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Tschai-Planet of Adventure (omnibus) (2012)

Page 17

by Jack Vance

  Reith looked back along the length of the raft. “What are those tubes? Chasch energetics?”

  “Yes. Obsolete, of course, compared to Dirdir weapons.”

  “What is the range?”

  “No great distance. These are low-power tubes.”

  “Suppose we mounted four or five sand-blasts on the raft. We’d have considerable fire-power.”

  Anacho gave a curt nod. “Crude and makeshift, but feasible.”

  On the afternoon of the following day a pair of rafts drifted high above Pera and returned to Dadiche without landing. The next morning a column of wagons came down from Belbal Gap, conveying two hundred Chaschmen and a hundred Blue Chasch officers. Overhead slid four rafts, carrying Blue Chasch gun-crews.

  The wagons halted a half-mile from Pera; the troops deployed into four companies, which separated and approached Pera from all four sides, while the rafts floated overhead.

  Reith divided the militia into two squads, and sent them sidling through the ruins, to the outskirts of the city on the south and west sides, where the Chasch troops would make first contact.

  The militia waited until the Chaschmen and Blue Chasch, moving warily, had penetrated a hundred yards into the city. Suddenly appearing from concealment, all fired weapons: catapults, sand-blasts, hand-guns from the Goho arsenal, those taken from the Chasch corpses.

  Fire was concentrated on the Blue Chasch, and of these two-thirds died in the first five minutes, as well as half the Chaschmen. The remainder faltered, then fled back out onto the open steppe.

  The rafts overhead swooped low and began to sweep the ruins with slay-beams. The militia now took shelter while the rafts descended even lower.

  High above appeared another raft: that which Reith had armed with sand-blasts, then had taken five miles out on the steppe and hidden under brush. It dropped quietly upon the Chasch rafts, lower, lower, lower … The men at the sand-blasts and at the energetic beams opened fire. The four rafts dropped like stones. The raft then crossed the city and opened fire on the two companies which were entering the north and east sectors of the city, while the militia opened fire from the flanks. The Chasch troops drew back with heavy losses. Harassed by the bombardment from the air they broke ranks and streamed off across the steppe in total disorder, pursued by the Peran militia.

  Chapter XII

  Reith conferred with his victory-flushed lieutenants. “We won today because they took us lightly. They still can bring overwhelming force against us. My guess is that tonight they will organize a strong war party: all their rafts, all their troops. Then tomorrow they will come forth to punish us. Does this sound reasonable?”

  No one made dissent.

  “Since we are committed to hostilities, best that we take the initiative, and try to arrange a few surprises for the Chasch. They have a poor opinion of men, and we might be able to do them some harm. This means taking our limited fire-power to where it can do the most damage.”

  Bruntego the Gray shuddered and clasped his hands to his face. “They have a thousand Chaschman soldiers, and more. They have sky-rafts and energetic weapons — whereas we are only men, armed for the most part with catapults.”

  “Catapults kill a man just as dead as energy beams,” Reith commented.

  “But the rafts, the projectiles, the power and intelligence of the Blue Chasch! They will destroy us totally and reduce Pera to a crater.”

  Tostig the old nomad demurred. “We have served too well, too cheaply in the past. Why should they rob themselves for the sake of sheer drama?”

  “Because that is the Blue Chasch way!”

  Tostig shook his head. “Old Chasch perhaps. Blue Chasch no. They will prefer to besiege us, starve us, and take the leaders back to Dadiche for punishment.”

  “Reasonable,” agreed Anacho, “but can we expect even Blue Chasch to behave reasonably? All Chasch are half-mad.”

  “For this reason,” said Reith, “we must match them caprice for caprice!”

  Bruntego the Gray said with a sniff, “Caprice is the only quality in which we can match the Blue Chasch.”

  The discussion continued; proposals were set forth and debated and at last agreement was grudgingly reached. Messengers were sent forth to arouse the population. Amid some small protest and wailing, women, children, the aged and the uncooperative were marshaled aboard drays and sent off through the night, to a dismal gorge twenty miles south, where they would establish a temporary camp.

  The militia assembled with all its weapons, then marched off through the night toward Belbal Gap.

  Reith, Traz and Anacho remained in Pera. The cage containing the Green Chasch warriors had been swathed in cloth and loaded aboard the raft. At sunrise Anacho took the raft aloft and sent it sliding in that direction toward which the Green Chasch sat staring: north by east. Twenty miles passed beneath, and another twenty; then Traz, who sat watching the Green Chasch through a peephole, cried out, “They are turning, twisting about — toward the west!”

  Anacho swung the raft toward the west, and a few moments later a Green Chasch encampment was discovered in a grove of grass-trees beside a swamp. “Don’t approach too closely,” said Reith, examining the camp through his scanscope. “It’s enough to know that they are here. Back to Belbal Gap.”

  The raft returned south, skimming the palisades which faced west toward the Schanizade Ocean. Passing over Belbal Gap, they settled upon a vantage point overlooking both Dadiche and Pera.

  Two hours passed. Reith became increasingly fretful. His plans were based upon hypothesis and rational supposition; the Chasch were a notoriously capricious race. Then from Dadiche, to Reith’s vast relief, came a long dark column. Looking through his scanscope Reith saw a hundred drays loaded with Blue Chasch and Chaschmen, as many others carrying weapons and crates of equipment.

  “This time,” said Reith, “they take us seriously.” He scanned the sky. “No rafts visible. Undoubtedly they’ll send something up for reconnaissance, at the very least … Time to be moving. They’ll be coming through Belbal Gap in a half-hour.”

  They took the raft down to the steppe and landed several miles south of the road. They rolled the cage to the ground, pulled away the covering cloth. The monstrous green warriors sprang forward to peer out across the landscape.

  Reith unlocked the door, slipped back the bolt and retreated to the raft, which Anacho at once took into the air. The Green Chasch sprang forth with ear-splitting yells of triumph, to stand like giants. They rolled their metallic eyes up at the raft, raised their arms in gestures of detestation. Turning swiftly north they set off across the steppe, at the stiff-legged Green Chasch jog.

  Over Belbal Gap came the drays from Dadiche. The Green Chasch stopped short, stared in wonder, then jogging forward to a clump of gart-furze, stood immobile and almost invisible.

  Down the track came the great drays, until the line of vehicles stretched a mile across the waste.

  Anacho slid the raft up a dark gully, almost to the ridge, and landed. Reith searched the sky for rafts, then looked out across the panorama to the east. The Green Chasch, among the gart-furze copses, could not be seen. The war force from Dadiche was a menacing dark caterpillar crawling toward the ruins of old Pera.

  Forty miles north the Green Chasch were camped.

  Reith returned to the raft. “We’ve done what we can. Now — we wait.”

  The Blue Chasch expedition approached Pera, broke into four companies as before and surrounded the deserted ruins. Energetic beams were aimed at suspected strongpoints; scouts ran forward under cover of the weapons. They gained the first tumble of concrete blocks, then, drawing no fire, paused to regroup and to select new objectives.

  Half an hour later the scouts emerged from the city, herding before them those folk who, from obstreperousness or simple inertia, had elected to remain in Pera.

  Another fifteen minutes passed while these persons were interrogated. There was a period of indecision as the Blue Chasch leadership took counsel amon
g themselves. Clearly the empty city was an unexpected development, and posed a perplexing dilemma.

  The companies which had circled the city returned to the main force; presently all started back toward Dadiche, disconsolate and grim.

  Reith searched the northern wastes for movement. If there were validity in the theory of telepathic communication between the Green Chasch, if they hated the Blue Chasch as furiously as reported, they should now be appearing on the scene. But the steppe spread away into the northern murk empty and devoid of movement.

  Back toward Belbal Gap moved the Blue Chasch war-force. From the dark green gart-furze, from copses of laggard bush, from salt-grass clumps, apparently from nowhere, erupted a horde of Green Chasch. Reith could not comprehend how so many warriors, riding gigantic leap-horses, had approached so inconspicuously. They hurled themselves upon the column, striking ten foot arcs with their swords. The heavy weapons on the drays could not be brought to bear; the Green Chasch raged up and down the line doing carnage.

  Reith turned away, half-sickened. He climbed aboard the raft. “Back across the mountains, to our own men.”

  The raft joined the militia at the agreed rendezvous, a gully half a mile south of Belbal Gap. The militia set off down the hill, keeping to the cover of trees and moss-hedge. Reith remained with the raft, searching the sky through the scanscope, apprehensive of Blue Chasch reconnaissance rafts. As he watched, a score of rafts rose from Dadiche to fly at full speed to the east: apparently reinforcement for the beleaguered war-party. Reith watched them disappear over Belbal Gap. Turning the scanscope back toward Dadiche, he glimpsed a sparkle of white uniforms up under the walls. “Now,” he told Anacho. “As good a time as any.”

  The raft slid down toward the main portal into Dadiche: closer and closer. The guards, conceiving the raft to be one of their own, craned their necks in perplexity. Reith, steeling himself, pulled the trigger of the forward sand-blast. The way into Dadiche was open. The Pera militia surged into the city.

  Jumping down from the raft, Reith sent two platoons to seize the raft depot. Another platoon remained at the portal with the greater part of the sand-blasts and energetics. Two platoons were sent to patrol the city and enforce the occupation.

  These last two platoons, as fierce and unrelenting as any other inhabitants of Tschai, ranged through the half-deserted avenues, killing Blue Chasch and Chaschmen, and any Chaschwomen who offered resistance. The discipline of two days swiftly evaporated; a thousand generations of resentment exploded into blood-lust and massacre.

  Reith, with Anacho, Traz and six others, rode the raft to the District Technical Center. The doors were closed; the building seemed vacant. The raft dropped beside the central portal; sand-blasts broke down the doors. Reith, unable to contain his anxiety, ran into the building.

  There, as before: the familiar shape of the space-boat.

  Reith approached with heart thumping in his throat. The hull was cut open; the drive-mechanisms, the accumulators, the converter: all had been removed. The boat was a hulk.

  The prospect of finding the boat in near-operative condition had been an impossible dream. Reith had known as much. But irrational optimism had persisted.

  Now, irrational optimism and all hope of return to Earth must be put aside. The boat had been gutted. The engines had been dismantled, the drive-tank opened, the exquisite balance of forces disrupted.

  Reith became aware of Anacho standing at his shoulder. “This is not a Blue Chasch space-boat,” said Anacho reflectively. “Nor is it Dirdir, nor Wankh.”

  Reith leaned back against a bench, his mind drained of vigor. “True.”

  “It is built with great skill; it shows refined design,” mused Anacho. “Where was it built?”

  “On Earth,” said Reith.


  “The planet of men.”

  Anacho turned away, his bald harlequin-face pinched and drawn, the axioms of his own existence shattered. “An interesting concept,” he murmured over his shoulder.

  Reith looked somberly through the space-boat but found little to interest him. Presently he returned outside, where he received a report from the platoon guarding the portal. Remnants of the Blue Chasch army had been sighted coming down the mountainside, in sufficient numbers to suggest that they had finally beaten off the Green Chasch.

  Those platoons which had been sent to patrol the city were completely out of control and could not be recalled. Two platoons held the landing field, leaving only a single platoon at the portal — something over a hundred men.

  An ambush was prepared. The portal was returned to the similitude of normalcy. Three men disguised as Chaschmen stood inside the wicket.

  The remnants of the war-force approached the portal. They noticed nothing amiss and started to enter the city. Sand-blasts and energetics opened fire; the column withered, dissipated. The survivors were too stunned to resist. A few tottered wildly back into the parkland, pursued by yelling men in white uniforms; others stood in a stupid huddle to be passively slaughtered.

  The battle-rafts were luckier. Observing the debacle they swooped back up into the sky. The militia-men, unfamiliar with the Blue Chasch ground guns, fired as best they could and, more by luck than by skill, destroyed four rafts. The others swung in high bewildered circles for five minutes, then bore south, toward Saaba, Dkekme, Audsch.

  Spasms of fighting occurred throughout the rest of the afternoon, wherever the Peran militia encountered Blue Chasch who sought to defend themselves. The remainder — aged, females, and imps alike — were slaughtered. Reith interceded with some success on behalf of the Chaschmen and Chaschwomen, saving all but the purple- and gray-clad security guards, who shared the fate of their masters.

  The remaining Chaschmen and Chaschwomen, throwing aside their false crania, gathered in a sullen crowd on the main avenue.

  At sunset the militia, sated with killing, burdened with loot and unwilling to prowl the dead city after dark, assembled near the portal. Fires were built, food prepared and eaten.

  Reith, taking pity on the miserable Chaschmen, whose world had so suddenly collapsed, went to where they sat in a dispirited group, the women keening softly for those who were dead.

  One burly individual spoke up truculently. “What do you propose to do with us?”

  “Nothing,” said Reith. “We destroyed the Blue Chasch because they attacked us. You are men; so long as you do us no harm, we shall do you none.”

  The Chaschman grunted. “Already you have harmed many of us.”

  “Because you chose to fight with the Chasch against men, which is unnatural.”

  The Chaschman scowled. “What is unnatural about that? We are Chaschmen, the first phase of the great cycle.”

  “Utter nonsense,” said Reith. “You are no more Chasch than the Dirdirman yonder is Dirdir. Both of you are men. The Chasch and the Dirdir have enslaved you, plundered your lives. High time that you knew the truth!”

  The Chaschwomen halted their keening, the Chaschmen turned blank faces toward Reith.

  “So far as I am concerned,” said Reith, “you can live as you like. The city of Dadiche is yours — so long as the Blue Chasch do not return.”

  “What do you mean by that?” quavered the Chaschman.

  “Precisely what I said. Tomorrow we return to Pera. Dadiche is yours.”

  “All very well — but what if the Blue Chasch come back, from Saaba, from Dkekme, from the Lzizaudre, as they surely will?”

  “Kill them, chase them away! Dadiche is now a city of men! And if you don’t believe that the Blue Chasch victimized you, go look into the death-house under the wall. You are told that you are larva, that the imp germinates in your brain. Go examine the brains of dead Chaschmen. You will find no imps — only the brains of men.

  “So far as we are concerned, you can return to your homes. The only proscription I put upon you are the false heads. If you wear them we will consider you not men but Blue Chasch and deal with you accordingly.”r />
  Reith returned to his own camp; diffidently, as if they could not believe Reith’s statement, the erstwhile Chaschmen slipped off through the dusk for their homes.

  Anacho spoke to Reith. “I listened to what you said. You know nothing about the Dirdir and the Dirdirmen! Even were your theories valid, we should still remain Dirdirmen! We recognize excellence, superlativity; we aspire to emulate the ineffable — an impossible ideal, since Shade can never out-glow Sun, and men can never surpass Dirdir.”

  “For an intelligent man,” snapped Reith, “you are extremely obstinate and unimaginative. Someday I am sure you will recognize your error; until then, believe whatever you care to believe.”

  Chapter XIII

  Before dawn the camp was astir. Drays laden with loot moved off westward, black against the ale-colored sky.

  In Dadiche the Chaschmen, peculiarly bald and gnomish without their false skulls, collected corpses, carried them to a great pit and buried them. A score of Blue Chasch had been flushed from hiding. The killing lust of the Perans having subsided they were confined in a stockade, from which they stared in stone-eyed bewilderment at the coming and going of the men.

  Reith was concerned over the possibility of counterattack from the Blue Chasch cities to the south. Anacho made light of the matter. “They have no stomach for fighting. They menace the Dirdir cities with torpedoes, but only to avoid war. They never challenge; they are content to live in their gardens. They might send Chaschmen to harass us, but I suspect they will do nothing whatever, unless we threaten them directly.”

  “Perhaps so.” Reith released the captive Blue Chasch. “Go to the cities of the south,” he told them. “Inform the Blue Chasch of Saaba and Dkekme that if they molest us we will destroy them.”

  “It is a long march,” croaked the Blue Chasch. “Must we go on foot? Give us one of the rafts!”

  “Walk! We owe you nothing!”

  The Blue Chasch departed.

  Still not wholly convinced that the Blue Chasch would refrain from seeking vengeance, Reith ordered weapons mounted on those nine rafts captured at the Dadiche depot and flew them to secluded areas on the hills.


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