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MARCUS: A Desdin County Romance

Page 2

by Skylar Platt

  She stopped suddenly, scowling, but her face brightened as she turned and saw it was me stopped sideways in the middle of the road.

  “You're a little ways from home aren't you?” I asked leaning both arms onto the open window beckoning her to come closer.

  “Just a few miles,” she said like it was no big deal, and to her it wasn't, even a couple of decades removed from her college running career, she was still always out running. Her eyes were bright and face flushed with a rosy glow. Sweat glistened around her neck and was just starting to seep through the belly of her skin-tight running shirt. I drank her in as she floated over to me.

  It had been two days since her drunken night and I’d been able to think of little else, but the vision burned into my memory wasn't the one most would expect. It wasn't her naked body reaching for me and quivering under my touch. It wasn't her lips pressed against mine, her hips raised to mine begging me to enter her, and me fighting every urge in my body to keep from doing so.

  It was the way she looked up at me, head splayed across her arm at the kitchen table the next morning. Those tired green eyes rimmed with red all at once shy, embarrassed, grateful. The way her tiny hand was swallowed by mine as I assured her it was all OK. It was the distant scent of the restaurant grill still lingering in her hair and mixing with the faintest hint of vanilla, as I held her just a beat too long when we said good bye.

  She stood close enough to me to cause a stir deep in my gut. Gorgeous, was all I could think. This right here, right now was her at her most breathtaking and had rendered me speechless. Why had I not noticed her before? Well, I knew why. I work for her father. She’s forbidden fruit. But more than that, I had never bothered to know who she was. I had judged her based on who her father was.

  She glanced down at my forearms exposed by my rolled-up sleeves. She seemed to be weighing some sort of decision involving them and finally took a deep breath resting her hands on her hips.

  “What are you doing out here?” she broke the easy silence moving a tick closer and leaning on the side mirror.

  “Trying to track someone down.”

  “Any luck?”

  “Not with that,” I raised an eyebrow and grinned at her.

  She smiled back and shifted on her feet a couple of times.

  “How much farther are you going?”

  “About 4 miles, I turn off the road in another half mile or so and it loops back to my neighborhood.”

  I nodded, but was suddenly filled with this overwhelming fear that she was out here all alone on a desolate two-lane highway and what if something happened. Clearly, she did not want a ride home, she was out on a run for reason. I was certain she had run this route more times than she can count. “Is it safe out here like this?”

  “I thought so, at least until a crazy sheriff's deputy decided to scare me with his lights and siren.”

  I laughed.

  She backed away with a smile. “I need to, ah...” she pointed down the road. “Before I cool down too much.”

  “Yep,” I paused for a minute before putting the Yukon into gear causing her to look back my way. “It's nice to see you.”

  “Likewise,” she said, holding my gaze for a moment.



  The storm came on fast and hard. Not usually phased by running in the rain, I was less enthused about the torrential downpour and thunder and lightning. Marcus pulled up quickly and hit his lights to get my attention.

  Without hesitation I hopped into the passenger seat as he tossed folders onto the dash. I was dripping as if I had just stepped out of the shower. I swatted at water falling off of my nose and started to survey anything around me that I might be damaging. I looked up to find Marcus staring at me, arm resting on the steering wheel.

  Those dark eyes were warm. My heart started beating in time with the rhythmic clicking of the lights barely audible over the torrents of rain pelting the windshield. I clutched his face in my hands when he leaned across the console. A flutter hit my stomach as I lost myself in his soft lips. The tips of our tongues just starting to dance as a flash of light raised the hair on my arms followed by the near sonic boom rattling the truck and causing us both to jump.

  “My sentiments exactly,” he said breaking into a smile against my mouth.

  He called the station and said he would be off the radio for about an hour as we drove the few miles back to my house.

  I was soaked to the bone and starting to shiver. My running shoes squished as I walked down the hall leaving a trail of water droplets in my wake, shedding clothing before even reaching the bedroom.

  Marcus followed. Goosebumps pebbled my damp skin. My nipples stood taught as drops of water trailed around them and down my stomach his eyes following their path sending a tiny shiver up my spine.

  Marcus unbuttoned his shirt and proceeded to undress as he moved past me to the bathroom retrieving a towel. I gawked at his bare chest, my eyes swept across those solid pecs and defined abs down to his jeans, the top button undone, waiting for me to finish exposing him. I smiled and knelt on the bed. He wrapped the towel around my head and knocked some of the moisture out of my hair. His towel-covered hands cupped my breasts, slid down my waist and hips.

  My pulse quickened when he dropped the towel to the floor. For the second time in less than a week I find myself in my bed completely exposed to him, in danger of combusting under his stare. My legs were spread just enough for his hand. I didn't need to place it there this time. The warmth shot through me as he pressed his palm to me and began sliding his fingers between my folds. I groaned as he moved a finger into me, I felt a burst of liquid explode down his hand. His eyes never left mine as he moved in and out, adding a second finger, my breaths growing raspy, his smile widening when my legs started to quiver.

  His free hand cupped my breast, then clutched my hair holding me up as I was about to collapse in a heap, the fireball building inside me with each movement of his fingers. I moaned uncontrollably moving my hips with his fingers.

  “Marcus,” I pressed my forehead against his, breathing so hard, sparks were flying into my stomach. “Marcus,” breathless and frantic I reached for his jeans and quickly freed him. Feeling how hard he was, pulsing within my hand, provided a momentary distraction and the sparks fell back into the ball spinning within me.

  I lifted myself off of his hand and sat on the edge of the bed wrapping my lips around his hard cock, relishing the moan this elicited. I took in as much of him as I could, tasting the sweetness, feeling the silky smooth skin against my tongue. In and out so slowly.

  “Oh God,” he said, still clutching my hair, but relinquishing complete control to me. I felt him start to throb, his legs were buckling. I pulled away and fell back onto the bed pulling him into me, smashing my lips to his.

  I groaned and the fireball erupted, sparks flew everywhere, my toes curled and I wrapped my legs around his waist as tightly as I could. Tiny squeals, sounds I've never made before filled my ears. I lifted my hips still thrusting to him, when sparks turned to liquid heat flowing through me, the world was spinning, I couldn't breathe. Marcus thrust harder, plunging so deep, releasing another squeal from my lips.

  “Don't stop,” I cried. Then a pulse within me and one final shot of sparks. I was spent. We both froze for a moment. His breathing as labored as mine. The sparks within me still working their way down to a smolder.

  I brushed his hair away from his face clasping it into a ponytail in my fingers. He kissed me so softly, almost more of a caress than a kiss. We smiled into each others lips.

  “Holy crap,” I started to laugh.

  “So that's what happens when you spend virtually a week in a perpetual state of arousal and finally do something about it," he grinned at me and wrapped me up tight. I closed my eyes and inhaled him, pressing myself tight against his rock hard chest and abs, relishing the security of those arms wrapped around me.

  Not wanting to move we twisted the quilt and sheets
around us from underneath. Suddenly drowsy I let myself drift in and out with the gentle touch of his fingers along my shoulders and in my still-wet cold hair.

  The radio crackled from the entry way and my dad's voice drifted down the hall. Reality sucks. He was looking for Marcus. Marcus groaned, but was already unraveling himself from our nest. I stayed put and watched him dress. He sat on the edge of the bed and I sat up and rested my chin on his shoulder.

  “I did not see this coming,” he said softly, leaning his head against mine.


  “ and me,” he said. Suddenly serious he turned to face me, forcing me to look at him.

  “Me either,” I whispered, trying to avert my eyes as I could feel the pricks of tears tickling my eyes as unexpected emotion welled up within me. He tugged at my chin and looked at me. I looked back hoping he didn't see the fear and uncertainty washing over me. I couldn't read a single thought through his dark eyes and that made it a hundred times worse.

  “God you are beautiful,” he said, fingers trailing along my cheek.

  I held his lips to mine, not ready to say goodbye just yet, the heat of his tongue reigniting the flame in my belly. He wrapped his arms back around me and laid me down on the bed. “Has it been an hour? A quickie?” I pleaded.

  He laughed. “I'll see you tonight,” he said. I released my grip on his ass and flopped my arms onto the bed inhaling the scent of us.



  “I got accused of being happy today,” he frowned, wrapping a strong arm around my waist and roughly pulling me into him.

  “Well, damn, I hate that,” I giggled, kissed him and wriggled away heading to the kitchen to finish dinner. “Who would dare make such an accusation?” I said over my shoulder.

  “Sam,” he said referring to Samantha, the lone female deputy in my dad’s office, who he also happens to be sleeping with, something she planned to use against him if – when – he gives her a hard time about Marcus.

  We laughed and chatted through dinner. My work, his work, my running, our mutual affection for Henry. It all felt gloriously normal, easy, fun. Something I could see myself getting used to, too used to.

  “You want some dessert?” I grinned when I said it, hoping I knew the answer and prepared to race him to the bedroom.

  He caught me from behind lifting me up and swinging me around. I watched as he removed his shirt and boots, drinking in his rippling abs, the way his jeans hung on his hips, I reached up for his belt when he got close enough, but he grabbed my hand.

  “Unh-uh. No moving.” He grinned wickedly.

  I offered a mock frown and obeyed, intoxicated by the sparkle in his eyes. The heat between my legs building. I was already wet and more than ready. God the response my body has to this man. He slowly removed my clothes and I stood still per my instructions not at all unhappy about his desire to tease and please me.

  The goose flesh rose on skin again when his finger tips pinched my nipples, tracing circles around my breasts, down my belly. I pressed my hips to him and threw my head back.

  I reached for his biceps when he leaned into me. “I have conditions,” he grinned. “You are not to move until I tell you, and no touching me until I say. Just stay still...and trust me.” his lips grazed mine.

  “Are you going all 50 Shades on me?” I asked fidgeting, the softness of his deep voice pushing me to the edge already.

  He laughed, knowing what I meant, which surprised me more than a little bit.

  “Don't make me go get the cuffs,” he smiled, eyes never leaving mine.

  Those long fingers trailed from my breast, across my belly, the tickle of his light touch caused an involuntary flinch. My folds opened under his fingers, slowly slipping into my wet flesh dripping around his fingers. God those fingers are so good. I let out a low throaty growl and lifted to him again. My breaths coming quickly and raspy. How does he do this? His thumb began its slow caress along my clit sending the surge of fire rushing through me. I wiggled and squirmed the stimulation on the verge of being too much.

  “Stay still,” he whispered, his breath hot against my inner thigh. I hadn’t noticed his face between my legs. If he dares….I bit my lip and whimpered when his tongue took over where his thumb had just been. The long languid lick. The explosion was coming now. I looked at him, eyes filled with warmth as he watched my face, relishing in his ability to unhinge me. “Breathe,” he said softly, lifting his face to mine.

  But I couldn’t. My hips started to rock with the rhythm of his fingers, his eyes shining, with every moan he smiled, mesmerized by his face locked on mine, the movement of his arm in my periphery. Watching him watch me was exhilarating. My hips rocked harder, he didn't stop me but he refused to meet my quickened pace, which was excruciatingly glorious. The warmth flowing up and down my body. My knees began to weaken and he wrapped his free arm around my waist. I dug my nails into his biceps the explosion about to erupt. He slid to his knees and removed his fingers just as the first wave began to pulse through me. His wet fingers slid up my chest, my throat and lips. I took one of them into my mouth tasting my own salty sweetness just as he pressed his hot tongue between my folds, across my clit.

  “Oh God” I yelped. The explosion was fierce, his tongue in me, I tossed my head back and growled again, biting down on his finger, harder than intended. “Shit,” my body shuddered unwilling to be done just yet. He had stopped any movement. He just held me pressing his cheek to my inner thigh feeling every wave rip through me.

  “Wow,” I said as he stood, his arms the only thing keeping me upright. He lifted me and laid me across the bed. I started to sit up and help him undo his belt, but he held up a hand in protest. I fell back smiling, enjoying his little game. I watched his clothes fall to the floor and stared at his hard cock that I ached to wrap my hands around and he knew it. He brought that devilish grin closer to my face and I felt the heat of his cock against my thigh. Before I could reach for it he clasped my wrists between one large hand and held them over my head. His free hand caressed my cheek, and his knees spread my legs.

  “Tell me what you want Cassidy.” Hearing my name drip from his lips into my ear rocked me to the core. I waited for his eyes to return to mine.

  “Make love to me Marcus.”

  Something in his eyes changed and he caught his breath. The grip on my wrists loosened, but I remained still watching his eyes, sensing a slight shift in control. He entered me so slowly. The sensation rocketing straight to my heart. A luscious warmth filled me to my soul. Holy crap. Tears pricked the backs of my eyes. I wrapped my legs tightly around him, our hips rocking together building momentum. If I dared to look at him I’d lose it. I felt a hand across my cheek and his forehead pressed to mine. I dug my fingers into his ass and my ears filled with the mingled sounds of our moans. I opened my eyes, a tear fell and trickled into my ear. His eyes once again locked on mine. His expression mirroring mine. I started to shudder.

  “Don't let it end,” I mumbled.

  He responded with his lips against mine. I was afraid to close my eyes, afraid the love I saw in his would disappear, but if I kept watching. I could pull it in. Marcus just breathed into me, hips rocking slowly, strongly. I inhaled his breath. It was the only air I had left. He had stolen all of mine.

  It was Marcus who broke the stare, closing his eyes, filling my mouth with his tongue as he came hard, shattering everything within me. I couldn't breathe but couldn’t let his lips go. I clung to this glorious mess of spinning heat and shards of glass spilling all around me and in one final quiver everything fell back into place filling every gap inside my heart.

  I opened my eyes, brushed his hair away from his face. He gently rubbed a tear from the corner of my eye. There were no words. Well, there were three, but I wasn't going to say them.

  “Breathe,” he said softly with a smile.

  I exhaled deeply.



  I woke to pale
sunlight creeping through the slats in the blinds. Cassidy’s hair was strewn across the pillow. Her bare back exposed to me, sheets draped across her hips. Her breathing was soft, imperceptible. I ran a finger lightly across her shoulder, down the middle of her back. My coppery hands so dark against her pale skin and freckles. A stark reminder that life outside the confines of this room were not simple for us, not as a couple.

  In this tiny western town, a Native American man and white woman were still frowned upon, at least by the Natives. My decision to go to work for Wes instead of the Tribal Police had alienated a huge portion of the tribe. They refused to believe my decision was rooted in a belief that I could help my people better by working with Wes. Unfortunately, it turned out the system was actually stacked against both of us.

  She rolled over and looked up at me through bleary but smiling eyes. “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi,” I kissed her forehead and attempted to move a tangle of hair off of her face.

  “You really wrecked my hair,” she giggled in annoyance.

  “I’ll be more careful next time,” I winked.

  “You’d better not,” she shot back.

  We stared at each other quietly for a few minutes. “This will rock some worlds, you know?” I said.

  “I'd say that's putting it mildly.” She sat upright and looked away but not quickly enough for me to miss the sadness building in her eyes.

  “Hey,” I reached for her chin and gently returned her focus to me. “I'm right here. You aren't going to have wage this war alone. Hey, maybe it won't be a war at all.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Seriously?

  I knew she was right. The chances of her dad accepting this without a fight, were between nill and nothing.

  “None of that has to happen today does it,” she said hopefully.

  “Absolutely not. I do, however, need to get to work.”

  Reluctantly I stepped into the shower, not really wanting to rinse her from me yet, I let the hot water wash over me for a few minutes, absorbing the satisfaction of our last two encounters. I’ve had my share of sex in my life. I’ve even thought I’d been in love before. But last night? I’ve never felt a connection like that. Never felt that power deep in my soul.


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