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From Smoke To Flames— Amazon: A West Brothers Novel

Page 19

by A. M. Hargrove

  She burst out laughing. “Thanks for looking. I’m glad to know I’m trimmed up in there.”

  “You’re welcome. Is there anywhere else you’d like for me to inspect?” I waggled my brows and her cheeks grew pink.

  “Ah, no.”

  “I love it when you blush. Your cheeks turn such a lovely shade. You embarrass so easily.”

  “That’s not embarrassing easily. You were discussing my, er, you know.”

  “What? I only asked if you wanted me to check other areas out. You were the one who automatically thought that. I was thinking perhaps your legs.”

  “Uh huh. And you expect me to believe that?” she said, smirking.

  “Okay, no. But I am willing to help in that department.”

  “Are you an esthetician?”

  “I don’t even know what that is.”

  “It’s someone who does hair removal. I guess that puts you out of the running.”

  “Hang on a sec. I’m great with a shaver, so it doesn’t.”

  “How about this? You trim your own nose hairs and I’ll take care of my own stuff?”

  “One day you’ll trust me.” Then I kissed her again. Her lips set fire to my blood. I wanted her, badly, but I didn’t want to push things too fast.

  She tugged my shirt up, indicating for me to take it off. Then her fingers traced my ink. She slowed when she got to the rose. It was pure coincidence that the flower was the same as her name, but I took pride in that. Maybe it was prophetic that I chose that particular one. I got into ink when I’d started using. It was a way for me to think of the future. I’m not sure why but somehow it spoke of brighter days.

  “You’re beautiful,” she said as her eyes ranged up and down my body.

  “Even with buck teeth?”

  “Shut up.” Her smile lingered as her pupils dilated.

  I was positive she could feel my erection pushing against her. This was the first time in months that I’d been with anyone and I was worried I’d blow any minute.

  “Can we do this? Or maybe I should’ve asked are you ready for this?”

  “The correct answer is no, but that’s not what I want to say.”

  “Please tell me it’s yes.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  * * *

  Denying him wasn’t possible. My lust flared … no, it raged within me. His magnificence, as he lay above me, was more than a woman could ask for. He was humorous, kind, gentle, caring, honest, and had learned humility. What else could a man offer? The fact that he was a recovering addict should bother me, but it didn’t. I dealt with this every day. I knew the signs of those who would fail and those who would succeed. He showed every one of success. And he had the support structure set to do it.

  “The answer is yes.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him.

  Then he said, “One other thing. When I was admitted to the hospital, I was tested for everything, including HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. I’m clean as a whistle and obviously haven’t been with anyone other than this.” He held up a hand and wiggled his fingers. My cheeks instantly burned. “The reason I’m telling you this is I was wondering if you’re on the pill or any other form of birth control and if so, can we go bare, as long as you’re healthy too?”

  If my face burned before, it was now on fire from my neck to my hairline. “Um yeah, I’m healthy. Like I told you before, I haven’t been with anyone in over two years and I have been tested too. I did it after I got divorced. I’m also on the pill.”

  “Then you’re okay with it?”

  If he only knew. “Yes, I am. Now I think we need to get rid of some more clothes, don’t you?”

  “That’s a great idea, but I’d love to be the one to undress you. I’ve been dreaming of this for so long now, it’s almost embarrassing.”


  “I’m that teenager with wicked thoughts of you naked.”

  That was the cutest thing he could’ve said. I wanted to squeal and hug him again. “I’d love to hear those wicked thoughts. I’m all yours to undress.”

  My eyes lingered on him as he shed his boxers. I was more than impressed as his erection sprang free. But then I noticed the bandage where my ex had sliced him with the knife. “Does it hurt?”


  “Your injury?”

  “Not now. I’m only thinking of one thing.”

  I had to stop myself from crawling to him and touching him. He came back to the bed and pulled off my top, then slid my bottoms off. Finally, I was left with only my panties, which he hooked his fingers into and tugged off. As I lay there, naked, my nipples pebbled under his gaze. My core instantly tightened as his eyes swept over me. One finger circled a nipple and then the other. A soft moan escaped and before I could inhale, his mouth had latched onto me. He sucked, flicked his tongue, and softly bit one nipple, as he pinched and tugged on the other. My back arched to get closer as I became drenched.

  He lifted his mouth and asked, “How wet are you?” But before I could utter a word, his hand moved between my thighs and found the answer himself. He rubbed my clit between his finger and thumb, and I moaned again. “God, you’re so ready for me.”

  “Ah, yeah.”

  I thought he was going to go for it, but instead of his cock, he put his mouth over me. Holy mother of tongues. I hadn’t had a man go down on me in ages. Greg never did so this was divine. Pearson seemed to know my body as well as I did. It wasn’t long before everything in me ignited at once, sending me into an unbelievable climax.

  “Jeez, holy crap.” I was huffing and puffing. It had been way too long since I’d been with anyone and Greg was like having sex with a rock. The truth was, I’d never orgasmed during sex before so this was unreal for me.

  He didn’t give me time to recover before my legs were shoved up and he was pushing inside of me. He was large and it had been a while for me. Thankfully, he took it slow, inching his way in. He was finally fully seated, and I was stretched as far as I’d ever been.

  Now he was the one breathing hard. “Are you okay?” he asked, cupping my face.

  “Yeah. Are you?” I put my fingers lightly on his bandage as I was worried he’d tear his stitches open.

  “Never been better.” His voice was deep and sexy, sending shivers over my skin.

  “Take it slow for now.”

  “I will. I can’t promise I’ll last. It’s been a while here too and you feel amazing.” His mouth brushed over mine, once, twice, and then his tongue pushed through the seam of my lips and I could taste myself on him. He rested on his elbow as one hand held my cheek and the other held my hip. He set up a perfect rhythm, as he rocked his pelvis against mine and as his tongue plunged into my mouth. It wasn’t long before his thrusts became more forceful and I wanted more from him. I gripped his ass, my nails biting into him as I did.

  He broke off the kiss saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t hold back.” And I knew when he came by his groan and the heat of him inside me. “I’m so sorry. I tried.”

  “It’s fine. I had an epic orgasm before.”

  “Well, you gave me one back, so we’re even. In fact,” he said with a sexy grin. “You may have exploded my balls.”

  I couldn’t hold back the laughter. “Ball exploder. I guess that’s better than ball buster.”

  “A hell of a lot better.” He ran his hands through my hair and said, “You are amazing. Have I told you that?”

  “I think so.”

  “And you’re beautiful,” he added.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Don’t you mean genetically gifted?” he said, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “Me? Never.”

  “I love your eyes. Why is it the men get the greatest eyelashes?”

  He shrugged. “Yours are gorgeous. What are you talking about? You have the most perfect skin I’ve ever seen.”

  “Thank you.” It was dif
ficult hearing compliments from him when I was told so many times by my ex how ugly I was.

  He took my chin and said, “Hey, don’t be shy when I compliment you. You are stunning and should be aware of that. If you could only see yourself through my eyes, you would understand.”

  My heart thudded so hard beneath my ribs, I was certain it would land on the bed. No one had ever said such wonderful things to me before.

  “Your eyes are lighting up the room right now.”

  “You’re the first person to tell me that,” I confessed.

  “Then everyone one else were blind fools. There isn’t a thing about you I’d change, Rose. Your name suits you perfectly because the rose is the most beautiful flower, lovely colors, velvety petals, and a scent that is rivaled by none. You are much the same. Now I guess I should go to my room so we both can get some sleep, though it’s the last thing I want to do.”


  “But what about Montana?”

  I frowned. “You’re right. It wouldn’t be good if she found us together.”

  “I’ll go, but don’t think I want to.”

  “And don’t think I want you to either.”

  “Goodnight, sweet Rose.” He kissed me and left. I still felt his lips on me, his hands, and my body still tingled from where he touched me. The delicious ache between my thighs also reminded me of him. Was I falling in love with him? I’d only known him a month and I wanted to take this slow. We just had sex and two people could do that without being in love. But he said all the right things to me, and I believe he meant them. I trusted him anyway. He gave off the right vibes. I hope I wasn’t making a mistake and moving too fast. I had Montana to think about.

  The smell of coffee brewing woke me. I got in the shower and when I was done, there was a cup sitting on my dresser with a note that said:

  * * *

  Good morning, gorgeous. Hope you slept well. P.

  Damn, I liked this kind of service. I grabbed the mug and took a long swallow, and then made my way into the kitchen. Pearson and Montana were chatting about the merits of cereal for breakfast.

  “But it’s good for you cuz it tastes good,” she said.

  “Uh, that doesn’t make it healthy. Why don’t you eat eggs instead?”

  “I want cereal. Or waffles. Do we got waffles in there?” She pointed to the freezer.

  “They’re as bad as cereal. You should have one healthy breakfast every other day.”


  “So you can be healthy.”

  “I’m healthy. Am I, Mommy?”

  “Yes, but if you don’t eat properly, you won’t always be. Pearson is right. You should have eggs and fruit.”

  “Is banana fruit?”

  “Yes,” Pearson said.

  “I like bananas in my cereal.”

  “What about oatmeal today?” I suggested.

  “With bananas?”

  “We can do that.”


  Pearson frowned. “Will you eat eggs tomorrow?”

  “You won’t make those orange kind, will you?” she asked.

  “Orange kind?”

  “She means ones with runny yolks.”

  “No, I make scrambled. No orange kind.”

  “Okay, I’ll have those tomorrow. Can I have toast too?”

  “Yes, you can have toast,” he said.

  While I was making her oatmeal, he asked, “What else will she eat for breakfast?”

  “She likes yogurt and fruit too. Sometimes I make us smoothies and put extra things in there that she doesn’t know about. And some protein powder.”

  “Good. I’ll get onto that too. I was going to make eggs. Would you like some?”

  “I’d love some, thank you.”

  We ate up our breakfasts and it was time for me to take Montana to her new preschool and then go on to work. Before I left, I asked Pearson, “Do you mind if I put your name on the pickup list, just in case of an emergency?”

  “Not at all. I’ll be willing to help out however I can.”

  I touched his arm. “Thank you.” Then we were out the door. I’d forgotten we’d left her seat in his car. He helped me make the switch. That didn’t take long and then we were off. Montana’s new preschool was only five minutes away, which was awesome. I walked her inside and her teacher met us. After we talked, she left with Montana and I stayed to fill out all the paperwork. Then I was off to work.

  The day flew by and before I knew it, I was picking up Montana. She ran out to greet me, holding a big picture.

  “Look what I drawed today!”

  “Oh, my goodness. That’s wonderful. Is that you?”

  “Yeah. Look at my clicky shoes.” Dang it. I was hoping she’d forget about those. But no. She had drawn them as huge things on her feet with some sort of gigantic platforms on the bottoms. I’m not sure what she thought clicky shoes were. “And this is you and Mister.” I stared at the drawing because she had Pearson and me kissing. Our lips were bulged out and touching even though our bodies were a foot apart. It was super funny, but I didn’t dare laugh. Her teacher just raised her brows and the way her tongue poked the inside of her cheek, it was obvious she was holding a laugh back as well.

  “Come on, Mommy. I want to show this to Mister.”

  “Hang on a minute. Let me speak to your teacher.”

  “Okay. She headed over to the toys while I talked to her teacher, Cathie. “She’s a joy in the classroom, very well behaved. But is his name really Mister?”

  “No,” I chuckled. “I told her to call him Mister Pearson, but she’s decided to only call him Mister.”

  “I was wondering because she kept referring to him as Mister and I thought it was quite odd. Other than that, we had a great day. She gets along with the other students and plays well with others. You have a fine daughter, Ms. Wilson.”

  “Please call me Rose, and thank you. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  I called to Montana and we left for the house.

  “How was it?”

  “It was fun. Ms. Cathie’s real nice and lets us play games and stuff.”

  “Good. She said you behaved.”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  “That’s a good girl. And the other kids are nice?”

  “Uh huh. I like almost everybody ‘cept one boy who’s mean. But I don’t play with him.”

  “Good job. That’s the best thing to do. Just stay away from him.”

  “We got home, and she ran inside to show Pearson the drawing. “Look Mister. I drawed this.”

  “He took one look and his body shook, only he didn’t make a sound. “Wow. That’s something, isn’t it?”

  “Yep, I’m good, huh?”

  “I’ll say.”

  “Mommy, where can we hang it?”

  “Er, I don’t know. Let me think about it.”

  “I’m gonna go play. I want to practice my dancing.”

  “Okay, go on and practice.”

  When she was out of earshot, Pearson said. “Our lips are a foot wide.” Then he doubled over laughing.

  “Oh my God, when I looked at it, I could barely keep a straight face and the poor teacher. She wanted to know if your real name was Mister.”

  We both had a major case of the cackles. Montana came barreling into the room, saying, “Mommy, Mister, watch.”

  I wasn’t sure if we could get through this performance. She started at one end of the room and ended up crashing into the opposite wall. We both jumped up to help her, but she barely noticed.

  All she said was, “I’m supposed to turn right there.” And she started again. I jumped up and ran into the kitchen with my phone.

  Montana hollered, “Where ya goin’?”

  “I’m calling the dance studio that Kinsley goes to. I want to see when they have classes.” This child needed help. And fast.

  After hanging up, I was happy yet sad. I got her into a class, but it didn’t start for another month. Would Pearson and I be abl
e to hold out? God, help us. I relayed to the news to both of them. Montana shouted for joy and Pearson almost cried.

  “They don’t have any openings now?” he asked.

  “'Fraid not. The new classes don’t start until then.”

  “I’ll be so good by then, Mister. Just wait.” She bounded back into her room as we stared open-mouthed.

  “If this was the old me, I’d say I need a drink.”

  “Good thing those days are over,” I said, kissing his cheek. “I’m not sure what’s worse—the dancing or the picture.”

  “It’s a close call from what I can tell.” He picked it up from the coffee table where it sat. “I know one thing. She didn’t inherit your artistic gene.”

  “We don’t know that. I didn’t get into it until my teens. Before then, my perspective was totally off.”

  Pearson only stared at the picture. “You mean there’s hope? Because our lips look like those balloons they make wiener dogs with.”

  I checked out the drawing again and cracked up. “Oh my God, they do. I guess she didn’t want us too close together. Did you check out her clicky shoes?”

  “Is that what they are? I thought she was wearing wooden blocks on her feet.”

  We dissolved in laughter until our ribs ached. “I’m going to put this up in the kitchen, in a place that’s sort of obscure.”

  “Where, like in the pantry?”

  He followed me as I searched for the perfect spot. “It’s too big for the refrigerator.”

  “What about here?” He gestured by the back door. I held up the drawing to see if it would fit and it did. “Where’s the tape?” he asked.

  We hung it up and then chuckled again. I prayed she wouldn’t bring too many of these home. As I opened the refrigerator to get things out for dinner, Pearson said, “I need to talk to you about something.” My heart skipped a dozen beats as I stood up straight.

  “What is it?” I asked in a rush.

  “Don’t panic. It’s fine. Miles and I spoke today. Greg’s arraignment is this Friday. We won’t have a court date until that’s settled. Miles is certain everything will go in our favor, given the circumstances Greg is currently facing. An account of domestic violence and then the aggravated assault aren’t exactly demonstrations of great parenthood.”


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