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Light of Dawn

Page 13

by Angela Colsin

  “Even so, why didn't they find us at the hotel last night? Why not send a whole group out, come here, and take me now?”

  “Because of the humans around,” he answered plainly. “There's an Order serving as the ultimate authority in mortal realms like this called The Crucible. They protect mortal interests, and any supernatural race residing here has to bide by their laws. So if Lillian or one of her people came here, they could risk anything, but most likely exposure, and that would be the fastest way to draw The Crucible's attention.”

  That all made plenty of sense, not that Charlotte felt more at ease. Instead, dread churned in her gut as she asked, “So they'll be able to track me for the rest of my life?”

  “No, only as long as your blood lasts in their system, though if they have more, someone would have to find and destroy the source, or kill the vampires who've tasted it.”

  “But … could it be done?” she asked on the off chance that maybe it wouldn't be too difficult.

  “It'd take time to track down their lairs, but it could be done.”

  Though a positive response, Charlotte's mood sank with disappointment. His answer meant she'd be in danger long after he'd gotten the box, making her near future seem hopeless when she had no idea what she should do and was too drained to figure it out.

  Actually, she almost felt like crying.


  Ulric's voice was gentle, and she looked to see a determined expression on his face that was full of promise as he slipped over next to her.

  “I'm not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Though his reassurance was appreciated, she had to remind him of how short their trip was going to be. “Ulric, we'll probably reach Tallahassee sometime tomorrow, and I doubt things will change before then.”

  Frustrated, Charlotte tried to stand, but Ulric grasped her wrist, making her stay put. She stumbled, almost landing on him, casting her gaze to his face. He looked ready to tell her something, but the moment their eyes met, her thoughts came to a screeching halt, close enough to detect his rain washed scent and feel the heat radiating from his body.

  Her reaction to it seemed almost instinctive. Without thought for consequence, Charlotte leaned in to kiss him.

  Ulric moved at the same time, letting the sexiest, most masculine groan she'd ever heard as their lips met. Ironically, it felt like lightning struck, making her lightheaded. She'd never experienced anything quite like it, slipping her arms around his neck as his tongue brushed her lips, and she parted them in invitation.

  Their tongues met, entwining hotly, and Ulric tugged her onto his lap like she weighed next to nothing, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Her entire body responded unexpectedly, her heart thumping in her chest as his big hands traveled up and down her back.

  She shivered with a desire that tingled across her skin, whimpering in surprise as his tongue skillfully thrust into her mouth the way he might've done between her thighs, making an unfamiliar ache blossom at her core. Clawing her nails at his back, Charlotte was lost with his mouth slanting over hers greedily—possessively.

  Kissing had never felt this way before, not once. It was always a pleasant display of affection to the person she loved, not a mere hint of something that promised to go so much more deeply it would hurt if she denied herself.

  That ache became so strong it brought reality back, and Charlotte suddenly went tense, realizing she was in Ulric's lap, kissing him as if her life depended on it. Not only that, but she was so aroused it actually did hurt.

  Every inch of her body was awake with need, begging for his touch, and confusing the hell out of her.

  What am I doing! Charlotte broke her mouth from his and sat back, panting. “No, wait!”

  Ulric let her go, though she could tell he was just as affected by the kiss as she'd been, though perhaps not as mortified. I don't even know if he's single!

  Ready to apologize profusely for her impulsive action, another voice sounded from across the room, interrupting her.

  “Don't worry, Yules might be rusty, but kissing's like riding a bike. He'll get better at it.”

  Charlotte jumped, looking to see who'd snuck in while they were unaware—if it was a vampire, she was going to be extremely pissed off despite her embarrassment.

  But the man she spotted sitting in the armchair across the way made her hesitate. He had fiery, glowing eyes that looked chaotic, and a crop of wavy, dark hair hanging down to his jaw.

  Ulric only sighed in irritation, however, making her extremely curious about who the hell this was, and what he wanted.

  Chapter 14

  Ulric couldn't decide if Isaac's timing was good or bad. He'd just experienced the most fulfilling kiss he'd ever shared, especially for how short it was—though he feared he may have jumped the gun.

  It was important to tell Charlotte about his suspicions before making a move, yet she'd looked so worried over her future that all he could think about was kissing her until those troubles melted away. So when she took the initiative, he couldn't resist.

  It was the first kiss he'd had in decades, and was completely beyond compare.

  Her lips were soft, yielding to his, and Ulric was surprised by how vividly she reacted. When her nails dug into his back with a surprised whimper, it was as if he'd tapped into some need she didn't know she possessed, making him ache as his tongue thrust into her mouth in a promise of how he'd satisfy it.

  He could only imagine what it'd be like to learn every inch of her, find out what she liked and take advantage of it until she was trembling with arousal, then make love to her for longer than she could stand. He groaned into her mouth over the thought, swirling his tongue around hers before slowly stroking, savoring every moment.

  Furthermore, the mistreatment he'd suffered in the past was nothing more than a distant memory with Charlotte so close, her presence soothing as he held her tight.

  When she clutched him back like her life depended on being with him, Ulric never wanted it to end.

  But all too soon, Charlotte backed away. He let her go despite his lust when she still needed to know the truth, trying not to think about how she'd fit against him like the missing piece of a puzzle.

  The thought was both overwhelming as well as disconcerting. She's mortal. One day she'll die.

  Before he could become too dismayed, a familiar voice broke through his dismal thoughts. Ulric rolled his eyes at the comment about how rusty he was at kissing, looking from the couch and across the coffee table to see Isaac seated in one of the armchairs.

  “I’m gonna have to start knocking instead of just showing up, aren’t I?”

  Ulric shook his head. “I thought you were rounding up lupines.”

  “Consider them rounded,” Isaac returned, then waved a hand at Charlotte. “Dalris asked me to check in and see if you needed anything, but he didn't say your company was so attractive.”

  His tone was suggestive, as if all too ready to know exactly what was going on, prompting Charlotte to ask, “Ulric, who is this?”

  “A friend who lacks modesty,” Ulric answered. “He’s been helping me with the curse box. Isaac, this is Charlotte.”

  She looked completely unsure what to think, asking Isaac, “How long have you been there?”

  “Long enough to know you drive Yules crazier than any female I’ve seen in over seventy years.”

  Charlotte glanced at Ulric in confusion as he turned a sour expression on his friend. “Of all the times you could’ve popped up, you had to pick now. Why didn’t you just leave when you saw I was busy?”

  “I was too stunned to pry my gaze away. Sorry,” he shrugged.

  Ulric rolled his eyes as Charlotte hesitantly inquired, “Is he a … vampire?”

  “Hell no,” Isaac answered first. “I’m a demon.”

  Charlotte's eyes went wide with surprise the way most mortal's tended to in learning of Isaac's heritage, though demons differed from realm to realm. Isaac was used to the look as we
ll, making no reaction as he settled himself forward in his seat, focusing his gaze on Ulric with a curious smirk. “Speaking of races, I’m detecting a bit of nature coming off this one. Charlotte have a surprise up her sleeve?”

  “You could say that,” Ulric confirmed. “She’s part fae.”

  “Fae, huh? They're attractive in a forbidden fruit kind of way. Does Isadora know?”

  “No clue, I can’t seem to get in touch with her.”

  “Not surprising. She's always been flaky.”

  Ulric shrugged, and Charlotte glanced at him, pursing her lips. “Ulric, your friend’s a demon?”

  “Are you afraid, cutie?” Isaac inquired deviously.

  “No,” Charlotte snapped, though Ulric could tell she was tense, and he felt the need to make sure Isaac didn't go too far, giving a hard look.

  “Don’t start, Isaac. Not with her.”

  In turn, Isaac seemed very intrigued. “What's that supposed to mean, Yules?”

  Ulric withheld a groan, unable to explain his protectiveness because Charlotte didn't know the reason for it either. So he gave Isaac a cryptic look, stating casually, “Nothing, just don’t start.”

  “Whatever,” Isaac retorted, knowing Ulric's look meant to let it go for now. Sitting back in his seat again, he changed the subject. “So, Dalris said you were protecting her from vampires until you could get the box.”

  “Yeah, and I'm pretty sure they've had her blood. If you could scout, I should have the box by tomorrow, and Charlotte can be taken to a Spire.”

  At that, Charlotte grew curious. “What's a Spire?”

  “It's a supernatural sanctuary,” Ulric explained. “There's several of them in this country alone, overseen by The Crucible, and you can stay there until this blows over.”

  “Vampires wouldn't be there?”

  “They would, but a Spire's purpose is peace and safety, so if they hurt you inside one, they'd be executed without question.”

  Charlotte seemed to understand, though her expression suggested she was uncertain, probably wondering why he'd take her to such a place when that wasn't a part of their original deal—just as he'd anticipated.

  But Ulric wouldn't address the matter until they were alone, putting his attention back on Isaac. “That a problem?”

  “Nope. Just keep your medallion handy.”

  Several years ago, Ulric acquired a medallion that allowed Isaac to find him whenever he helped on a job. Using it now, the demon could teleport about to check for danger without loosing them while they traveled to Tallahassee.

  “It's in my case,” Ulric confirmed.

  “Then I'll go take a look around, see what's up,” With those words, Isaac’s form burned away in a brief wash of fire that made Charlotte blink in surprise.

  “Where did he go?”

  “Teleported,” Ulric answered.

  Curiously, Charlotte's eyes drifted over the chair where Isaac had just been before asking, “And he's a friend?”

  “Yes. I know hearing the word demon worries you, but Isaac’s different. He’s gotten me out of more binds than I care to admit. Believe me, he's trustworthy.”

  “I believe you, but what did he mean about driving you crazier than anyone in seventy years?”

  Ulric tensed, unwilling to discuss that topic. “Nothing. There's something more important I need to tell you before we go anyway.”

  Her lips pursed as if she knew he was dodging the subject, but thankfully, she didn't push. “Okay, and while you're at it, tell me why you'd take me to a … Spire? Won't that just take more time?”

  Ulric sighed, wondering how to put it. He'd already considered several different ways to gently present the truth, but now, nothing seemed appropriate.

  “Is it about that kiss?” she asked through his thoughts, sounding embarrassed. “Because that was a mistake. I barely know you. I don't even know if you're single!”

  “I'm single, Charlotte, don't worry,” Ulric countered, “and that kiss would've happened sooner or later. Ever since I met you, I've felt drawn to you, protective, and it's only gotten stronger over time.”

  Now she looked hesitant. “What? Why?”

  “Do you remember what I told you about how the fae know when they've found a mate?” At her nod, he continued, “Draconians also eternally bond. With our kind, it's the dragon side, the greedy one that likes to hoard treasures. That possessiveness extends to our mates.”

  Charlotte looked contemplative, but at the same time, she seemed wary. “What does that have to do with feeling drawn to me?”

  “At first, I didn't think it meant anything greater than some innate charm you might possess as a fae,” he began. “Mortals and immortals don't mix, so it seemed random. But now, after how strong these feelings have become … ”

  He trailed, casting his gaze over at her to gauge her reaction before admitting, “I didn't want to say this because I don't know the answers, and you're going through a lot, but it could be possible for you to shift into a fae. If you did, you'd become immortal.”

  Charlotte was now staring at him like he'd grown another head. “You mean I wouldn't be human anymore?”

  “Not if you transitioned the way some races can.”

  “And if I did … If I could, you think you might … imprint on me?”

  “If it's possible, yes, you could be the one. But understand,” he added seriously, “I wouldn't tell you this if I simply had a passing interest. In all honestly, I've never felt this way, Charlotte, not about anyone. So there's your answer, the reason I'd take you to a sanctuary, deal or not. If there's even a remote chance you're my mate, sweetness, I'd do anything to ensure your safety.”

  She was quiet, and he let her have those moments to absorb the information. Maybe she wouldn't react negatively at all. Maybe she'd be able to handle it now that she was accustomed to the fact that he wasn't human.

  “Oh my god,” Charlotte muttered as she stood from the couch. “I can't believe this.”

  Or maybe not.

  Ulric got up behind her. “What?”

  “This,” she retorted. “Ever since I got that box, it's like I can't catch a break. Vampires attacked me, you ransacked my apartment, and I'm not even fully human. Now Julian won't call me back, and I kissed you not only to find out that you think I might be … your eternal mate or whatever, but also that I … ”

  She trailed as if to hide something, then changed the subject, leaving Ulric highly curious about what their kiss might've told her.

  “You're right,” she muttered dejectedly, “I can't handle anymore, Ulric. It's just too much, and I'm even more sorry I kissed you now than I was before.”

  Ulric could understand her distress, but her regret didn't settle right. He wanted to hear that she'd enjoyed their kiss at least a little, feeling as if he'd somehow failed her otherwise.

  Before he could comment on it, Charlotte's expression became enlightened as she exclaimed, “That's why you always sound so offended by my marriage, isn't it? And why you confronted Mitchell.”

  Ulric straightened his shoulders, shrugging, “Maybe. Every time I think of you with that asshole, it makes me more jealous than I've ever been.”

  She frowned, protesting, “Mitchell's not an asshole, Ulric. You don't even know him.”

  “He divorced you, then called you a lying bitch on suspicion alone. He's an asshole.”

  “No, he just wasn't ready!”

  Her attempts to defend Mitchell only made Ulric even more envious—saying that was possible—and he retorted angrily, “Then he should've said so before you were married instead of breaking your fucking heart!”

  Despite his tone, Charlotte didn't flinch, taking exception without batting a single eyelash, and damned if it didn't make him want her even more.

  “That's not fair, Ulric! Sometimes people don't know what they really want, and he thought he wanted to be married! It's none of your business anyway!”

  Charlotte turned as if she were done arguing and wanted
to go, but Ulric wasn't finished, grabbing her hand to pull her back. As a result, she stumbled into him, and he latched his arms around her waist to keep her there.

  This wasn't over by a long shot.

  Chapter 15

  Charlotte was ready to scream.

  She needed time to think and figure things out, but in trying to walk away, she found herself pressed firmly against Ulric and locked into place. Feeling his hard body against hers made her heart thud, and after learning he believed she could potentially be his mate under the right circumstances, such a reaction was hard to handle.

  “Let go!”

  Instead of conceding, he asked, “Why do you defend him when he hurt you?”

  “I'm not defending him, I'm defending myself,” she countered.


  “Because if he's an asshole, then I have crap taste in men, and it makes me look stupid for marrying him! But I guess that actually makes perfect sense when I think you're attractive!”

  She was so angry she didn't care to censor herself, struggling against his hold again while demanding, “Now let me go, damn it!”

  Charlotte didn't realize his expression had softened until he surprised her with an agreement. “I will, but first, let me tell you something you should know.”

  Sighing, she temporarily gave up her struggle with a defeated, “What?”

  “I also think your ex is an idiot,” he stated plainly.

  “God,” she groaned. “Why is that? Because he married me without knowing if he was ready?”

  “No, because he left you. I'd be lucky to have a mate who's so determined, loyal, and beautiful. You're not stupid for being with him, Charlotte. He's idiotic for leaving.”

  Charlotte hadn't expected such high praise, only able to hold his gaze for a moment before she had to look away in embarrassment. But she soon found Ulric lifting her face with a few fingers under her chin, and saw a heat in his eyes that dazed her.

  “If it turns out that we're mates,” he started gently, “I'd never take you for granted, and I don't expect anything from you now. I'm just sorry the truth couldn't wait until you were ready to hear it.”


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