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Nadia's Salvation

Page 20

by K. A Knight

  I want to wear it now, I want to see his face when I don his pick, feel his need when he sees me in the expensive outfit. Dropping the panties back to the bed, I grab my makeup bag and head back to the bathroom. I wipe the mirror as I place the bag on the counter. My hair is dripping down my back, drying. Luckily, it will dry curly, so I don’t have to do anything with it because I don’t see any straighteners or curlers around. I do run my smoothing serum through it before starting on my face.

  I’m not just dressing up to go out, I’m dressing up for him. I can’t wait, so I use extra time and attention to make sure I look perfect for him. Keanu always looks so good, so put together, it’s time to show him that I can look as good as him.

  I make my eyes pop with dark eyeliner and add some silver glitter to my lids before putting on a dark pink lipstick, blush, and highlighter. When I’m done, I look pretty good, if I do say so myself. I finger comb my still damp hair with a frown. Crouching down, I root around until I find a hairdryer and plug it in, just drying the ends before fluffing up the natural curls.

  Happy with the finished product, I find my deodorant and perfume and put them on, before heading back into the bedroom and slipping into the underwear he chose for me. I put on the heels next, lacing them up around my thighs and tying them off before grabbing the dress just as the door opens.

  “Fuck me,” I hear him mutter, as I turn my head and grin at him over my shoulder. His eyes are eating me up and I laugh as he strides across the room, spins me, and dips me for a kiss.

  “How about we just stay here with your legs around my head?” he murmurs against my mouth.

  “Tempting,” I reply, as I peck his lips and pull back. “But we have a job to do, you can eat me later, I’ll even keep the heels on for you.”

  “Promise?” he whispers with a smile.

  “Promise,” I agree, as he lets me back up, and spanks me as I turn around.

  “Fine, get your beautiful ass dressed and come down. I made you something to eat,” he murmurs, before dropping a kiss on the bare skin of my shoulder, making me shiver. His heat disappears and I sigh, I kind of want to call him back and finish what he wanted to start, but like I said, job to do.

  Slipping the dress over my head, I pull it down over my thighs before looking at myself in the mirror. Nodding, I grab my bag and head downstairs, my stomach rumbling as the delicious scent of home cooking wafts upstairs. When I reach the kitchen, he’s just plating up what looks like two grilled chicken salads. I slip onto my stool and inhale, moaning at the smell of fresh bread, butter, and chicken.

  “Damn, you really are the whole package,” I murmur, as I grab a fork and dig in, not even waiting for him.

  “Don’t you forget it,” he teases, as he places a glass of red wine in front of me while he has a glass of water. “Figure you could use some liquid courage for tonight.” He winks as he slips in next to me and starts to eat as well.

  “This is amazing, thank you, K-dog.” I grin as he stops eating and stares at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “K-dog?” he echoes.

  “Better than Nunu?” I tease and he sighs, looking away.

  “This fucking woman,” he mutters, as I laugh and inhale the rest of my food, starving after our little water play earlier. I’m finished before him, so I grab the wine and sip, the flavour strong and mixing well with the chicken.

  When he’s finished, he sips his water before looking at me. “I forgot to tell you when you came down, you look fucking breathtaking, Brat.”

  “Don’t clean up too bad, do I?” I tease, leaning closer.

  “Not bad at all. Ready to put that dress to work?” he murmurs.

  “You know it.” I wink before throwing back the wine.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  She’s stunning. Amongst all these women, she stands out like no other. Her inner light shines through, only enhancing her outer beauty. She winds through their masses, that killer dress of hers sparkling under the lights. Nadia accidentally catches my eyes, where I’m leaning back in the shadows of a booth, and winks before turning away and heading to the bar. She’s just listening tonight, nothing else.

  Fuck, I have to rearrange my cock again, wincing at the uncomfortable pressure just from looking at her. I should be scanning the crowd, blending in, and listening, but I can’t draw my gaze away from her. Not just because I’m worried she will disappear or start some trouble like she normally does, but I’m unable to look away from her beauty.

  My heart races as I lick my lips, wanting to ignore the mission, stride over there, and pull her onto the dance floor—any excuse to feel her up, feel her dancing against me, her tight, curvy body pressed to mine.

  She works the crowd and people well, a natural, flirting with the men, but not too hard that I clock their faces to hunt them down later. She’s friendly with the women, especially groups. Smart cookie, she even works the bartender, all the while avoiding the security guard. She clearly knows who’s waiting at the bottom of the office stairs. I keep my eye on him and wait to see as Jamie, the boss, comes out. Stupid fucking name for a stupid fucking man. That’s not at all jealousy driven, but I must admit the first chance I get to take that man down for his part in this, I will, and I’ll make it hurt for touching what’s mine.

  The music drones on as the clients get progressively drunker as the night wears on, but there is no hint of Jamie or any girls getting targeted. After five hours, I call it quits and text her. I meet her back at the car around the block, making sure to follow her so nothing happens. As soon as we’re inside, I pull away, disappointment and frustration coursing through me.

  “Well, that was a fucking bust, just a bunch of drunk horny people.” She huffs, pushing her hair back as she turns to face me.

  “I don’t know, I got to watch you all night.” I grin and wink over at her.

  “Perv,” she teases, just as my phone goes off. I toss it to her, and she answers it, putting it on speaker.


  “I have an opportunity for you,” Donald begins. “Police chief just called, their undercover units heard a rumour that a new player with big money is looking for a reliable hitter. Long-term contract, looks like bodyguard stuff. I think this could be the players you’re hunting for. I checked in with all the other major players in the city and it isn’t them. I’ve just emailed you the information and the meet up.”

  “Thank you.” I nod at Nadia and she hangs up the phone. On the outside, I’m calm, but on the inside, I’m nearly celebrating—finally, a fucking lead.

  “What does that mean?” she asks, confused, biting down on her lower lip.

  “Go into contacts and dial the one called Fish,” I request, and then look over as she narrows her eyes on me. “I’ll tell you after, I promise.”

  She sighs but does as she’s told, a weird grin on her face. “What?”

  “You only have Scarlett and me as girls in your contacts.” She laughs.

  “So?” I question, perplexed now.

  “Nothing,” she mutters, and a dial tone on speaker sounds through the car.

  “I didn’t do it!” A high-pitched voice comes through not a minute later.

  “Sure you didn’t, but don’t worry, I’m not here for you. I need information,” I say, my eyes flicking between the phone and the road.

  “Sure thing, boss man, whatcha need?” he asks, his voice still high and stressed, no doubt his blue eyes flicking about nervously and sweat seeping through his purple leather coat.

  “Rumour is there’s a big player hiring in the city, hitter and bodyguard.”

  “What’s it worth, Spidey?” he queries.

  Nadia looks at me, eyes round and lips wide in a grin as she mouths, “Spidey.” Fucking hell, she’s undoubtedly going to use that now.

  “Your life,” I snap back, and warn her with my eyes not to try it.

  I hear him breathing heavily for a moment before the sound of a door shutting sounds in the backgrou
nd. “I don’t have long, these players, Spidey, watch your fucking back,” he hisses, his voice low and quiet.

  I frown then. It’s bad if they have gotten to Fish. He’s the main hirer in town for players, they go to him when they want someone.

  “Is my information correct?” I question again, slower now.

  “It’s correct, but fucking hell, man, you don’t wanna get involved with these lot. Nasty motherfuckers, they ain’t just in it for the money, ya know? They like to hurt people. The position they’re filling…they killed the guy, brutal too, all because they saw him with a red-haired cop. She was questioning him, he gave nothing away, but as a warning they fucking strung him up by his feet, cut him open, and let the crows feed. Even the cops are staying clear, everyone is battening down the hatches, you know? All the families are locking up tight and bearing down, not wanting to get involved. I think whoever is in charge delivered them a warning, an ultimatum.”

  “Shit,” I mutter, shaking my head. “That means they have big reach and power.”

  “This is bigger than you could have ever thought. I hope whatever you’re hunting, Spidey, doesn’t cross them, ‘cause even the predator can become the prey sometimes.”

  He mumbles and then a door opens. Fish speaks to someone in hushed tones then comes back on the line. “I know you won’t heed my warning. They are meeting potentials tonight, south side docks, nine o’clock, make sure to come back, man, I can’t be dealing with Donald breathing down my neck.” He hangs up and I blow out a breath.

  “Spidey,” she starts, and I groan. “What does that mean?”

  “It means the people we’re hunting? They are hiring and I’m going to take the job.”

  Nadia seems concerned about me taking a job with them, silly girl. She’s willing to put herself in harm’s way, but won’t allow me to do the same? With nothing else to do until tomorrow night, I decide to distract her instead...a date.

  I’ve never been on one, fuck, I don’t even know how to ask her.

  But isn’t that what couples do? Go on dates? She’s staring out at my backyard, still in her dress, the windows framing her, the lights outside creating a glow around her body. Stepping up behind her, I wrap my arms around her and drag her back to me, propping my chin on her shoulder.

  “Tomorrow, do you, err, want to do something?” I inquire, wincing at how blubbering and stupid I sound.

  She wiggles farther back. “Like a date?” I can hear the smile in her voice.

  “Yes,” I grunt, why is this so hard? I feel awkward and out of place, hiding behind her like a shield so she can’t see me.

  “Why, Spidey, are you asking me out on a date?” she purrs, trying to look at me over her shoulder, so I grab my phone from my pocket and flip off the outside lights, not wanting to move away long enough to do it in person. The lights fade and darkness takes hold, the lights off inside, letting her see us reflected in the glass.

  I look like a demon coming to take her soul, wrapped around his prey, but she’s leaning against me with a smile on her face, her eyes sparkling. Maybe this prey likes to be captured.

  “We look like an angel and a demon,” I murmur into her skin, kissing her bare shoulder and making her shiver.

  “No, that’s Scarlett and Max...we’re more like partners in crime. Two lost souls, remember?” She grins. “Though you can call me demon if you want, baby, as long as you’re spanking me when you do.”

  Groaning, I close my eyes, shifting my hips closer so my hardness is pressed to her plump ass, letting her know just how much she affects me. She laughs, pushing back and wrapping her arm over her shoulder to my head, pulling me closer.

  “I wonder, Spider,” she whispers, and I swallow, my eyes coming up to meet hers in the glass, “if we could leave a print on this perfect glass as you fucked me from behind?”

  Circuits overload. Fuck, if I was a computer, I would be on fire right now. Every time I think I’m falling back into that ice, back into that dark, cold, empty place inside me where I feel nothing...she opens her mouth, or looks at me, and I’m snapped her. With me wrapped around her like a tether, she might think we’re two lost souls, but it’s more like she is my soul.

  Without her, I’m empty, cold, void...I need to be buried inside her again.

  To feel that heat, that passion. To taste all that wildness this hot little body contains, to feel alive in her arms.

  “Well, Spidey, what do you think?” she teases, dragging out the new nickname, trying to purposely annoy me.

  “I think you’re wearing too many clothes,” I growl, dragging my teeth along her shoulder, making her moan. That sweet fucking breathy sound that drives me crazy, that I have dreams about...

  “You better change that,” she orders.

  Leaning down slightly, I nip at her shoulder as I run my hand down my slacks to my shoes and grab the knife there. Standing back up, I step away for a second, thrusting the knife upwards in a quick swoop, watching as the dress splits down the middle and then falls open in tatters, billowing around her middle and catching there for a moment before dropping to the floor in a destroyed heap, until she’s only in those new favourite panties of mine.

  Her ass is held up by leather straps, her pussy too, giving me a clear look at her pretty little holes. Her skin shimmers in the moonlight, her tanned limbs begging for my touch, her curves screaming for my hands. She gasps, looking over her shoulder at me, and narrows those eyes as I grin.

  “That was an expensive dress,” she almost yells.

  “Brat, I’ll buy you a whole fucking house full if I get to cut them away later.” I wave my hand impassively as I take her in. “Hands on the window, spread those beautiful legs for me,” I order, pressing my fingers to my mouth and chin as I watch her.

  She glares at me for a moment before turning, flicking her curly hair over her shoulder, and then struts forward and presses her hands to the glass, spread next to her head, and waits.

  I move forward and kick out her legs until they’re wide. “I said legs open.”

  “Yes, sir,” she purrs, arching her body back until her ass sticks out and her face almost touches the glass, her breath fogging along the clear, glossy surface.

  My cock jerks at the ‘sir’ and I must make a noise, because she wiggles her ass again, inviting me to touch her. “Did you like that, sir?”

  “Brat,” I warn as I step closer, letting her feel my heat, my clothes, as she stands there almost naked for me. Letting her see just how in control I am.

  “Please, sir, won’t you fuck me?” she teases, her voice sickly sweet, but that bloody submissive shit is killing me, wondering how far I can push her before the wildness comes out to play, until she’s giving just as good as she gets.

  I want to rip away those panties and bury my thick cock in her sweet little tight pussy and hammer into her as she calls my name, but I hold back, tormenting us both, seeing how far I can take this before we both break and give into our overwhelming desire.

  Even now, I’m fighting a losing battle, my control frayed, my hands balled with the effort not to grab her and sink into her, lose myself in her tight, wet heat.

  “Don’t make me beg, sir,” she snaps, all hints of sweetness gone.

  Moving forward, I grab her hair and tilt her head back as I lick along her neck, tasting the salty sweetness of her skin. “Would you, Brat? Would you beg for my big, fat cock?”

  She doesn’t answer, just pants and wiggles in my arms, trying to push back to meet my body, so I tighten my hand and hold her still as I catch my teeth on her neck, biting down slightly and making her groan. “Would you, baby? I’m curious how far I can push you before you’re demanding orgasms like the brat you are.”

  “We aren’t finding out now, fuck me, sir.” She tacks it on the end, like an afterthought.

  My dirty little girl.

  But she’s right, not now. We’re both too wound up. The feeling of her in my hands, her curves pressed to mine, her pussy and ass on disp
lay for me is too much. My control snaps. I don’t have time to taunt her, I need her too badly.

  Letting go of her hair, I run my hand down her back to her ass and cup those plump cheeks in both palms, massaging before letting go and pressing my hand between her spread thighs. I can feel her wetness through the holes of the leather, and I push it away so I can touch her greedy little pussy, gliding my finger through her cream before pulling back and sucking that digit into my mouth.

  Moaning at her taste, I let her see how much I savour her. Dipping two fingers into her tight channel, I move them apart, stretching her before curling them against that spot inside that has her bucking against me, her hands curling on the glass.

  “Sir,” she begs, pressing back to try and fuck herself on my fingers. Not today, Brat.

  “You’re going to take my cock now like a good girl,” I tell her, as I pull my fingers away and unbuckle my slacks. I drop the belt to the floor and pull down my zipper, freeing my erection and palming it, stroking my length as I look at my girl.

  Sweat shines on her skin, her breathing is laboured, and her ass is almost shaking with anticipation from the sounds alone. She’s perfect. Stepping forward again, I kick her legs farther apart—no doubt it hurts, but she never complains, even as I grab her hips and tilt her back so her face is pressed to the glass, and line my cock up at her entrance, ramming inside.

  She yells, jerking against me, her fists beating against the glass. I stroke her back and wait for her to settle down before pulling nearly all the way out and thrusting back in, fighting her wet channel.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight, Brat, so fucking tight and wet,” I murmur. Leaning forward, I trace a droplet of sweat up her spine, whispering my praise. “Too fucking good, I can’t help myself.”

  “Keanu,” she cries, obviously forgetting our little game, so I punish her with a twist of my hips and a slap across her clit, which has her moaning as fresh wetness coats my cock, easing my way in and out. “Sir!” she corrects, her voice on the edge of hysteria as she pushes back to meet my steady thrusts.


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