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Risky (Unexpected Lovers Book 4)

Page 10

by JB Heller

  Dax makes a show of checking his watch then arches a brow. “What have you guys been doing for the last hour?”

  He’s trying to make us uncomfortable or embarrass us, but he’s going to have to do a lot better than that to embarrass me. Tia, however, turns into my chest, hiding her face from her big brother. I smirk at him; I can play this game too.

  “What do you think we’ve been doing?” I ask with a salacious grin.

  He makes a face. “Dude, no. Just…no.”

  I bounce my brows, and Dax fake gags. Arlo busts out laughing as I scoop Tia up in my arms, bridal style, and turn for the stairs. “We’ll be down in twenty.”

  “No funny business when I’m in the suite!” Dax calls after us then mutters something about needing a drink.

  Upstairs, I place Tia on her feet then smack her ass as I walk past her, grinning at the little squeak she makes. I grab our bags and toss them onto the end of the bed. “Grab some clothes, babe, and come have a shower with me.”

  Her cheeks flame. “But everyone’s here,” she whisper-hisses.

  Turning back to her, I cup her face in my palms. “Babe, our first time is not going to happen while other people are within earshot. We’re going to get in the shower, wash ourselves off, then get dressed and meet everyone downstairs.”

  “Oh, well, okay then,” she murmurs.

  I give her a quick kiss before pulling back and grabbing a fresh pair of jeans, underwear, and a button down, then head to the attached bathroom. Inside, I turn on the shower then strip off and step under the warm spray. Tipping my head back, I close my eyes as the water cascades over my face and down my body.

  The soft click of the glass shower door opening has me lowering my head to take in the sight of Tia approaching me. Goddamn, she’s so fucking perfect with her long, toned legs, light-bronze skin, and deep-brown locks in a messy knot atop her head. I reach for her, tugging her into my arms and kissing her senseless.

  Her palms lay limp against my chest as I take her face between my hands and deepen the kiss. I moan into her mouth, my dick hard as stone wedged between our bodies.

  “When we get back here tonight, I’m going to kiss every inch of your delectable body, getting you hot and wet before sliding my cock inside that perfect tight pussy of yours.”

  She whimpers, her hips rocking forward with the sound.

  “But until then,” I say, dropping an almost chaste kiss to her swollen lips. “We’re going to wash off, go to a show, and share an amazing meal with our friends and family.”

  Dropping her forehead to my shoulder, she breathes out. “Okay, but what are you going to do about this?” she asks, wrapping a hand around my solid length and giving it a little squeeze.

  “Nothing,” I tell her, slapping her hand away. “He’ll keep for a few hours.”

  Fifteen minutes later, we trot down the stairs, hand in hand. Tia looks gorgeous with her hair hanging in loose waves down her back in a cute little navy-blue dress that barely reaches her knees and a pair of black sandals.

  “Alright, bitches, you ready to roll?” I ask the room.

  A series of grumbled responses are voiced, but I’m too busy staring at my girl to heed them.

  Our group arrives at the theater just before the doors close, and we file in, taking our seats, front and center of the stage. The lights have already dimmed, and the show is about to start. Tia loops her arm through mine and snuggles into my shoulder as the curtains part, revealing a tall, slender woman standing with her back to the audience.

  A light travels up the middle of the stage, illuminating her trim figure. My gaze skates over her long, sculpted legs—she obviously never misses leg day. They seem to go on forever. She’s easily seven feet tall, and that’s without her heels. She’s a veritable giant of a woman. As music fills the auditorium, her hips begin to sway to the beat, then her voice joins the melody, singing the opening lines to “Seven Nation Army” by The White Stripes.

  She’s exceptionally talented, and the way her body moves in time with the tune is hypnotizing. Then, she spins right as the song reaches its crescendo.

  Umm, what the what?

  My mouth falls open, and I jerk back in shock. The guy—no, lady, no… I don’t know the politically correct term to use, but he or she has an epically magnificent, full ginger beard that matches her perfectly coiffed hair.

  I blink repeatedly then run my palm over my own facial hair, my mouth turning down at the corners. Dear God, I think I’m envious of a drag queen. What in the ever-loving fuck? But that beard is glorious.

  “Hey, you okay?” Tia asks, leaning farther into my side.

  I spare her a quick glance as I tell her, “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “You sure? I know it’s not really your thing, but Addy and I really wanted to hit up a Vegas drag show,” she says.

  “It’s all good, babe. I’m just kinda stunned and…mesmerized. He’s so masculine with the beard and biceps, but then you throw in the makeup and dress…” I pause, shaking my head. “My mind has officially been blown.”

  “She’s something else, alright.” She chuckles, and I can hear the happiness in her voice. “So, does that mean you like it?”

  Tipping my head, I brush a kiss to the top of her head. “Yeah, babe, I’ve never been to one of these before. I wasn’t expecting her to be a dude, but it’s cool.”

  Her eyes sparkle as she peers up at me. “Good.”

  The show moves from act to act, each more outstanding than the last. I’m on a weird high as we exit the theater.

  I never expected that I, Bates Handler, manly man that I am, would enjoy a drag show, but here we are.

  I’m taken aback by the grandeur of the restaurant Lennon booked for tonight. It’s absolutely stunning. I keep one hand curled around Bates’s elbow as he guides me through the maze of black-topped tables adorned with white and dark-purple calla lilies in tall, almost transparent, green vases. I swallow as my gaze takes in the rich violet walls adorned by gold-framed mirrors and black wrought-iron sconces.

  We reach our table in a quiet corner in the back of the restaurant away from prying eyes, and Bates drags a plush black leather chair out for me. I sit, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip. It’s all so luxurious and extravagant. I didn’t think places like this were even real.

  A server passes out a stack of menus, takes our drink orders, then scurries off to fill them. She didn’t even ask Arlo for ID when he ordered a beer. I tilt my head as I watch him chatting up my sister. He doesn’t look nineteen, that’s for sure. I should probably mention his age to Dani.

  Bates’s arm is slung over the back of my chair, his fingertips lightly dancing over the bare skin of my shoulder, causing goose flesh to rise. “You cold, babe?” he asks.

  I smile and shake my head. “Nope, I’m good.”

  He quirks a brow, but lets it go as he’s drawn back into conversation with the other guys. He continues to trace little patterns over my exposed skin, and a wave of absolute contentment washes over me, filling my chest with warmth. I take a deep breath, relaxing farther back in my seat as tension I didn’t even realize I’d been holding leeches from my body.

  “What are you thinking about, Titi? You’ve got a dreamy expression on your face. In fact, you’re practically glowing,” Adley says with a cheeky grin.

  I can’t help the upturn of my lips as I shrug. “I’m just happy.”

  “Hmm, maybe I need to get me some of whatever you’ve been havin’,” she jokes, waggling her brows. “Happy looks good on you.”

  Kinsley nods. “Agreed.”

  The server returns with our drinks, handing them out, then she takes everyone’s food orders before leaving again.

  “What’d you get?” Dani asks, pointing to my drink as I take a sip.

  “A lychee martini; it’s delicious. What’s yours?” I ask, eyeing the pink concoction she’s nursing.

  She takes a drink, her eyes illuminating with delight, then she licks a drop off her bottom lip. “I
t’s a pink champagne margarita, and it’s orgasmic.” She moans.

  “Ew, nasty,” Addy whines. “Keep that shit to yourself.”

  Dani throws her head back, laughing at Addy’s revulsion. “Jealous, Adley? Haven’t had any orgasm-inducing experiences lately?”

  My bestie rolls her eyes then picks up her own beverage and tastes it.

  “Sooo,” Dani hedges. “Anything?”

  Addy frowns as her shoulders sag. “Maybe I’m broken. I haven’t come in, like, six months.”

  My eyes bug out, and I choke on my drink. Bates immediately thumps my back with an open hand as I cough and splutter.

  “You okay?” he asks, concern etched in his gaze.

  “Yep,” I croak. “I just, umm…” I send Dani and Addy pleading looks.

  But it’s Dax who finishes my sentence. “She got overwhelmed by the mention of the baron wasteland that is her best friend’s vagina.”

  Bates stills. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Adley gasps and smacks Dax upside the head. “You are not allowed to speak about my cooch!”

  “Hey, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to lower your voice when having a personal conversation. Or that you’re having said conversation when I’m sitting right next to you!” he snaps, righting his messed hair.

  When their pissed-off gazes lock in a glaring contest neither is willing to lose, I shift my attention back to Bates. “Don’t worry, they’ll be fine. This is an old song and dance between them. They’re either getting along like two peas in a pod, or they hate each other with a vengeance.”

  Bates frowns at them then shakes his head. “Yeah, okay. But is it just me, or are they throwing off some serious fuck-me vibes?”

  “What?” I squeak, rearing back. “What are you talking about?”

  He shrugs. “They’re, like, throwing each other fuck-me eyes. I bet you they hate-fuck all the time.”

  I’m speechless. Completely and utterly speechless.

  “What? You don’t see it?” he asks.

  “No, no I don’t. And I don’t want to. Ever.”

  Thankfully, before he can respond, the server reappears with our meals. Bates digs into his steak, and I poke at my creamy chicken pasta, my gaze drifting between my brother and best friend. They don’t look like they’re into each other.

  Three lychee martinis later and I’m feeling all kinds of fine. Resting my head on Bates’s shoulder, I peer up at him dreamily. He’s so sexy I want to lick him. Oh, he’s my real boyfriend now, so I totally can lick him! I stretch until I can reach his throat then run my tongue up the side of it to his ear.

  His body stiffens, and he immediately halts the conversation he was carrying on with Atticus. His head jerks in my direction, heat blazing in his eyes. “Princess, did you just lick me?”

  A dopey grin curves my lips, and I nod. “Yep. You taste gooood.” So good, in fact, I do it again.

  “Stop that,” he hisses quietly. “You’ll give me hard-on before we even leave the restaurant. If you want to go back to the room, all you have to do is say so.”

  “I want to leave,” I say, smiling so wide my cheeks feels funny. “Can we go dancing? I want to dance. Adley says I’m not a good dancer, but I don’t care. I still like it.”

  He tilts his head, his brows furrowing as his gaze rakes over my face. “Babe,” he murmurs. “Are you drunk?”

  I sit up, gasping theatrically and placing a hand against my chest. “No!” A half grin tips his lips. I think he’s fighting a smile, or maybe he’s trying not to laugh? I narrow my eyes at him. “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Maybe?” He chuckles. “I’ve never seen you drunk before. You’re cute as fuck.”

  My brows take a nosedive. “I am not drunk!”

  He quirks a brow. “Oh, really? Walk in a straight line for me.”

  Puffing up my chest, I grip my hips and glare at him. “I could if I wanted to. But you’re not the boss of me, and I don’t have to do what you say.”

  “Ah shit, who gave the one-shot wonder more than two drinks?” Dani says from her side of the table.

  I swing my glare to her. “I resent that,” I say, moving my arms to cross under my boobs. I glance down at them—my boobs. They look really good in this dress; I should wear it more often.

  Bates’s strong arm encircles my shoulders, and I sigh happily, so warm and cozy. He chuckles then brushes a kiss to my temple. I close my eyes and sink into his embrace, completely oblivious to everyone around us. A naughty thought occurs to me, and I like it—a lot. So I run with it.

  I go for an air of nonchalance as I glide my palm up the inside of his thigh until I reach his semi-hard length. My fingers grip it through his jeans, and I stroke. He jolts in his seat, gripping my wrist firmly with his free hand and shooting me a wide-eyed look.

  “What?” I ask, ensuring I keep my tone completely innocent.

  He shakes his head, muttering—more to himself than me, I think—“She’s trying to get me arrested for public indecency.”

  I’ve never seen Tia have more than one drink. I guess now I know why.

  She is out of control, and if we were in the privacy of our room, I wouldn’t mind. But in the middle of a crowded restaurant where I’ve picked up the recognition in several people’s gazes when they spot me and Arch…umm, no. My grip on her wrist tightens as she wriggles her fingers.

  “Babe, not here,” I murmur in her ear. She frowns at me, and I dip my head to kiss her softly. “Later, I promise.”

  “Fine,” she grumbles then disentangles herself from my side. “Who wants to dance? I want to dance,” she declares, standing on wobbly legs.

  Danika smirks, Dax cringes, and Adley grins.

  “Oh my,” Kinsley says, breathing out and covering her mouth as she stares at Tia.

  I jolt my head to her and am about swallow my tongue. Tia’s obviously decided she’s hot, because she’s gripping the hem of her dress, readying herself to pull it up. I grab both her wrists then tug her into my lap. “I think it’s time to pay the bill and bounce,” I tell my sister who’s gaping at us.

  “I’ll sort it out. You go take care of her,” Lenny says, amusement clear in her voice. “Good luck.”

  I stand, wrapping one of Tia’s arms around my hips and taking her opposite hand in mine. “Let’s go, babe.”

  “To dance?” she asks, an excited smile on her pretty, flushed face.

  “Kinda,” I tell her. “You can dance for me—in our room…”

  Her eyes widen, and she beams up at me. “Oh, I’ve never pole-danced before. But I’ve always wanted to try. I can do a strip tease for you, then you can bend me over, and we can finally have sex,” she announces.

  God help me. If I survive this night, I’ll deserve a medal.

  Everyone at our table is either gagging (Dax) or laughing (everyone else). Not to mention the people sitting at the tables closest to ours who heard her little pronouncement.

  “We’ll play it by ear. Let’s just get you back to the room first, then we can see how you feel.”

  I start to move us away from our table when she pulls out of my grasp. “Wait, I haven’t said goodbye,” she says, turning back to our friends.

  Her sister and bestie stand, and Tia drags them both into her arms for a double hug, then she kisses their cheeks and moves on to Kinsley and Atticus. My eyes nearly pop out of my head when she smacks Atticus’s ass upon releasing him from his hug. Arlo is next, and the cocky little fucker laps up every ounce of her attention. He squeezes her extra tight, and she giggles—fucking giggles—then presses a too-long-for-comfort kiss to his cheek.

  I yank her away from him, giving the shady little fucker the stink eye. “Okay, that’ll do, princess. You can wave your goodbyes to Len and Arch.”

  “Oh.” She pouts then gives them a pathetic little finger wave. “Bye, guys. See you tomorrow.”

  Tucking her back into my side, we exit the restaurant and head for the elevator bank without a backward glance. Thank fuc
k Len chose one of the restaurants in our hotel tonight.

  By the time I wrangle Tia into our suite, she’s tired and lagging. I scoop her up into my arms and carry her up the stairs then deposit her on the bed. She gives me a sleepy smile then curls onto her side, falling fast asleep.

  I didn’t think this was how our night would end, but it’s better than her attempting to drunkenly seduce me. Because the first time I sink my dick into my girl, she’s not going to be drunk off her ass. No matter how adorable she looks doing it.

  My head throbs every time I move, making me groan from the pain. I attempt to pry my eyes open, but it’s so freaking bright. Why is it so bright?

  “Morning, princess,” Bates murmurs against my shoulder, his heavy arm draped over my waist. “I got you aspirin and juice. Think you can sit up and take some for me?”

  I grumble something incoherent. I’m not even sure what I was trying to say. I just want to curl up in a ball and be left to my misery.

  “Come on, I’ll let you rest after. I promise it’ll help you feel better.” He brushes a trail of gentle kisses along the side of my throat.

  “Don’t wanna move,” I mutter.

  His lips curve into a smile against my skin. “You don’t have to, not really. Just sit up a little for me, and I’ll do the rest.”

  Heaving a sigh, I push up on an elbow, and Bates moves to hand me the pills followed by the juice once the pills are in my mouth. I swallow them down then flop back into the pillows. My head protests the sudden movement, tearing another groan from me.

  Bates tugs me into his arms, and I sprawl across his chest, burying my face in his neck and taking comfort from his big warm body. He glides his fingers through my hair as he presses a soft kiss to my temple then murmurs, “You’re so damn cute when you’re drunk—and handsy as fuck.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut as I recall my behavior last night. “I’m never drinking again.”

  His chest shudders with quiet laughter. “Aww, babe, don’t be like that. But in future, let’s not do it in public places or when other men are around.”


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