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Hard Rock Mountain: M/M Straight to Gay First Time Romance

Page 15

by Jerry Cole

  "Just relax," she said, adjusting his position. "It'll all be over soon."

  Daniel turned suddenly, tilting his head towards the stairs. "Did you hear that?" he asked.

  Susan clicked her tongue impatiently. "As though I'd fall for—"

  "Price? Carter? You two in here?" a loud voice called from the other end of the house, near the front doors.

  "Help!" Daniel shouted at once. "Down here!"

  "Shit." Susan muttered and raised her gun on Daniel, finger closing on the trigger, ready to end this quickly now that she was out of time.

  Asher collided with her an instant later and Daniel felt the wind of her bullet past his ear as she fired. The noise was deafening in the concrete basement, leaving Daniel stunned, watching Asher pin the ferocious woman to the stairs, grappling to try and get the gun away from her. Daniel saw another officer at the top of the stairs, frozen, unable to fire without risking hitting Asher.

  Asher got a lucky blow in and the gun skittered away across the basement floor as the two rolled over, striking at each other with wild, furious blows. Susan's hand was around Asher's neck, white knuckled as she dug her fingers into his carotid artery. Asher was losing strength, struggling to stay conscious between her grip and the earlier blow to his head. He held out, fighting valiantly.

  For the first time, as Asher swung at her, Daniel saw Susan looking less than perfectly composed, her hair torn loose from its efficient bun by his fingers, her teeth clenched in animal rage, her glasses askew. How outraged she would have been to know it was the last expression she'd wear.

  "Now!" Daniel shouted, and Asher shoved Susan away as hard as he could. Daniel, holding her dropped pistol, pointed it at her and squeezed the trigger until the thunder stopped ringing in his ears and, through the roaring tinnitus, an empty clicking was all he heard. Susan lay against the far basement wall, dead or close enough that it hardly mattered. Daniel threw the pistol away quickly, disgusted, and hurried to Asher's side. The other police officers were crowding the stairs as Daniel pulled the blond man to his feet, helping him stay upright as he wobbled. They clung to each other unself-consciously as they answered the other officer’s questions. Things were about to get very busy again. Daniel didn't care. They were alive. They were together. The rest of the world could go hang.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  They were airlifted out by police helicopter and taken to the nearest hospital, their injuries finally properly treated. Daniel was thoroughly scolded for making his ankle worse by walking on it so long, and apparently the fact that he'd managed to keep going with so many hairline fractures ("Just everywhere, really," according to an x-ray technician) was pretty impressive. Asher joked that Daniel should join the force, but Daniel was genuinely looking forward to going back to a desk job. They shared a hospital room, on their insistence, as they both recuperated, but after a few days they were both well enough to finish healing at home. There was an awkward moment as they stood in the hospital waiting room, trying to figure out where they would go, and if they would go there together.

  "Do you live in Colorado?" Asher asked. "I don't even know where you come from."

  "I'm from out of state," Daniel confirmed, suddenly worried this might be the end, after all they'd been through. "What about you?"

  "Originally from Florida," he admitted. "I have a place here in Colorado, but I can't go back there now that my cover is blown. The department will probably relocate me."

  "If you need a place to stay," Daniel offered, suddenly hopeful. "I've got the space."

  Asher's eyes brightened and for a moment Daniel thought he would accept. But then he seemed to remember himself. He looked away, shaking his head. "Thanks," he said, "but the department wants me to stay close till this whole mess is sorted out."

  "Oh." Daniel's shoulders sank, and he looked down at the scuffed tile floor, watching his hopes slowly wilt. He had known this would happen, but he still hadn't been ready for it.

  "Yeah." Asher looked at least as miserable as Daniel felt, staring away down the hall like it held the answers that would keep them together. The truth was that they knew practically nothing about each other. Nothing practical anyway. Addresses, birthdays, family, favorite foods, taste in movies, all the little parts and pieces that made up a real relationship. Daniel knew how strong Asher was. How kind he could be, even when in pain and under terrible stress. The way he joked to hide how he was feeling. The way he played with his hair when he was lying. The piercing intensity of his eyes when he was being sincere. Daniel knew all these details. But he'd only just learned the man was born in Florida. And maybe that just wasn't enough to make a relationship on.

  "Did you get your cell phone back?"

  Daniel looked up as Asher spoke and nodded in confirmation, pulling the device out of his bag.

  "Can I have your number?" Asher asked, pulling out his phone as well. "So that we can—you know. Once everything is settled."

  "Of course," Daniel agreed at once, and they exchanged numbers quickly. It gave Daniel a little hope, this concrete thread of Asher's presence in his life that he could hold on to.

  A taxi pulled up in front of the hospital, waiting to take Daniel to the airport.

  "I'll call you soon," Asher promised, "So wait for me, okay? Don't go running off with any handsome cab drivers or anything."

  Daniel laughed a little, shook his head and, without even checking to see if they were alone, leaned up to kiss Asher on the cheek. "Thank you," he said, in case he never got another chance, "for everything."

  "I should be thanking you," Asher murmured, his eyes full of longing. "You saved me out there. In more ways than I can name."

  The taxi honked outside and Daniel pulled away reluctantly. "I had better go," he said. "Don't get killed by the mob while I'm not around to save you."

  "No promises," Asher laughed as Daniel headed for the door, glancing back often. "I'll see you soon. Don't get eaten by any bears!"

  "No promises!" Daniel called back, smiling bittersweet as the hospital doors closed between them. The words 'I love you' sat unsaid like a cold lump in his throat. He climbed into the cab and wondered if that was the last thing he would ever say to Asher.

  His phone rang and Daniel fumbled to answer it, confused. "Hello?" he asked, not checking to see who it was.

  "Told you I'd call soon!" Asher said on the other end. Daniel looked up to see him waving through the glass doors of the hospital. "You're not gonna be busy for a few hours while you wait for your flight, right? How about I keep you company?"

  Daniel smiled, watching Asher as the cab pulled away until he couldn't see the other man's face any more, then he leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes, overwhelmed with happiness.

  "That sounds great," he answered, voice a little rough with emotion. "So. Uh, tell me about where you grew up?"

  A few months later, Daniel was back in his quiet apartment. It didn't feel so empty anymore. Daniel had bought that fish. It was only a betta for now, bright scarlet with streaming fins. He figured he'd work his way up to something bigger. A potted cactus sat beside the fish tank, a welcome home gift from Lynda and everyone at the office. He was trying to be less closed off, and his coworkers had responded to the new him with open arms. He was going bowling with a couple of them this weekend.

  The office itself had passed into the hands of one of Donahue's relatives, a sober and far more reliable man, who'd vowed to make sure no one lost their jobs while the company was under investigation for Donahue's crimes. Daniel had even been given a small raise for spotting Donahue's financial chicanery early. It wasn't much, but it was all Daniel needed. He was, for the most part, content.

  He talked to Asher nearly every day. Asher joked that he had nothing better to do since the department had him sitting on his hands until the case was wrapped up. They talked about Asher's family and Daniel's childhood and what schools they had gone to and what movies they loved and what food they hated and, with rare exception, foun
d they complemented each other well. All the little details of their lives had begun to fill in for each other. Now Daniel knew he got that habit of playing with his hair when he lied from his mother, and that when he was a kid he'd wanted to be a comedian, and had practiced jokes with his brothers. The knowledge had illuminated and embellished on what he already knew, painting a richer picture. If possible, Daniel thought he liked Asher even more. He could only hope the other man felt the same upon learning more about him.

  Daniel fed his fish, which he'd named Charlemagne, while a cooking show chattered blithely in the background of a peaceful, empty afternoon. For once Daniel didn't feel antsy or eager to leave the still apartment. It was about the time of day when Asher usually called him, and looking forward to it made the apartment feel not empty, but full of potential.

  Just as he was putting down the fish food his phone rang, and he rushed to answer it. "Asher!" he said, smile audible as he picked up his phone. "I was hoping you would call soon. How was—"

  He was interrupted by the sound of his apartment doorbell ringing. He frowned, wondering who would be visiting right now. "Sorry, one second," he said. "There's someone at the door."

  Still holding the phone to his ear he hurried across the living room to open the front door.

  Asher stood on the other side, holding his phone. He smiled. "Hey Danny."

  Daniel threw himself forward before he knew what he was doing, hugging Asher tightly and pulling the other man into the apartment.

  "What are you doing here?" he asked, elated. "Did the department finally let you go?"

  "One better than that," Asher replied. "They approved my relocation. I'm moving here."

  Daniel just stared at him, stunned, for a moment. "Are you... are you moving in here?" he asked, a little thrown.

  Asher laughed. "No, no, I've got my own place," he said. "It seemed a little early in the relationship to be moving in together."

  "Yeah, I guess so," Daniel laughed. "I just can't believe you're finally here."

  "I couldn't wait to see you," Asher reached out to touch Daniel's hair, combing it back behind his ear. "I've missed you... And I wanted to ask you something."

  "Anything," Daniel said at once. "How can I help?"

  Asher laughed, shaking his head. "I wanted to ask you," he said, slow and a little nervous. "If you would like to go on a date with me? I figured, since we had never really been on one, it might be a good place to start. We could see a movie, get dinner." He looked at Daniel with big, hopeful eyes, as though there were any chance Daniel would turn him down.

  "I'd love that," Daniel replied, grinning from ear to ear. "I would really, really love that."

  He pulled Asher down and kissed him, all the affection he'd been holding back bubbling over all at once. Asher didn't resist, pulling Daniel close and returning the kiss with a passion that said he'd been holding back for a long time too. Daniel stepped backwards and his knees hit the back the couch. He stumbled, falling backwards, but Asher caught him, turning it into a controlled descent. He knelt over Daniel, fingers sliding under the smaller man's shirt as his kisses drifted down to Daniel's throat.

  "We'll miss the movie," Daniel teased as Asher pushed up his shirt to kiss his way down Daniel's chest.

  "There's a later showing," Asher said quickly, tossing Daniel's shirt away and pulling at his own pants.

  "What about dinner?" Daniel giggled, unbuckling Asher's belt with deft fingers.

  "I think I'd rather have dessert first." Asher replied, leaning back on his knees as Daniel worked his pants open.

  Daniel licked his lips, looking up at Asher with mischievous eyes. "Me too."

  Asher was already half hard and Daniel swallowed the other man with vigor and an eye towards showing him exactly how much he'd been missed. He knew he should take things slow and build Asher up first, but he was too excited by the man's very presence. He wanted to do everything all at once.

  Asher bent forward with a stammering groan as Daniel engulfed him, mouth hot and eager, moving at a pace that had Asher cursing and grabbing for Daniel's head to slow him down, lest this end far too fast. He planted a hand on the arm rest behind Daniel, bending over him, shifting forward to straddle him better. Daniel held still despite his impatience, obeying the hand in his hair that was holding him in place. He expected Asher to let go and allow Daniel to resume in a moment, once he had his control back. Instead, Asher kept his hold on Daniel's head and began to slowly move his hips, rocking into Daniel's mouth. Daniel was surprised but not unreceptive, relaxing and allowing Asher to fuck his mouth at his own speed.

  Asher went at a slow, deliberate pace, cradling Daniel's head and taking great care not to hurt the other man even as he used him. Daniel closed his eyes and focused on keeping his jaw and throat relaxed, making it easy for Asher to slide deeper. Asher gave a wordless moan of approval, stroking Daniel's hair.

  "That's it," he murmured. "Just like that. Tilt your head back a little further. You're so good at this, Danny."

  The praise sent a thrill through Daniel almost as pleasant as the guilty delight of being used this way. He slid a hand down underneath Asher to stroke himself through his pants, too hard just from this situation to go on ignoring himself.

  "Just a little more," Asher was breathless, grinding deeper into Daniel's throat. "God, your mouth feels so good."

  Daniel moaned around Asher's cock as the other man sank deeper into his throat, holding his breath until his vision began to darken at the edges and his thoughts began to float and disconnect, his body tingling. Still Asher rocked into him, and then suddenly stopped, babbling Daniel's name amid curses, and Daniel felt the hot rush of cum in his throat. He was still rubbing himself frantically through his pants, and as Asher pulled out and air flooded back into Daniel's lungs like fire, lighting him up, his hips jerked upwards and he felt himself tumbling over the edge of orgasm all at once.

  He was left stunned, lying against the couch in surprise mingled with embarrassment at how strongly he'd reacted to that, while Asher fell back against the opposite side of the couch to catch his breath.

  "Fuck," Daniel said after a long moment, his voice rough. "I'm going to have to change my pants."

  "Sorry," Asher was still coming down, his words breathy and euphoric. "I got carried away there."

  "No apology necessary," Daniel laughed though his throat hurt. His entire body was still prickling with excitement. He looked up to catch Asher's eye across the couch and spread his legs, revealing the wet spot where his cum was soaking through, "Want to make the movie a very late showing?"


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  They never did make the movie. Once Daniel gave in to Asher's request to 'try something,' there was no chance they'd leave the apartment that night. He bound and blindfolded Daniel in his own silk work ties and spent hours working him up with soft sensory teasing before taking him. And then again in the shower, and then again in the kitchen, making up for all the months apart. They slowed down in the weeks and months that followed, if only because if they'd continued at that pace, neither of them would ever have slept nor eaten.

  Great as the sex was, Daniel liked the quiet moments more. The early mornings after nights when Asher slept over, when he'd make coffee and they'd talk idly over breakfast. Or late at night, when he woke and found the other man beside him. All his feelings of loneliness had disappeared.

  It was just such a quiet moment now, the sun just risen, the morning soft and silver with the early light. Mist moved through the trees, the tops of their highest boughs just barely touched with gold. Steam curled up from Daniel's coffee cup as he leaned back on the porch swing, watching the slide of bright colors over the sides of the blue shaded mountains in the distance. The dawn chorus of spring song birds was rising musically all around the isolated cabin. Daniel sighed in peaceful contentment.

  Though their relationship had started in an unusual way, they'd been dating properly for almost a year when the
y took their first vacation together. Asher had suggested going back to the Rockies as a joke at first, but Daniel had found the idea stuck with him. Eventually they'd agreed it was only right to revisit the place that had brought them together. Though this cabin was significantly nicer than the abandoned ranger station, with electricity and air conditioning and a store just a short drive away in Asher's truck.

  Looking out from its little patio, however, Daniel could see Mummy Mountain, where the cabin they'd sheltered in must still be, closed up again now, filling with dust, waiting for another stranded hiker to rescue. Daniel wished they had left something there. Some way to mark what the place had done for them. But at the same time, that wasn't a hike he felt like making again.

  He heard the door open behind him as Asher stepped outside, yawning and holding his own coffee, looking sleep mussed and perfect in a loose t-shirt and sweatpants. He sank onto the bench next to Daniel, and Daniel didn't hesitate to curl up against him, happy to share this morning with him. A little while after he'd started dating Daniel seriously, Asher had stopped accepting undercover assignments, alleviating Daniel's worries about his safety and allowing him to be around for the other man more regularly. He'd been doing well in spite of this and was close to making detective.

  "You looked so solemn out here by yourself," Asher said, kissing the top of Daniel's head. "It reminded me of the first time I saw you. What were you thinking about?"

  "Just remembering that cabin," Daniel explained, smiling. "I was so scared back then. I still don't know if I was more scared of it being real or just a result of the situation we were in. No, I think that's wrong. I was scared as hell of it being real and having to change my life. But I was more scared of going back to being alone."

  "Any regrets?" Asher asked. "An anniversary like this is a good time to review."

  Daniel thought about it seriously for a moment, then shook his head. "Not really," he said. "Well, maybe that one thing with your parents."


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