a cupboard. After filling them with coffee and adding milk, she brought them over to Jake and Lana on a tray, with a sugar bowl. “Help yourself to sugar. You look as if you need something sweet.”

  “Thank you.” Lana rubbed her hand over her eyes. “I’ve been searching for news about Kiki for months. She left her daughter with me and said she had something she needed to do. I haven’t heard from her since.”

  Amber glanced at the door from where the sounds of a Disney movie reached Jake. “It’s all my fault. I was scared and she said to call at any time. So I did.”

  “Because you were in trouble?” Lana asked gently as Amber held her cup between her hands. The whites of her knuckles were nearly as pale as her complexion.

  “Yes.” Amber leaned forward and kept her voice very low. “Charlotte’s dad is not a very nice man. He can be…mean.”

  “And you are hiding from him?” Jake asked.

  “Yes. If you’re looking for him, I haven’t seen him. Not since…” She sighed and her breath shuddered through her body. “I’ve been trying to keep out of his way. I have been since I had Charlotte. He knew I was pregnant, but he hasn’t ever seen her. I don’t want him to touch her, I don’t want him to taint her with his presence.”

  “And so when Sally died, and Milly was taken into foster care, you thought you could finally be free of him.” Lana saw the pain in Amber’s eyes as she nodded. “You told him that a social worker had taken your child.”

  “He cornered me. He threatened me and so I told him.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. “I thought if I could only get away. And so I called Kiki.”

  “And Kiki came to Ferrymain?” Jake asked. “She came here?”

  “She came to Ferrymain and when I told her what had happened, she offe
red to help me move to a new town and a new apartment.” Amber paused. “But he overheard us. He thought Kiki was from social services and he demanded she return his child. Kiki never told him the truth. She lied for me…”

  “What happened to Kiki?” Jake asked. “Did Elliot do something to her? Did he hurt her?”

  Amber’s forehead creased. “Who is Elliot?”

  “Elliot might not be his name. This is a photo of him.” Jake took his phone out of his pocket and showed her a photo of Elliot he’d taken when the man left the Happy Bear Club.

  Amber’s hand went to her mouth. “That’s Lenny the leech. He’s Charlotte’s father. I was so stupid. When I left home, I was lost and alone. Lenny said he’d take care of me. He was kind enough, to begin with, and I fell for him. I thought I was redeeming a bad boy, but he basically picks up women who are vulnerable and then sleeps with them.”

  “But he threatened you?” Jake asked. “You were running from him?”

  “He sleeps with them. He doesn’t usually get them pregnant.” Amber held out her hands. “But he impregnated me all right.”

  “And Sally?” Jake asked quietly. “Is Elliot the father of Sally’s baby, too?”

  “No.” Amber shook her head firmly. “Lenny didn’t have anything to do with Sally or her death. Sally was just…sad. She couldn’t see her life going anywhere and no matter how many times people helped her, she just slipped right back into a life of drugs and men.”

  “She was a prostitute?” Jake kept his voice very low so there was no chance Charlotte would hear.

  Amber looked down at her hands. “She liked men. Sometimes I think she was as hooked on men as she was on drugs. It was as if she was searching for Mr. Right but he never materialized. So she figured she would use one addiction to fuel another. The men she slept with would give her gifts.” Amber put her face in her hands and sobbed. “Poor Sally.”

  “And Milly’s father?” Jake asked gently.


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