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Reunited with Her Daredevil Doc

Page 14

by Susan Carlisle

  Once she caught Travis’s attention and he winked at her. Her stomach fluttered. He had a way of making her feel all woman. Like a girl crazy about a guy. One she soon wouldn’t be seeing any more. They’d agreed to short-term.

  Over the bumpy, often washed-out road it took them almost an hour to reach the paved street and another thirty minutes to arrive at the rangers’ station. There the ambulance waited.

  As they pulled in, the EMTs were ready with the stretcher. Jim’s and Ted’s parents were there, as well. She and Travis quickly became busy, making it difficult for them to talk. She focused on the parents while Travis gave a report to the EMTs as he oversaw Ted being moved to the stretcher.

  With what she needed to say to the parents finished, Dana moved away letting them fuss over their sons. She stood beside the ranger truck and watched the EMTs load Ted into the ambulance.

  Travis walked over to her. “I’ve got to go with Ted.”

  “I figured you would. I’ve got to go to my office.”

  “Dr. Russell, are you coming?” One of the EMTs called as he held one of the back doors open.

  “Be right there.” Travis gave her one last look of regret and a wave as he loped off and climbed into the ambulance.

  A heaviness fell over her as if she was being smothered. Tears formed but she checked them before they rolled. What they’d found together had just slipped out of her hands. Travis was gone again. They were in the real world once more. Things were different there.

  But that was how it was supposed to happen. He didn’t want forever. She had her safe life where she wouldn’t get hurt. So why did it matter so much? It was time to get back to the life she’d built.

  Dana looked at the ranger. “I’m ready to go.”

  “Sounds like you and the doctor had a few wild days together,” the ranger said as she pulled out into the road.

  “Yeah. It was interesting at times.” Days that she’d like to have back.

  “Also sounds like you and Dr. Russell made a pretty good team.”

  “We did.” Especially in bed. She already missed him. But that was then and this was now. He’d said nothing about calling her. She hadn’t asked. Hadn’t had a chance. Or was it fear over what he might answer? She refused to have a repeat of what had happened years before. This time she would handle her feelings better.

  At the station she pulled out her supply bag and Travis’s, as well. After returning their equipment to Cache, she went to the locker room and took a long hot shower. As nice as it was, her thoughts were about the cold ones she’d had while with Travis. The smoke still clung to her hair as she blew it dry. As long as it stayed it would remind her of her time with Travis.

  In the main office she found an open computer and wrote up her report being as detailed as possible but leaving out how close she and Travis had become. Reliving it through words only made the loss sharper.

  On her way out, she stuck her head into Leo’s office.

  He looked up. “Hey, good to see you.”

  “It’s nice to be back. You should have my report in your email.”

  His brows rose. “I understand you’ve had an interesting few days.”

  She shrugged and held the door frame tighter. “That’d be an understatement.”

  “Your trail crew is already in.”

  “That’s what I heard.” She had forgotten about them as her days with Travis had lengthened.

  “I’m giving you and them a few days to rest up before I put you back in the rotation.”


  Leo’s eyes narrowed. “No argument?”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  He studied her a moment. “Is there something I need to know?”

  She pursed her lips. “No.”

  Leo still studied her. “If that changes let me know. See you on Thursday ready to go up again.”

  “I’ll be here.” She made her way out to her truck.

  Just a few days before, her ranch had been her haven. The place she went to reenergize. Now she dreaded being alone. There would be too much time to relive the hours with Travis, his kisses, those explosive moments on the catwalk, the look in his eyes when he desired her...

  She’d known better than to get involved with him. He’d never once promised her anything. What had happened between them had all been the heat of the moment. Convenience. But for her...he’d gotten under her skin, again. She liked the guy outside of bed and in. They had rekindled their friendship. For that she was grateful.

  * * *

  Travis hadn’t liked leaving Dana like he did. He would much rather have gone back to the station with her, hustled her through whatever paperwork she had to do and then followed her home into a shared hot shower, and then bed, with some sexual fun in both places. He sighed. Sadly that hadn’t been how things worked out or been their agreement.

  A night of passion had been the deal. He would honor that. But it would be difficult. He wanted more of Dana.

  With his report about his care of Ted to the ER doctor finished, Travis waited with Ted and his parents until he had been wheeled into the OR to have his leg set. Eager to get away so he could clean up and possibly see Dana, he got a ride to the smokejumper station. To his disappointment, Dana had already gone for the night and the office was closed except for the dispatcher. He asked the woman for Dana’s number but she told him she wasn’t allowed to give that information out.

  Maybe it was just as well. Travis rubbed his hand across his jaw. He needed a shave. To get some good sleep. Dana needed the rest, as well. His feared when he had a soft mattress with a good hot meal in his belly he might not be able to sleep well without Dana beside him.

  He had learned one thing on their big adventure. That since his divorce he’d closed himself off to life. He’d been so fearful of making plans and being disappointed that he’d quit thinking about the future. His personal life had become an endless stream of no emotional attachments. If he didn’t care then he didn’t get hurt. But was that a healthy way to live?

  A half an hour later while standing under the water he wondered how Dana was doing. In bed, he tossed and turned. How swiftly he’d become used to having her next to him. Maybe she’d be willing to extend their agreement. She might even call him. If not, he’d give her a few days and call her. Ask her how she was doing. If she’d recovered from their trip. With his first plan that had something to do with a woman in a long time in mind, he went to bed with a smile on his face.

  The next morning he called to check on Mr. Gunter’s progress and to see how Ted was doing. He received good reports. Then there was a week’s worth of work to tackle and patients to see.

  Two days went by and he still hadn’t heard from Dana. He called the station, determined to check on her. The person who answered told him she was there but couldn’t come to the phone right then. He left a message for her to call him.

  When he hadn’t heard from her by late afternoon he phoned the station again. “This is Dr. Russell. May I speak to Dana?”

  “I think she’s around here somewhere. Hold on a minute.”

  He paced across his small office. Since when had he been so nervous about calling a woman? Dana was already messing with his ordered life. He made another three trips across the floor before she came to the phone.

  “Hi, Dana. It’s Travis.”

  “Hey.” An unsure note surrounded the word.

  “I was just calling to check on you. See if you’ve recovered from our adventures.”

  “I’m fine. How about you?”

  * * *

  The warmth in her voice had returned. Suddenly this call had taken on more importance. “I’m great. Still sore but getting better every day.” He cleared his throat. “I’d like to see you.”

  There was a pause. “This is fire season. I never know my schedule.”

His heart sank. “I understand. Maybe another time.”

  “If you wouldn’t mind coming to my place...”

  “I’ll bring supper and we can eat it on your porch.” He wasn’t going to give her time to change her mind.

  “Does six work?”

  “That’s fine.” Why did she sound so unsure? Their last morning together she had been warm and responsive to his kiss. He’d like to hear more enthusiasm in her voice. Was she afraid of him? He didn’t like that idea.

  She gave him her address.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you.” His voice softened as he gripped the phone.

  “Me too.”

  That note of anticipation he’d been looking for turned up in those two words. He said goodbye with a smile on his face. It shouldn’t matter so much to him. He had been the one who had said he wouldn’t be offering more.

  As he drove along Dana’s gravel lane three hours later, Travis couldn’t remember being this excited about seeing a woman in his life. His hands were sweating. He wiped them against his jeans. What could he expect from Dana? She hadn’t tried to contact him. Hadn’t sounded excited to talk to him. Would their dinner be a friendly thing and nothing more? He’d accept friendship if that’s all she’d wanted. It would be difficult, but he’d do it.

  He pulled up in front of the white clapboard house and stopped. It was neat and tidy, with the shrubbery trimmed and blooming flowers planted along the short brick walkway leading to the steps to the porch. The porch floor and the stairs were painted a dark green along with the screened door. On either side of the door were two wooden rockers. At both ends of the porch were large flowerpots with trailing greenery. The house looked like a home, not just a place to sleep like his was. It made him feel calm just seeing it.

  He carried a bouquet of wildflowers and a bag of food. The main door stood open so he knocked on the screen door. His heart beat faster as Dana padded on bare feet toward him. As she drew closer he held his breath. He ached to hold her but he’d control his urge. It seemed like forever since he’d seen her.

  His eyes eagerly took her in. She wore a simple pink T-shirt and short cutoff blue jeans that showed those shapely legs that had wrapped around him. His mouth watered. Her hair swung freely around her face. He’d never seen anyone more desirable. What made her even more gorgeous was the smile on her lips despite the unsure look in her eyes.

  Opening the screen, she said, “Hello. Come in.”

  “Hi.” He brushed by her on his way inside.

  That slight contact already had his body coming alive. His blood rushed south. He needed to go slow. Not scare her. Dana might be fearless in the woods but he was well aware she lacked it in her personal life. Part of that was his fault. He wanted to help repair that.

  “These are for you.” He handed her the flowers.

  She smiled. “Thank you. I love flowers.”

  How did she manage to make something so simple give him such pleasure? “I could tell from your front walk.”

  “How’s your burn? Did you have them look at it at the hospital?” Her focus went to his arm.

  “I didn’t. But I’ve had my nurse dress it each day.”

  Dana nodded. “Good. Come back to the kitchen.”

  She led him down a short hallway, past a stairway on one side and a living room area with floral-print sofa and cushioned chair, to a large kitchen. It ran along the back of the house that gleamed with white subway tile which had obviously been redone recently. Dana’s decor showed her softer side much as her panties had.

  He placed the bag of food on the table with the four nonmatching multicolored chairs.

  “Thank you.” She went to the sink, looked in the space under it and pulled out a vase. Filling it with water, she placed the flowers in, then took time to arrange them before she set them in the center of the table. “Thank you. I really do love flowers.”

  Travis studied her for a moment. “How’re you really doing?”

  Her gaze came up to meet his. “I’ve recovered. Nothing like a few good nights of sleep.”

  He turned her face so he could see her cheek. “I’m glad. I felt guilty getting you involved in all that. You were great. By the way, Mr. Gunter is on the waiting list for a kidney. Hopefully it won’t be a long wait.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. You were the one who was the good sport during our adventure.”

  He brushed her cheek with a finger. “I’ve missed you. Do you think we could extend our temporary arrangement a little while longer?”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  He took her hand. “In truth, I’m not sure either. But I know I want to see more of you.”

  Her arms came around his waist. She raised her mouth to his. “I want to see you too.”

  Travis’s mouth met hers. He’d found nirvana once again. He forced himself to keep the kiss light, not gobbling her up as he wanted to.

  With a soft sigh, Dana returned his kiss. Her hands traveled over his chest to circle his neck.

  He pulled away to nibble behind her ear. She moaned and leaned her head to the side giving him better access. He gladly took it. “You promised me a tour. Do you mind if we start in your bedroom?”

  She grinned and took his hand before leading him down the hall. At the stairs, they climbed.

  His heart picked up its pace as his manhood grew. “You know what I thought about for the last three days?”

  “What’s that?” she whispered.

  “You, and a nice soft bed.”

  * * *

  Dana’s heart fluttered. She’d had similar thoughts, as well. It had taken her a day to figure out why Travis hadn’t called. He didn’t have her number or know where she lived. That put her in a quandary.

  Did he want her to call? They agreed on the here and now. Did he want more? Had what they’d shared in the forest just been heated moments and that was it? Should she make up a reason to call him? That, she didn’t feel good about. Games weren’t her thing. So she’d done nothing.

  By the time she’d gotten the message he’d called the station, she’d already started second-guessing what had been between them. At first his voice had sounded terse on the phone, so she’d waited to see where he was headed with the conversation before she became too agreeable. He met her halfway so she’d decided to do her part by inviting him to her house. She had been dying to see him, to touch him, to kiss him.

  After stepping just inside her bedroom, she paused. She didn’t make a habit of inviting a man to her house. It had been years since she’d done so.

  Travis came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him. His manhood stood tall and ready between them. A shiver went through her, sending blood to her center. She didn’t want to give up a moment like this anytime soon. If she could help it.

  “Now this I didn’t expect. You’re such an amazing bunch of contradictions.”

  By the movement of his head against hers, she could tell he looked around. Dana wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad. She viewed the room as if seeing it through his eyes. It had ruffled curtains surrounding the two large windows. A brass bed sat catty-corner on one side of the room, covered in a handmade quilt with a floral pattern. Against the headboard were a number of pillows of different sizes. Wall lamps hung on each side of the bed. An overstuffed paisley-covered chair had a home in another corner. Nearby was a large antique chifforobe and a French provincial desk in front of the back window. Bright-colored paintings of different areas within the national forest hung on the walls.

  “It’s all feminine-looking and yet you act so tough on the outside.”

  She turned in his arms so she could see his expression. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Hell, no. That’s like having the perfect piece of candy, hard on the outside and very gooey and perfect on the

  “You called me candy before. I think I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It was meant that way.” He kissed her temple before his lips traveled down to her neck where he stopped to nibble.

  She closed her eyes and enjoyed the touch of his lips. As Travis worked his magic, he walked her backward toward the bed. She gave no resistance. Her fears had been groundless. Travis still wanted her.

  “Did I mention how much I like your house? I especially like that big porch across the front. But I’m thinking this may be my favorite room.”

  “I don’t get to spend much time here this time of the year. Mostly I live at the station.”

  “Tonight I hope I can make you wish you were here more often.”

  The back of her legs touched the mattress. Her gaze met his.

  His eyes had turned a smoky blue. They flamed with desire.

  She suddenly felt self-assured and sassy. “How do you plan to do that, Dr. Russell? Do you have some kind of magic wand?”

  He rubbed his hips against her. “I think you know that I do.”

  “Is that all talk or is there going to be any action behind it?”

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “I think instead of telling you about my powers I’ll show you.” His lips took hers in a deep, delicious and determined kiss.

  She no longer doubted his desire for her. She had turned into nothing but begging heat. It only became worse when one of his hands cupped her behind while the other one moved over her bare thigh. His finger slipped under the elastic of her panties to brush her curls. Her center throbbed like a drum. His mouth moved to taste the skin above the top of her shirt. “I like these shorts far better than I do your cargo pants. Sexy, very sexy.”

  She cupped his cheek. “All nice and smooth. I sort of like that rough manly look.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He rubbed his face against her palm.


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