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Nadia's Salvation

Page 25

by K. A Knight

  I did, however, look for other sales to this shell company, but so far nothing. I hoped I could track down more of their operation centers that way, but they are smart, smarter than I thought. When I get to the docks, I climb back in my car. I’m not working tomorrow, but the day after, so I have a day where I can work on everything I learned today.

  Cranking up the heat, I head home, a need to hold Nadia close running through me. Today was horrible, hard even, and all I want is to hold her in my arms for a minute, just to feel human once again. Especially after how those women looked at me...

  Like I was the bad guy, the monster they fear.

  The gate is locked when I get there, as is the front door. Is she home? I could check the cameras, but instead I just head inside, stopping on the threshold. “Nadia?” I call, but it echoes around and I frown. “Brat?” I yell, when suddenly her head pops out down the hallway, around the kitchen door.

  “Hey, Spidey, I’m down here,” she hollers.

  I grin then hesitate. “I’m just going to shower, won’t be long,” I call back, and she nods, ducking into the kitchen, doing who knows what. Probably causing chaos. I march upstairs, stripping off, not wanting to touch my girl with the stink of those men and the desperation of those women on me.

  Once I’ve scrubbed my skin clean, until it’s red, I slip on some joggers and head back downstairs, leaning against the door with a smile, watching her. She is only wearing one of my shirts, her foot rubbing her bare leg as she mutters to herself. One of my cookbooks is open on the counter as she reads it out loud, swearing every now and again. I snigger and she turns with a glare.

  “Who knew cooking was this hard? You make everything look easy.” She sniffs. “I thought I could make you something for when you got home...I burnt the chicken, so all we have is cake, and I don’t even know what that’s going to be like.” She huffs, propping her hands on her hips. Ah, so that’s the burnt smell.

  Crossing the kitchen, I scoop her up and put her on the worktop, stepping between her thighs before dropping a kiss on her upturned lips. “I’m sure it will be great, Brat.”

  She grins at me. “How was it?”

  Sighing, I drop my head to her shoulder and pull her closer, losing myself in her warmth and the smell that is all Nadia.

  “That bad, huh?” she asks, wrapping her legs around my waist and kissing the side of my face. “I’m sorry, baby, anything I can do?”

  “You’re doing it,” I whisper, and then pull my face free. “Did you say cake?”

  She giggles and pushes me away, hopping down and grabbing a tray I didn’t even see and showing me. “Ta-dah!” she yells.

  Okay, so cooking isn’t her strong suit. I smile anyway because she tries so hard. The edges are burnt, and the top is weirdly covered in sloppy icing, but coming home never looked so good. “I’ll grab some plates,” I tell her. “It looks amazing, Brat.”

  I grab two and a knife and spoon, and she dishes up two slices, watching me nervously as I grab a spoon and take a mouthful. I want to cringe—shit, did she add salt instead of sugar?—but I force myself to swallow it down with a fake groan. “So good.”

  She perks up, her face brightening. “Really?” She goes to take a mouthful, so I grab her slice and scarf it down before taking mine, she watches me open-mouthed. “What the hell, dude?”

  “It’s so good,” I repeat with a full mouth and then swallow, my stomach already protesting. “Now I’ve had my starter, what about dessert?” I tease, trying to take her mind off the cake, but it doesn’t work. She narrows her eyes and grabs a piece with her finger, sticking it in her mouth. This time, I do cringe back as she closes her eyes, shivering in disgust.

  “Jesus, that’s horrid.” Her eyes open then, meeting mine. “Why did you say you liked it...and eat all of it so I couldn’t taste it?”

  I shrug. “You worked so hard.”

  She smiles, big and happy. “You soppy bastard,” she teases. “Christ, though, never let me cook again.”

  Ignoring the mess she made, I grab her and toss her over my shoulder and head to the living room, dropping us both on the sofa with her on top of me. “We can order in.”

  “Sounds amazing,” she murmurs, cuddling closer, her bare legs twining with mine. “You going back tomorrow?”

  “No, day after,” I tell her, stroking along her back, ignoring my hard cock.

  “Okay, how about we go to the club tomorrow night then? I want to watch Jamie again.”

  I sigh, but she means business and it’s not a bad plan. “Okay, can we just...not talk about it for one night though?” I request, and she lifts her head, searching my eyes. “Today was hard,” I admit.

  She frowns and reaches out, prodding at my downturned lips. “Smile, frowning makes you look constipated.”

  They quirk up. “Brat.”

  “Don’t you forget it.” She winks and then licks her lips. “So what shall we do tonight?”

  “You,” I growl.

  She laughs, scooting backwards as I narrow my eyes on her. “You’ll have to catch me first,” she squeals and hops up, racing away.

  Laughing, I jump from the sofa and sprint after her, slipping on the wood around the corner to see her running towards the stairs. I catch her first and press her to the wall there. “Gotcha. Should know I always will.”

  Her giggles increase as I tickle her, her body shaking against mine until she shouts mercy. Pushing back her wayward hair, I smile down at her soft, pink face. “What would I do without you, Brat?” I whisper.

  Her smile disappears and her eyes flare as she leans up and captures my lips, making me groan.

  After she’s dressed, we head downtown, deciding to eat out rather than at home. To keep our minds off everything, we go to one of my favourite Italian restaurants. I park outside and take her hand. She looks amazing in a soft pink dress and heels, I can barely keep my hands off her, but she simply smiles as I open the door and take the opportunity to nip her shoulder as she passes.

  “Later.” She winks, as she’s greeted by the maître di.

  “Table for two?” he asks, then he notices me and his eyes widen. “Mr. Hilton, please, this way, your usual table is ready.”

  She looks back at me with an arched eyebrow, so I lean closer. “I know the owner, helped get rid of the family trying to shake down his business.” Placing my hand on her back, I guide her to the raised table in the far corner, the lighting dimmed around the most private table in the five-star restaurant. It’s all I asked for in return.

  He holds out her seat for her and she slips in, but I wave him off and push her in myself, inhaling her tantalising scent as I sit in my seat, unbuttoning my suit jacket and placing the napkin on my lap as he serves her the menu.

  “White tonight please,” I tell him and he nods, his eyes flickering to Nadia in shock—after all, I’ve never brought anyone here before.

  He rushes away to do as he’s told, though, and I watch her across the table as she peruses the menu. “It all looks so good,” she murmurs.

  “So do you, good enough to eat,” I quip and she laughs, peering at me over the menu.

  “And I’m the dirty one?” she teases, and sets the menu down. “What do you normally get?”

  “The pasta, want me to order for you?” I query and she nods. I almost puff up at that as the maître di returns with our wine, pouring me a little to taste first. Only when I nod does he pour full glasses for us both before leaving the bottle in the ice bucket and walking away.

  I reach for her hand and she extends it, holding mine across the table as I scoot closer. This feels right.

  The candles shine across her beautiful face and her cascading curls. God, she is so beautiful it takes my breath away sometimes. I feel like a bumbling idiot next to a goddess. “You always look so gorgeous, but I must admit the freshly fucked look you had earlier was my favourite.”

  She grins, not the least bit embarrassed. “You tease.”

  Just then, a server comes up,
so I lean back and look at him as he holds his hands behind his back and glances between us, his eyes lingering longer on Nadia than he needs to. I draw his attention by clearing my throat, my own eyes narrowing in jealousy. “Two specials, with bread and olive oil to start, and tell the chef to surprise us with dessert,” I snap.

  He nods but looks back at Nadia, his eyes catching on her cleavage. “Is that correct, miss?”

  Did he just—he’s a dead man. No one looks at my girl like that, never mind being so open about his ogling, even going so far as to question me simply to gain her attention.

  She arches her eyebrows at him. “Yes, of course,” she answers, obviously confused why he’s checking in with her.

  “Sure I can’t get you...anything else?” He grins at her, ignoring me completely as he leans down to grab her menu and passes her something at the same time.

  “No.” She frowns harder, watching him.

  He nods then, his eyes flickering back to her breasts before he turns and walks away to put in our order. My eyes track him across the room, anger pouring through me. “What did he give you?” I question, turning back to her. She shows me the note and I open it, my whole body going that place when I kill. It’s his number.

  He gave my girl his number.

  She laughs then and tosses it into the candle on the table. “What an idiot! So, this place is nice, you said something about saving the owner?”

  I kiss her hand and smile for her. “Yes, and I will tell you the story in just a moment.” Placing the napkin on the table, I turn to her with a smile still fixed on my face. “I’m just nipping to the bathroom, I won’t be but a moment.”

  “Okay, don’t kill him.” She nods, making me genuinely smile. I can’t fool her, she knew all along I would do something. I wink at her, my eyes drifting around the restaurant, watching people, as I get to my feet and head the same way the server did, past the bar and swinging kitchen doors to the hallway at the back, done in the same wood as the restaurant.

  I find him standing by the emergency exit, his back to me as he talks on his phone with a cigarette in his other hand, the embers lighting up his face in the dark alley. Sneaking up behind him, I grab him, wrapping my arm around his throat and drag him outside, kicking a brick towards the door to keep it open as I pull him farther into the dark of the back alley where the dustbins are kept.

  Smashing him into the wall, I keep my arm braced against his throat as he tries to scream and kick, his eyes wide. When he spots me, he stops, his mouth opening and closing as I lean closer, letting him see the death in my eyes. The only reason I’m not killing him is Nadia. She asked me not to.

  “You look at my girl again and I will kill you. You don’t touch her, think about her, or anything else. Understand? She is mine,” I snarl, my voice deadly.

  He nods rapidly, his eyes panicked. “S-Sorry, man.”

  “Now, did you slip her your number?” I ask, and he swallows, shaking his head from side to side, denying it. “Thing is, I saw you. You flirted with her right in front of me, laid eyes on what’s mine, and tried to give her your digits? You stupid fucking man.” Keeping him there with one hand, I grab my phone. “What’s your name?” I question without looking at him, but he doesn’t speak, so I frown and glare at him. “I can do this with or without it, but I’m on a date and would hate to keep her waiting.”

  “Thomas Struggers,” he whispers. “What are you doing?”

  I ignore him while I type, the only sounds coming from his breathing and the scuttle of rats down the alleyway. Within two minutes, I’ve finished, and I pocket my phone. “I just ruined your credit history, deleted all of your accounts, blocked your internet provider, and disconnected your phone number, and that’s without even trying. Push me again, I dare you. I will destroy you and watch through the flames,” I warn, pushing my arm closer.

  He stares at me, open-mouthed, as I let go and he drops against the wall. “What the fuck, all because I looked at her?”

  I move closer again. “She is mine, you dared to look at what’s mine.”

  “You’re fucking crazy,” he snaps. “I’m calling the police.”

  I grab his phone and crush it against the wall next to his head. “You can try, they won’t help you...oh, and Thomas?” I wait for him to look up from his destroyed phone before smashing my fist into his face and breaking his nose. “Don’t bother coming back inside.”

  Straightening, I tug my suit back into place before kicking the brick from the door and shutting it behind me, leaving him yelling in the alley as I head back to my table. She’s waiting there, a small smile on her face as I slip back into my seat.

  Her eyes dart to my knuckles, covered in blood, and she grabs her napkin and wipes it away before shaking her head. “And you say I’m crazy!” She laughs.

  I grin and kiss her hand before sitting back as our food is delivered. “Let’s eat,” I suggest, and she nods, grabbing some bread and dipping it in the oil as I talk to her throughout the meal. Not five minutes later, Julius comes hurrying from the back, panic on his face as he heads straight for me.

  Grabbing my napkin, I dab at my mouth and sit back with my glass of wine. Nadia flicks a look between us as he stands at the side of my table, twisting his hands together. “Brat, this is Julius, he owns this place. Nice to see you again.” I toast them with the wine. He glances at her quickly and nods before looking back at me.

  “I didn’t know, I’m so sorry. I fired him straightaway. Spider, all I can do is apologise, after everything you did for us...” He shakes his head. “I can only apologise for the disrespect you received by that child, and of course towards your lady. Please let me make this right.”

  I get to my feet and he flinches back, making me sad. I thought we were friends, but as usual he is afraid of me because he knows what I can do. I clap him on the shoulder. “No hard feelings, just make sure we get a good dessert, won’t you, Julius?”

  He nods, relieved, a small smile on his face. “Thanks, again, sorry,” he offers, and rushes away as I sit down, my smile disappearing into a frown as I take a sip of my wine. I never knew he was afraid of me, and it sours this place for me a little. I always loved coming here and he was always friendly. I should have known.

  Nadia drops onto my lap, making me spill my wine, not that I care. Placing the glass on the table, I drop my hand to her leg, ignoring the stares I can feel directed our way at what they are probably thinking is improper conduct, snobs. She smiles up at me as she winds her arms around my neck. “How about we get the dessert to go and you eat it off me?” she suggests, leaning forward and dropping her voice as her eyes dart to my lips.

  I know she’s doing this because she saw the way it must have hurt me...God, she is so amazing. She grins as she leans in and sucks my earlobe into her mouth before popping it free and whispering in my ear. “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  I groan, trying to adjust the bulge in my pants. “Brat, stop teasing.”

  “Why? It’s so much fun, especially if the thing poking me is anything to go by,” she murmurs, nibbling my ear, her dress riding higher as she moves. Gripping her thigh, I yank her closer. “So how about it, Spidey? I’ll even let you cover me in chocolate if you want...”

  I lift my head and gesture for a waiter to come over, he flicks a nervous look between her and me. “Pack that dessert to go.” I grab my card and pass it over. “Put it on this.” He nods and rushes away as I stroke along her leg, uncaring if we’re giving everyone a show. In fact, my dirty girl seems to like knowing they are watching as she teases me, rubbing her curves against me until I’m so hard I’m going to struggle to stand.

  “Brat, I’m going to tie you to my bed and not let you up again,” I warn her, brushing aside her hair and kissing along her neck, making her shiver in response. Dragging my hand higher up her thigh, I press them open and dip my fingers to find her pussy bare like she said. She’s so wet already, my dirty fucking brat. I groan, my cock jerking in my pants as I pres
s my finger to her clit, making her moan into my ear as she shifts closer, uncaring that anyone could be watching me finger fuck her.

  “Keanu,” she gasps, as I trace my finger down her cream-covered pussy and dip it inside her. She spreads her thighs wider as the waiter comes back over and places the card on the table, all the while averting his eyes, his cheeks hot as he walks away.

  Laughing, I kiss her hard, making her groan into my mouth as I slip my finger out and pull my lips away. “Let’s get you home,” I murmur against her lips, before moving back and showing her my glistening finger. Eyes locked on hers, I suck it clean. “Mmm, dessert.”

  She jumps to her feet, stumbling on her heels. “Come on, Spidey, we have some beds to break.” She turns and starts to walk away as I chuckle and get to my feet, pocketing my card as I go.

  Life will never be boring with her.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Morning, Mr. Grey,” I tease and then cringe. “Nope, I’ll stick to Spidey, that sounds like that sexy book.”

  He laughs, winking over at me as he serves up breakfast. “Maybe I am, I could demonstrate my dom skills if you want, Brat.”

  He leans over the counter and kisses me before passing me a plate, then he turns and grabs two mugs and brings them over as he joins me and we eat. “So, what are we doing today?”

  When we got back last night, he made good on his promise and ate dessert off of my body. It’s safe to say I woke up with cream and chocolate and other sticky substances on me, but God was it hot. I came so many times I couldn’t even count, and when I went to shower, he must have stripped off the bed and cleaned up.

  “I forgot to ask, how did the meeting at university go?” he inquires, changing the subject. I play with my food, sighing, hoping he wouldn’t have asked, especially after the bad shit he had to deal with yesterday, but I shouldn’t have been so stupid. He prides himself on knowledge, of course he would ask.

  “Brat,” he prompts, holding his fork still, his eyes lasering into me.


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