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Endless Online: Oblivion's Price: A LitRPG Adventure - Book 3

Page 35

by M. H. Johnson

  Julia's eyes were wide with remembered awe. "Val. Your room. It was torn. Smashed. There was a crater in the wall where your body was tossed. As if the force had somehow, I don't know..."

  "Transferred between worlds?"

  Julia nodded. "Yes. But your father said he hadn't heard any signs of a disturbance at all. And your helm. We couldn't get it off, it wouldn't come off, and Mother smacked your father's hands away when he tried... saying it was Hermetically sealed, whatever that means, and to interfere now could kill you. Then, well, it's like she knew. She made us all step back, lifted your mangled shirt, and your father cried out when he saw the blood... the wounds... and then bright light, and you were healing, Val, before our very eyes!" Julia shuddered in awe and wonder.

  "There can be no doubt. I knew. On some level I had hoped, had always suspected... but to see proof of magic, proof that Jordia was real, had to be! I..." Julia lowered her head. "I feel so damned, guilty, Val. I should never have gotten you involved in this. Never."

  When she sat on the bed and began to sob, Val wrapped his arms around her, giving what comfort he could. "Bullshit," he whispered. "I chose to adventure with you, even when I knew the risks. You did nothing wrong. Nothing at all."

  She turned, then, and Val was abruptly aware that her soft lips were only inches from his own. Her hitched breath made it clear that she was aware of it too. Her hand slowly lifted up to brush back his hair. Val clasped it to his own, holding it against his cheek. He swallowed. She grinned.

  "Thank you, Val, for saving my life, for making me feel better." she gazed down at his partly covered form, Val realizing he was naked save for the blanket he wore. "For getting better yourself."

  Her other hand tentatively caressed what seemed like year-old scars on his abdomen that Val knew hadn't been there just days before. "I remember seeing that super hot tungsten shrapnel tearing into you... right there, and there." She smiled down at his blanket-covered legs. "I won't go over all the scars you now have down there. I'm just so damned glad the dwarves were able to heal you. So much I can't even put it into words."

  She raised her eyes, meeting his own, her sweet breath tickling his nose, setting his heart racing. "I feared for you, Val. So damn much. Then Mother had us bring you here. She knows, somehow, that you're being hunted, and she shocked your father when she told him flat out that she knew." Her lips curved up into the sweetest smile. "She's very good at knowing, my mom, and somehow she convinced him to take you to our house, instead of a hospital where you would be in even greater peril."

  Val swallowed, not knowing what to say.

  "It's alright," Julia whispered, her lips softly touching his own. "My mother is very good at what she does."

  And her words were cut off as Val found his arms wrapping tenderly, tightly against her, soft warm lips sending his heart racing as they pressed against his own. She murmured softly as their kiss deepened, Val feeling suddenly breathless and alive with such indescribable sweetness flooding him, hungry for the girl in his arms that he had ached to hold for so long yet had been too hesitant to, holding back for strange reasons he couldn't for the life of him remember. Val was suddenly hit with the sense of just how much Julia cared for him, wanting him just as fiercely, just as passionately as he wanted her.

  Her soft throaty laughter washed over him and clothes seemed to melt away like the morning dew as he lowered his lips to kiss her neck. She gasped at his touch. There was so much he wanted to say, to communicate to her, flashes of dreams that had haunted him, her desperate cry for help, his mad rescue that had somehow transcended the broken fragments of dream and near-forgotten memory... so much he wanted to say as he gazed into Julia's eyes, and her smile only grew.

  "No need to say a word, my Val. You might have forgotten, but I never did."

  Val felt an indescribable flood of awe as her brilliant gaze seemed to grow, drawing him in, consuming him, and when their bodies entwined she growled, flexing her hips, drawing him in to such pristine sweetness, exquisite pleasure so intense that it was all he could do not to cry out, swept away by tides of indescribable ecstasy as their passion built to a furious crescendo, her soft cry blending with his own as they peaked together, and how tightly he held her when her chest wracked with sobs, Val kissing away her warm tears before beautiful gold green eyes captivated him once more, and she drew him into another heart-stopping kiss.

  His heart roared still, and he could no longer deny it, how much he adored this beautiful girl in his arms whose wry quips and laughter had always made him smile. Julia, who understood how he thought, how he operated so well, complimenting his style so perfectly, understanding so much, without a word being said. And she held him tightly, hip to hip, he inside her still.

  "You might have forgotten, my Valor, but I never did. I remember it. All of it. Every horror I endured, everything you did to save me. You are my dark knight, and I will never forsake you."

  Val blinked, strangely chilled by her words, the intensity in her voice.


  "Shh," she whispered. "Say nothing with your lips. Say it with your heart. Say it with your body." Her lips locked with his own again, sensual gyrations quickening him once more. He could only imagine the grave indiscretion he was committing, seducing or perhaps being seduced by Colonel Petrovsky's daughter after being welcomed into their house as a friend, treated in his time of need, but gazing with such heartfelt rapture into the eyes of a girl he adored, he realized it didn't matter.

  All that mattered was making the angel in his arms biting her lip and gazing at him with those beautiful bedroom eyes as happy as he possibly could, feeling fierce satisfaction as she cried out softly in his arms, Val determined to wash away all the pain and horror he knew she had endured with as much sweetness as he could possibly give her.

  "I love you, Valor Hunter." Soft words whispered as they sunk together into the downy mattress, heady with afterglow, the cool central air sending a delightful chill against their naked skin, Julia resting her head beside his own. "More than you will ever know."

  Val smiled at those words, knowing there was so much to say, desperate to say it all when a body that had endured a Greater Healing and a year's worth of repair in a span of hours pulled him back to sleep once more.


  "Julia?" Val blinked himself awake suddenly, wondering if he had been dreaming. But Julia, even the medical equipment that had been by the side of the bed, was gone. His cheeks flushed when he saw the carefully folded set of clothes by an open door leading to the bath and shower, washing and dressing himself carefully, chilled by the mass of scars now covering his legs, grateful beyond words that he felt not the slightest trace of the awful burning pain or weakness that had been his nightmarish burden when first he had returned home from duty, what now seemed a lifetime ago.

  He was still trying to think of what to say and to whom he should say it to when he finally headed downstairs, completely mended as he now was, feeling as vigorous and healthy as he could ever recall. Never had Val felt so uncertain back home as he did at that moment, slowly treading down rug lined stairs, fighting the urge to flow right into the shadows as if such a thing was possible, some part of him wanting to flow right out of the house and race away without being seen.

  But he was no coward.

  He forced his head up high, slowly striding towards the sound of voices, and when he turned to enter the family room, he stopped cold.

  The Petrovskys were not alone. Chris, built like a linebacker and larger than life was in uniform, wearing the bars of a sergeant and the crisp, perfectly creased uniform of a marine.

  Dirk was also present, his captain's bars instantly visible to Val's trained eye. Army.

  Val frowned. Whoever was in charge of their covert missions within Jordia, it was someone pretty damn high up the food chain to authorize a joint interdepartmental mission with soldiers of one branch happily taking orders from officers of another. Of course, Val sensed already that Dirk and Chris were goo
d friends and meshed well together, the type who would form a business together without a second thought once leaving service, rank nothing more than jokes and ribbing over beers as they bonded like brothers during the second half of their lives. Or such was the impression Val got in that split second between surprise and instant assessment of his surroundings, somehow not surprised at all to see a certain exotic beauty preening before the movers and shakers around her, and Val could only imagine what it was like for her, seeing how rich and well connected her friends were. Yin was too classy to ever mooch, but she would admire it and try to impress her mother later with gossip like no one's business, Val was sure.

  Everyone was holding glasses of wine or snifters of brandy, a plate of mini sandwiches left on a convenient table, and Val couldn't help but feel that the whole thing was strangely surreal.

  Then Christine, looking exquisite, even regal with her satiny blue dress and golden blond hair cascading down her shoulders suddenly frowned and turned, her eyes washing right over Val who did his best to sink in the dim shadows of the hallway, fearing he'd die of embarrassment if caught out at that moment, dressed so casually and gazing so intently at the crowd before him.

  He smiled at the conceit of the inner voice he almost thought he heard, congratulating him on hiding himself so well.

  Then Christine gently clenched her daughter's hand, whispering into her ear, directing Julia's gaze his way.

  Julia's eyes widened with delight, a beautiful smile coming to lips the same shade as her crimson dress as her eyes pierced the shadows like fog lights, spotting him at once.

  Shadowmind failed! Your lover spotted you with ease!

  Val flushed at the thought of his inner monologue mocking him, but he couldn't deny that Julia was indeed his lover, or the way his cheeks flushed and his heart raced as she approached, the teasing twinkle in her eye warning him to keep his feelings hidden, and making it clear that their sweet passion had been far more than just a fever dream.

  And he had no time for further reflection, Julia headed his way. "Val! You're up! It's so good to see you, we were so worried!"

  And there Julia was, smelling of lilacs and roses with an impish smile just for him, chastely taking his hand and leading him into the family room proper.

  Everyone was gazing at him with expressions ranging from surprise to amusement to outright relief, his father breaking decorum to give Val a brief, tight hug. "I worried like hell, son. Next time, give me some warning if you're going deep."

  Val swallowed and nodded, feeling suddenly ashamed, knowing he could have, should have, told his father what was going on. At least an inkling. But no. He couldn't have. There had been that red-eyed monster of a man, burrowing into his father's very thoughts. Only because his father knew nothing of note did that predator leave, which had suited Val just fine. And why the hell was he so calm about it still?

  Then his eyes caught Christine's once more, looking so very much like Julia, but regal, somehow. Her face perfectly smooth and free of blemish, so youthful looking that Val had been certain she had been the beneficiary of plastic surgery, but wouldn't dare inquire. But now, looking into her perfect green eyes, he was struck by the sudden thought that it didn't quite fit. Her bearing, her demeanor, the approving nod she gave him, her features reminding him of someone he had once fought and bled beside.


  He blinked at the strange thought, slipping away as if it had never been.

  She was wearing contacts, Val suddenly realized. Green didn't suit her.

  He swallowed, forcing himself to meet her indecipherable gaze once more, time seeming to still around them.


  Her eyes should definitely be gold, like the flecks of color in Julia's own brilliant green eyes. Like the irises of so many Jordian citizens.

  Christine's smile grew.

  You are a perceptive one, Valor Hunter. My daughter chose well with you.

  Val blinked, confused. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Petrovsky?"

  But Christine only grinned. "It's against my official medical advice, but here, have a glass of red. You look like you could use it."

  Val silently accepted the glass that had seemed to pop out of nowhere, not quite sure what to say.

  "We will talk more later, Val. Both about your recovery, and about the rules of courtship in the Petrovsky household."

  Val felt his cheeks flush scarlet, Christine flashing an impish smile so like Julia's, and he was strangely certain that no one else had heard a word.

  His father nodded approvingly at Dirk and Chris, approaching Val even now. "Captain Striker seems like a good man to work under."

  Dirk smiled. "I'm just happy to have the corporal's insights and savvy as part of our team. Your son is a fine example of all a soldier should be, if you don't mind me saying so, sir."

  Val's father nodded, squeezing Val's shoulder, Julia now standing politely beside Val, though his hand missed the touch of her own. "I sense you boys are about to talk shop. Well, you know where to find me," he said, smiling at Val before striking up a conversation with the instantly attentive and charming Christine, both of them sauntering over to her husband as Val's focus was pulled back to an intently gazing Dirk.

  "How are you doing, kid?"

  Val smiled. "Well, sir." Val gave a rueful shake of his head. "I'll tell you, after what happened? Waking up and recalling all that hideous pain? If I ever doubted any of this was real..."

  Dirk's hard gaze held his own. "It is, Corporal. Real. All of it. And there are some things we're going to need to talk about real soon."

  A big beefy hand was suddenly before Val. Val smiled and shook it.

  "It's good to see you in person, Val," Chris said.

  Val smiled. "Likewise, Chris. Frankly, I'm just surprised to see everyone here."

  "Val! You're okay! Awesome! I was worried as hell!"

  Val laughed, giving an excited Yin a gentle hug. "Thanks, Yin. I'm just glad to be back in one piece."

  "And you almost weren't," a solemn Yin whispered. "In one piece, I mean. That wizard, the spells he was casting? Ugh. You wouldn't know it now, but he had melted half your face off!"

  Val grimaced, never having felt so terrified as when he had been dodging boosted death magics he had known his shield didn't have a hope of fully parrying. Deadlier than any arcane magics they had faced before. Fitting, perhaps, for a magelord. And Val was grateful beyond words to know that the man was dead.

  Yin gazed at a solemn Julia with something close to awe. "And the way you cast that spell, blowing up that bastard with magic that I bet could take out a tank! Incredible!"

  Dirk grinned. "It was a fight, friends, one for the record books. But let's keep that between ourselves, okay? It's not a good idea to mention specifics around civvies," Dirk said as they stepped into the adjoining living room, Julia leading the way.

  Yin blinked, then blushed, flashing an apologetic smile. "Whoops, my bad. Sorry, Captain," she whispered. "Forgive me?" Her smile grew as Dirk swallowed and looked the slightest bit flustered. Val grinned.

  "It's like she has him wrapped around her finger already," Julia said as an aside.

  Val grinned as Dirk's discomfort grew, and if Yin's hand slid into the captain's, Val wasn't going to say a word.

  Yin's bemused smile turned downright appraising as she looked between Val and Julia. "Did something happen between you guys?" She chuckled softly as Val blinked, not saying a word, sensing Julia felt just as flustered. "I mean, here Val is, our poor wounded hero, sacrificing himself so nobly to give us time to take out that wizard and you, Julia, were a wreck."

  "I was not," Julia huffed.

  Chris smiled. "I think you two make an awesome couple."

  Yin nodded. "They were made for each other. I could tell that the second I first saw them together."

  Julia blushed but didn't deny it, squeezing Val's hand, stepping close. Refusing to hesitate any longer, Val wrapped his arm around her waist, feeling Julia lean into him, ignoring
the flush he felt coming to his cheeks with Dirk's smile.

  "I knew it," Yin crowed.

  Dirk spent a cool moment's appraisal on all of them, their giddy excitement at just having survived, acknowledging feelings long hidden, growing as a party and people soon settling to more serious matters, and Val suddenly understood what it was about. Why they had all gathered, so unexpectedly in real life when they never had before, Val's injury serving as excellent pretext, but there had been another reason.

  "That last mission," Val whispered, Dirk's eyes instantly locking on him.

  He didn't deny it.

  "What's that, Val?" Yin gazed at him expectantly.

  "Everything came to a head, that Highmage nearly killing us with all those men trained for combat under his command, living faeries returning to the woods... We encountered definitive proof of Jordian resistance to Dominion rule. That's why we're all meeting here right now, isn't it?"

  Dirk nodded. "That's part of it, Val. Don't get me wrong, it's good to see you in the flesh, both as a person and as a soldier under my command. Speaking of which, these are for you."

  Val frowned as Dirk solemnly handed him a thin envelope and a sleek, black phone. Everyone was gazing at him, he felt, as he removed and read the contents of the envelope, wincing and swallowing at what it said. His eyes widened at the signature on the bottom.

  Colonel James T. Yancey.

  He immediately stood at attention, saluting Dirk. "It appears that I am indeed under your command, retroactively from the time I was supposedly discharged. I wonder how the hell he pulled that one off?"

  Dirk chuckled. "Knowing Yancey, and I do, I'm not surprised. The phone's from him, by the way. You might be pleased to know as well that you will be receiving a very fat check soon, for the amount of near two years continuous service, boosted to triple hazard pay. Your term of service has been extended as well, and you've been retroactively promoted to Sergeant, Third Class. Congratulations on your stripes, soldier."


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