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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 54

by Robin M Helm

  Michael thought, Elizabeth promised you that she would not go there alone with him.

  She probably will not worry about honoring a promise to me, and, at any rate, they are not alone. Cassandra is with them. He will probably have reinforcements there. You may want to summon the Host.

  Michael nodded his agreement, and Xander left them, flying so fast that he was a streak of light, headed back toward the lodge.


  Xander was back behind them within twenty-five minutes. He could tell by Elizabeth’s hazy thoughts that she had cried herself to sleep. Good. She will not see me behind them, and she will not be afraid of Cassandra’s excessive speed. Even so, her dreams were disturbed.

  Xander saw Cassandra’s eyes, spotting him in her rearview mirror, and the Jeep, already traveling over the speed limit, suddenly shot ahead, traveling much too fast for the winding mountain roads. Xander was apprehensive until he saw Gabriel and Michael dip to fly on either side of the vehicle, placing their hands on the doors. They would not allow it to crash or drive off the road as long as Elizabeth was in it. He matched their speed, knowing that he could fly from his car if he had to do so. Cassandra was practically airborne, passing unsafely, and obviously trying to lose him. She should know that I will never allow that to happen. Is she trying to frighten us away? Is her message that we should back away or they will kill Elizabeth? Surely Cassandra and Gregory know that Gabriel, Michael, and I would never abandon her.

  Just as Xander had thought, they took the I-26 exit, headed toward Spartanburg. He was relieved to be off the smaller roads and on a safer highway. Cassandra still drove like the demon she was, but they were not as likely to endanger Elizabeth or anyone else on the interstate.

  Elizabeth awakened as they were pulling into Spartanburg. Xander dropped back in traffic as he heard her come to consciousness. She sat up and looked around, disoriented, and then huddled back into her seat as her memories came crashing back into her mind. A few minutes passed, and she noticed a familiar building.

  “Where are we going, Gregory?” she asked in a raspy voice, leaning forward and looking out the window.

  He turned and smiled in a platonic way, as if he wished only to be her friend. “We’re going to my house so that you can calm down in private. Your sister lives only a few miles from me, and you can call her if you want to.”

  Elizabeth sat back and thought for a few minutes. Her parents were at Jane’s house, and she did not want them to see her for a while. They would know that she had been crying; they would ask questions she was not ready to answer.

  “I hoped that you would take me home,” she said tremulously.

  “We will, Elizabeth. Just come with me for a little while, relax, and we can talk. Cassandra and I will take you home later – anytime you want to go.” His voice was smooth and persuasive, and his amber eyes were full of sympathy for her.

  His gaze was magnetic, hypnotic. She had forgotten how beautiful Gregory was. Xander could be wrong about him. Gregory has never hurt me, and he hasn’t lied to me. He’s my friend. Besides, Cassandra is with us; we won’t be alone. I wonder if Xander was just jealous of him.

  “Okay. Fine.” Elizabeth leaned her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes. My head hurts. She rubbed her temples with her fingers as Gregory watched her in the side mirror.

  “Ah! Here we are,” Gregory said as Cassandra pulled the Jeep into the open garage. She pushed the remote button and closed the garage door. While it closed, she opened her own car door and stepped out, walking toward the steps that led into the house. Gregory got out and opened Elizabeth’s door, reaching for her hand. Together, the three of them went in the side entrance, through a mudroom, and into the kitchen.

  Michael followed Elizabeth into the house as Gabriel hovered over Xander’s car, parked on the side of the road a few houses down from Gregory’s. Xander got out of his car and walked to Gregory’s yard. He leaned against a tree and listened intently to Elizabeth’s thoughts. Gabriel alit and stood beside him, ready for any opportunity to enter the house.

  Xander listened as Michael spoke to them from inside the house. Gregory has only two guards with him. He must be trying to avoid my calling in reinforcements. I am sure that he also knows that you two will not enter unless Elizabeth asks for help. Xander, you could enter on technical grounds as you are still considered to be one of her guardians with me, but I think it best that we wait to see what he has planned. I do not wish to push him into escalating this into a full-out attack unless it is necessary. Elizabeth does not need to see Gregory killed before her eyes.

  I do not like this, thought Xander. However, I will wait.

  He listened to Elizabeth’s thoughts, and “saw” through her mind.

  “Are you thirsty, El? It’s been a long ride,” Gregory commented, stopping and taking three glasses out of a kitchen cabinet.

  His brawny guards, Keir and Delano, stood against the wall, watching Michael intently. He ignored them, keeping his eyes on Elizabeth and Gregory.

  “I guess,” she said with disinterest.

  “Cassandra, what can I get for you?” asked Gregory.

  “A soda would be good,” she answered.

  “The same for you, El?” Gregory looked toward her.


  “Go in the family room and have a seat. I’ll bring our drinks,” Gregory said.

  Michael went with Elizabeth and Cassandra to the den, though he did not like leaving Gregory unattended. He would not call for reinforcements when his charge had not been threatened, but he took his shield from his belt and put his arm through the bindings, holding the straps securely. Elizabeth curled up on the couch and Michael stood behind her, glowering and dominating the room. Delano and Keir followed them into the room and stood at either end of the sofa.

  Cassandra turned on the television and sat in an overstuffed chair, making a show of watching a movie.

  Gregory soon joined them with their drinks on a tray, handing Cassandra and Elizabeth their glasses and sitting next to Elizabeth on the couch with his soda.

  Elizabeth sat up, took several sips, and made a face. “This tastes a little salty.”

  “Really?” asked Cassandra. “Mine’s good.”

  “Maybe you’re not used to that brand of cola, El. Would you like something else?” Gregory seemed solicitous and concerned for her welfare.

  “No, this is fine. Don’t go to any bother,” Elizabeth replied, taking another drink. She drank about half of it before setting her glass on a coaster on the coffee table. She leaned over on her side and rested her head on the arm of the couch, pulling her knees up to her chest.

  After a few minutes had passed, Xander could hear the confusion in her mind. She was not asleep, but it was as if she were drunk. She said the drink tasted salty. Could he have drugged her? She did not drink it all, so perhaps she will be alert enough to know what is happening to her.

  Michael had also noticed her mental haze. He frowned at Gregory. I did not see him put anything in her drink; I cannot prove a threat. She is still awake, though she is groggy. So far, she has participated willingly, but if she even thinks a cry for help, we will respond.

  Gregory leaned over her, talking softly. “El, you are so beautiful. You deserve so much more than a life of drudgery, earning pennies when you could be wealthy beyond imagination. I love you, El. I have always loved you. I know that you feel abandoned and alone, but you aren’t. I am here for you just like I’ve always been here for you. You are the only woman I’ve ever loved. Let me give you everything you want, all that you deserve. I can make you feel good in ways that you have never felt before.”

  Xander gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Gregory’s face was blurred in her mind. She was hearing his words as if he were far away.

  Gabriel put his hand on Xander’s arm. She will call for you, brother. She loves you.

  What if she does not want my help, Gabriel? Will we stand out here while he seduces her? Xander was

  Gregory slipped off his shirt quickly, and she looked at him in wonder. Why did he do that?

  Cassandra and the guards turned to watch, their lust plain on their faces.

  Michael thought into her mind, Elizabeth, wake up. Think about what Gregory is doing.

  She heard the words, but she was befuddled. Nothing made sense. Who is talking to me? She felt as if she were floating, and Gregory’s perfect face and magnificent body flooded her senses. Is this a dream? His voice caressed her, telling her he loved her and wanted her. She felt his hands under her shirt, pulling her arms through it and then lifting her tank top over her head, stroking her body. His hands were at her waist, unzipping her pants as he kissed her mouth and neck. He seemed to be everywhere at once. She was falling through clouds of sensation.

  Xander could stand it no longer. He spoke forcefully into her mind. Elizabeth! he cried. Do not do this! I am pleading with you. Please, Elizabeth. Fight him.

  Elizabeth recognized that voice. “Xander?”

  In response, Gregory covered her mouth with his, preventing her from speaking again.

  Do you want me to help you, Elizabeth? I can if you will call for me. Say that you need me, Elizabeth. Say it. I will come to you. Fight him off. Obey my training commands. Ask for help.

  Xander’s voice filled her mind, and she turned her face from side to side, breaking the kiss. Gregory had always worn his black hair so that it covered his ears and most of his neck. As he moved his head in an effort to recapture her lips, his hair fell to the side, and Elizabeth saw a tattoo behind his ear. Though she could not see it clearly, it looked like three sixes intertwined. Her mind was not working as sharply as was normal for her, but Xander saw the tattoo in her thoughts, and everything fell into place. He suddenly knew Lucifer’s plans for Gregory. He spoke forcefully into her mind. Elizabeth, get away from him! Defend yourself, and call for me. Xander spoke a specific self-defense command to her and continued. Let me help you. Please.

  Elizabeth heard Xander and marshaled her energy, reacting in the way he had trained her. With all of her remaining strength, she focused her thoughts and brought her knee up into Gregory’s groin at the same time that she pushed him away enough to force the heel of her palm up into his nose. Gregory cried out as blood spurted over her.

  He doubled over in pain and rolled off the couch. “You will suffer for that, you slut,” he growled with menace, holding his crotch.

  At Gregory’s threat, Michael drew his sword to defend his charge, but he was immediately attacked by Keir, Delano, and Cassandra, who had morphed into demonic form. Michael wielded his shield, blocking Cassandra on one side while he slashed at the other two guards, moving closer to the wall to protect his back.

  Gregory struggled to his feet and loomed over the couch, his crimson eyes scorching her.

  “Help me, Xander. Please, help me,” Elizabeth said, slurring her words, unable to speak above a whisper. As Gregory drew back his fist, she covered her face with her hands, waiting for the blow.

  Xander began to run as the thought formed in her mind, before the words left her mouth. He reached the locked front door, but did not stop to try the door knob. He instead leapt into the air and twisted his body, hitting the door with both feet. It buckled under the impact of his momentum, and Xander sprinted through the splintered hole. Gregory was in the motion of striking Elizabeth when Xander entered the room, vaulted the couch, and body slammed into his enemy, crashing both of them through the coffee table and to the floor.

  Gabriel had unsheathed his sword and flown through the walls of the house as Xander ran. He engaged Delano, leaving Michael fighting Keir and Cassandra. Cassandra turned to her left to see if Gabriel was too close to her, and Michael seized the advantage, protecting his side with his shield while slicing her right arm and wing away. She roared in pain, collapsing to the floor and grabbing at her fallen sword with her left hand. Michael spun out of her reach and continued to slash at Keir.

  Elizabeth uncovered her face when she heard the two men crash into the table. She was still disoriented and, she huddled into the corner of the couch, eyes wide with fright, hands clasped around her knees. Gregory was on the floor, and Xander straddled him as he pounded his fists into the demon’s face. She whimpered, and Xander looked toward her. I am frightening her with my anger.

  Xander knew that he could kill Gregory, and he wanted badly to do so, but he could not beat Gregory to death as Elizabeth watched, cowering. She was more important to him than the satisfaction he would derive from ridding the world of Gregory. I will have another chance to fight the beast that is Gregory, but this is not the right time – not while Elizabeth watches unaware of what he is.

  Xander stood over Gregory, his knuckles torn, wearing the fiend’s blood, and spoke in a threatening voice, “I will not kill you in front of Elizabeth, Gregory, but do not try anything with her again. I promise you that the next time I have you down, I will not stop until you are dead.”

  Gregory, his face a battered mess and his eyes blazing red, quickly changed into demonic form and flew through the ceiling, followed by Delano and Keir. The demons were only too happy to flee, escaping Cassandra’s fate. She had tried one last time to rise with her sword, and Michael had sliced her left arm from her body. The dark one had dissolved in a cloud of putrid smoke, leaving the present world for everlasting torment.

  Elizabeth watched as Gregory disappeared before her eyes. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Where did he go? And where is Cassandra? She wrinkled her nose. What’s that awful smell?

  Michael and Gabriel came to stand on either side of Xander while he retrieved her bloody tank top and shirt from the floor and held them out toward her, averting his eyes, trying to give her some measure of privacy. When she saw her top in his hand, she looked down and saw that she was unclothed from the waist up except for her bra. Her humiliation was overwhelming, and she hid her face from him. He is so disgusted that he cannot look at me. I cannot blame him.

  Hearing her thoughts, Xander knelt in front of her, put her clothes on the couch, and took her hands in his. “Let me help you, Elizabeth. This is not your fault. Gregory drugged you. Remember how the drink tasted salty? I have read of a date rape drug that has a slightly salty taste and causes a person to feel as if she were drunk.”

  She allowed him to put her hands through the arms of the top and pull it over her head. He then helped her with the shirt she had worn over it and zipped her pants for her. Her mind had not completely cleared, but she was more aware of her surroundings than she had been.

  “My car is outside. Will you let me drive you home? I would let you take the car yourself, but you should not drive until you are fully alert. Please, Elizabeth? I promise not to bother you,” asked Xander tenderly.

  Elizabeth nodded and tried to stand, but nearly fell; Xander caught her and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her from Gregory’s house to his car, Michael and Gabriel following. Still holding her, he opened the car door and placed her in the seat, hating to let her go but pulling the seatbelt across her and fastening it firmly.

  Xander rounded the car quickly and got in, belting himself in and starting the car. She stared out the window, expressionless. He pushed the button for the CD player, and her piano music filled the car with beauty and peace. They drove the half hour without talking, as he had promised. Michael and Gabriel were quiet as well.

  He pulled into her driveway and contemplated trying to talk to her, but one glance at the tears rolling silently down her cheeks told him that she was not ready for any sort of a discussion.

  Xander got out, went around the car, and opened her door, leaning down to gaze at her face. “Are you able to walk yet?” he asked in a carefully modulated tone.

  “I think I can if you will help me,” she replied, looking at the ground, avoiding his eyes.

  He reached across her, unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbed her purse from the floor where she had left it, and took her hand to help her. After she s
tood, he put her arm over his shoulder and half-carried her to the door.

  “My key is in my purse,” she said softly. “Do you mind getting it for me?”

  Xander opened her bag and found the key, and then opened the front door. He helped her get inside the house, closed the door, and stood helplessly, not knowing what to do.

  “Do you want to lie on the couch or go to your room?” he asked with concern, still supporting her.

  “I want to get out of these bloody clothes so that Mom and Dad don’t ask me about anything. Can you help me upstairs? I can probably handle it from there.” Elizabeth still had not looked at his face.

  Michael and Gabriel followed them as Xander carried her up the stairs. He took her to her room and stood by her while she leaned on her chest of drawers and pulled out pajama bottoms and a T shirt; then he helped her to the bathroom. Michael stood in the room, waiting for her, and Gabriel paused by the door.

  “Elizabeth, I will be just outside the door if you need help.”

  “You wouldn’t be seeing anything you haven’t seen before, I suppose. You were my guardian angel,” she said bitterly, finally meeting his eyes.

  “I stopped watching you bathe when you were fourteen, Elizabeth. As soon as your body began to change, I could not invade your privacy any longer. Can we talk about this later?” he asked.

  “I appreciate all your help today. I really do – but there isn’t anything to talk about. You kept secrets from me, Xander – or is your name even Xander? I still love you, and I may always love you, but I can’t trust you anymore.” Her voice was flat.

  “Elizabeth, please, let me explain. I will tell you everything. I was going to show you my true form when Gregory destroyed the ropes.” His voice was soft and pleading.

  “Gregory did something to the ropes? I should have known.” She sighed. “I’m so blind – so stupid.” She paused, and then continued. “Has it occurred to you that you aren’t the only one who’s hurting? I’ve lost the only man I have ever loved, my perfect soulmate. I thought that we would always be together – that we were perfect for each other. You were my best friend.” She stopped and leaned on the counter, looking at her hands. “I can’t do this now. Please go. I’ll be fine.”


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