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The Perfect Submissive

Page 4

by Tricia Owens

  Running was no longer an option. Matthew told himself he had too much pride for that.

  So he stood his ground, his hands fisted by his sides. If Sebastian wouldn't take no for an answer then Matthew would have to rough him up. He didn't want to, but Matthew wasn't about to let the other man take advantage of him twice.

  Sebastian's face seemed to express his approval of Matthew's decision. He came to a stop less than a foot away. Sebastian had to look up to meet his eyes. He was just as beautiful as Matthew remembered him being.

  "I have friends who could force you to do what I want," Sebastian told him softly. "But there's no fun in that. I think it's lazy. It provides an excuse. I prefer it when a sub submits because he needs to. Just like you need to."

  Matthew shook his head wildly. Sebastian must have been wearing some sort of drug- infused cologne that was messing with his head and making him confused. He should have been running or punching or something instead of just standing there letting Sebastian invade his personal space.

  "What would make me very happy," Sebastian went on, "is if you dropped to your knees and opened your mouth for me."

  Matthew stared. It was wrong that so much lust could funnel through his body and into his cock. He shook his head again, now with desperation. "No. No way."

  Sebastian watched him calmly, not smiling, but merely studying him. "I think you'd like it, Matthew. It would be a mutually beneficial arrangement."

  "No," Matthew choked out again. "I don't -- I don't suck dicks."

  "You're gay, aren't you?"

  "Yeah, but -- I'm the Dom."

  "I think, Matthew, that you'll find much more enjoyment in being my sub. You work too hard at being a Dom. It shouldn't require this much effort."

  It was difficult. When Matthew went out to clubs, trying to find a cute twink, he inevitably returned home exhausted. He put a lot of effort into presenting himself as the type of man who deserved a submissive. It wasn't all about looks. It was having the right attitude.

  Matthew found that attitude difficult to present for hours at a time. It was why lately he'd been giving up on his hunts and coming home early to watch TV instead.

  But just because it was a lot of work to act like a Dom didn't mean he wanted to be bullied and fucked.

  "I'm not a submissive," he repeated, feeling as tired as he often did after a night out.

  Sebastian cocked his head to the side. "You want to cum, don't you? I can see that you're hard." He reached out before Matthew could stop him and brushed his fingers against the bulge in his apron.

  Matthew shuddered violently, his hands reaching back for the wall of the diner. "Don't--"

  "If you want to cum with your little boy cock you'll drop to your knees and do what you're told," Sebastian said softly.

  Another violent shiver worked its way through his body.

  "Get on your knees," Sebastian repeated. He didn't raise his voice and he didn't make another move to touch him.

  It made no sense, then, why Matthew did as he was told.

  Crumpled up newspapers cushioned his knees, but he could still smell the expiring vegetables and other food products in the nearby trashcan. Nothing would allow him to ignore the fact that he was kneeling in an alley in front of another man.

  Or so he thought. Sebastian stepped forward until his groin was inches from Matthew's face. Matthew flinched back but a hand in his hair caught him and held him in place.

  "Open my pants with your teeth and take a good long look at the cock I pushed up your ass."

  Humiliation burned hotly across Matthew's face. His eyes darted to either end of the alley to make sure no one was nearby to see. The coast was clear. But what about the kitchen door?

  What if Pele came out for a smoke or Theo bounced out to complain about Matthew's laziness?

  The fingers in his hair tightened. "Open my pants. Don't make me repeat myself."

  The soft voice. The thin fingers. Matthew could escape. He didn't have to do any of this.

  He leaned forward and found the button on Sebastian's pants and used his lips and teeth to push it through the hole.

  The leather tasted distinctive against his tongue. The metal button was cool. Once the waistband was open Matthew knew there was no turning back. He caught the zipper between his teeth and slowly pulled it down over the growing mound in the leather pants. A cloud of musk and sweat and sex billowed out as the placket open. Sebastian's cock popped free, hitting Matthew in the nose.

  "You're not wearing underwear," he gasped.

  "And I haven't showered yet either," Sebastian told him. His fingers carded through Matthew's hair. "I'm dirty. You need to clean the cum and sweat off me."

  The newspapers beneath his knees rattled as Matthew's legs trembled. Unsure where to put his hands, he clutched his own thighs. Better there than between his legs where his cock felt ready to explode.

  "You're going to lick my dirty, sweaty balls."

  Matthew closed his eyes.

  "You're going to be harder than you've ever been before. And if you do a good job at licking me clean I might allow you to suck my cock."

  Heat pulsed, hot and urgent, in his groin.

  "You like my cock, don't you, Matthew? My cock made you very, very happy in that restroom."

  Matthew bit his lip, tasting blood.

  "Answer me," Sebastian prodded, still softly. "Tell me you enjoyed having my cock up your virgin ass."

  His eyes shot open. Sebastian smiled down at him, but not cruelly as he'd expected.

  "I know it was your first time. You were too tight. It means a lot to me that you wanted to offer me your cherry."

  But I didn't -- Matthew killed the thought. He didn't know what he'd wanted that night.

  He could have fought Sebastian in that bathroom. He was stronger and taller than Sebastian. It wouldn't have been that difficult.

  But he'd allowed the smaller man to hold him against the wall and fuck him and then cum on him. Matthew dropped his eyes to the cock that had been inside him.

  "Lick my balls, and maybe you'll earn the rest," Sebastian whispered.

  Resistance battled the urge to comply. Matthew was embarrassed for himself. He didn't feel like a man, he felt like a girl. Less than that.

  "I'll take care of you," Sebastian said as his fingers caressed Matthew's scalp. "Do what I want and you'll never have to worry about anything again."

  Longing burst through Matthew's chest. Where did it come from? Wanting to cry at his confusion, wanting to scream, he leaned forward and touched his tongue to Sebastian's scrotum.

  The musk was potent here, especially with his nose pressed up beneath the other man's cock. He tasted salt and bitterness that he knew was cum. But whether it was Sebastian's or another man's he had no idea. Maybe it was a mixture of several clients. He imagined them cumming on Sebastian's balls and Matthew nearly came himself.

  He laved his tongue across the wrinkled flesh, smoothing it out and tickling the ball inside. The taste was strong and funky but instead of being repelled by it he was suddenly hungry for it. He moaned as he lapped at Sebastian's lightly furred ball, cleaning it of the evidence of other men and other pleasures. He wanted Sebastian to belong to him, to carry the evidence of him and no one else.

  When one ball was tight and shiny with his spit he moved to the other, slathering his tongue all around it, sucking it between his lips. He heard Sebastian's soft moan of enjoyment and Matthew wanted to hear more of that. He pushed his face between Sebastian's legs so his cock and balls would rub all over Matthew's face. He breathed as deeply as he could, filling his lungs with the scent of masculine sex.

  As he started to reach up for Sebastian's hips, a tugging in his hair pulled him out of his carnivorous daze. He blinked and looked up the slender length of the blond's body.

  "You're going to suck my cock now because you did such a good job cleaning the spunk off my balls," Sebastian told him. "At some point I'm going to take control and fuck your mouth. You're go
ing to relax and let me because this is what good subs do. You're nothing but a pair of holes for me to use, understand? Tell me you want me to treat you this way."

  Tiny shivers periodically shot through Matthew's body. His heart pounded fiercely as if he were in the midst of a panic attack.

  "Breathe," Sebastian soothed. "It's okay. You'll feel better once you do what I tell you to do. Let me control you and everything will be alright."

  "I'm not -- I'm not a submissive," Matthew croaked.

  Sebastian smiled beatifically. "Matthew, it's time to stop pretending to be something you're not."

  A chain around Matthew's chest snapped. The tension bled from his body, replaced by an infusion of shivery, sparkly relief. He opened his mouth and sucked the tip of Sebastian's cock between his lips. Once it lodged there he realized there was no turning back. Moaning, he took it all the way down his throat.

  Sebastian let out a groan of satisfaction that made Matthew try to smile around the thick meat in his mouth. He used his tongue up and down the length of the cock in his mouth, paying attention to the long vein and suckling and tickling the ridge where it flared into a beautiful, velvety mushroom. Fluid slicked his mouth as Sebastian began to leak precum and Matthew slurped it down, using lips and tongue to milk more.

  Another hand joined the first in his hair and abruptly Sebastian surged forward, burying his cock down Matthew's throat. He choked on it, unprepared. Sebastian gave him time to adjust, to draw a breath, and then he moaned and flexed his hips, filling Matthew's throat with cock.

  Sebastian thrust into him again and again, his head thrown back as if he'd never experienced such pleasure before. His abandon struck a chord in Matthew. Through his tear- filled his eyes he gazed up at the blond with yearning, though he wasn't completely sure what it was he wanted: to be in Sebastian's place or to give Sebastian even more.

  Sebastian pulled back suddenly, leaving Matthew's mouth completely. As Matthew gasped for air like a fish, the cock pointed at his face spilled its payload. Matthew quickly closed his eyes and held still as Sebastian painted his face with moisture. To his surprise it cooled quickly against the flaming skin of his cheeks.

  "Open your eyes."

  Bleary-eyed, he did as ordered. Sebastian smiled down at him tenderly. The moonlight behind his head made his flaxen curls glow like a halo. Still smiling, Sebastian extended his foot and pressed it between Matthew's spread legs.

  Matthew cried out as the pressure against his cock boiled over. He arched backwards, hands reaching out blindly for purchase. Heat flooded his underwear. His entire body quaked like it was suffering an earthquake.

  "Please," he gasped.

  Sebastian ground his tennis shoe harder against him, crushing his balls and squeezing out the last of his cum. When he lifted his foot and stepped back, Matthew fell backwards onto his ass, dazed and shaking.

  As he stared at the crumpled wrapper of an industrial sized block of butter, he heard Sebastian tuck himself away and zip up his pants.

  "I forgot something at the Raven," Sebastian said. "Pack up food for my friends and me. Whatever they want. I'll take the Sunrise Crepes. It was a good suggestion."

  Matthew raised his eyes to watch the other man walk away, his slim, graceful figure turning the corner and disappearing from sight. He ran a shaking hand over his face and sat up.

  He grimaced at the stickiness in his underwear. Gross. Maybe he could get Theo to clean it up.

  Then he shifted over onto his right butt cheek and reached behind him into his pants pocket. He checked his wallet. He'd have barely enough to cover the cost of all that food for Sebastian and his friends. He sighed and crossed his fingers for a good night in tips. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Three

  Matthew was on a mission.

  A week had passed since the encounter in the alley. Four of those days had been spent at home with a cough he'd picked up somewhere. It had been a blessing, giving him a legitimate reason to hide out from work. Tomorrow would be his first day back at the Lonely Diner but tonight -- tonight still belonged to him. He was going to make the most of his return to the public.

  Being laid up sick had given him time to put things in perspective. All he'd needed was distance from Sebastian and the pressure of potentially seeing the Dom for Matthew to realize he'd been freaking out over nothing. Yes, what had happened in the alley had seemed to be another disaster on par with what had happened in the restroom, but appearances could deceive.

  The thing he'd reminded himself was that guys experimented. Straight guys, gay guys -- it didn't matter. Guys wanted to try different things when it came to sex. Since Matthew acknowledged he was a bit inexperienced in certain areas of sex it was natural that he'd been subconsciously curious about trying out new things when a decent-looking guy offered.

  It had been research, that's all. A good Dom knew what it felt like from the other side. So now that Matthew knew what it felt like to get fucked he could be a better fucker. Now that he'd blown Sebastian and let the blond fuck his face Matthew had a frame of reference for when he had his own submissive kneeling before him. Control had never been taken from him. It had been a mistake to believe that, and he was mad at himself for angsting over it. Not once had he rolled over and surrendered. No how, no way.

  Healthy again, his confidence restored, he was eager to take his new knowledge and apply it to his next pickup. He was ready for a long, fulfilling night of being the lover he knew he had been born to be. He was definitely dressed for the part in dark jeans, heavy black boots and a black leather vest that showed off his somewhat muscular arms and shoulders. He wasn't a big guy but he could project a big attitude if he needed to and tonight, he would.

  It was a good night for cruising too. Nine Inches was packed to the rafters. The smell of sweat, testosterone, smoke and sex was nearly overwhelming. It was also humid as hell in the place. Matthew's skin was covered with a light film of sweat which didn't feel so great against the leather. He was considering taking the vest off but then a super cut musclehead walked by and Matthew felt flabby in comparison. Self-conscious, he decided to cool off with a beer.

  It took awhile to make it to the counter. It was like trying to wade through Times Square at New Year's if it was full of half-naked, sweaty men without boundary issues. He was sweatier than when he'd started by the time he squeezed against the bar and ordered the coldest bottle of beer the bartender had, no matter the brand. He ended up with a Bud Light. Hell. At least the bottle was icy.

  He rolled the bottle across his forehead, which he'd seen guys do in commercials but in practice felt stupid, before taking a long pull from it as he surveyed the seething dance floor. In truth, the entire club was a moving dance floor but there was a horseshoe of booths facing a central area that seemed sort of official.

  His eyes jumped from head to head, trying to pick out the cute twink who would be the lucky recipient of his skills. Earlier in the evening as he'd dressed, he'd gotten it in his head that it would be a cool sort of justice if he could find a submissive who resembled Sebastian. He was confident that he wasn't obsessing over the blond; he simply wanted a little tit for tat, even if it existed only in his mind. He would make it good for whoever he took home. The guy would just never know he was the unwitting star of Matthew's revenge fantasy.

  Grinning a little at the thought, his eyes zeroed in a cluster of pale hair.

  "Come to Papa," he said as he watched the two young blonds grind against each other.

  They were dirty blonds and both were tall and lanky so they weren't all that similar to Sebastian but Matthew decided he could make do with these two. He could tell they were friends. They weren't dancing for each other but for the benefit of any strong-looking guy who looked their way.

  "They're gonna love me," Matthew declared, his words drowned out by the throbbing base. He didn't even finish his beer. He'd get one of the twinks to buy him another, and not Bud Light either. Course decided, he pushed off the bar and f
ought his way through the crush of sweating bodies.

  He got pushed around more than his ego would have liked but eventually he found himself crushed against the back of one of the blonds. Matthew placed his hands on the guy's hips and leaned in so he could speak into the guy's ear.

  "You and your friend are hot," he half-shouted.

  The blond spun around and continued dancing while he looked Matthew over. Matthew gave him his best cocky grin.

  "You two should come dance at my place," he said. "I've got a great sound system in my bedroom."

  "Yeah?" the guy said. He was decently cute. Matthew wasn't a fan of the nose ring but he could deal. "You got a roommate?"

  Matthew smirked. "Nope. No one will disturb us."

  "Too bad," the guy said. "You're cute but not our type." He turned around again, putting his back to Matthew.

  Matthew stared at the back of the guy's bobbing head in shock. Then he frowned and grabbed the guy by the shoulder and turned him around again. He got an annoyed look for his efforts.

  "I'm totally your type," Matthew told him. "Come home with me."

  "You're not our type, and you just proved it."

  Matthew crossed his arms over his chest, using his hands to push up his biceps from beneath and make them bulge. "What's your type?"

  "Someone who's not cheesy. Or such a poser." The guy turned around again.

  "Poser?!" Matthew's face flamed. He squeezed his way to the side so he was beside both blonds now. The second blond was even less cute than his friend. "You two would be lucky to have me. I'd fucking rock your world."

  "Dude, you seriously did not just say that," said the first blond. He leaned in to his friend and whispered something to him as they both looked Matthew over. Whatever was said made them both snicker. Matthew wanted to bang their heads together Three Stooges style.

  "We're looking for someone who knows what he's doing," said the second blond, the one without a nose ring. He at least offered Matthew a smile, although it was pitying and Matthew would have gladly gone without. "You seem more like us."


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