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Cardinal: The Affinity Chronicles Book 1

Page 4

by K Kelly

  “Janardan, you have to find her first,” states Abigail.

  I walk toward her and hold out my hand. Lies are more easily felt if I have skin-to-skin contact. Like all supernaturals, I can normally tell when someone is lying. Witches, though, have their spells. Abigail puts her hand in mine, and I hear the other three witches gasp. They’re probably worried I’m going to end her.

  “If what you say is true. How do you know she’s here? And how will I find her?”

  “Have you felt more settled, Jan? Has the fire that once drove you to roam the earth let you settle here for over fifteen years? Do you feel like you’re at home?”

  I take a deep breath and ponder what she’s said. The moment I set foot in New York City a sense of belonging overcame me. I bought a penthouse overlooking Central Park. And yes, this was the first time I ever felt like I had a home. The penthouse was a strange choice for me. It’s quite ornate inside with high ceilings, crown moldings, and a large outside patio. I have no idea what possessed me to buy it. In the past, it was always first-floor dwellings with little light, which were easily defendable against intruders. My home during the day is bathed in daylight except for the panic room that I sleep in. This, alone, protects me from the sun and enemies who try to destroy me.

  “Yes, New York City feels like home.”

  “Have you not noticed over the years that all of the races have their leaders here? We all feel it, feel her. As for finding her, you need to heed the signs as they will be everywhere if you let them in.”

  “Truth.” I drop her hand and smile at her. “The truth, well, you believe what you’re saying. It doesn’t make it fact.” I take a step back from Abigail, a slight frown mars her face.

  “Go rest for the day. We’ve arranged for a feeder to be in your room. A woman, but not a very nice one. Her soul is dark,” says Evie from behind me.

  “You’ll let me go as soon as it’s night?” Abigail nods. “Would you escort me to my room?”

  Abigail smiles at me affectionately. “It would be an honor.”

  “No!” Evie replies rather loudly.

  I turn to her. “I don’t feed on the innocents, you know this. I’m assuming that’s why you have someone with a dark soul waiting for me.”

  When we are first turned, the bloodlust roars through our veins. If it’s not controlled, we turn into a berserker vampire, and all the races hunt us. Too much innocent blood will do the same. My kind learned that if we drained the evil and tainted, we kept what little humanity we had left. Like a drug, innocent blood is hard to kick as it is the sweetest.

  Evie huffs at me. “Right now, Abigail, my grandmother, is looking at you adoringly and wouldn’t be able to stop you from draining her.”

  “I would, too. And besides, Jan wouldn’t do that. He’s always been a gentleman and lives by his own code.”

  I peer into Abigail’s eyes. Her pupils are dilated, and she’s moving freely. Evie is right, her grandmother is entranced with me.

  “You’re both correct.” I turn to Evie. “High Priestess, I swear by this trinket on my finger that I’ll not harm your grandmother. All I need is food and rest.”

  “Swear on your soul that you will not hurt any of the witches here in our coven.”

  “I swear on my soul that for the next twenty-four hours, I’ll not harm any witch in this coven.” Evie narrows her gaze and nods. “After that, you’re all fair game.”

  Abigail laughs and links her arm with mine. “Oh, Jan, you had to ruin it.”

  “You all seem to forget this ring keeps me in line whether I want it to or not.”


  It’s the weirdest thing. Chris won’t let me touch him. I had a shower, and it took forever to get my hair clean. After, when I came out and went to wrap my arms around him, he yelped and stepped out of my reach. I’m in one of his tracksuits, which is way too big for me, sitting on his gray couch with my feet tucked up under me. Chris keeps glancing at me as he makes us both a cup of tea.

  This too is weird. Chris never drinks tea, only coffee. When he finally gets it all done, he puts the cups on a tray and places them before me on the coffee table. Chris doesn’t even sit next to me but sits in an armchair across from me.

  “Did I make a pass at you last night?” I blurt out.

  “What? No!”

  “Okay, phew!” I laugh awkwardly. “The last thing I remember is leaving work on Thursday. After that, it’s all a bit of a blur.”

  “Today is Saturday.”

  “What? It can’t be!”

  “Yeah, it is. Ange, you know how on most days I like to hold your hand and do that little blessing thing for luck?”

  “Yes.” I giggle. “It’s one of your little quirks. But I don’t mind it.”

  “See, I try to remember to do it every day so that we have some human contact.”


  “I missed it on Thursday, and Thursday was your birthday.” Chris is staring at his hands that are clasped together in front of him.

  “You forgot my birthday. I remember I took in cupcakes, and you didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. You just laughed, stole one, and ran away. And no, you didn’t do your blessing. It was so busy at work that I hardly saw you all day.”

  Chris raises his eyes to meet mine. “I’m going to tell you something, and I need you to promise me you won’t be mad.”

  “Oh my God, did you have sex with me while I was passed out?”

  “No! No, I wouldn’t do that,” replies Chris earnestly.

  I laugh nervously and take a sip of my tea. It’s peppermint.

  “Tell me whatever it is. I’m sure we can work through it.”

  “You were born at ten o’clock at night, precisely. You weighed exactly eight pounds, and your mother left you in a shelter.”

  I frown at him. “Did you run a background check on me?”

  “Sort of. I’m from an organization called the troupe. We seek out special… children and keep a watch over them. It was pure chance that one of us found you. I was assigned to you when you moved to New York City.”

  I put down my cup. “You were assigned to me?”

  “I know how it sounds. I need you to know I’ve never lied to you. I’ve only ever protected you and tried to be your friend.”

  I put my feet on the floor. “Someone is paying you to be my friend?” I whisper.

  “No! No, I don’t get paid. It’s an honor and a privilege to be with you.” Chris moves to sit near me on the couch, and I shuffle further away.

  “I don’t understand. I’m a nobody.”

  Chris laughs. He reaches for my hand and pulls back, frowning. “Do you trust me?”

  “I did.” I look down at my hands. “Chris, did you give me something? Is that how I ended up naked in the park?”

  The thought of him hurting me is terrifying, more so as I’m sitting in his apartment, alone.

  “God, no! No, no, no!” Chris shuffles further away from me, then stands and runs his hands through his hair. “Goddammit!” Chris stalks to a window looking out. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” He sighs and drops his head into his hands. “There’s a process. I screwed up.”

  “Chris, is that your real name? What were you supposed to do with me?”

  “Christopher is a variation of my name in English. Easy for you to say.” Chris turns and faces me. “The head of my troupe said I’d feel unparalleled devotion to you, and that as soon as I realized you had ascended, I should contact him.” Chris shakes his head and laughs bitterly. “Too late for that. I think I was devoted to you the day you bought me a coffee at work for no other reason than you liked me. It’s been a long time since someone has done something for me for no reason. The races normally always want something or want you to do something in return. My appointment to you was to appease my father.” Chris waves his hand in the air. “All of this is moot. Ask me anything, and I’ll answer.”

  “How did I end up naked in the park?”

��An angel, I think it was Tristan, poisoned you. If he’d been able to have sex with you, he’d be your chosen mate. The poisoning happens by accident, you must have wanted to have sex with him, but for some reason, you didn’t do the deed. He’s been searching for you.”

  I can tell he believes everything he just told me. Now, I’m scared.

  “Did he take me to the park?”

  “No. I went to your apartment yesterday as you missed work. You let me in. I realized you’d turned twenty-five, you smelled like angel, then you got sick. I phoned a friend, and he told me how to cure you. I needed to smother you in honey, mint, and milk. I couldn’t leave you in your apartment as I wouldn’t have been able to get back in. So, the closest safe place for you and me was the park. I know all the secret places.”

  I stand and take a few paces toward the front door.

  “Okay, so let me get this straight. An angel poisoned me. You took me naked to the park and covered me in honey and mint.”

  “And milk.”

  “Right, and milk. Why didn’t anyone stop you?”

  “Oh, I put a spell on us so no one could see us.”

  “Right.” I keep backing away from him until my back hits the door. I reach down and grab the handle.

  “It’s not safe for you out there. If you happen to brush up against a supernatural, you’ll reveal their true face. They’ll either know you’re the chosen one or think you’re a half-breed. Either way, it’ll be bad for you.”

  I smile at him and twist the handle. In a blur, Chris is in front of me.

  “I know, I’m scaring you. I promise to let you go, but first, I need you to touch me.”

  “Eww! Chris! Have you taken something? This isn’t you,” I yell.

  Chris smiles and shakes his head.

  “Not like that. Let’s just shake hands.”

  Chris holds out his hand, and I tentatively extend my hand to him.

  “Don’t freak out like last time.”


  “We’ve done this once before. You didn’t handle it well. Remember, I’m your friend and humble servant.”

  I smack my lips together and place my hand in his. Slowly, he morphs into a taller being with pointy ears and long dark hair. His eyes are a deep chocolate brown, and he is beautiful, breathtaking to look at. Nothing like he looked before.

  “Did you drug me again?”

  Chris smiles, and it’s glorious.

  “No, chosen one. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this day. There have been many over the years that we thought would transform, but I’m lucky enough to have the real thing.”

  I pull my hand out of his. “Holy shit,” I whisper.


  “Can I go home now?”

  “You see me for what I am, and you want to leave? I’ve gotta say, Ange, I thought you’d be more…”

  “More what?”

  “I thought you’d have more questions or yell at me… or I don’t know anything else, but this. Do you understand what I’ve told you? Talk to me, Ange.”

  “I’m tired.”

  “You slept for a really long time. You snored even.”

  “Chris, p-please let me go.”

  Hearing the fear in my voice, Chris backs up several feet. “You’re scared of me.”

  He’s right. I am. I’m terrified my friend has slipped me something and is now having a complete mental breakdown.

  “I want to go home.”

  “Go. But Ange, try not to touch anyone. Go straight home. Be careful, and if you need me, please ring. No supernatural can get into your home unless you specifically invite them in. You have to say the words. Do you understand?”

  I cock my head to the side. “You’re letting me go?”

  “Yes. I have one piece of advice. Heed the signs. They will be all around you. Follow your instincts, and if you need me, call my name, and I’ll be there.”

  “So, I don’t need to ring you?”

  Chris chuckles and shrugs. “Either way, I’m your protector.”

  “Right.” I fake a smile, open the door, slip out into the hallway and quickly pull it shut.

  With fear pumping through my veins, I run to the elevator and out onto the street, and I keep going until my lungs burn. People yell and curse at me as I pass them by, but no one stops me. Tears cloud my vision as I realize my best friend has gone completely insane and that he may have drugged me.

  I stop, doubled over as I suck in air, hands on my knees, shaking my head, and wondering what the hell has happened.

  “You all right, honey?” asks an elderly woman.

  I nod, then shake my head and look up at her. She reaches out and touches my face.

  I straighten up, and the old lady melts into a hideous creature. Her skin hangs from her body, and she has tusks.

  “You’re a fucking half-breed? Should have known. Don’t look at me. For fuck’s sake, stop staring. I’m not as young as I used to be. I can’t project forever.” The woman or beast or whatever she is, snarls at me and walks away. Just as she gets to the street corner, she turns and gives me the bird.

  “Are you okay?” asks Chris.

  I jump, clutching my chest. “What the fuck was that?”

  “Demon, an old one. You don’t see too many of the old ones. They prey on the bitter humans or the ones who are vulnerable.”

  Chris is looking into the crowd in the direction the thing went.

  “Are you following me?”

  “Yes. I’m making sure you get home okay. I promise I wasn’t going to let her hurt you.”

  I follow his gaze and see a red bird sitting on top of a sign. It appears as though the bird is staring at me.

  “Do you see that?” I ask.

  “See what?”

  “The bird on top of that sign?”

  “No. But if you do, you should act on it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The demon flipped you off, the bird, and now you’re seeing a red bird I can’t see. Follow it.”

  “Fuck you, Chris,” I hiss. “And stop following me.”

  Chris sighs. “Okay, here’s the thing. I have to do as you say, but I can’t let you run around unprotected, so if you tell me to stop following you, I have to enlist the help of someone else. Do you understand?”

  “No, I don’t understand a fucking thing. I don’t understand how my best friend could have drugged me and done God knows what. I thought we were friends.” A sob escapes me, and I feel like the world is pressing in on me.

  Chris nods and takes a few steps back. “Can you still see the bird?”

  I look back at the sign, and it’s gone, so I shake my head.

  “Damn.” Chris holds out my handbag. “You left this behind. Go home, Ange, and if you feel like talking, you know how to find me.”

  Chris smiles then fades away. I wave a hand where he was standing, but there’s nothing there, just my bag on the ground. I open it up but there’s nothing inside it. It’s empty.

  I pick it up and put it on my shoulder then head for home. I’m not running this time, only power walking. Most people move out of my way as I’m sure I look crazed. I’m careful not to touch anyone. I have no idea if Chris is telling me the truth or not, but I have no intention of seeing another demon.

  When I reach my apartment, I realize I don’t have my keys. I sigh in frustration and hope the door is unlocked

  “Please?” I say to the ceiling as I try the handle. It turns, and I push open my door. Grace is sitting in the hallway looking at me with her golden eyes. “Is it safe? Has anyone come in while I’ve been gone?”

  Grace says nothing, only looks at me. I tentatively take a step into my apartment. I’m listening for intruders. I hear nothing, so I close the door. I search my bedroom, bathroom, and the rest of the place. There’s no one here. I run back to my bedroom and look under the bed, no one’s hiding.

  With a sigh, I go back to my front door and lock it. Grace is weaving in and out of my le
gs, purring.

  “Are you hungry? I’m starving. Let’s get ourselves something to eat.”

  As I head for the kitchen, Grace runs ahead of me and stops in front of her bowl.

  “I know, it’s coming,” I say to her. In response, I get a long, loud meow. “Keep your voice down, I’ve had a weird day.”

  Not really caring about me, Grace continues to cry until I’ve put food in her bowl. After I’ve fed her, I go back into my bedroom, strip off, and take a very long, hot shower.

  I’m sitting on my bed when my phone goes off. I look at the screen, and it’s a message from Chris.

  Chris: Are you ok?

  I stare at the screen, and the message fades away.

  Are you ok? No, I don’t think I am.

  And Chris is the person I’d call to talk to about all of this, and he’s, he’s not what he seems. Even if I believe him and his troupe, he lied to me for years. How do I get past that?

  Standing, I look out the window. It’s dark outside, but New York City is never truly dark. Lights illuminate the streets, and I look down at the people scurrying below. It’s Saturday night, and I would normally be going out to dinner with Chris or on a date, not that I date a lot. I turn my back against the window and walk to my closet.

  I pull out my favorite pair of blue jeans, a black shirt, and a pair of black leather knee-high boots. I sit in front of my dressing table and stare at myself. I look the same, but it feels like my whole world is upside down. I brush my hair and put my long blonde locks up in a high ponytail, then use my curling iron to give it a bit of bounce on the ends. It looks okay. Next, I apply a small amount of foundation, eyeliner, and mascara, and then, I put some gloss on my lips. When I finish, I admire myself in the mirror.

  “You look good. Now, let’s go face the world outside and see if we spot any more monsters.”

  I go back into the kitchen where the contents of my bag are strewn across the dining table. I open my bag and place my wallet inside but pull my hand back out quickly as I touch something sticky.

  “Goddammit, Chris,” I mutter as I pull the wallet back out and go wash my hands. “Well, that’s just great.”


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