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Fever Pitch (Boston Beauties #1)

Page 29

by Dawn Edwards

  I awoke the next morning to a knocking on my door. I turned over, willing whoever was on the other side of the door to just go away. But when the knocking didn’t stop, I hauled my tired ass out of bed. Half asleep, I answered the door to see the detective that interviewed me yesterday along with two uniformed officers.

  ‘Matthew Wilson, you are under arrest in connection with the disappearance of Jessa Cahill. Anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law…’

  I stood there in nothing but my boxers and a tank top listening to the officer read me my Miranda rights. I was speechless. Of all the crimes I had committed in the past, it was ironic that I was being charged with something for which I was innocent.

  What were the odds?

  When the officers stepped into my condo, the reality finally hit me. Shit, I was being arrested. ‘Can I put on some clothes and make sure everything is turned off?’ I asked, rubbing my eyes.

  ‘Sure thing,’ the detective told me, closing the door behind him as the other officers entered and stood in my living room. ‘We will need your mobile first.’

  I pointed to my bedroom. ‘It’s on my nightstand,’ I told the detective, walking into the spare room where I kept my clothing, as I had wanted to keep the master bedroom free for all of Jessa’s stuff.

  Shit. Jessa.

  Was she really gone? It didn’t seem real.

  I took some clothes out of my dresser and closed the door a bit. As I was getting dressed, I looked around the room to make sure everything was unplugged. I pulled the side of the fireplace open to find it partly empty. Shit. I should have thought this through more. But then again, I really didn’t think the cops would be turning up first thing in the morning to arrest my ass either. I didn’t have the time, or the privacy to see what was missing.

  But seeing that stuff was clearly missing, I couldn’t help but think I was being framed. I tripped over a chair, trying to disconnect my computer when the officer came in.

  ‘You ok, sir?’

  ‘Yeah, just fell over trying to disconnect and turn it off.’

  He helped me to my feet. ‘All taps and kitchen appliances are turned off.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I nodded, pulling a pair of socks from my dresser drawer.

  ‘Do you have any pets?’

  ‘No,’ I answered with one word again.

  After I finished getting dressed, I met the rest of the officers in the living room, and I asked, ‘How’s the search going? I know she’s alive, I didn’t hurt her, I would never…’ She was worth far more to me alive than dead. But there were parts of the other night I don’t remember, damn the Bacardi.

  ‘Would you like a lawyer, Mr. Wilson?’ the detective asked me.

  ‘Innocent men don’t need lawyers.’

  The detective took a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. ‘I don’t think we need those,’ I told him, raising my hands in a peaceful gesture. ‘I’ve been more than cooperative.’

  One of the cops frisked me and then led me to an awaiting cop car, while the detective locked my condo with the keys I had given him.

  ‘Is there someone I can give these keys to?’

  I shook my head; I wasn’t bringing my sister into this and risk blowing our cover. My brother, and mastermind of this con, would kill me if I gave him up. He might kill me anyway for not giving him a heads up about the missing documents and for letting Jessa slip away.

  If she wasn’t already dead, I’d make sure she wished she was.

  To be continued…

  Slow Burn, releasing September 2019, add it to your TBR today

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for reading, Fever Pitch. As an independent author, I’d appreciate you leaving a review, it helps others find my books and I always love hearing what people have to say.

  Want to know what happens next with Drew, Jessa and Matt? Check out for Slow Burn, releasing September 19, 2019.

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  Warm Regards,





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