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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 80

by Robin M Helm

  “We are on our way to the hospital, and I will call you when we have news. Please take care of John David and pray for Elizabeth,” he said.

  After Anna nodded, Xander continued on his way, carrying his wife down the stairs, out of the house, and to the waiting van.


  By seven o’clock in the morning, a beaming Xander was holding Faith Marrilyn Darcy while a happy, exhausted Elizabeth cuddled Alexander Bennet Darcy. Their guardians, Kenelm and Reima, and warriors, Abner and Baron, joined the other angels as they surrounded the little family.

  Because the babies were not large – only 6.5 and 6.8 pounds each – Elizabeth, though extremely tired, had been able to birth each of them without the intervention of invasive surgery, much to Xander’s relief.

  Within a month, Charlotte and Jonathan had added another tiny member to the SoulFire team, Elijah William Edwards, known affectionately as “Eli.” Cenhelm, his guardian, was a welcome addition to the Edwards family’s protective force.

  By June, both the Edwards and Darcy families were ready for the USA Summer SoulFire Tour, and God’s blessings rained richly on them. Many thousands of people flooded into their rallies, disturbed by the direction in which their country seemed to be headed and eager to hear the gospel of hope.

  The team did not water down their message, though it had become even more politically incorrect and was attracting the attention of Washington, D.C. They boldly proclaimed that all signs pointed to an imminent return of Christ, and they spoke to the laws being passed in Washington to reinforce that idea. SoulFire members were careful to say that they were not guaranteeing the Second Coming would happen within a certain timeframe, because no one except God Himself knew when He would come. They said instead that most of the prophecies had been fulfilled.

  Near the end of the tour, Xander and Elizabeth were in their hotel room on the king-sized bed together, each of them feeding one of the twins while they watched an early morning program. John David was still asleep in Anna’s room.

  Abruptly, the light banter of the show’s host and hostess was interrupted with a special news bulletin. Xander and Elizabeth watched in shock as graphic pictures of death and devastation flashed across the screen, and horrifying news was reported; a 6.6 magnitude earthquake had hit Israel in the previous hour, topping buildings and leveling holy places in Jerusalem, including the original site of Solomon’s temple.

  Chapter 19

  “And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.”

  Daniel 9:27

  Xander and Elizabeth, along with the rest of the world, spent the next few weeks with their eyes trained on the cable news networks. In the aftermath of the earthquake, chaos reigned in Israel, particularly in Jerusalem, as the fragile peace of the area completely disintegrated. Fighting in the streets as well as heated debates among the leadership of the different factions broke out daily over the division of land, and former agreements were no longer honored. The site of Solomon’s ancient temple was a major point of contention. With the area covered in rubble, completely cleared of all former holy buildings, a clamor arose to rebuild the Jewish temple on its original land. Surrounding countries began to take sides, and a full-fledged war involving the entire Middle East seemed unavoidable. The rest of the world, fearing the devastating consequences of a nuclear confrontation, cried out for a peacemaker, and President Gregory Wickham appeared to be the only man capable of accomplishing the seemingly impossible.

  At the request of the United Nations, President Wickham boarded Air Force One, flew to the area, and sat down with the leaders of the nations involved, meeting separately with each faction before having a conference with all of them together. The negotiations were closed to the news media, but when the week was done, the President emerged smiling, having brokered a deal for seven years of peace. No one except for the people in the private meetings knew what had been promised in exchange for cooperation, but the rebuilding of the temple would commence immediately, and the city of Jerusalem would be restored.

  All that mattered to the world’s population in general was that war had been avoided, and that peace was promised for the future. President Gregory Wickham was the man of the hour, certain of a Nobel Peace Prize and global adoration. His star had certainly risen in the East.


  Jonathan, Charlotte, and baby Eli arrived promptly at six for their engagement with the Darcys. A dinner meeting before their summer tour began was in order, and because Xander and Elizabeth had three children and Jonathan and Charlotte only one, the Darcy house was the simplest choice. Mark, David, and Amy were already in the living room, and they rose to greet the family as they entered.

  Anna had eaten earlier, and then had helped Xander feed John David and the twins while Elizabeth had finished cooking and putting the final touches on the table. Charlotte had fed Eli before leaving their house, so Anna took all the children in the play room while the others sat down to eat and discuss summer plans.

  Guardians and warriors split into two groups, each remaining with their charges.

  After Xander asked the Lord’s blessing on the food, they began to pass the dishes of food family-style, filling their plates and chatting amiably, catching up on the latest news of their friends.

  Finally, Jonathan broached the subject that was never far from any of their minds. “Xander, do you think that our President is the Antichrist? He has now made a pact for seven years of peace in the Middle East which fulfills the ‘week’ foretold in Daniel 10:2, and the temple is now being rebuilt in Jerusalem on the original site of Solomon’s temple.”

  Xander spoke carefully. “The seven years of peace he negotiated would signal the beginning of the Tribulation if Gregory were the Antichrist. While he has fulfilled some of the remaining prophecies, I do not see evidence that we are living in the Tribulation. For one thing, we are still here.”

  Quiet laughter from everyone broke through the thick tension that had set in at the beginning of the conversation. Based on Scriptural context, Xander’s comment certainly provided a momentary relief for their somber thoughts.

  Charlotte spoke up. “Yes, if the Rapture has occurred, why haven’t we gone to heaven? I’m certainly ready for a new body since having Eli.”

  Michael spoke into Xander’s and Elizabeth’s minds. I have not been summoned either. If this were the beginning of the Second Coming of Christ, Daniel 12:1 would be in order. ‘Now at that time, Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.’

  Gabriel nodded. Xander, you, Michael, and I would all know by now if the Second Coming were indeed taking place at this time.

  Jonathan looked at Xander. “Then what is happening? How can so many of the signs be there, and yet God has not taken us and the other believers into heaven?”

  Xander answered, “Gregory does not meet all the requirements of the Antichrist. As I am sure you have already realized, he does not have the correct heritage. Neither does he fit Daniel 11:37, ‘And he will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all.’ While Gregory certainly magnifies himself above God and shows no regard for our Father, he does have a desire for women – even if that desire is not a proper one. He uses women for gratification only, to satisfy his lusts and need for dominance.”

  Elizabeth looked at Xander, her eyes sorrowful. “Yes, Xander, Char, and I have known Gregory for years. He definitely has a way with the ladies.” Sudden thoughts of that terrible day when Gregory had tried to rape her flooded h
er mind, and she immediately felt sick to her stomach. I’m so sorry, Xander. I was so stupid.

  Do not think of it, Elizabeth. It is past. It has absolutely no power over you, Xander thought into her mind, comforting her and squeezing her hand under the table.

  Michael put his hand on Elizabeth’s back. All is well, my sister. Do not be anxious.

  Gabriel thought, But what of the Mark?

  Xander looked around the table. “I have contacts in Washington, and they have told me some very disturbing news. Gregory’s cabal has proposed the implantation of a microchip in everyone on U.S. soil by next March. The legislation is called the Mark bill, named after the tattoo to be placed over the site of the implant; that tattoo is a duplicate of the one behind Gregory’s ear – three intertwined sixes. The official story will be that the chip will store the person’s medical history.”

  Charlotte gasped, and Jonathan turned his head sharply, his eyes wide as he looked at Xander. “He is introducing the Mark of the Beast? Why would he do that if he is not the Antichrist?”

  “I think that Gregory is Satan’s instrument, Lucifer’s choice to be the Antichrist. Gregory wants to be the Antichrist, the Son of Perdition, and he is trying to fulfill all the prophecies, but this is not God’s time. Ultimately, God decides when He will return, not Lucifer. Satan always has someone ready to step into the role of the Beast, because he does not know when that time will come. But now, it appears that Lucifer wants to take that power to himself. He must believe that he can win now with Gregory at the helm,” answered Xander.

  Jonathan was silent for a moment. Then he spoke thoughtfully. “I have never considered it in that light. Even so, can we let people take the Mark ignorantly? What if the President actually turns out to be the Beast? He is certainly a man of sin. Shouldn’t we warn people so that they can make an informed choice? Revelation 14:9 -10 says that anyone who takes the Mark cannot go to heaven. What if this chip is the Mark of the prophecy?”

  Xander nodded. “I have thought of that already, Jonathan. The bill has been quietly introduced to both Houses of Congress with an absence of media coverage, and the penalties for refusing to take the chip and the Mark will be severe. In telling people to refuse the Mark, we will be advising people to go to jail, and I do not like that, but I think we must do so. If everything goes as Gregory has planned, we have fewer than nine full months to educate people about the dangers of submitting to this law. Whether or not Gregory is the Antichrist, the implant could still be the Mark of the Beast, and people need to know that to accept the Mark is to reject God. What if there is another person waiting to step into his place? No one can deny that many prophecies are coming to pass.”

  There was complete silence at the table as everyone thought about what could be coming.

  Amy spoke up. “What will happen to us for speaking against the President and his plans?”

  Xander looked at her with kindness and sympathy. “I will do all I can to protect the rest of you. I am willing to be the only one who will speak on this subject. Perhaps the rest of you will avoid arrest if you remain quiet.”

  Elizabeth interjected, “That will not matter, Xander, because I will refuse to take the chip and the tattoo in any case, and I know that we will never consent to have that thing put into our children. I will be arrested anyway, so I may as well make the most of it. You will not do this alone.”

  Michael spoke into her mind. Neither of you will be alone.

  Each guardian placed their hands on the shoulders of their charges, speaking words of comfort to them, and the warriors stepped up closer behind the protectors.

  Jonathan said with conviction, “No, Xander, you will not. Elizabeth is right. Those of us who speak for SoulFire will share this burden together.” His eyes rested briefly on each one seated around the table. “There is no need for Amy, Mark, or Dave to say anything, and if any of you want to leave the team entirely, we will understand, but the four of us who speak at the rallies will stand united.” Jonathan glanced at Charlotte, “If you agree, of course.”

  Charlotte smiled with determination. “You know me better than to think I will back down from Gregory and his goons, Jon. I will be beside you, El, and Xander.”

  Mark looked at the four of them. “I will prepare a written statement from SoulFire. As Elizabeth pointed out, I will be arrested for not taking the implant, so I might as well be fully on the side of right.”

  Dave nodded. “I agree. Even if this chip were not the Mark of the Beast, I don’t trust our President. There is more to this than he’s telling us. There’s no way that our medical records are all that will be accessible through the device. Count me in.”

  Amy’s voice was soft. “I am not particularly courageous, but I think forcing people to have an invasive procedure is against the freedoms guaranteed to all Americans.” She paused, and then added thoughtfully, “I also agree with Dave, and I stand with the team. I’ll bet the government will be able to track us with those chips.”

  Xander smiled grimly. “Yes, my sources tell me that the tattoo will be scanned anytime people buy or sell anything. No one will be able to buy food or anything else without the chip, and people who refuse it will lose their jobs. The government, meaning Gregory, will have access to everyone’s personal information, and I do not doubt that the microchip will contain some sort of GPS.”

  Jonathan muttered, “Outrageous. First he forces young people into the military for two years, next he disarms all of us, and now this.”

  Elizabeth added, “What we haven’t said is that everyone who takes the implant will get $2,000. In this economy, people will have their children take the Mark just to get the extra money. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gregory doesn’t eventually offer a reward to those who turn in the names of people who haven’t lined up for the chip.”

  Xander tilted his head and looked at her with frank admiration. “That is exactly what he will do. He will turn neighbors and families against each other. People’s loyalties will be to him first, and he will do it with money. He has unlimited resources.”

  Jonathan looked at the beloved faces around the table. “So, we are all agreed. We will stand against the President and speak out against his legislation. We will be putting targets on our heads, but suffering for Christ is an honor. We need to talk strategy now.”

  After much prayer and discussion, by the end of the evening the team had decided to cancel their International Tour planned for the fall and instead concentrate on the United States. If there was to be any hope of stopping Gregory before the Mark Bill became law and was implemented, SoulFire would have to travel the country extensively.


  Xander helped Elizabeth clear the table and load the dishes into the dishwasher after their guests left so that they could put their children to bed together as was their custom. As John David sat on the floor of the babies’ nursery, already dressed for bed and looking at a book, the couple sat side-by-side in a double glider rocker, each of them holding one of the twins and feeding them their final bottles for the night.

  Michael and Gabriel smiled at the sight, as did Kenward, Kenelm, and Reima. Cahal, Abner, and Baron stood by the wall, backs turned to the little family, keeping watch out the windows and showing no change of expression.

  Elizabeth folded her legs under her, cuddled her tiny, dark-haired daughter, and snuggled closer to her husband, sighing with contentment.

  “This is my favorite time of the day,” she said, turning her head to kiss her husband’s strong shoulder.

  Xander chuckled. “You say that about the morning and when we go to bed, too, my love.”

  “Don’t be such a stickler for accuracy. Anytime I’m with you and my children is my favorite time,” she retorted playfully.

  He kissed the top of her head and held out an empty bottle. “I think Alex is finished, and he is asleep. How about Faith?”

  Elizabeth sat up. “She’s through, too.” She put her daughter on her shoulder and patted her back. Xa
nder followed her example with Alex, and both babies burped noisily.

  John David looked up at the noise, giggling, and Elizabeth put a finger to her lips.

  “Shhh,” she said softly, looking at her little man.

  “Shhh,” he answered, smiling, mimicking her motion.

  Xander and Elizabeth got up carefully and walked softly across the room with their babies, placing them gently in their cribs. Then Xander turned and picked up John David, laying his book aside and holding him so that their faces were level.

  “John David, do you want to pray first tonight, or shall I?” he asked his son.

  “I pray,” the boy replied, reaching for his mother’s hand.

  Standing by the cribs, surrounded by their guardians, Xander’s family bowed their heads.

  “Thank you, Jesus, for Mommy, Daddy, Faith, and Alex,” John David intoned in his childish voice. “Love you. Help me be good. Good night, God. Amen.”

  Elizabeth added, “Thank you for Xander, John David, Faith, and Alex, dear Lord. Please keep us safe tonight, and help us to sleep well. We love you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  “Father, we love you. Please bless my wife, John David, Faith, Alex, Nana and Papa, Aunt Janna and Uncle Chance, Matthew, and all of our loved ones. Thank you so much for giving me these people to love and help me never to take their love for granted. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  Leaving the twins in the care of Abner, Kenelm, Baron, and Reima, Elizabeth turned off the overhead lights, leaving on a small lamp, and led the way as Xander carried John David to his room. Michael, Gabriel, Cahal, and Kenward followed them.

  A night light glowed softly, illuminating the familiar shapes in John David’s room. Both Elizabeth and Xander kissed their son, and Xander leaned over to put him in his crib. John David frowned as his father laid him down.

  “I want bed,” he said, though his eyes were closed and his voice was sleepy. “Me big boy.”


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