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Invasion Earth

Page 13

by Philip R Benge

  Hernandez sat there stunned while his most able officer talked about aliens attacking the Earth, had he fallen asleep and this was but a dream. Hernandez shook himself and attempted to listen harder to whatever Will was suggesting.

  Will looked across at Sally, asking for help to convince Major Hernandez about the alien presence on Earth. As Doctor Rollins had already done the hard work by giving his autopsy report, and her Uncle had given his views on the matter, she knew that it was her turn now; she had to tell him all that she had kept secret from him, for fear of ridicule.

  “Major, one of the two men who were with Richard Mallory at the health spa asked a question that made my blood turn cold. He asked why they did not release a virus to clear Earth of its inhabitants, the second one replied that with all the dead bodies covering the Earth, the planet would be a seething mass of bacteria, and he did not want to live on such a world.” Sally said in a quiet voice “At the time even I was left in a state of disbelief, but it is true Major, there are aliens walking amongst us. You should also know that there are a lot of new faces working at the Johnson Space Center, and while this might be normal, these people are not.” She then handed him a list of all the people she knew, who, she thought were now acting strangely. Worry bit into her stomach, worry that Major Hernandez might just laugh at the two of them and throw them out of his office.

  “That is a list of all the people I have met who I suspect could be either aliens clones or have been brainwashed in some way to allow the aliens to control them.” Sally said to a stunned Texas Ranger.

  “There is also what I heard during my night-time visit to the laboratory, as I told you before I saw four men there. Two of them spoke, the first one said, ‘I just need some fresh air, Dario, to look up at the night sky and try to find our sun; I guess that I am feeling just a little homesick.’ To which the second man replied. ‘Well I am not homesick, moving to this planet has given me a young body, and if I had stayed on Magenta I might have been dead by now.’

  Major Hernandez looked down at the list of names in his hand and then looked at Will and Sally. “Sally, this list of names is rather extensive, I see that you have compiled it under three headings, Mars, The Moon, and finally Houston, if the people listed here have all been taken over by some foreign agency, it means that the real number of people who have been taken is probably far larger. Are you sticking by this list?” Hernandez asked, still refusing to believe in E.T.

  “Yes Major Hernandez, but it is not a foreign agency at work here, it is an extra-terrestrial presence on our world. I wished with all my heart that I was not sure of my facts, but I am, and yes the number of affected people must be far greater, for it must also include those who went to the Moon, and to Mars, from all the nations who participated in the program with the US.” Sally replied grimly.

  “Major, I really believe that we are faced with an invasion from space, the aliens that we have for so long written about are here, and they are not friendly.” Will now added, backing his niece who smiled across at him to thank him. “The energy weapon, the differences in all of the bodies that Doctor Rollins autopsied, and last of all, Sally`s own testimony, all these point only one way. For any other reason to be true would be even more out of this world, pun intended.” Will said, feeling that the facts that he had re-stated supported his summing up.

  Major Hernandez was stunned by all that he had been told that day, and it took a long moment to decide on what his reply should be to Will and Sally. He knew that Will had been a little worried about involving the FBI in their case, however, Deputy Director Task had assured them that after a full investigation, the other Houston agents were not involved with Mallory, and he decided that it was time to put their trust in them.

  “Will, after finding the energy weapons at the laboratory, and then hearing Doctor Rollins` autopsy report, and finally listening to the two of you, I am forced to agree with you, there is a chance that E.T. might really be here. We need to tell Chief Randall everything, let him decide how we should proceed. I feel that we need to inform the FBI, they have the nationwide resources to not only track down the names on Sally`s list, but to also seek out any more of the laboratories or headquarters in the US. The time is also coming when we will have to tell the other nations on our planet of your fears.” Hernandez said grimly. Hernandez knew that this case had brought about an end to their old world, and started a terrifyingly new one, one filled with so much danger and uncertainty.

  Chief Randall was stunned as he listened to his senior officers, and then Sally, however he could not argue with the forensic or medical evidence, and try as he did, he could not fault Sally`s story. Although he did ask for twelve hours to think over what he had heard and read.


  While Will and Major Hernandez were busy dealing with extra-terrestrials, the normal investigation into the explosion in Austin went ahead. Sergeant Royston was working on the laboratory angle, and its money trail, however, it provided them with no further clues, for the manager was also the owner of the factory, and the trail stopped with him, for he had paid cash to the previous owner of the property. Hernandez finally had the time and the labour to send two men out to check on the couriers in Austin, to see whether the aliens had used the same plan as they used in Houston, maybe they could get some sort of a lead from this. Later that day he chased the forensics team for any of the bomb fragments, but they were still searching the area around the bomb crater, and it covered a large area.


  The next morning Chief Randall, Will and Major Hernandez met up with Special Agent Rails at the Austin divisional headquarters of the Texas Rangers, and after the preliminary greetings, Rails got straight down to business.

  “Before you fill me in on your own theory gentlemen, I have some forensic and other information to give you. Special Agent Fellows has been busy in Houston; he has just informed me of the following. First off, the forensic team have found traces of an unknown substance in the ruins of the Rangers` office in Houston, it could be the explosive used by the perpetrator, however, they are still trying to identify what sort of substance it actually is. I have asked him to send a sample of it to your forensics’ people, to see if your investigation comes up with the same substance. And secondly he has not got anything off the CCTV cameras near to the Mormon Temple; they had all been disabled, showing that the perpetrators are not fools.”

  “Thank you Special Agent Rails, we will also keep you informed of any future developments.” Chief Randall replied.

  With the preliminaries over Randall handed over the next part to Hernandez and Will. Will told Rails about their case, of the Texas Health Spa, the laboratory in Austin and what they had found there, the conversations overheard by Sally, the six dead men, four of them killed by their own side because they had been taken prisoner, the energy weapons, the autopsy reports and finally the preliminary forensic reports.

  “Special Agent Rails, everything that we have told you must be treated on a need to know basis, we have no idea as to the full extent of the alien infiltration.” Hernandez warned the FBI agent. “I know it is hard to believe Special Agent Rails, but believe me when I say that it is an E.T. invasion from outer space, one that we are only just getting our heads around.”

  Rails sat there open-mouthed, he wanted to say ‘pardon, excuse me but are you three round the twist’ however, what he did say was more diplomatic.

  “Gentlemen, it all seems a little hard to believe, just how much do you trust this Jameson woman, as she is the only witness you have that connects this case to ET, otherwise it is just another bunch of militant fruit cakes, surely?” Rails asked. He looked and sounded very sceptical about the ET connection and Will jumped in just a mite angrily before Hernandez could reply.

  “Sally Jameson works for NASA, Special Agent Rails, she is highly intelligent. We also have a recording that confirms that she was to have been the victim of a kidnapping by this group, two FBI agents have gone missing, and both s
uspected of involvement in this attempt. The chemical that we found in the secret laboratory certainly confirms part of her story, but please take your time, for I am sure that ET will call Time Out for you.” Will got up from his chair and walked to the far end of the office so that he could get control of his anger, and Rails sighed with relief, for he had thought that Will had stood up to make it easier to hit him.

  Will had thought about doing just that for a second, but instead he continued with his verbal attack on the FBI agent. “And in case you did not understand the autopsy report on the six men found at the laboratory we raided, they were not human, so unless you want to put this all down to Fu Manchu, an alien presence on the Earth is a very logical assessment, Special Agent Rails.” Will declared angrily

  Major Hernandez sort to ease the tension in the room. “Special Agent Rails, there are also the energy weapons, nothing like them exists on Earth, they will take some explaining.” Hernandez argued. “We have also had more time to work on this case, and believe me, we would not cry alien if we did not have a reason to do so. If you want to have some of your people look into other likely suspects, then please do, you have the manpower. However, we believe that we have found the group behind the two attacks already, so forgive us if we chase after real life aliens.”

  Rails now attempted to apologise. “I am sorry to have angered you, and I do have some news that should meet with your approval. Tomorrow morning I am going to lead a raid on the Texas Health Spa, turn it inside out in a bid to find proof of any wrongdoing. Chief Randall, you are more than welcome to send someone along, if you would like to, to ensure that your theory is treated with respect. The raid will commence at 8 am.” Rails said, smiling at the Rangers in an effort to mend broken fences, however, he still refused to believe in the ET connection, nor would he until the FBI`s own forensics’ department and medical examiner had looked at the evidence and agreed with the Rangers.

  “I will thank you.” Randall replied. “Will, you can go along, it is your case.”

  Will look across at Chief Randall, and then at Major Hernandez. “Thank you Chief, I appreciate that, and if there is anything to find, do not worry Sir, for I will find it. I will also take Sally with me; she has been there before as you know, and might just be able to help in the search, she certainly seems to have a feel for the enemy.” Will declared, turning to look straight at the FBI agent.

  “That is fine Captain Rogers, oh Chief Randall, would it be OK if people from the FBI forensics’ department and our medical examiner came along to look at all the evidence that leads you to believe in an E.T. presence here on Earth?” Rails asked, hoping that his request would not anger the Rangers any more than they already were.

  “Of course Special Agent Rails, and the sooner the better, so that we can all get onto the same page. To facilitate that, why don`t you take this file, in it is the evidence that Ms Jameson and our team have amassed regarding our extra-terrestrial foe, and it has finally convinced Captain Rogers, Major Hernandez, and myself, of their presence here on Earth.” Chief Randall replied with a smile, he then handed the FBI agent an envelope.

  The first thing that Rails did on leaving the Rangers` office was to put a call into Special Agent Fellows. “Special Agent Fellows, I want you to set up a raid on the Texas Health Spa for 8 am tomorrow morning. However, do not reveal the exact location of the raid. Your team may have been cleared of being involved with Mallory and Ballinger; however, I do not want to take a chance on those two men hearing about the raid through the old comrades’ network.” Rails ordered. Rails caution was because he did not want a charge of incompetence levelled again the FBI.

  “Right, Sir, understood, oh by the way, just what are we searching for?” Fellows asked.

  “For any evidence that a militant fruit cake group are operating out of the spa, I will advise the team of this when we meet outside of the spa. Oh and the Rangers are sending Captain Will Rogers, he will be there to see if there is anything that could be of help in their investigation.” Rails said before adding a rather sarcastic comment. “Oh and he will be bringing along a Ms Sally Jameson, it seems she might be able to offer some insights, seems she met ET once.” Rails rung off then leaving Fellows just a little confused as to why Rails had mentioned ET.

  Rails then called the local forensics’ department of the FBI, and after being put through to the woman in charge, he appraised her of the situation and requested that she send a team, along with their medical examiner, to Austin, to check over the evidence and bodies appertaining to this strange case.


  Consul Phairlis was pleased when he was told of the successful attack on the Rangers Headquarters in Houston, however he was less than pleased when told that the attack on the Austin headquarters had gone wrong, however he decided to hold back on a second attempt to destroy the Rangers` headquarters for the moment. For he did not want to push the authorities into believing Sally Jameson, that an alien invasion force was about to wipe the whole of Mankind off the face of the planet. He was not yet in a position to destroy them without the government of Magenta stepping in, no matter what he told the council of the Chosen Ones.

  Phairlis did wonder just how much the authorities of the United States actually believed, the clones working at NASA had heard nothing, which could mean that the earthlings were still looking for a foreign spy ring, one from one of the other nations of Earth. He decided that he needed an answer to that particular question, so that he could plan his next move against not only the planet Earth, but also President Mortise. One of the senior Rangers in the city of Austin would provide him with his answer, or the FBI agent who had arrived to look into the Houston bombing, the one mentioned by Mallory, or the troublesome Sally Jameson, Phairlis smiled, yes her. He would call Mandelson and alter his instructions, he was to kidnap Jameson, not kill her.


  It was later that evening, when Sally`s eyes were very tired, that she finally found the notes that gave her the answer. The water that the chemical Trichlorian Plus was diluted in must be heated to 150 degrees Fahrenheit to change the chemical`s composition and in doing so activate it, and only then would it affect the fertility of the user, she immediately called her uncle with the news.

  “Uncle Will, thank god we got onto them when we did, a week later and the Trichlorian Plus could have already been in our reservoirs, god knows how many people would have been affected.” Sally said uneasily.

  “I do so agree Sally, I will take your findings to Major Hernandez immediately, we appear to have stopped it for the moment, but they may have other supplies of the chemical. If so, they may not wait to concentrate the chemical still further. We will have to arrange to have all of our drinking water checked for signs of the chemical, and we will finally have to alert the world to this problem.”

  It was even later that evening that Ranger Davis found the courier who had been used to deliver the explosive device to the Ranger`s headquarters in Austin, however once again there did not appear to be any leads. The motorcycle courier was the only person to see Mr Smith, the customer, and he was dead, as for CCTV evidence, during the crucial ten minutes the cameras did not operate.

  Earlier that same day the FBI forensics team, along with a medical examiner, arrived in Houston, and later that evening, to Special Agent Rails` surprise, they began to come up with the same answers as Doctor Rollins and Doctor Hans Carlson. They too agreed that the six dead men could indeed be alien clones, for what would be the point of a foreign power going to the expense, and the bother, of cloning spies, when they could just as easily use their own people?

  It had just turned midnight and Special Agent Rails was in a small bar near to his hotel, he was talking to Special Agent Furling about the results, and other things appertaining to the case.

  “Furling, we have two possibilities, the first is that the Rangers are correct, E.T. is launching an invasion, or the second possibility is that a foreign power has gone to the enormous expense of clo
ning an agent, something that is supposedly not yet possible, so as to mislead us should their agent be apprehended.” Rails said. He then looked across at Furling for some response to his words.

  “The Rangers actually think that aliens are invading us Sir, are they mad?” Furling responded in disbelief.

  “Earlier today I said much the same thing Furling, and even now I find it very hard to even consider such a thing, never mind believe, but before you give me your answer you had better read their reasons for believing in extra-terrestrials.” Rails then handed Furling the report that Hernandez had given him. “You should also know that our own forensics’ department and medical examiner concur with their Austin colleagues. In any case, whoever or whatever our enemy is, they are a serious menace to our people’s survival, we will have to be in a state of constant readiness, or else we will wake up one morning to find our people are all infertile.” Rails said grimly.


  While Sally had sort to convince the authorities in the US that there was an extra-terrestrial invasion underway, in the People`s Republic of China, what was thought to be a very different type of threat was taken more seriously. The local people soon noticed the alien clones, for the aliens had trouble blending in to the different culture. The locals reported them to Counter Intelligence as Western spies. One problem for the aliens was that very few of the clones could read or write the Chinese language, for it was totally alien to them. The Chinese authorities allowed the strangers some slack, and when it became clear that the strangers were acting against the government by subverting senior police officers, along with people working in local government and of course the space agency, the authorities struck.


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