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Candy Girl

Page 7

by Eve Vaughn


  “Relax, Julie. If you don't want it to happen, I'll stop right now.” He parted her cheeks and licked the spot where his fingers had been.

  She jerked against the feel of his tongue, torn between pleasure and surprise. She'd never been touched so intimately before. As he continued to lick her puckered bud, she gnawed on her bottom lip, not wanting to vocalize the pleasure his sexual ministrations caused.

  She didn't have to. He raised his head with a knowing grin. “Do you want me to stop? Just say the words.”

  Julie couldn't speak if her life depended on it. Damn him. She raised her hips in silent consent. He chuckled. “That's what I thought.” He gave her asshole a long, broad lick with his tongue, sending shivers of delight from her head to toes. Gabe lifted his head. “I have something to make this easier for you.” Rolling off the bed, he rummaged through his nightstand drawer and produced a little white tube.

  Julie wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. “What's that?”

  “Lubricant. As this is your first introduction to the art of anal sex, this will help.”

  “Oh,” she answered lamely, not quite sure if it would or not. His cock was so thick, she wondered if she could take all of him.

  As if sensing her fear, Gabe placed a light kiss on her belly. “Do you trust me?”


  “If this gets too uncomfortable for you, tell me to stop, okay?”

  Catching her bottom lip between her teeth, she nodded.

  Carefully, he uncapped the little tube and squeezed a generous amount on his index and middle fingers.

  Julie flinched at the contact of the cool gel against her skin. Closing her eyes, she willed herself to relax and let go. She knew Gabe wanted this, and she wanted to please him. When he said he wouldn't hurt her, she believed him, which allowed her to slowly give over to the stimulating pulses of pure delight threading through her body.

  Gabe eased a slick finger into her tight hole, and she gasped. It was an odd feeling but not unpleasant. He pushed the digit deep, then pulled it out and pushed it back in again. Working up a slow, steady rhythm, he got her to a point where she was actually enjoying it. She clenched her muscles around that finger, loving the in-and-out motion.

  “Are you ready for another one, baby?”

  She opened her eyes. “Yes.”

  He added a second finger, a tighter squeeze. She was more than ready for him this time, moving her hips along with his questing movements. Her body was soon a quivering mass as he continued to finger her ass. Never would she have believed she could derive so much pleasure from an area she'd once considered off-limits.

  “Do you like this, Julie?”

  “Oh God, yes.”

  “Then I hope you're ready for my cock, because I think I'll combust if I don't get to sample some of this tight ass soon.”

  “Okay.” Her uncertainty came back full force. His fingers were one thing, but his cock was another. Julie wished she could reach out and touch him, but her hands were still bound. The blood rushed to the surface of his skin. He was burning up. For her! Yet on the surface, he remained calm. This demonstration of patience was enough to convince her to continue. “Please, fuck my ass, Gabe.”

  He groaned. “You keep talking like that, and I doubt I'll be able to contain myself.” Producing a condom and quickly donning it, he moved to his knees and placed his cock at her anal entrance. “Ready?”

  “As ready as I'll ever be.”

  Gabe pushed forward, gently at first, getting the head past the tight ring, and then slowly eased an inch into her. She felt so thoroughly stretched, it took her breath away.

  When he was completely inside of her, she was surprised that his entrance had been virtually pain free, besides a slight discomfort. He placed his hands on either side of her body. “As I move in and out of you, I want you to tell me exactly how I make you feel.” He pulled back until he nearly slid out of her and then shoved forward again.

  “Gabe, oh God!”

  He halted. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. Please don't stop.” She couldn't believe she was begging him for this. There was no turning back now. Every bit of her belonged to him.

  Gabe thrust forward again.

  “Yes, that's it, lover. Fuck my ass.”

  “Like it, huh?” He grinned. “Do you like my white cock in your beautiful black ass?”

  His dirty words gave her a thrill like she couldn't believe. “Love it.” She moaned. “Now shut up and keep fucking me.”

  “My pleasure, ma'am.” He grasped her hips to lift her lower body, enabling him to drive deeper into her. “Oh yeah, baby. I was right. This ass was meant for fucking, and it's mine, isn't it? Just like your pussy.”

  “All of me belongs to you, Gabe. This is your ass and your pussy.” She thrashed her head from side to side, tugging at her silk bonds. She wanted to pull him close and hold him against her.

  “That's it, baby. Don't hold back. Don't ever hold anything back from me.”

  He pumped into her, pounding her ass and making it jiggle the deeper he went. Juices leaked from her pussy, and an incredible heat scorched her from the inside out. An orgasm was coming, and when it did, it would be a powerful one. As she moved with him, the slow, steady buildup of intense pleasure shimmied along every single nerve ending in her body.

  Her climax was like a dam bursting forth from within. “Gabe! I'm coming.”

  Judging from his shut eyes and gritted teeth, he too had reached his peak. His body shook as he continued to thrust in and out of her ass before collapsing on top of her.

  Gabe placed light kisses against her neck. “That was…” He broke off breathlessly.

  “Fantastic. I know. Could it possibly get any better?”

  He nuzzled her ear. “I don't know, but how about I untie you, and we'll find out together.”

  Julie definitely liked the sound of that.

  Chapter Seven

  At Julie's insistence, she went home Sunday night to get some sleep for work the next day, because as long as she and Gabe shared a bed, sleep was the last thing they were going to do. Plus it was time to reclaim her home. Of course Gabe had tried to get her to stay, but she needed the confrontation with Corinne. She didn't want it hanging over her head at the start of her workweek.

  Gabe had taken her back to the office parking lot so that she could get her car. After picking up Rufus from Sheridan's house, she made her way back home, still coming down from the high of the weekend she'd shared with Gabe. When she parked, she must have sat in her car for a good five minutes before she moved. Rufus barked, getting restless. “Okay, boy. I know. I'm being a big chicken. It's now or never.” Scooping up her dog, she slid out of the car and headed inside.

  She didn't know what to expect when she walked inside, but she didn't think she'd find an empty house. A house that looked ransacked. What the hell happened here? There were beer and soda cans all over the place and empty bowls of chips. And what the hell was that smell? On top of sleeping with her boyfriend, Corinne obviously had the nerve to throw a party. That fucking bitch.

  This was it. Not even their bond as cousins would repair this relationship. Corinne obviously had no respect for her and never would. Whenever she showed up, Julie fully intended to kick her ass out.

  Rufus barked, reminding her that she was still holding him. She was almost scared to put him down on the floor out of fear he'd step on a dirty syringe. Julie wouldn't put anything past her skeezy cousin. With a resigned sigh, she put her dog in his cage, which he wasn't too happy about, and went about the task of cleaning her house thoroughly. It took three hours to get the place in order. She'd save the carpet cleaning and scrubbing the floors for some time later in the week, but she was exhausted by the time she was done. As she was cleaning, however, she'd discovered most of Corinne's belongings were gone. That saved her the trouble of kicking her out at least, but Julie was a bit disappointed for missing out on the opportunity to tell that b
itch off. Instead, everything left behind by her errant cousin was gathered up, placed in a trash bag, and thrown out in the garbage can. Julie would like to have put Corinne in there, but there was nothing she could do about that. It was close to midnight when she finished; her muscles ached from the exertion. Though she was tired, she decided to treat herself by running a hot bubble bath for herself. Gabe had given her permission to come in a little late to the office the next day, so she figured she'd sleep in a few extra hours.

  Just as she was about to step into her sudsy haven, the phone rang. Toying with the idea of not answering it, she figured whoever it was calling this late obviously had some kind of emergency. At least they'd better. The caller ID stated it was a private number. Everyone she knew had listed telephone numbers, but she answered anyway. “Hello?”

  “Do you miss me?” Gabe's throaty voice greeted her ears.

  She didn't expect to hear from him, at least not until she went to work tomorrow. A huge grin tugged the corners of her lips. Just the sound of his voice made her pussy wet. Their weekend together was still fresh in her mind, and now she almost wished she'd stayed with him tonight instead of coming back home. “Gabe. I didn't know you had my number. I mean…I forgot to give it to you.”

  “As your employer, I have to have access to all my employees' numbers.”

  “Ah, so isn't it a bit unethical to use said number for non-business-related calls?”

  “Just as ethical as it is to fuck your boss.”

  Julie laughed out loud. “Touché.”

  “You never answered my question.”

  “And that was?”

  “Do you miss me?”

  She giggled. In truth, she really did, but she wasn't going to inflate his already healthy ego. “How can I miss you when we only saw each other a few hours ago?”


  Julie felt giddy like a teenage girl with her first boyfriend again. “Okay, maybe I missed you a bit.”

  “Only a little?”

  “Okay, a lot. What are you still doing up, anyway? I thought you were going to have an early night because you have a series of meetings in the morning.”

  He sighed. “After I dropped you off to get your car, I went home, did my nightly routine, and went to bed, but I found it wasn't the same without you beside me. I spent the last couple of hours tossing and turning, and finally I decided to give you a call. I thought you'd be asleep by now and I'd have to content myself with simply hearing your voice on your answering machine.”

  Her heart pounded, beating a tattoo within her chest. No one had ever said anything so romantic to her before. “You're kidding me, right? You couldn't sleep because you were thinking about little ol' me?”

  Gabe chuckled. “We're really going to have to work on that self-esteem issue of yours. And why wouldn't a man be lying in bed thinking about his woman?”

  “Your woman?”

  “That's what you are, aren't you?”

  They hadn't officially put any labels on what they were to each other, but Julie liked the sound of that. Gabriel Carland's woman. “As long as I can call you my man.”

  “I think you have yourself a deal, little lady. So how did it go?”

  “How did what go?”

  “The confrontation with your cousin? Was it as bad as you thought it would be, or did she give in graciously?”

  “Actually, she was already gone by the time I got here. Most of her stuff had been cleared out, along with a few of my items.”

  “Really? Do you plan on filing a police report?”

  “It's not worth it. Besides, she didn't take anything of real value. Thankfully I had the foresight to put expensive jewelry and everything of real importance to me at Sheridan's place until she left.”

  “It's a shame you had to do that in the first place. But at least she's gone. I'd advise you to change your locks, just in case she tries to come back. From how you describe your cousin, I wouldn't put it past her.”

  “You're probably right.” She really didn't want to talk about Corinne anymore, but she didn't want to end the conversation with him. “Guess what?”


  “I'm completely naked.”


  She laughed. Even though he couldn't see her, she ran her finger along the tops of her breasts and released a moan. Before Friday she would never have had the nerve to do something like this, but there was just something about this man that brought the naughty out in her. “I don't have a stitch of clothing on right now. I was about to get into the bathtub before you called. It's too bad you're not here to do anything about it.”

  “Who says I'm not?”

  She stopped touching herself. “You can't be.”

  “Take a look out your window.”

  “You're pulling my leg.”

  “What would you say if I told you I came over here with the intention of just being near you? If you were in bed, I would have sat out here until I was tired, and gone back home, but since you're up, and I'm also up…”

  “You do realize this is stalkerish behavior, don't you?”

  “Is it? I hadn't thought about that. Never done this with another woman before, but then again, I've never been with anyone like you. Go ahead, take a look out your window.”

  He had to be teasing her, but when she peered out of her window to the parking lot, sure enough, leaning against his black BMW was Gabe, cell phone in hand. He waved in her direction.

  “You're nuts!” She squawked.

  “Only for you, baby. Are you going to let me in?”

  “Okay, but let me grab a robe first.”

  “That would be a waste of time. We both know the minute I step foot over your threshold, I'm just going to take it off.”

  “Oh? Will you now?”

  “Open the door wearing something other than your birthday suit, and you'll find out soon enough.” His threat made her tremble and her pussy clench.

  When she opened the door, he was already standing on the other side. Their eyes connected, and without a word being spoken, Gabe pushed his way inside and shoved the door closed with his foot. Julie dropped her phone and wrapped her arms around his neck. The second her body made contact with his, her nipples pebbled to hardened tips and her body grew moist with unadulterated desire.

  This man did things to her equilibrium that she couldn't quite explain, and she liked it. A lot.

  “I couldn't stay away from you,” he murmured and leaned over to kiss her.

  She was ready for him, her tongue meeting his. Julie couldn't fathom how much she wanted him, how much she'd missed him in such a short period of time. Her entire body sang to have him holding her against him so tightly.

  Their tongues licked, swirled, and explored the other's. She could easily get intoxicated off the taste of him, but Julie didn't mind. Gabe carried her the short distance to the couch, dropped her on the cushions, and fell on top of her.

  “I've had this goddamn hard-on since you left. Thank God you were awake, because I would have had a long, sleepless night ahead of me. Feel what you do to me.” He grasped her hand and guided it between their bodies, not stopping until it rested against his straining erection.

  “Wow, you really did miss me.”

  “I wasn't kidding. As much as I'd love to explore every inch of this delectable body, I need to be inside of you now. Do you mind?”

  “No. See?” She took his hand, returning the favor, dragging it to her dripping-wet sex.

  “Hot damn. You're already hot for me, aren't you?”

  “Oh yeah. So are you going to keep talking, or are you going to fuck me?”

  Gabe buried his face against her neck and sucked and nibbled on her flesh as he slid two fingers into her pussy. “You bet I am, Candy Girl. I just need a little taste first.” Slowly he eased his soaked digits out of her and licked all her cream off. “Mmm, just as sweet as I remembered.”

  When Gabe slid off her, Julie whimpered, missing the feel of his weight p
ressing her into the sofa. “Get back over here.”

  He tore off his clothes with a laugh. “You're insatiable.”

  “For you. Here, let me help you with that.” She made a move to get up, but he held out his hand.

  “No, don't. If you touch me again, I can't make any promises of being gentle.”

  Julie ran her tongue suggestively over her lips. “Maybe I don't want you to. Now hurry up and bring that magnificent cock of yours back over here.”

  “Vixen. Had I known you had such hidden depths, I would have made a move on you sooner. Your ex was crazy for not realizing what a gem he had in you.”

  While his words did a world of good for her self-esteem, she didn't want to discuss Henry. In fact she didn't want to talk about anything that didn't involve Gabe's cock in her pussy. Dear God, when had she become addicted to his cock, because surely she was an addict?

  Julie moaned, rubbing her clit to temper the fire burning within. If he didn't hurry up and get undressed, she vowed she'd rape the man. “Hurry!”

  Once he was as naked as she was, he produced a condom and donned it over his burgeoning length. Gabe captured her hands and manacled both her wrists in one of his large hands and pinned them above her head as he slid over her.

  “Open up for me, baby.”

  She was too far gone to disobey him.

  “That's it, just a little bit wider… Oh yeah, just like that.” He guided his cock against her slit, rubbing the bulbous head against her entrance, driving her insane with lust.

  Julie lifted her hips. She would have thrown him on the floor and ridden him herself, if he didn't have her wrists pinned. “Stop teasing me. Please, Gabe, I need you.”

  “And you will have me, baby, every single inch.” Surging forward with one powerful thrust, he drove into her strong and deep.

  Julie was going to explode with passion. She was already so close to coming, but his cock nestled inside of her sent splinters of heat shooting to every nerve in her body. She raised her hips as he began to move, meeting him thrust for decadent thrust.

  “There was no way I could stay away from this pussy. You're an addiction.”


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