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Reunited with Her Daredevil Doc

Page 11

by Susan Carlisle

  “Sounds like we’ll have a hot meal and bath tonight. All the luxuries.”

  Dana smiled broadly. “Yes indeed. But before we do anything more we need to get our boots and socks off and let our feet breathe. Then pull out our supplies and clothing. Get them to drying.”

  She immediately went to work removing items from her backpack and supply pack. Travis followed her lead. Soon they had clothing spread out all over the place.

  “The majority of my stuff is dry with the exception of my pants, socks and shoes.” Travis slung his sleeping bag out across the bed.

  She frowned. “And most of mine are wet.”

  He smiled. “That’s what happens when you go swimming with them.”

  “Not funny. The night is warm. I’m going to hang a few of these things outside, like my sleeping bag and hope they dry some. The smaller stuff I’ll put near the stove while I get together supper.”

  “I’ll help you.” He grabbed up a pile. “I saw a couple of folding chairs we could put to good use as a clothesline.”

  She held the door open for him as they went out into the twilight.

  Travis nodded his head to the right. “The chairs are around that corner.”

  Dana led the way and set up the chairs. She then placed her belongings over them.

  The pile was almost gone when Travis picked up a scrap of material. He held it at eye level. “Very sexy panties for fighting fires.”

  Dana snatched them out of his hand. “You’re supposed to be helping not admiring my underwear.”

  He said as innocently as possible, “Hey, they just happened to pop out of the pile.”

  She huffed. “Okay, funny man, help me with this sleeping bag.”

  “What’re we going to do with it?”

  “I want to spread it over the rail.” She picked up one end. He took the other. Together they laid it over the outside rail.

  “I hope a good blow doesn’t come up. They’re going to find your belongings in Bend. I’d hate for another man to get to appreciate those panties.”

  She lightly slapped him on the arm as she went by him. “Have you thought of giving up medicine to do stand-up comedy?”

  “I have not, but I just might now that you’ve encouraged me.” He grinned.

  “I am not encouraging you.” She leaned toward him and glared up at him but a smile formed on her lips.

  “That’s what it sounded like to me.”

  Dana returned to straightening her sleeping bag. “Need to get your hearing checked too.”

  His voice dipped. “Oh, I hear just fine.”

  She headed toward the door, saying over her shoulder as she went, “Then hear this—I’m fixing dinner and if you want to eat something hot you better be nice to the cook.”

  He chuckled. “And here I was thinking I had been when I was admiring her panties.”

  She walked away muttering, “And we’ve circled back to that.”

  * * *

  Dana liked that she and Travis had slipped back into what they’d had so long ago. He used to tease her unmercifully like she was his kid sister. Had that been how he saw her? Maybe she’d imagined there was more between them. He must’ve been shocked when she tried to kiss him. She’d been humiliated but he had to have been embarrassed, as well. She had never thought of it that way. Being unwanted one more time had been the only thing she could see. She’d been so naive.

  It was nice to have her friend back. She hoped they remained that way. Travis kept her on her toes. His wit encouraged her to think, and even his questioning of her decisions made her listen to his views. She worked so hard in the smokejumping program to prove herself, she didn’t dare show weakness. Maybe as he said, it wasn’t always a sign of weakness to accept help.

  Before getting started on their meal she pulled off her wet long-sleeve shirt leaving on her T-shirt. She laid her outer clothing across one of the chairs and turned on the propane heater. Everything she had was at best damp. She dreaded putting on clammy clothes after her shower, but it was that or walk around naked. The idea of her and Travis acting like Adam and Eve both shocked and intrigued her.

  A few minutes later Travis looked over her shoulder. “It smells interesting.”

  She jumped at him being so near after such an erotic thought. If Travis had any idea what she’d been thinking... Gathering her thoughts she continued to stir the pot. “Is that a compliment?”

  “It is. What can I do to help?”

  “Grab one of the bags of fruit.” She pointed to their supplies.

  “I do love good dried fruit.” He reached for a packet.

  Dana grinned. “Why do I hear no sincerity in those words?”

  “Maybe because there wasn’t any.”

  She looked at him. “We’ll be home soon. I promise.”

  “Hey, that wasn’t really a complaint. I’ll admit I like finer living then we’ve had for the last few days but I’ve liked getting to know you again.”

  “And I’ve liked getting to know you too.” She turned back to the pot. “After dinner I need to check your arm, especially since it got wet.”

  “And you need another bandage. Yours went down the river.” He touched her cheek.

  A tingle ran through her. She chuckled and wobbled. “We’re a needy pair.”

  “I know I am.”

  An odd note had entered Travis’s voice making her look at him. He watched her, his eyes dark and wanting.

  Dana shivered, yet her blood ran hot. She wasn’t so inexperienced that she didn’t recognize when a man desired her. That morning, half asleep and toasty warm, she’d wanted him too but

  “I think I’ll get a quick shower before dinner.” With that he went out the door.

  “But dinner’s ready,” she murmured to the empty air.

  Fifteen minutes later at the sound of the door opening and closing she said, “Sit down. This is ready.” She spooned the food onto the plates. Heading to the table, she jerked to a stop. Reality had come too close to her fancy. Travis sat at the table with no shirt on. She had a full view of a broad chest with a dusting of hair in the middle. His muscles flexed and relaxed as he picked up his water bottle, taking a swallow. The ripple of his throat fascinated her. She’d seen beautiful sunsets he outdid.

  “Sorry about the no shirt and boxers at the table. My mother would have a fit but I couldn’t bring myself to put those damp clothes on again.”

  Dana didn’t move.


  Blinking to adjust the train of her thoughts, she placed the food on the table. Despite her hunger she didn’t immediately eat. How was she expected to with a half-dressed Travis feet from her? He obviously wasn’t having the same problem. He forked the food in as if it was the finest of meals.

  “I’d like to enjoy the last of the sunset but I’m too hungry to take the time.” He glanced up. “I don’t know about you but this wouldn’t be my normal fare but it sure does taste good. Nice and hot. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” And she meant that. She didn’t usually cook for a man, but somehow she liked doing the domestic things for Travis. “What would you be eating if you weren’t here having this delicious meal?”

  “I really like roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, creamed corn and lima beans and homemade rolls.”

  “Goodness. That’s some list.” She glanced at her plate. “This doesn’t come close to that. Do you cook for yourself?”

  “Not very much. I’m pretty good at breakfast. Eggs and bacon. I can make a mean macaroni and cheese out of the box.”

  She laughed. “I don’t think that counts in the culinary world as cooking.”

  “Mostly I eat at the hospital or out. That was one of my and my ex’s biggest disagreements. I wanted us to eat together. She liked to cook but there was never a meal when I got home. Don’t g
et me wrong—I didn’t think she should be a slave in the kitchen every night but it would’ve been nice to have a home-cooked meal waiting a few nights a week.”

  “I’d think you’d have women falling all over you to cook for you.”

  He turned his head to the side, lowered his chin and narrowed his eyes. “Actually, I don’t. I don’t want just anyone to do so. It was my mother’s way of showing love. I guess I see it as a declaration of love.”

  “Oh.” Dana looked at the plate again. She couldn’t do that. What if he decided he didn’t want her after all? She’d never recover from the pain, and she knew that type of pain too well.

  Travis finished eating and sat back with a satisfied sigh. “I’ll see to cleaning up while you get a shower.”

  “Thanks.” Just before she left, Travis stopped her. “Hey, I have a dry T-shirt if you want it.”

  “That would be nice.”

  He went to his bag and pulled out a plastic bag, then removed a shirt.

  She shook her head in disbelief as she took the clothing.

  Travis made a proud lift to his chin. “A T-shirt can be used for a lot of things. To start a fire, as a towel, to filter water, carry berries, even be torn to make a rope.”

  “You continue to surprise me.”

  He watched her with hooded eyes. “I think I like that idea.”

  Not daring to continue that conversation, she headed outside. She couldn’t get to the shower fast enough. Travis’s brand of charm had her thinking about things better left alone.

  Quickly showering, she realized she had nothing to dry off with so she stood there for a few moments to ring her hair out as much as she could, then using the T-shirt she took off to dry with. The last thing she needed to do was show up looking like she’d just been in a wet T-shirt contest. Grateful it had turned dark and there was still some heat from the day, she looked out at the stars. The lone dim lantern inside didn’t ruin the view.

  Would it really be so bad for her and Travis to act on what simmered between them? It might. There was a real chance her heart could get involved. All those old feelings she had for Travis had already come rushing back. But did he feel the same?

  That morning she would’ve taken him any way she could have him. But that had been in the heat of the moment, the heat of him. She had the day to think rationally. Still, to have him for even a short time could only be wonderful. Was she strong enough to accept that? To risk the pain for a few moments of pleasure.

  She went inside. Thankfully Travis’s T-shirt almost reached her knees, covering her well. She went to check her drying clothes, touching them and flipping some.

  “Dana, come to bed. If they dry, they dry. If not, we’ll deal.”

  She turned to find Travis already lying on the single sleeping bag with his back to her. She’d wanted to rebandage his arm but would wait until morning. Moving the lantern to the floor near the bed, she turned it off and joined Travis. She lay stiffly beside him.

  “Relax, Dana. I’m exhausted. When I make love to you we’re both going to be well rested. Now sleep.”

  Dana released the breath she didn’t know she had been holding, and closed her eyes.

  * * *

  Travis rolled and pulled the warm body snuggled against him closer. Legs intertwined with his as if Dana wanted to crawl inside him. He had no issue with that. Now fully awake, he couldn’t stop himself from appreciating her heat pressed against him. She positioned her thigh across his. He couldn’t resist brushing his fingertips over the exposed skin.

  She nuzzled her face into his neck, then made the sweetest sound of pleasure. Her hand circled his waist. Her fingers brushed the waistband of his boxers, then wandered away leaving his manhood hard with need.

  He kissed the top of her head as his hand cupped her butt, pressing her closer. The tip of her tongue touched his neck. His manhood throbbed. “Dana? Are you awake?”


  “Do you know what you’re doing?” It might kill him if the answer wasn’t what he wanted to hear.

  “Dreaming?” She flexed her hips into his rock-hard length.

  “That and other things.”

  She kissed his chest. “Do you always talk this much in bed?”

  “No, I like to do other things much better. But I want you to understand that I can’t offer you anything more than right now.” His hand found her chin, then his mouth her lips. He had been wanting this for far too long.

  “That’s all I’m asking for. To be wanted. Right now.” Dana’s arms moved around his neck and she held him close.

  “Sweetheart, I can promise you’re wanted.” Her lips were as full and luscious as he remembered. His intent had been a tender kiss but when Dana pulled him tighter his desire grew as his mouth became more demanding. He ran his tongue across her plush bottom lip. She opened, welcomed him with her tongue. Such sweetness.

  His hand returned to her butt, pressing her against his hardness. Reluctantly he broke the kiss. “I didn’t bring any protection.”

  “I’m on the Pill.” She cupped his cheeks and her mouth joined his.

  Travis let her go long enough to remove his boxers before sliding over Dana and between her legs. His hand glided up her thigh. He pulled back. “No panties.”


  “If I had known...”

  “Now you do.” Her lips brushed his.

  “Yes, I do.” His mouth found hers again, then floated over her cheek to nuzzle her ear. “You want this?”

  “Oh, yes.” She flexed upward, her center brushing the tip of his hard length.

  With one thrust, Dana’s heat surrounded him, gripped him. Captured him. His mouth ground into hers. She returned his passion. As he plunged into her then pulled away, she rose to meet him. Her fingers bit into his shoulders. When he feared he couldn’t hold back any longer Dana’s body tensed, her hips rose. Her mouth left his as that sweet sound he liked so much rolled over her lips before she quivered and sighed her joy.

  He pounded into her, once, twice and thundered off into his own release. One so deeply satisfying he’d had no idea its kind existed. Having sex with Dana, he’d quickly found was far better than skydiving. Pulling her close, he closed his eyes and slept the sleep of a man well pleasured.


  DANA WOKE TO just enough light so she could see. Travis’s warmth surrounded her. She would never have thought two days ago she’d be lying next to Travis. Those feelings from years ago were still alive. Every man she’d dated she measured by Travis and they had come up wanting. She’d never dreamed he’d return to her life, but now that he had she’d take all of him he’d give her.

  She hated to leave his arms but she needed to go downstairs to the outhouse. Sliding from under his arm, she climbed off the bed. Finding the T-shirt and her boots, she carried them outside to put them on. When she returned, Travis stood next to the outside rail with two mugs sitting beside him.

  “Good morning. I found some coffee and thought it worth the use of our drinking water.”

  Dana hesitated. He acted as if it was a normal day. For her the world had shifted.

  His gaze met hers—a smile covered his lips. He reached out an arm. “I missed you when I woke.”

  She stepped to him. His arm came around her waist, pulling her against him as his lips pressed against her temple. He handed her a mug then picked up the other before taking a sip. “I’ve heard of being just above the clouds but have never experienced it. I’ve had a number of firsts with you.”

  Dana looked out at the clouds so thick they appeared as if they could be walked on. The ground wasn’t visible. The tops of the trees of a far-off mountain were all that could be seen. It was as if no one else existed in the world. “I’ve only seen it a couple of times but nothing as thick as this.”

  They stood sipping their coffee as the sun slow
ly burnt off the mist.

  Travis set his mug down, took hers and did the same. He came to stand behind her. His hands wrapped her waist as he pulled her back against him. The hard length of him pressing into her behind. She moved to turn. His mouth nuzzled her ear. “Hold the rail, Dana. I wish to give you the devotion you deserve but I selfishly didn’t take time to give you last night.”

  “But I want—”

  “Shh. Just feel.”

  His hands went to the hem of the T-shirt. Pulling it up, they traveled along her sides until they cupped her breasts. He lifted, and gently squeezed them. “So perfect.” His lips muttered against her ear before they teased the hollow behind her ear.

  She leaned her head to the side so he had better advantage. Heat pooled heavy at her center.

  His fingers traced her nipples, teased them then tugged until they were hard nibs. His palms came to rest over them. She squirmed, her knees becoming weak.

  His tongue traced the shell of her ear. Dana hummed low in her throat. She had turned as tight as a violin string and he strummed her.

  She reached around him before grabbing his thighs. That only brought him nearer making her more aware of his rock-hard manhood. Still his skillful hands continued to do magical things to her breasts.

  Her mouth fell open as her breaths turned to pants. She returned her hands to the rail so she wouldn’t fall as pleasure rocked her.

  Travis continued to leave tiny kisses along her hairline as one of his hands went to her middle, locking her against him while his fingers brushed her curls on the way to her center. Involuntarily she widened her legs, throbbing for his attention. He stopped just before slipping into her wet and waiting heat. He retreated.

  Dana moaned her protest. Her center pulsed, begging for his touch. Her fingers turned white where they gripped the rail. She flexed against Travis, her body pleading for his continued devotion.

  His lips moved to the curve of her neck as his hand returned to her center. All her concentration, her blood, focused on her center, the pounding need to have Travis’s attention.


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