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Brought To Heel (Wayward Mates Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Delta James

  Skylar laughed again, this time with a bit more mirth. “I know. What the hell is up with that? I hate the sonofabitch. But when he’d finished, I’d have happily fucked him and that knot he was sporting.” She crawled up onto the bed, took a pillow and sat on it, grimacing as she did so, causing them both to break out in giggles.

  “Ah, yes, the famed alpha knot. Do you think that’s the reason only alphas get them is because they’re more of a pain than the rest of them to deal with?”

  “Hmm. Could be. I’ve always thought though it was the mind-blowing orgasms that come with taking a knot that’s an offset for how painful it is when they force the damn thing inside you.”

  “Is it really that painful?”

  “Worse than you can imagine, but once you relax and your body accepts it, everything else is on a whole other level. There are no words for how you feel when they are actually rocking you and then releasing into you and then being tied to them. Just amazing.” The smile in her eyes left and was replaced by a haunted look.

  Susannah reached across to her friend. “It’ll be all right, Skylar. Dylan will make it all right.”

  “Will he? Can he?”

  Susannah nodded. “Trust him. I told him that he reminded me of you. You are both powerful alphas and yet both of you always put those who call you alpha first. Your happiness and your needs come second to those of the pack. He’s a force of nature.” She giggled. “I told Matthew the difference between you two is that you’re the irresistible force and he’s the immovable object.”

  “He said that our defiance of the Council tied his hands. He’d wanted to try to place some of us in the same pack so we wouldn’t feel isolated, but that now he won’t be able to do that. Was it my arrogance that the rest will have to pay for?”

  “No. You did what you thought was right. The girls followed you because like you the packs they were in before treated females like chattel or children. Dylan will make sure none of you are placed somewhere you can’t be happy. I know his plan had been to try to place at least two girls together in a pack. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to do that now. But you have to know, y’all are highly sought after and rightfully so. You’re all amazing.”

  Skylar smiled at her. She’d forgotten how sweet and comforting Susannah could be.

  “But Dylan nixed the idea of a competition. He got the other alphas who opposed the ruling to back him up including threatening to stand against the Council to protect you guys.”

  “Then why not make the same threat and let us be?”

  “Because they honestly believe you weren’t safe and will be better off in more traditional pack structures. But they don’t like the way it went down. He told Matthew that he’s certain if Bae Diogel hadn’t been brought into the fold, so to speak, you eventually would have been overrun by a group of males who would have rutted and bred you until you submitted. But I swear to you Dylan will do right by all of you. I know you feel like you’re being forced.”

  “I am being forced,” she said in a quiet voice.

  “Yes, but by a man who is truly your mate. You said you didn’t want to be marked by Micah either and he gave you the option to submit or run. Would you feel better if Dylan gave you that same choice?”

  “At least I’d have a fighting chance…”

  “No, you wouldn’t. He’s an amazing tracker, he’s ex-Special Forces, and he believes you’re destined to be his mate. If you run either because he gives you the choice or you find a way to get away, he’ll come after you, he’ll find you, and he’ll win. Matthew was part of his team. He said they never lost a man and they never failed to achieve their goal. Do you really not feel any kind of draw to him?”

  Skylar shook her head. “I wish I could tell you I didn’t. He said he knew when he saw me light the last bonfire for Micah. I knew it too or at least I knew something had changed. I didn’t feel a need to call to Micah and I felt a presence on the wind. Apparently, he was off shore watching me.”

  Susannah grinned. “See there? You’re just being stubborn. Besides, you already admitted you wanted to fuck him.”

  Skylar laughed out loud for the first time in days. “Well, it’s not like he isn’t easy on the eyes.”

  “And you should see him without a shirt on…”

  Skylar growled involuntarily. She looked at Susannah with a mixture of shock and horror. She hadn’t growled at another woman over a man since Micah had died. Susannah reacted first with concern and then with amusement.

  Skylar said, “Shit. If you ever, and I mean ever, tell him I growled at you, I swear I’ll dye your hair bright pink!”

  Susannah rubbed her hands together and said evilly, “I see lots and lots of those delicious pecan shortbread cookies you make in my future. Cookie up or I tell the wicked alpha you have the hots for him and are feeling possessive.”

  “I’m doomed,” Skylar wailed in mock despair.

  Susannah reached across and hugged her. “No, my friend, but you can be happy and loved. Help Dylan with the other girls’ placements. He really does want the same for them.”

  “Do you know anything about this alpha from the Hamptons?”

  “The one who is going to take Roz as a mate?”

  “Has he already decided that? I thought he wanted my input.”

  “He does. You haven’t been around them together, have you? It’s obvious that they’re meant to be mated. But Roz being Roz and being like you, she’s being a pain. She’s going to end up sitting on a pillow as well if she isn’t careful. Matthew says that Dylan has known the guy for years. And his pack was one of the five that voted against the Council’s ruling.”

  “Did we frighten them so much?”

  Susannah nodded. “You know you did. That’s why you kept a low profile and never demanded a seat at the table, so to speak.”

  Skylar nodded. “Do you think he’ll let me see the other girls before they leave?”

  “I can’t say for sure, but I’d be willing to bet he would. But you’d better learn to mind him. Dylan’s a great guy but he’s an alpha male. He’s fair but he can be pretty strict. If he thinks you put yourself or the pack in jeopardy, you’ll find yourself face down over his knee getting your bottom spanked before you know what’s what. And if you’re not mated… and not you,” she said with a grin, “you’ll end up on the wrong side of Nick’s strap. You, on the other hand, will answer to Dylan. I hear you’ve already had a chance to feel what that’s like.”

  Skylar thought for a moment. “Yes, unfortunately. But he did spare the others even though we sank one of the boats and tried to run.”

  “By the way, Matthew said Dylan was quite impressed with the way you did that. I heard him extolling your ingenuity and bravery.”

  “Really? I thought he’d be pissed. Those cabin cruisers are spendy.”

  “He said it was their own fault. He told them not to engage and the guy wouldn’t listen. Apparently, the asshole wanted you punished for it and Dylan made sure that he understood no one threatened his mate regardless of whether he’d marked her yet or not. He’s demanding that Dylan make you get on your knees and apologize to him in front of the people here.”


  “Funny. That’s exactly what Dylan told him. He told Nick and Matthew that he would allow no one to humble or humiliate you.” She glanced at the clock. “Oh, crap, look at the time. Matthew will spank me if I’m late. As you know, punctuality is not my strong suit and it drives Matthew crazy.” She hugged Skylar again. “I know you’d have preferred things to be different, but I really am happy to see you again.”

  “And I you. Thanks for coming up and sitting with me.”

  “That’s what friends are for. Want to know a secret?” Susannah said, her eyes dancing with mischief.


  “It was Dylan’s idea. He asked me if I wanted to come up and have a chance to visit. And before you think he set you up, he didn’t. When I asked him if I was supposed to push some agenda, he
just laughed at me. Then he told me he couldn’t care less what we talked about. He just wanted to make sure you were okay and knew that we were happy to have you here. Said if I didn’t want to, that he’d ask Bianca—that’s Nick’s mate.”

  Susannah hopped off the bed and picked up the tray with the now empty dishes and margarita glasses and headed out the door.

  The door had just barely closed when Skylar could feel Dylan approaching. He came through the door and smiled when his eyes lighted on her sitting there.

  “Did you have a good visit with Susannah? I was happy to see her spend so much time up here.”

  “Yes, I did. I understand I have you to thank for that. She was quick to tell me that you hadn’t given her any agenda to push, but you had to have known she’s a big fan of yours.”

  Dylan stripped off his shirt to change it before dinner. Susannah was right; he looked good in clothes, but even better without them. “And yours as well. I can see where she would have been an effective omega.”

  “She was. Lacey is gifted in that area as well, but Susannah has such an infectious sense of humor, it’s tough to stay upset with her.”

  Dylan laughed. “Yes, Matthew says that’s the hardest thing about being mated to her. It’s tough to say angry at her long enough to effectively punish her.”

  “If I know Susannah it isn’t her sense of humor she uses to distract him.”

  Dylan turned to see she was grinning at him. “You could be right about that. She’s a hot little number if you like blondes with a runner’s body.”

  “Not your type?”

  Dylan finished buttoning up his shirt and turning the cuffs back. “Nah. I have this thing for nasty-tempered redheads with a great rack and a body to die for. Add a lethal skill set and I’m all in.”

  He leaned over her. The desire to kiss her was almost overwhelming. He might have been able to resist but then she giggled. Not laughed out loud or bitterly but giggled. It was melodic and joyous, and he thought he would never tire of hearing it.

  He lowered his head and watched her reaction. When she didn’t draw back and instead parted her lips, he accepted her invitation. His mouth captured hers and he allowed himself to explore her mouth leisurely. He could taste the tequila and peaches from her margarita. She allowed his exploration and returned the kiss, tentatively at first but then with more enthusiasm.

  Loath as he was to do so, Dylan pulled back. “I need to go downstairs and see to our guests. Roz and Lacey have rooms up here in the main house. The other houses are meeting at the secondary dining room. I’ve checked in and all of your girls are settling in. Not happily, but settling in. Darby’s been kind of a handful since she got off the boat. I’ve already had Nick speak with her. Like you, she’s having supper alone. And like you, I sent Bianca to go have drinks with her. The plan is to do a big buffet breakfast tomorrow. If you could help her, I’d appreciate it. I’d prefer not to have to have Nick discipline her further.”

  Skylar rankled a bit. “So, did you have your beta beat her for being unhappy that her freedom has been taken away?”

  Dylan kissed her again with a mixture of hunger and agitation. “Not beaten, cariad, and you know it. That kind of inflammatory language doesn’t help anybody. Nick made the decision just to speak with her. I’m aware, as is my beta, that this is very stressful and upsetting for all of you. We’re trying to be sympathetic and understanding of the circumstances in which you’ve found yourselves. He warned her to settle down and let her know that if she persisted, then she’d get her first discipline spanking not from a new mate, but from him. I’m hoping if you can behave at brunch tomorrow, Darby will decide to do so as well.” He turned to leave.

  “Dylan? Are you aware that Darby was paired with a man who did beat her?”

  “I am. Susannah shared that with me. He’s already informed me he wants her back. I’ve informed him that with Darby’s permission we will institute a formal dissolution of their pairing. I’ll then see her placed with a man who will appreciate her and treat her in accordance with that.”

  “Wasn’t he an alpha?”

  “Still is. But in my book that doesn’t give him a free pass to abuse a woman. I told you this afternoon, no one will be allowed to mistreat your girls. I will most likely place Darby with an alpha for her protection.”

  “Dylan… never mind, it can wait.”

  He turned and crossed back to her. He sat down on the edge of the bed and took her hands in his. He pulled her to him and kissed her tenderly. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m going to say it anyway. You are my mate. Everything else waits for you. If you have something to say or have a concern, I want to hear it. Clear?” She nodded. He kissed her forehead. “What is it?”

  “You said earlier that you wouldn’t be opposed to letting Lacey stay here and hosting a weekend with the younger, interested alpha males to see if there was a link between any of them. I’m sure the Council wants us split up as soon as possible…”

  Dylan laughed. “That, my sweet girl, is the understatement of the year. You and your girls scare the shit out of the old guard.”

  She smiled. “But not you?”

  “Not me. I find those of you with whom I’ve had a chance to speak to be intelligent, articulate, and fiercely loyal. All traits to be highly desired in a life mate.”

  “If I can get both Darby and Lacey to agree to behave and promise to do so until they depart, do you think you could give Darby the same opportunity you were going to give Lacey?”

  “And are you planning to misbehave after they leave?”

  She thought for a moment before replying, “I haven’t yet decided.”

  He chuckled. “You’re nothing if not honest, Skylar. But to answer your question, yes, if all three of you promise to behave, I will invite the eligible alphas that I deem worthy of one of your girls to a house party next weekend.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Do I need to come back at 8:30 to see that you go to bed or does your promise to behave start now?”

  She grinned. “It starts now and no, you don’t have to come back upstairs. But it does lead me to ask where you’re planning to sleep.”

  “The same place I plan to be sleeping for the rest of my life… next to you.” He kissed her and allowed his hand to roam from her ribcage up to softly caress the underside of her breast. She moaned in response. “Your supper will be brought up shortly.”

  “There’s no need; I’m really not all that hungry.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I won’t have you accuse me of starving you in addition to beating you.” He grinned at her.

  She hit him half-heartedly with the pillow lying next to her. “If the belt fits, buddy. Now go see to our guests.”

  * * *

  He left their room and trotted down the stairs. Bianca was at the bottom and greeted him warmly.

  “You seem to be in an awfully good mood for a man whose mate fired a flare gun at him and threatened him with a knife this afternoon.”

  “I am. And whose mate just told him to go see to our guests.”

  “And that makes you happy?”

  Nick walked out and wrapped his arm around her. “Yes, Bianca. She referred to them as our guests, not his guests. You’ll have to instruct me on how to welt one’s mate’s backside to get her to turn around that quickly.”

  Bianca hit at him. “You don’t need any help with that. You are quite good enough.”

  Dylan laughed. “Not to worry, Bianca. It’s a technique only used with alpha females. The rest of you aren’t tough enough to endure it.”

  “I am too tough enough… oh, shit, what am I saying?” She turned to Nick. “I’m just a delicate little flower who should never, ever have anything used on her backside except her mate’s loving hand applied for erotic purposes only.”

  Nick and Dylan both laughed at her silliness. Nick sent her ahead to get Skylar’s tray with a swat to her backside. He watched her walk away, exaggerating the natural sway of her

  “She may get that loving hand applied this evening. I don’t know about you, but our little escapade this afternoon has left me hornier than usual. I think my sweet Bianca is going to be more than a bit sore come tomorrow morning.”

  “Trust me, I am more than ready to mark and bed my mate. I keep having to suppress this damn knot. Nasty things unless you can bury them in your mate.”

  Nick laughed. “Poor boy. If taking your belt to her backside this afternoon got her this far, maybe a more erotic spanking could get you between her legs.”

  Dylan laughed at him. “It’s a good thing I know you mean no disrespect to your alpha’s lady. Otherwise I’d have Josh break your nose too.”

  Nick laughed. Josh was the newest male member of the pack. His actions this afternoon had left him in high regard with the ranking pack members. “He’s going to be trouble, that alpha from Atlantic City. He and the one who’s married to Darby. They could make trouble with the Council.”

  “Could and probably will. But we have the five packs who were opposed to this whole thing to begin with and I suspect the packs to whom the others go as well. If we have to make a fight of it, we will.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” said Nick.

  “Speaking of trouble, has Darby settled down?”

  “Yes, in fact that’s where I was when you came downstairs. She asked to see me. She actually apologized for her behavior this afternoon. She admitted that it was the stress of today’s events and the fear of being sent back to a man who had abused her. I assured her that there wasn’t a male in this pack who would allow a woman to be mistreated.”

  “Good. Skylar offered me a deal.”

  “Jesus,” he said, shaking his head. “She doesn’t lack for cojones, your mate.”

  “You’re just now figuring that out? I always thought you were brighter than that.”


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