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A Father's Insistence (Dark Sovereignty Book 3)

Page 5

by Anna Edwards

  “Sarah, it’s time to go.” My father gets to his feet just as Theo comes back into the room, and I manage with some difficulty to control my breathing in front of him.

  “So soon?” A look of concern crosses Theo’s face, and coming to my side, he draws me into his arms. I hope he doesn’t feel the rapid beat of my heart. It might give away the fact I’m terrified, having finally realized I’ve no hope of ever escaping the impossible position I’ve found myself in.

  “I fear little and often is going to be all Joanna can cope with for now. We don’t want to overdo anything so soon.” My father gives me the look of a caring and protective father, but I know differently, now. “I would like to come and see her again in a couple of days if that is all right?” my father asks.

  Theo looks down at me. “It’s up to Joanna.”

  I want to scream no. I’m desperate to tell him that I want my father to leave the house and never return.

  “Yes, of course,” I reply in robotic fashion.

  My mother and father take their leave, and I remain alone in the lounge while Theo sees them out. I’m drowning under the pressure placed upon me. I’m breaking with no chance of a reprieve.

  Chapter Seven


  I can’t help worrying that presenting Joanna as my wife at the society function we’re about to walk into is too soon. It’s only been a few weeks since my father rescued her, and in the formal halter neck evening gown she’s wearing, it’s still possible to see how painfully thin she is. Although the deep purple colored gown is designed to hide the scars that litter her back, she’s conscious of her appearance and fidgets constantly, which is something society girls are schooled against at an early age. Common sense tells me to turn away from the ornately decorated doors welcoming us into the banqueting hall, but instead, I allow the inherent determination within me for revenge against the Cavendish brothers to take over.

  “The Honorable Theodore Hamilton, son of Viscount Arthur Hamilton and his wife Lady Joanna, the daughter of the Earl of Linton,” an announcer introduces us, and to an audible gasp, we enter the room with our heads held high. Well, my head is held high—Joanna is trying her best, but the sea of faces greeting her must be daunting. I can feel her body shaking under my touch as I guide her into the room. I take us straight over to an old school friend of mine whose wife I know will be happy to keep Joanna company for the evening.

  “Sebastian, Emily,” I greet them with a handshake for my friend and a kiss to the cheek for his wife.

  “Did we just hear right?” Sebastian asks, a glass of Champagne poised at his lips.

  “You did. Let me introduce you to my wife. Joanna, this is Sebastian, an old school friend of mine, and his wife, Emily.”

  Sebastian leans forward to greet Joanna, but she steps behind my back. My friend eyes me questioningly, and I shoot him a look to tell him not to ask here but to accept it. He does so with a mouthful of Champagne.

  Emily waves at Joanna.

  “I love the color of your dress. Who’s the designer?” I knew my friend’s wife would be able to put Joanna at ease. I turn around to bring her back to my side, and she looks up at me as if asking permission to answer the question.

  “Freedom, remember,” I tell her, and she strokes her hand down the purple silk of her gown.

  “It’s Stella McCartney. I love her clothes, and Theodore bought it especially for me to wear tonight.”

  “She’s an amazing designer. I’ve got so many of her outfits in my wardrobe.” Emily replies.

  A waiter passes with a tray of Champagne, and I take two glasses. I hand one to Joanna, and she looks at it like it’s poisoned.

  “I’ve not had alcohol in a year,” she whispers so quietly I can barely hear what she says.

  “Would you prefer a soft drink?”

  She shakes her head.

  “I want to be normal. I like Champagne.”

  “Then drink as much as you want,” I say, laughing to try and dispel her tension.

  “I’ll just have the one.” She takes a sip and a big smile crosses her face. I’ll need to watch how much she consumes as her body is still recovering and won’t be used to the potency of the alcohol, but I’m glad she’s trying it, at least for the time being. When I look up, I see the dark fury behind my friend’s eyes. He’s not stupid and is forming his own opinions as to what has happened to Joanna because it’s well known she’s been missing from society for a year. My conversation with him later is going to be a very interesting one indeed.

  The conversation hushes again when the gong sounds to announce another guest.

  “His Grace, Nicholas Cavendish, Duke of Oakfield. William Cavendish, Earl of Lullington, and his wife, Tamara, Countess of Lullington.”

  The silence is broken when a glass smashes on the floor. I look down at my feet to see Champagne splashed up my trousers and crystal at my feet. I don’t need to look up to know it’s Joanna who’s dropped her glass at the introduction of the new guests. Emily reacts before I do as the crowd goes back to their gossip.

  “Oh brilliant, another klutz just like me. I’m terrible. The first time I met Sebastian’s mother, I bumped into a table and knocked a family heirloom on to the floor. Ever since then, whenever I go to visit them, they hide anything valuable away.” Emily laughs and offers Joanna her hand. “Why don’t we go and powder our noses and allow the men to sort this out. Is that all right, Theo?”

  Joanna’s eyes go wide. She looks between me and Emily, and then across to where Nicholas and William are being greeted by other guests at the party. My nostrils flare with anger. How these two deviant monsters can still be freely walking around when the woman next to me was broken by them is unbelievable? They will get theirs, though, I’ll see to that. But not just yet. For now I need to be the strong man I’ve been taught to be, and pushing all feelings of retribution aside, I need to look after my wife.

  “Of course,” I tell Emily. “I’ll clean my trousers as well.”

  “I’ll join you,” Sebastian immediately adds, placing his empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray before taking his wife’s arm. I bend my arm to allow Joanna to place her hand through mine, and we lead them to the bathrooms as waiters scamper behind us to clean up the broken glass.

  “I’ll wait here for you,” I inform Joanna before Emily takes her a little reluctantly into the ladies’ bathroom. Sebastian follows me into the gentlemen’s bathroom and does his business as I set about trying to wipe down my trousers. While washing his hands, he raises an eyebrow at me in the mirror.

  “So, you going to tell me?”

  “It’s a long story and not really one for a public bathroom.”

  He turns the taps off and dries his hands.

  “Please just tell me someone else made her as frightened as a mouse? Because you know what’ll I’ll do if I find out it was you.”

  “You know I’m not that sort of man.” I reply, staring back at him in the mirror.

  “Ok, you need any help let me know. She’s a good wife for you.”

  “Thank you,” I offer in gratitude to both his comments. “We need to get back. I don’t want to leave her alone for too long out there.”

  He looks at the door, trying to understand my meaning. His mind working over-time, probably trying to link the breaking of the glass with the arrival of the Cavendish brothers. Sebastian is not titled. He’s from a rich family who have never been involved in the society from what my father has told me. He wouldn’t understand it, and I’m not about to involve him. I fold my arms across my chest in a gesture that tells him he’s not going to get any more out of me tonight.

  “Ok. It’s best I don’t leave Emily alone for long, either. She really is terribly clumsy.”

  We both leave the bathroom, and the first thing I see is Joanna with Nicholas Cavendish standing next to her. Emily’s brows are furrowed together in anguish, and Joanna is white as a sheet.

  “Get away from her.” I stomp furiously across to the
m and push Joanna behind my back. Nicholas steps away and places his hands behind his back. His nostrils are flared with rage, but I can see he’s trying to control it.

  “Theodore. Good to see you again … and married? I’ll have to inform your sister. I don’t think she’s aware yet.”

  “Your Grace,” I show him deference to his title and bow. It sickens me, but I’m the better man, and I won’t allow my manners to slip. “I’m afraid we’ve only just returned from the country. I’ll be sure to arrange a meeting with my sister, at the first opportunity. I’m surprised she’s not with you tonight.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sebastian take hold of Emily and pull her closely to him. I nod to him, confirming he’s fine to leave, and he leads Emily away. I really don’t want to involve him in what’s happening here.

  Nicholas watches them go before he replies.

  “As you know, your sister had a baby just over a month ago, and Rose takes up most of her time at the moment. I’ll be returning home to them as soon as possible.”

  “So you can abuse them like you did Joanna?”

  “I’m sorry?” Nicholas genuinely looks surprised, and I can’t help but think of him as a fantastic actor. “The only thing I’ve ever done to Lady Joanna is to brand her, and that was beyond my control. I’ve not seen her in over a year. In fact, the second I saw she was here, I came to check on her. I’m amazed to find she’s married to you.”

  I snort a laugh at the utter stupidity of his declaration. We all know the truth, so there’s no point in lying about it anymore.

  “Do I really look like a fool?” I snarl at him through gritted teeth.

  “Do I need to answer that?” Nicholas retorts, and my anger flares enough that I ball a fist and prepare to send it flying into his smug rapist face. At that moment, William and Tamara appear, and Joanna grabs hold of my hand before I have a chance to make a show of myself.

  “Please,” she whimpers with a cry of desperation.

  “Ok.” I turn to her as William comes and stands steadfast beside his brother while Tamara stands next to her husband.

  “Theo, please. Listen to them,” Tamara implores.

  “Stay out of this,” I bark and focus my attention on Nicholas. “Isn’t it enough you have taken my sister and brainwashed her? And now you’ve wound your claws around Tamara as well. I may have lost them, but I’ll not let you take Joanna. You’ve done enough damage to her. I’ve seen the scars and heard the screams when she’s sleeping. You’re sick individuals…both of you.”

  “Is he nuts?” William exclaims.

  “Not now.” Nicholas holds his hand up to his brother.

  “He must be if he thinks we did that to Joanna. It was his father who bought her.”

  “William,” Nicholas replies tersely.

  “Ok. Time for me to do that shut up thing.” Earl Lullington folds his arms across his chest.

  “Thank you.” Nicholas breathes a sigh of relief. “Theodore, I don’t know what you’ve been told, but I’ve never hurt Joanna, save for the brand. If you just ask her, I’m sure she’ll confirm it.”

  I feel Joanna press closer in behind me.

  “Please, Joanna. Victoria desperately misses her brother. She’s suffered so much. Now’s the time we all need to pull together and support not only her but also help you to deal with whatever you’ve been through. What I’m trying to do, at the moment, is change the society and make certain there’ll be no more sales, and no more demanding of women. This must end. I have a daughter…a beautiful little girl, and I want her to grow up free.” Nicholas tries to step closer to us to plead with Joanna, but I hold a hand out to ensure he keeps his distance.

  “Enough. Joanna doesn’t need to confirm anything to you. I know exactly what you are.”

  “Let her speak.” Nicholas orders with a menacing tone that has several passers-by immediately scatter from the hallway we’re standing in. The chandelier lights even seem to shudder with fear.

  “He did it.” Joanna sobs from behind my back. Her head is buried in my suit jacket, but she pulls away and comes to stand at my side. “Nicholas Cavendish raped me. His brother watched and sometimes joined in. They do the same to Tamara and Victoria. They’ve beaten and starved me. They are evil and need to be destroyed.”

  The hallway falls silent, and I take the opportunity to re-form my fist and send it flying into Nicholas’ jaw, knocking him off his feet and into his brother.

  “Stay the fuck away from Joanna. She’s mine, now, and you won’t be getting her back. Enjoy the remainder of your freedom because by the time I’ve finished with you, you’ll be rotting in prison for the rest of your lives.”

  I grab hold of Joanna’s hand, and we storm out of the venue and back to the car. I’m itching to return and beat the crap out of the Cavendish brothers, but Joanna’s soft whimpers calm my temper. Once we’ve taken our seat, I bring her into my arms and hold her tightly until she stops sobbing.

  “I’m sorry.” I kiss the top of her head as the car pulls away, and we commence the journey home.

  “Don’t be…it’s all my fault.” She manages to get her words out in between wracking sobs, which break my heart. I vow then and there I will die before Nicholas Cavendish ever lays a finger on her again. This must end. Soon, Joanna, Tamara, Victoria, and Rose will all be free.

  Chapter Eight


  The lie that tripped so easily from my tongue last night has haunted me ever since. Thankfully, Theo left early this morning to seek support for what he termed, ‘an oncoming battle’ with the Cavendish brothers to unseat Nicholas as the head of the Oakfield Society. Theo’s father has given him a list of people to canvas, so I’m sure they’ll all be people the Viscount has already ensured will support his cause. My father’s support of Viscount Hamilton after what that man had done to Victoria, his own daughter, proves to me there are no morals left within the men of the society. I wish I could persuade Theo to leave it behind and disappear to a different country, but I’ve no chance while he’s adamant at clearing his father’s name. A name I know is guilty as sin for crimes against me, and I’m pretty sure is equally as guilty on all other charges. Maybe one day I’ll be able to persuade Theo of his father’s evil actions? But that time is not now. I’m still too scared to tell the truth. The lies are easier since I know I won’t be beaten for telling them. It’s ironic because in childhood I was punished for the little white lies I told my parents. But these aren’t little. They are the sort that could destroy innocent people, and I don’t know how to stop them without having to face more of the agonizing degradation of rape and violence I’ve become accustomed to.

  I need to stop thinking this way and start my day. I promised Theo I would try today. Before I was taken, I was learning graphic design in my spare time. I knew I may not have a future so didn’t want to specialize, but I enjoyed taking pictures and manipulating them on the computer. Theo asked me the other night what I would like to do, and I told him about the graphics and the photography. The next day, I’d had an all singing and dancing camera delivered to me along with a top specification Mac laptop. I’d also been enrolled onto an online course with the view to doing a degree in graphic design if I wanted too. I was stunned but impressed. I’d spent some time yesterday acquainting myself with the computer, but I want to use the camera today to take photos of the roses in the garden. They really are spectacular and would make a fantastic canvas to work with on the computer.

  Retrieving the camera from within the specially laid out cupboard in my bedroom, I check the battery, which is fully charged. I then open the hinged compartment where the memory card is stored and pop a new one in. Theo also bought me several memory cards in spite of the fact each of them probably holds over six thousand pictures, even with high resolution settings enabled on the camera. I’m not sure how many photos he expects me to take.

  Placing the camera strap over my neck, I slip on my lightweight shoes and make my way down into the garden. It
’s a beautiful day, not as hot as it has been over the previous weeks, which is a relief since we’re living in a house designed in an era when air conditioning didn’t exist. A slight breeze rustles through the leaves of the trees, and I inhale deeply to allow the fresh scents of the garden to settle inside my nostrils. The fragrances are calming and decadent after a year of nothing but four musty walls.

  I start walking toward a collection of roses growing over an arbor in the corner of the garden. They are bright red and remind me of blood. Checking the settings on my camera, I look into the viewfinder and start snapping a few pictures. When I’m happy with my first foray into capturing the beauty of the setting, I flick the review mode button on the camera and look at the pictures I’ve taken.

  “Beautiful, aren’t they?” The soft feminine voice comes from behind me, and I spin around quickly, dropping the camera on the ground. My heart beats rapidly when I see Victoria standing in front of me, and a memory flashes in my head of our only other meeting. All of us, in our white linen dresses, standing before Nicholas and the previous Duke of Oakfield while we wait to hear our fate. She appears to be nothing like the terrified young girl she was back then. She looks glamorous in her tight black jeans and red tunic top. You couldn’t tell she’d had a baby only just over a month ago. “The roses are the one thing I miss about this place, apart from Theo of course. I’ve started a rose garden at Oakfield Hall, but it’ll be a few years before they are as beautiful as here. Around by the swimming pool, they are even better. You should take some photos there.”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask as I take a few steps back from her. “Nicholas isn’t here is he?”

  “No. He’s not happy I’m here either, but I need to talk with you. We are the only two survivors from the trials, and I need to know what really happened to you. Not the lies you told my brother last night. If Theo is in trouble, I will look out for him.”


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