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Fated Forgiveness (Kindred of Arkadia Book 4)

Page 13

by Alanea Alder

  "I finally feel safe," Sebastian admitted, staring into the pantry. Grabbing a box of cereal, Sebastian poured himself a bowl of Cheerios and sat next to his mate.

  "Please tell me there is coffee," Kent said, stumbling into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

  Liam pointed to the coffee pot.

  "What are we doing today?" Sebastian asked, inhaling his cereal.

  "I don't have any plans. What about you, Liam?" Kent asked.

  "I have to finish all of the damn paperwork from the hearing yesterday, plus transfer paperwork." Liam growled.

  "Oh," Sebastian said, feeling disappointed.

  Liam's head came up. "What's the matter, kitten?" Liam asked.

  Sebastian looked up to see Liam and Kent staring at him intently. He blushed. He pushed a lone Cheerio around his bowl with his spoon.

  "He is turning red, like real red," Liam said, sounding fascinated.

  "I know we don't know for sure, but I was thinking, maybe before we know, and I can't do much to help. We could shop to turn the room next to the master bedroom into a nursery," Sebastian said softly.

  Liam immediately began to choke on his Lucky Charms and Kent cursed as his hand jerked, spilling hot coffee on his hand.

  "You guys didn't really think things through yesterday, did you?" Sebastian asked, sounding amused.

  Kent finally leaned over, whacked Liam's back, and a small purple horseshoe flew out of his mouth.

  "Could you be? I mean, already? Doesn't that shit take time? Like months?" Liam asked flabbergasted.

  "I could be, yes. No, it doesn't take months, it could happen anytime," Sebastian explained. Both his mates were pale. Kent had to put his coffee cup down, his hand was trembling so hard.

  "It could take weeks, months, or even years. But, we can always start planning," Sebastian said.

  Liam nodded his head absently, but Sebastian could tell he had checked out. He looked up. Yup. Kent wasn't much better. Rolling his eyes, he stood up to carry his bowl to the sink.

  "Where are you going?" Liam shouted, jumping up to take his bowl.

  "Sit down, you need to sit," Kent said, also jumping to his feet.

  "Okay. Look at my lips. I am going to speak really sllooowwly. Even if I am pregnant, I can still function. Wait until we know for sure before you turn into idiots. If you do it beforehand, I may kill you both in your sleep," Sebastian said, taking his bowl and pushing past his mates to rinse it in the sink.

  When he turned back around, his mates were still staring at him. Resigning himself to a weird couple weeks, Sebastian turned to head out of the kitchen. He yelped when two strong hands pulled him back.

  Kent nuzzled one ear and Liam the other.

  "It's no fair, you both know my weak spots," Sebastian said, sighing happily.

  "I'll drive you to town and we can shop. We can pick up some things for Felix, too," Kent said, kissing his neck.

  "Where is Felix?" Sebastian asked as Liam's hand rubbed up and down his belly lovingly.

  "Sleeping it off. He drank enough to put down three shifters twice his size. I think he was that relieved that he could stay," Liam said.

  Reluctantly, Sebastian stepped out of their arms or they wouldn't get anything done.

  "I just have one request," Sebastian said.

  "Anything, baby," Kent and Liam agreed together.

  "We don't say anything about me being able to get pregnant until after we already know for sure I am." He looked up at his mates. Both were nodding.

  "You do know that no one will mind. Rebecca will probably be ecstatic. She loves her little kitty to pieces," Liam joked and Sebastian batted away Liam's hand as it went to scratch under his chin.

  Secretly, he was relieved that his mates were treating him normally, albeit like fragile glass, but not as if he was a sideshow circus attraction.

  "Come on, baby, let's go see what we can find in town," Kent said, taking his hand. Liam sighed.

  "Catch up quick," Sebastian said, blowing him a kiss.

  "I will. Love you both." Liam waved as they walked out of the door.

  * * *

  "I'm glad we skipped the baby stuff until Liam could be with us," Sebastian said as he and Kent walked out of the clothing store. They had fun picking outfits for Felix instead.

  "Me too, it didn't seem right without him. Baby, are you hungry?" Kent asked, pointing to the diner.

  Sebastian nodded. "I would kill for one of Ma's chicken pot pies." Sebastian licked his lips.

  "That woman sure can cook," Kent said.

  They walked hand in hand to the diner, Kent carrying their shopping bags. Kent reached forward and pushed the door open for them. Sebastian smiled up at his mate. When they walked inside, Sebastian realized that in its own way the diner was home to him, too.

  "There you are! I've been up for hours. You're just in time to discuss The Doctor," Rebecca said.

  Sebastian hurried forward and sat with Rebecca, Ashby, Kate and their mates. Nic sighed dreamily.

  "I wish I could meet a man like that," he said.

  "Like what? What doctor?" Kent asked, taking a seat next to Sebastian.

  "The Doctor," Sebastian said.

  "Is he single?" Rian asked from the next table.

  Rebecca giggled and shook her head. "He's a doctor on TV," she explained.

  "Dr. Who?" Kent asked.

  "Exactly!" Rebecca, Sebastian, Ashby, Kate and Nic said at once.

  Sebastian watched as Kent shook his head. He noticed that his mate shared his confused look with Aleks, Gabriel, Caleb and Bran.

  "Speaking of Saturdays, who do you call during our Doctor time and leave the phone on speaker for, Ashby?" Rebecca asked. Gabriel's eyebrow went up.

  "What's this, mon ange?" he asked. Ashby looked everywhere but at his mate.

  "Angel?" Gabriel asked again. Ashby looked at his mate and sighed.

  "It's Mikhail." Ashby said. Gabriel stared at Ashby. Ashby stared back. Finally, Gabriel blinked.

  "Mikhail?" he asked.

  "Yes," was Ashby's one word reply.

  Gabriel shrugged. "He always did have odd tastes."

  Ashby rolled his eyes.

  "Where is Liam?" Kate asked.

  "Finishing up paperwork. Even as slow as he is, I expected him to be done by now," Kent said, frowning.

  "Maybe we should have stayed in to help him," Sebastian offered.

  Kent shook his head. "Then nothing would have gotten done." He kissed the side of Sebastian's neck.

  "Whoo hoo, y'all are like newlyweds." Kate whistled.

  Out of nowhere a muffled song went off. It was Nine Inch Nails' "Closer." The chorus line was on loop.

  Everyone looked at Sebastian before all eyes swung around to Rian, who was staring at Sebastian with wide eyes.

  "It wasn't me this time," Rian said, sounding shocked.

  Sebastian shrugged and winked at Rebecca, who collapsed against Kate giggling.

  "Hey, Liam," Sebastian said, answering the phone.

  "Hello, kitten. Listen, can you and Kent do me a favor? Old man Gilberton has called up here again telling us to pick up the chocolate or he was going to call the sheriff. Can you guys pick it up? I should be there in a little bit," Liam said, growling then cursing as Sebastian heard papers being shuffled in the background.

  "Sure, my love. Hurry, we miss you," Sebastian said.

  "Miss you both too." Liam made kissing noises before hanging up.

  "I'll go. I don't want you lifting anything," Kent said.

  Sebastian froze in putting his phone away.

  "Why can't he lift anything?" Nic asked.

  Shooting an apologetic look to Sebastian, Kent hesitated to answer.

  "Because he and Liam put a crook in my back last night, if you know what I mean. They are going to baby me today. Isn't that right, Kent?" Sebastian asked.

  "All day long." Kent smiled, leaned in, kissed Sebastian's cheek and whispered, "Sorry."

  "Love you, big guy," Sebastian said,
and popped Kent on the ass as he walked away. Kent turned and gave him a heated look before walking out of the diner.

  "Phew, is it getting hot in here, or is it just the newly mated raising the temperature?" Nic teased. Sebastian blushed.

  Ma came out carrying his chicken pot pie.

  "Thanks Ma, this smells heavenly." Sebastian dug into his lunch. Beside him Kent's tuna on whole wheat sat on his plate. Thinking about his mates and how lucky he was, he worked on his pot pie. He was about halfway through with his lunch and had just checked his phone again when Rebecca's voice interrupted his thoughts. "For heaven's sake, just go help him. If you check the time on your phone anymore you might break it."

  Sebastian grinned at her.

  "Watch our lunches for us?" he asked.

  She nodded and he jumped up to head out to Bobbles and Things to help his mate so that they could hurry up and see Liam.

  * * *

  Liam walked into the dinner thirty minutes later and saw Rebecca and Kate laughing.

  "Hello, my ladyloves." His eyes went to Rebecca's stomach.

  She shook her head. "I wouldn't if I were you. Your mates aren't here to protect you from Aleks." Rebecca wagged a finger at him.

  Liam looked around. "Where are my hot and sexy mates?" Liam asked.

  Rebecca shrugged. "They left about thirty minutes ago to pick up the chocolate from Bobbles and Things. I thought that maybe they forgot about their lunch and headed back to the pride house," she said.

  "I bet they got sidetracked at one of the stores. Hold their food and put an order in for me for a burger. I'll go find them," he said standing.

  Walking around after spending most of the morning in his office sounded great. He walked out of the diner, made a right on Market Street and headed to the candy store.

  When he got to Bobbles and Things, he noticed David and Daniel sitting on the curb outside of the shop next to some faded chalk rainbows.

  "Hey guys, what are you doing sitting out here?" Liam asked.

  Daniel looked up. "Sebastian said he would give us some of the chocolate from the pride order. Ashby introduced us to the stuff, now we're addicted." David explained.

  "Why don't you just go in and get some?" Liam looked from David to Daniel.

  The twins shook their heads. "Mr. Gilberton is really mean. He said if we came into his store again he would call the sheriff. We're new in town and didn't want to cause trouble," Daniel said, and Liam nodded.

  "Well, let me go see what is taking so long. Hang tight." Liam turned and walked into the colorful candy store. He strode up to the counter where Gilberton was doing paperwork.

  "Gilberton, have you seen Kent and Sebastian? They were supposed to come and pick up the chocolate order for the pride." Liam ground his teeth in an effort to be civil.

  "Your cock-loving fags have come and gone. Good thing too, I didn't want them in my store any longer than it took to get the chocolate, which was taking up valuable inventory space, I'll have you know," Gilberton sneered.

  Liam took deep breaths to keep from punching the old man in the face. "Good day, then," Liam said, and walked out of the store.

  When he got back outside he saw David and Daniel jump up and walk over to him.

  "I must have missed them. He said that they have come and gone already. Maybe they've gone to the pride house," Liam wondered out loud.

  David and Daniel exchanged concerned looks. "Liam, Sebastian never left. We arrived the same time he did and we waited right outside the door for him to come out. He hasn't come out yet," David explained.

  Liam could feel a rising panic enter his body like jet fuel.

  "David, run back to the diner and tell Aleks exactly what you just told me. Daniel, you're with me," Liam said, turning to head back up the steps into Bobbles and Things.

  He swung open the door so hard he heard the glass panes crack.

  "What is the meaning of this!" Gilberton demanded, coming around the counter. He saw Daniel and hissed. "Out of my store, you undead abomination!" he screamed.

  Daniel turned to Liam, his normally green eyes glowing bright red. "I smell blood, Liam."

  That one short sentence had Liam's world imploding. Liam reached forward and grabbed Gilberton by the throat and easily hefted the heavier man off the floor.

  "Where. Are. My. Mates?" he demanded, his voice surprisingly cold.

  "I don't know what you are talking about!" Gilberton protested.

  Daniel walked past Liam and Gilberton, following his nose. "The smell is stronger down there," Daniel said, pointing to a door.

  "You're coming with me," Liam said, throwing Gilberton against the wall next to the door. With two quick strides he was at the doorway heading downstairs. He grabbed the older man's long, white hair and started to drag him down the roughhewn wooden stairs. Halfway down, Liam heard something break on the old man.

  Once down the stairs, Liam froze. Crumpled in a corner, not moving, was Kent's prone figure. Laying next to Kent was Sebastian. Both had pools of blood fanning out from their heads. Liam threw Gilberton at Daniel and roared out his anger. He ran over and pulled both of his mates into his lap, crying.

  "Please don't leave me! Please, my loves!" Liam yelled out, rocking their bodies.

  "Liam!" Voices called out from upstairs. Liam heard footsteps on the wooden floor above.

  "We're down here!" Daniel yelled. He easily held onto the thrashing Gilberton.

  Seconds later Aleks, Caleb, Bran and Gabriel came rushing down the rickety steps.

  "What in the hell happened?" Aleks asked, taking Gilberton by the arm.

  "That crazy bastard hit me in the back of the head," Kent's voice sounded pained.

  Liam looked down at his mate to see Kent blinking his eyes and trying to sit up. Kent looked over, saw Sebastian's still form in Liam's arms, and his hands shifted to claws.

  "I had to do it! We can't have a queer on the council, he is an abomination!" Gilberton screamed, foam forming at the corners of his mouth. Aleks snarled down at the man.

  Liam handed Sebastian over to Kent, who retracted his claws to hold their mate.

  "Give him to me, Aleks," Liam demanded.

  Aleks shook his head, his eyes pained. "I can't, Liam. He was taken alive, he has to go on trial for what he's done, if you kill him now it will be in cold blood and you can be tried for murder. After what we just went through yesterday, don't waste the chance you have been given to be with your mates." Aleks said calmly.

  "Give him to me!" Liam screamed until his throat felt raw, his eyes and hands shifting.

  "Liam?" The weak voice was barely heard over Liam's rage. Liam swung his head around to see Sebastian watching him from Kent's lap.

  "Kitten? Are you okay?" Liam asked, going to his mates and dropping to his knees.

  "My head hurts, but other than that I'm fine." Sebastian reached up and pulled Liam into his arms. Kent's arms encircled them up, holding them both.

  "You're sick! You're going to hell. Freaks, deviants!" Gilberton's steady stream of hate was cut short when Aleks reared back and punched him right between the eyes, effectively shutting the old man up. Liam raised an eyebrow. Aleks shrugged.

  "He's still alive." Aleks frowned down at the man dangling from his grasp and shook him. "I think." He shook Gilberton again until a moan was heard. Aleks sighed in relief.

  "Aleks, let's get Sebastian and Kent to the diner. Claybourne is out of town at a convention, so Ma will have to look them over," Bran suggested.

  Liam stood and scooped Sebastian up in his arms. Bran and Caleb helped Kent to stand. Each man supported the large shifter under each arm and slowly made their way up the stairs.

  Aleks dragged Gilberton behind him, followed by Daniel, who kept smacking Gilberton in the face when Aleks's back was turned. Once upstairs, Kent was steady on his feet, and everyone filed out of the candy store to head to the diner where Ma, Rebecca, Kate, Ashby and Nic waited out front on the sidewalk. Lachlan, on his cell phone, came rushing towards
them from his parked car.

  "Are they okay?" Lachlan asked Liam, breathless.

  Liam nodded and nuzzled the top of Sebastian's head. Kent rested his head on Liam's shoulder. Lachlan looked to where Aleks stood, still holding Gilberton by the back of the neck.

  "Is he alive?" Lachlan asked.

  Aleks nodded. "Kinda." He shook Gilberton until he groaned, waking up. When his eyes opened, he looked around at the crowd and hissed.

  "Thank God! Yes, Ora, they managed to take him alive. Yes, I'd like to arrange the trial immediately," Lachlan said.

  Liam watched as Rebecca made her way over to Aleks. At first he thought that she was going to her husband, but instead she leaned in and whispered something so softly to Gilberton that he couldn't hear what she said. She stood back and smiled sweetly at him.

  Seconds later Gilberton began to thrash around trying to escape.

  "Gilberton, stop resisting, you're only making this harder on yourself," Lachlan yelled.

  Bran and Caleb stood in front of Kate, Gabriel pushed Ashby behind him, and Ma pulled Rebecca into her arms. Liam slowly backed away with Sebastian and Kent.

  "You won't infect me! Deviants! Sinners!" Gilberton screeched.

  Gilberton broke free from Aleks and lunged at Liam. Without thinking twice Liam shifted his hand and gutted him before Gilberton could reach his mates.

  Liam watched, completely detached, as the older man fell to his knees and kneeled over, blood pooling around him. The wound was so severe that even the accelerated healing powers of a shifter couldn't save him.

  "Ora, that trial won't be necessary after all. Gilberton broke free from Aleksander Arkadion and made another attempt at Sebastian and Kent. Liam had no choice but to kill him. Yes, please contact the next of kin. That would be an enormous help. Good-bye, talk to you soon." Lachlan ended the call, looked at the body, and sighed.

  "Cleaning up dead bodies is so damn messy." He shook his head.

  "Luckily, Aleks has some experience with that," Ma said, pushing her son forward.

  Aleks pointed to his chest. "How did I get stuck with body detail again?" He demanded. Ma just pointed to where Liam stood between his two mates, looking pale. Heaving a sigh of his own, he nodded.


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