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The Fry Chronicles

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by Stephen Fry

  Massey, Anna, 115-16

  Massy, Baron de, 311

  Mather, Victoria, 332-3

  Matthew, Brian, 197

  Maugham, Somerset: Home and Beauty, 93

  May, Elaine, 240

  Mayall, Rik: and Simon Gray, 44-5, 49; and new comedy, 209, 239; collaborates with Elton on The Young Ones, 210, 246; comic qualities, 213-14, 246, 387; and Ade Edmondson, 365; in Blackadder, 385-7

  Mayer, Lise, 210, 214, 246

  Mayhew-Archer, Paul, 331-2

  Me and My Girl (stage musical): revival, 260-9, 271, 300, 325, 338, 340, 342, 374; opening in Leicester, 346, 348-9; transfers to West End, 353, 357-9; staged in Australia, 390-1; produced in New York, 409-12, 415-16, 419-22; in Los Angeles, 419; international success, 424; nominated for Tony awards, 424

  Meades, Jonathan, 319-20, 324

  Melbourne Arts Centre, 391

  Memoirs of a Fox (revue), 176, 181

  Meyer, Russ, 6

  Middleditch, Penny (SF's cousin), 117

  Middleton, Thomas and Thomas Dekker: The Roaring Girl, 152-3, 155

  Miller, Jonathan, 71, 121

  Milligan, Spike, 215

  Mitchell, Bill, 291

  Mitchell, David, 121

  Mitchell, Warren, 402

  Moab is My Washpot (SF; memoir), 1-2, 17

  Moir, Jim, 296-7, 409

  Molina, Alfred, 211

  Montagu, Felicity, 332

  Monty Python (TV series), 209, 239

  Mooney, Paul, 44, 49

  Moore, Dudley, 71, 129

  Moore, G.E., 69, 335

  Moore, Oscar, 152

  Morecambe, Eric, 54, 207, 209; death, 346

  Morrison, Steve, 229, 240-1

  Morrissey (i.e. Steven Patrick Morrissey), 324

  Mulville, Jimmy, 403-4

  Nation, Terry, 218

  Neatnews (radio programme), 328-9

  Nederlander, James, 411-14, 420

  Neil, Mr (grocer), 10-11

  Nelson, Admral Horatio, 1st Viscount, 26

  Neumann, Martin (SF's grandfather), 9-10, 28

  New Statesman, The (play), 254

  New York, 409-16, 420-2

  New York Times, 419, 423

  Newell, Mike, 353

  Newman, Rob, 121

  Newsbeat (radio programme), 328

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 70

  Nichols, Mike, 240

  Nightcap (Cambridge Footlights revue), 127-9

  Noel Gay Artists (agency), 175, 235-6, 261-2, 291

  Noel Gay Music (agency), 359

  Norfolk College of Arts and Technology (NORCAT), King's Lynn, 26, 92

  Norton, Graham, 332

  Not the Nine O'Clock News (TV programme), 180-1, 193, 207, 209, 239, 383

  Nunn, Trevor, 108, 135

  Ockrent, Mike: directs Me and My Girl revival, 266-7, 269-70, 338, 340, 349; background, 269; and Stephen Sondheim's exploitation of SF's fax machine, 300-1; and Me and My Girl in Australia, 391; and Terry Allen Kramer, 414; in New York with Me and My Girl, 422-3

  Oldman, Gary, 150

  Olivier, Sir Laurence (later Baron), 93-4, 336, 351-2

  Only Fools and Horses (TV programme), 215

  Orme, Stuart, 228

  Ornstein, Dita (SF's great-aunt), 422

  Orton, Joe: Loot, 346

  Oulton, Caroline, 141-3, 152, 388

  Oxford, 70-1, 129; see also Playhouse Theatre

  Oxford and Cambridge Club, London, 377-8

  Oxford Theatre Group, 197

  Palin, Michael, 71, 129, 348

  Palmer, James, 171

  Paltrow, Gwyneth, 324

  Parker, Alan, 234

  Parkinson, Cecil, Baron, 101

  Parkinson, Sir Michael, 138

  Pascal, Blaise, 226

  Paston School, North Walsham, Norfolk, 26

  Paxman, Jeremy, 139

  Perrier Award (Edinburgh Festival), 20, 199, 202, 210

  Perry Mason (US TV series), 416-17

  Philips (schoolboy), 40-2

  Pinter, Harold: friendship with Simon Gray, 46-7; watches cricket, 52; social awkwardness, 53; smoking, 57; David Aukin produces, 268

  Playhouse Theatre, Oxford, 195

  Plowman, Jon, 210-11, 213

  Plunkett, Maryann, 416, 418, 424

  Poliakoff, Stephen: City Sugar, 134

  Pols, Bob, 92

  Pope-Hennessy, James, 49

  Popplewell, Oliver, 32

  Posner, Geoff, 396

  Potter, Dennis, 268; The Singing Detective, 353

  Powell, Enoch, 102

  Praed, Michael, 258

  Prince, Hal, 300

  Prince, Peter, 353

  Pringle, Derek, 146

  Private Function, A (film), 348

  Producers, The (Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan; play and stage musical), 423

  Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire, 27, 30, 360

  Puttnam, Sir David (later Baron), 147-8, 234, 298

  QI (TV programme): publicity, 55; taping, 63

  Queen's Head (bar), Chelsea, 221

  Queen's Theatre, London, 340, 344, 346

  Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, 318

  Quinton, Anthony, Baron, 335

  Rand, Ayn: Atlas Shrugged, 303-4

  Rashbrook, Stephen, 336

  Rattigan, Sir Terence, 337

  Ravens, Jan, 144, 191

  Reagan, Ronald, 188, 201

  Redgrave, Sir Michael, 95, 108, 183

  Redmond, Siobhan, 211, 239, 241

  Reeves, Vic, 296

  Regent Square, Bloomsbury, 340

  Reitel, Enn, 291, 415

  Rice, Matthew, 337-8, 357

  Rice, Peter, 337

  Rich, Frank, 419, 422-3

  Richard, Sir Cliff, 324

  Richardson, Charles, 394

  Richardson, Christopher, 130, 196

  Richardson, Miranda, 382, 384

  Richardson, Peter, 214

  Ridley, Nicholas, Bishop of London, 70

  Rising Damp (TV sitcom), 207

  Roberts, Michael, 308, 310

  Robinson, Robert, 139

  Robinson, Tony, 382, 384

  Rolfe, Frederick see Corvo, Baron

  Rose, Arthur, 268

  Rosen, Ralph, 423

  Rosengard, Peter, 208

  Ross, Jonathan, 6

  Ross, Sandy, 210-11, 213, 229, 241

  Rossiter, Leonard, 346

  Rumney, Peter, 122, 126

  Russell, Bertrand, 69, 185, 335

  Rylands, George ('Dadie'), 95

  Sachs, Andrew, 332

  Sahlins, Bernie, 240-1

  Sahlins, Marshall, 240

  St Mark's Rise, Dalston, 365

  Sands, Bobby, 201

  Sarchet, Tony, 331

  Sassoon, Siegfried, 176

  Sastry, Sunetra (Mrs Rowan Atkinson), 387-8

  Saturday Live (TV programme), 391, 394-7, 402, 409

  Saturday Night Live (TV programme), 240

  Saunders, Jennifer, 209, 214, 296, 364

  Savident, John, 297

  Sax, Geoffrey, 254

  Sayle, Alexei, 205-7, 209, 239

  Sayle, Linda, 206

  Scargill, Arthur, 201

  Schlesinger, John, 401

  Schlesinger, Paul, 189

  Scofield, Paul, 164

  Scotsman, The (newspaper), 127, 155-6

  Scott, Ridley, 234

  Scott, Tony, 234

  Scott's Porage Oats, 19

  Sessions, John, 44, 46, 49, 252

  Sewell, Brian, 319, 332

  sex: and smoking, 24-5

  Shakespeare, William, 85-6, 94; All's Well That Ends Well, 149; Love's Labour's Lost, 188-9, 282; Macbeth, 135-6; The Tempest, 113-16, 136, 160

  Shand, Neil, 333

  Shaw, George Bernard, 57

  Shearer, Paul: in Alfresco, 20; in Footlights revue, 172, 190, 192; Armitage signs up, 194, 262; and Elton's The Young Ones, 210; and televising of The Cellar Tapes, 214; leaves There's Nothing to Worry About, 229; in The Crystal Cube, 297
  Shepherd, Peter, 306

  Sherlock Holmes Society of London, 19

  Sherriff, R.C., 60

  Sherrin, Ned, 329-30, 333-4

  Short Circuit (film), 88

  Short, Nigel, 81

  Simpkin, Paul, 176

  Sinclair, John Gordon, 44, 48-9

  Skeat, W.W., 89

  Slattery, Tony, 155, 190, 213-14, 259, 262, 332

  Smith, Arthur, 332

  Smith, Dame Maggie, 348

  Smith, Mel, 180, 209, 247, 296

  Smith, Sir Paul, 293

  smoking: SF's addiction to, 23-30, 33-4, 37-40, 50, 56-8; and sex, 24-5; Simon Gray's addiction to, 44-5, 50, 57; SF gives up, 53-6, 58-9, 62-3, 424

  Snow, Greg, 176

  Softley, Ian, 113-15, 136

  Sondheim, Stephen, 300-5

  Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, 121-2, 124, 126-7

  Southgate Road, London, 352, 354, 363

  Speak, Peter, 82-3

  Spearing, A.C., 78

  Speight, Johnny, 402

  Spenser, Edmund, 106

  Spitting Image (TV programme), 383, 394

  Stamp, Gavin, 319

  Stebbing Park, Essex, 258, 296

  Stevenson, Pamela, 391

  Stewart, Patrick, 93

  Stiller, Jerry, 61

  Sting (born Gordon Sumner), 324

  Stoker, Bram: Dracula, 190, 205

  Stone, Adam, 176

  Stoppard, Sir Tom, 52-3, 57, 64; Travesties, 97, 152

  Stormbreaker (film), 255

  Stouts Hill (school), 11, 13

  Strachey, Lytton, 69

  Sturridge, Mary-Lou, 406

  Suchet, David, 191

  sugar beet, 10

  Sugar Puffs (cereal), 6-8, 10-11, 19

  Sullivan, John, 215

  sweets and chocolate, 12-17, 19-20

  Swinnerton-Dyer, Sir Peter, 157

  Swinton, Tilda, 181-2, 259

  Sykes, Eric, 215

  Symons, Nick, 342, 353, 363, 365

  Tafler, Jonathan, 127, 135-6

  Tandy, Jessica, 417

  Tatler (magazine), 299, 306, 308-10, 318-20, 324

  Taylor, Barry, 114, 136, 149-52

  Temple, John G., 241-2

  Temple, Julian, 250

  Tennant, David, 90

  Terrence Higgins Trust, 393

  That Was The Week That Was (TV programme), 329

  Thatcher, Carol, 332-3

  Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness, 83, 201, 208, 294-5, 328, 333, 380

  There's Nothing to Worry About (TV sketch show), 20, 228-9, 238, 280, 373

  This Is David Harper (earlier This Is David Lander; TV programme), 332, 356, 404

  Thompson, Emma: at Cambridge, 20, 98-101, 128, 143-4, 149, 152, 166, 172, 190, 192; sees Latin in Edinburgh, 156; Armitage signs up, 175, 262; in Memoirs of a Fox revue, 181; background, 208; writes for Granada show, 210; natural gifts, 213; and televising of The Cellar Tapes, 214; performs in Ben Elton sketches, 228, 239; visits Richard Armitage, 258; in The Crystal Cube (TV programme), 297; moderates work commitments, 321; plays in Me and My Girl, 343, 348

  Thompson, Eric, 98

  Thornton, Frank, 338, 348

  Time Out (magazine), 208, 299

  Tinguely, Jean, 152

  Toksvig, Sandi, 144

  Tolkien, J.R.R., 92

  Tolkin, Michael and Stephen, 250-2

  Trueman, Brian, 138

  Trueman, Fred, 54

  Truss, Lynn, 299

  Tune, Tommy, 420

  Twisk, Russell, 299, 319

  Two Ronnies (Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett), 209

  United Artists (film corporation), 145

  United States of America: SF visits, 59-60, 409-19; SF makes TV travel series on, 63

  University Challenge (TV show), 137; parodied, 246-7

  Uppingham School, 18-19, 33, 91, 130, 196

  Ustinov, Sir Peter, 270

  Valentine, Jeremy, 32

  Varney, Reg, 336

  Wade, Joanna, 154

  Wagner, Richard, 82; Ring Cycle, 165

  Walker, Mike, 349

  Walter, Harriet, 353

  Ward, Don, 208

  Waugh, Evelyn, 31, 129

  Webb, Robert, 121

  Webber, Andrew Lloyd, Baron, 160, 258

  Webber Douglas Academy, 193

  Weiland, Paul, 234-7

  Welland, Colin, 145, 352

  Welles, Orson, 238

  Whalley, Joanne, 353

  Whim (burger bar), Cambridge, 177-8

  Whitbread (brewers), 234-8

  Whitehouse, Paul, 366, 394, 402

  Who Dares Wins (TV programme), 403-4

  Who Do You Think You Are? (TV programme), 9

  Wilde, Oscar: SF imitates, 27; smoking, 56-7; as Oxford man, 71, 129; SF plays in Have You Seen the Yellow Book?, 144; The Picture of Dorian Gray, 56

  Williams, Charles: Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury (verse play), 92

  Wilmot, Gary, 415

  Wilson, Dennis Main, 215-17, 219

  Wilson, Harold, Baron, 54

  Wilson, Jack, 171

  Wilson, Ross, 51

  Wise, Ernie, 207, 209

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 69

  Wodehouse, P.G., 47, 57

  Wogan, Sir Terry, 334

  Woman's Hour (stage show), 143-4

  Wood, John, 93

  Woolf, Virginia, 71

  Wordsworth, William, 5, 110

  Wyke, Rob, 113, 160

  Yarwood, Mike, 209

  Yeats, W.B.: translation of Oedipus Rex, 127

  Yes, Minister (TV programme), 336, 345

  Young Ones, The (TV comedy series), 210, 214, 245-7, 364, 383-4

  Young Winston (film), 354

  Zanzibar club, London, 402-6

  Zyban (drug; amfebutamone), 58-3

  Table of Contents


  C is for C12H22O11 for Cereal, for Candy, for Caries, for Cavities, for Carbohydrates, for Calories

  C is for Cigarettes for Convict, for Cundall, for Corporal Punishment, for Common Pursuit, for Cessa

  1. College to Colleague


  College and Class

  Chess, Classics, Classical Composers, Curiosity and Cheating

  Caledonia 1

  Cherubs, Coming Out, Continent

  Challenge 1

  Corpus Christening

  Chariots 1

  Caledonia 2




  Comedy Colleague, Collaborator and Comrade

  Continuity and Clubroom

  Comedy Credits


  Chariots 2

  Corpsing Chorus

  Cellar Tapes and Celebration

  Cheerio, Cambridge

  Caledonia 3

  2. Comedy

  Carry on Capering

  Clash of Cultures

  Chelsea, Coleherne Clones and Conscience

  Colonel and Coltrane

  Computer 1




  Challenge 2


  Church and Chekhov

  Cockney Capers

  Chichester 1

  Crises of Confidence


  Commercials, Covent Garden, Compact Discs, Cappuccinos and Croissants

  Crystal Cube


  Cryptic in Connecticut


  Critics and Couriers

  Confirmed Celibate

  Characters and the Corporation

  Colonel and Mrs Chichester



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